Hanoi Jane Back in the Saddle

yes, let's destroy pristine lands and violate sacred burial sites so we can enjoy a few cents off a gallon of gas while driving around in a gas guzzling SUV.
They REALLY ARE this stupid folks. They seriously believe SUV's make fuck all difference as far as climate is concerned. After 40 fuckin years of being subjected to lying asshole political whores, celebrities and pseudo-scientists that shrieked inane drivel about having "10 years left" and then drove away in a convoy of Armored Chevy Suburbans full of dudes with MP5 sub machineguns so that they could get on a private jet. Vacuous turds like Joe here will actually repeat this stupid shit and tell you that YOU'RE THE FOOL, because you know better. Never mind that he is deliberately ignorant of the fact that CO2 consists of just 3% of the "greenhouse effect" and that ALL OF HUMANITY generates just 3% of that gas that's in the atmosphere. Never mind that the entire population of humans on the western hemisphere could VANISH, cease to exist entirely, and it would barely put a dent into the CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

This utter ninny... This nattering dumb fucking clod.... This jabbering window licking retard... is going to smugly sit there and parrot stupid shit like this as long as he is able to steal our oxygen.

I will never understand how anyone can be as stupid as these leftist assholes are. I will never understand why we put so many warning labels on everything because genetic garbage like this is not supposed to survive into puberty and poison the gene pool.
Fuckin A! :clap2:
Is there a statute of limitations on treason?

My dad (Vietnam Vet) went to his grave cursing that retched communist attention whore for all the additional spilled blood she helped produce. Is my old man ever going to get justice?

Justice would be if the people who lied us into that war were held to account, not the people who pointed out it was a really stupid idea.

The Vietnamese didn't fight any harder because Jane Fonda showed up. They didn't fight for Communism vs. Capitalism. They fought because we were despoiling their land and violating their women.

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