Happiness in Islam

A Summarized Proof for Islam

Section 2 - The Existence of God

“God” meaning: the beginningless creator.

The emergence of all bodies necessitates the existence of a being that brought those bodies into existence. Let’s call this being “the creator”, since this being brings things into existence (and this is what “create” means).

The creator that brought those bodies into existence is either without beginning, or is emergent.

If the creator is without beginning, then the existence of God is established. Since a beginningless creator is what we intend when we say “God”.

If the creator is emergent, then this creator would itself be contingent upon a second creator to have brought it into existence. This could not have regressed to the past infinitely, as that necessitates the completion of an infinite number of past events (which is impossible, as detailed above). It is therefore the case that a beginningless creator necessarily exist.

Therefore, God necessarily exists.

It is also necessary that the Creator of the emergent world be attributed with the ability to bring the emergent world into existence. Otherwise, there would be no sense in Him being the “Creator”. This ability to bring things into existence is what we call “Power”.

God also, cannot be a mechanical cause for the existence of the world (such that the effect only exists because the cause exists), since God is beginningless while the world is emergent (a beginningless mechanical cause, would instead yield a beginningless effect). It is therefore necessary that the Creator of the emergent world be attributed with a quality that allows Him to select existence for this specific world (with all its specific properties) over the possible alternatives. This attribute is what is called “Will”.

God is also necessarily attributed with Knowledge. In order for a being to volitionally select one choice over others, this being must possess knowledge of those choices. As such, it is impossible for a being attributed with Will to not also be attributed with Knowledge. And since the Creator is necessarily attributed with Will, He is therefore necessarily attributed with Knowledge.
Islam and Prophet Muhammad are the greatest blessing to all of humanity. .... :cool:
But seriously Sun, are you for or against all the violence perpetrated by Muslims these days (ISIS, London attacks, Paris, Nice, Charlie...)?
A Summarized Proof for Islam

Section 2 - The Existence of God

“God” meaning: the beginningless creator.

The emergence of all bodies necessitates the existence of a being that brought those bodies into existence. Let’s call this being “the creator”, since this being brings things into existence (and this is what “create” means).

The creator that brought those bodies into existence is either without beginning, or is emergent.

If the creator is without beginning, then the existence of God is established. Since a beginningless creator is what we intend when we say “God”.

If the creator is emergent, then this creator would itself be contingent upon a second creator to have brought it into existence. This could not have regressed to the past infinitely, as that necessitates the completion of an infinite number of past events (which is impossible, as detailed above). It is therefore the case that a beginningless creator necessarily exist.

Therefore, God necessarily exists.

It is also necessary that the Creator of the emergent world be attributed with the ability to bring the emergent world into existence. Otherwise, there would be no sense in Him being the “Creator”. This ability to bring things into existence is what we call “Power”.

God also, cannot be a mechanical cause for the existence of the world (such that the effect only exists because the cause exists), since God is beginningless while the world is emergent (a beginningless mechanical cause, would instead yield a beginningless effect). It is therefore necessary that the Creator of the emergent world be attributed with a quality that allows Him to select existence for this specific world (with all its specific properties) over the possible alternatives. This attribute is what is called “Will”.

God is also necessarily attributed with Knowledge. In order for a being to volitionally select one choice over others, this being must possess knowledge of those choices. As such, it is impossible for a being attributed with Will to not also be attributed with Knowledge. And since the Creator is necessarily attributed with Will, He is therefore necessarily attributed with Knowledge.

I do not believe any of that rhetoric proves God exists. But even it did it has nothing to do with Islam. Which
is all based on the lies of the false prophet Muhammad.
A Summarized Proof for Islam

Section 2 - The Existence of God

“God” meaning: the beginningless creator.

The emergence of all bodies necessitates the existence of a being that brought those bodies into existence. Let’s call this being “the creator”, since this being brings things into existence (and this is what “create” means).

The creator that brought those bodies into existence is either without beginning, or is emergent.

If the creator is without beginning, then the existence of God is established. Since a beginningless creator is what we intend when we say “God”.

If the creator is emergent, then this creator would itself be contingent upon a second creator to have brought it into existence. This could not have regressed to the past infinitely, as that necessitates the completion of an infinite number of past events (which is impossible, as detailed above). It is therefore the case that a beginningless creator necessarily exist.

Therefore, God necessarily exists.

It is also necessary that the Creator of the emergent world be attributed with the ability to bring the emergent world into existence. Otherwise, there would be no sense in Him being the “Creator”. This ability to bring things into existence is what we call “Power”.

God also, cannot be a mechanical cause for the existence of the world (such that the effect only exists because the cause exists), since God is beginningless while the world is emergent (a beginningless mechanical cause, would instead yield a beginningless effect). It is therefore necessary that the Creator of the emergent world be attributed with a quality that allows Him to select existence for this specific world (with all its specific properties) over the possible alternatives. This attribute is what is called “Will”.

God is also necessarily attributed with Knowledge. In order for a being to volitionally select one choice over others, this being must possess knowledge of those choices. As such, it is impossible for a being attributed with Will to not also be attributed with Knowledge. And since the Creator is necessarily attributed with Will, He is therefore necessarily attributed with Knowledge.

I do not believe any of that rhetoric proves God exists. But even it did it has nothing to do with Islam. Which
is all based on the lies of the false prophet Muhammad.

I will help you understand, Daj. ------the piece is presented <"god" help us......:.> as an example
of fine "logic". Fridays, muslims are subjected to lessons in world history in the form of the
Khutbah Jumaat (Friday lecture) in which they learn that muhummad and his pals INVENTED
just about all good things known to mankind.-----including the Islamic innovations----women's
rights, freeing of slaves, sliced bread, etc etc Above is an example
Islam was presented to the world thru the Prophet Muhammad.

