Happiness in Islam

There is no happiness in Islam Not 1 Islamic country is a free democracy Islamic world is oppressed, backward and a collective failure. Muslims are not even free to leave, a crime punishable by death, making Islam a cult Muslims must emulate every action reportedly by Muhammad, from entering a room with a specific foot to eating with a specific hand to putting their shoes on and taking them off like Muhammad, to even sneezing and yawning like Muhammad Absolutely crazy, cult-like behavior. Not 1 important scientific discovery or invention has come from 57 Islamic countries. 1.5 BILLION Muslims have produced just 2 Nobel Laureates in science.

Becoming a Muslim takes just seconds, for a lifetime of misery!

Islam is a distinctly unhappy ideology No freedom of thought No critical thinking Even leaving is a crime punishable by death

Perhaps the cruelest aspect of Islam is the absence of salvation until Day of Judgment, causing Muslims to live in a constant state of insecurity and fear of not going to heaven despite good works.

Long long ago----when I was young and innocent----the product of an entirely secular childhood----but a curious kid---
I read voraciously. -------a copy of a book written by MAIMONIDES---------real name --RABBI MOSHE BEN MAIMON----fell into my hands------of course it was a translation-----I was 16 years old. He was a resident of CORDOBA-----which was when he was there-----like sometime circa 1000 AD-----an area of Spain OWNED and ruled by muslims. I read his famous "GUIDE TO THE PERPLEXED"-----a kinda regular person's self help book to-----WHAT THE HELL IS. He was a jew living under Islamic rule in the IBERIAN peninsula-----a doctor and a rabbi. Over time I learned that muslims are INSANELY PROUD of Cordoba as the EPICENTER OF ISLAMIC WONDERFULNESS--------Maimonides did not have that experience------he fled that shariah shithole over the dead bodies of friends and relatives murdered by the ass lickers of muhummad. Muslims claim a kind of MAGICAL ISLAMIC KNOWLEDGE of MEDICINE AS A SCIENCE----based on the Koran------Maimonides wrote---"medical science of our time is very primitive" Of course he was right----but he wrote it Hebraized Arabic-----which muslims cannot read-----so he was not STONED TO DEATH
Not true one of the biggest thinkers and philosophers were muslims. Also a true Muslim shouldn't be insecure or unhappy about where he's gonna end up because we believe in the mercy of god, sinners or not.

??? who was the "biggest thinker and philosopher"? according to your khutbah jumaat feces flinger? A true muslim knows that if he slits the throat of a Christian, Jewish, or Hindu infant-----he will be rewarded with ETERNAL ORGASM IN JANNAH

That “big thinker” “prophet” Muhammad said Satan inhabits ppl’s noses at night Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Also, camel urine has medicinal value Hadith - Book of Medicine - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, cures for diseases are on flies’ wings Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Islam is a distinctly unhappy ideology No freedom of thought No critical thinking Even leaving is a crime punishable by death

Perhaps the cruelest aspect of Islam is the absence of salvation until Day of Judgment, causing Muslims to live in a constant state of insecurity and fear of not going to heaven despite good works.
Not true one of the biggest thinkers and philosophers were muslims. Also a true Muslim shouldn't be insecure or unhappy about where he's gonna end up because we believe in the mercy of god, sinners or not.

??? who was the "biggest thinker and philosopher"? according to your khutbah jumaat feces flinger? A true muslim knows that if he slits the throat of a Christian, Jewish, or Hindu infant-----he will be rewarded with ETERNAL ORGASM IN JANNAH

That “big thinker” “prophet” Muhammad said Satan inhabits ppl’s noses at night Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Also, camel urine has medicinal value Hadith - Book of Medicine - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, cures for diseases are on flies’ wings Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

False, false and false.
Islam thought how to live happily, success in life, love everyone, respect everyone's beliefs, let live and help other in need regardless of their religion or belief.

And btw Muslims countries elected 8 women to be presidents....the last woman that ran for president in the US gets called named like bitch, crooked , nasty ect....
There is no happiness in Islam Not 1 Islamic country is a free democracy Islamic world is oppressed, backward and a collective failure. Muslims are not even free to leave, a crime punishable by death, making Islam a cult Muslims must emulate every action reportedly by Muhammad, from entering a room with a specific foot to eating with a specific hand to putting their shoes on and taking them off like Muhammad, to even sneezing and yawning like Muhammad Absolutely crazy, cult-like behavior. Not 1 important scientific discovery or invention has come from 57 Islamic countries. 1.5 BILLION Muslims have produced just 2 Nobel Laureates in science.

Becoming a Muslim takes just seconds, for a lifetime of misery!

Not true