It is the salvation of mankind, and a guide to living a fulfilled life. .... :cool:

salvation and fulfillment attained thru tying a bomb to one's ass in order to blow the
brains out of children
Islam was presented to the world thru the Prophet Muhammad.

It is the salvation of mankind, and a guide to living a fulfilled life. .... :cool:

That's your opinion. Mine is that Muhammad was a calculating liar who invented his own religion to scare silly Arabs into fighting his battles for him.
Islam was presented to the world thru the Prophet Muhammad.

It is the salvation of mankind, and a guide to living a fulfilled life. .... :cool:

That's your opinion. Mine is that Muhammad was a calculating liar who invented his own religion to scare silly Arabs into fighting his battles for him.

he did not actually have "battles" He engaged in Pillage, which was a life-style
for Bedouin arabs at that time. Arabia was part of the silk trail-----Bedouin made a
living raiding caravans
Prophet Muhammad has proven to be the most influential person in the history of the world. .... :cool:

Genghis Khan is proven to have millions of direct descendant and be responsible for the murder
of hundreds of millions and the spread of the pestilence----ISLAM
Islam was presented to the world thru the Prophet Muhammad.

It is the salvation of mankind, and a guide to living a fulfilled life. .... :cool:
Too bad only sand monkeys agree with you, and civilized people don't.
Endurance and Perseverance

The Prophet (peace be upon him) worked hard to instil complete trust in God in his followers. He believed that as God's servants, Muslims must place all their trust in God, regardless of what may happen to them. Khabbab ibn al-Aratt was a Muslim whose lowly status in Makkah placed him in a most vulnerable position. He suffered immense torture. He reports:

We complained to God's Messenger as he was reclining on a sheet close to the Kabah. We said: "Will you not pray to God to help us? Will you not pray for us?" He said: "In days before your time, a believer might be taken away and a hole in the ground would be dug and he would be placed in it. A saw would be placed over his head and then he would be cut in half. Or else, he would be tortured with combs of iron tearing his flesh and baring his bones. None of this would make him turn away from his faith. By God, He will bring this matter of ours to full victory so that a single traveller would go from Sanaa to Hadramout, fearing no one other than God, and that a wolf may kill his sheep. You only precipitate matters." (Related by al-Bukhari, Ahmad, Abu Dawud, al-Nasai and others.)​

We know from the wealth of accounts that speak about the Prophet and his character that he felt for everyone of his Companions. Whenever they encountered a difficulty, he shared their feelings. When they suffered persecution, his pain was not less than theirs. This hadith, however, tells us that a few of those who suffered most at the hands of the Quraysh, who resorted to all methods of torture, complained to the Prophet about what they had to endure and requested him to pray for them. He met their request very calmly and told them that there was nothing unusual about what they had to endure. The forces of evil will always try to suppress the voice of the truth. He wanted them to place their trust in God and be reassured that Islam would triumph.

We err, however, if we think that by placing our trust in God we will be spared all adversity, physical or otherwise. The Prophet suggested that Khabbab and those who were complaining should endure the torture and persecution while placing their trust in God. He confirmed that although the ultimate result would be the triumph of the truth of the Divine faith, endurance of hardship and perseverance in adversity were always necessary.

The requirements of submission to, and reliance on God, do not mean that a Muslim leaves everything up to God to take care of. On the contrary, reliance on God requires that a Muslim should take every measure possible in order to face any situation. When this has been done, the servant of God then trusts God to bring about the best outcome. This was clear in the Prophet's behaviour throughout his life, and this is an example that we must follow.

Compiled From: "Muhammad: His Character and Conduct" - Adil Salahi
LOL ----above is a pile of sophistry and imagination which the jihadists HOPE will justify
their own "actions" over the past 1400 years. That story about being SAWED IN HALF
-----is true innovation on their part
Prophet Muhammad has proven to be the most influential person in the history of the world. .... :cool:

so true-----a great misfortune for the planet ------the architect of genocides in the HUNDREDS OF
MILLIONS ........and counting
A Summarized Proof for Islam
Section 3 - God is One

God is necessarily One because the alternative is absurd. The alternative being a multiplicity of creators.

If there was a second creator, then this second creator would either:
  1. be able to disagree with the first creator.
  2. be unable to disagree with the first creator.

Both of the categories listed above are impossible. And that which entails impossibility is impossible. So if we can demonstrate the impossibility of the two categories, we can demonstrate the impossibility of partnership to the Creator.

(1) The second creator is able to disagree with the first creator

This is impossible because possibilities are mutually exclusive with their negations. So if the two creators could disagree with one another, this would lead to contradiction.

For example: suppose there were two creators, and suppose the existence of some body. If we believe that those creators could disagree: this means one creator can move the body, while the other creator can keep the body at rest. Obviously however, this body cannot be both at rest and in motion (since rest and motion are mutually exclusive).

(2) the second creator is unable to disagree with the first creator

This is impossible because it means this second creator is forced to agree with the other. This entails contingency, which is impossible for a beginningless Creator who is necessarily non-contingent.

For example: suppose there were two creators, and suppose the existence of some body. If we believe that those creators could not disagree: this means that if the first creator moved the body, the second creator cannot keep the body at rest. This second creator is helpless, weaker than the first, and forced to comply with what the first creator decides. It means this second creator’s will and power have been specified by the will and power of the first creator, and this is impossible.

Therefore, God is One

The impossibility of both categories was demonstrated above. Therefore, it is impossible for there to exist a partner to the One Creator. All events that emerge into existence, emerge by this One Creator’s Will and Power, and no one else’s.

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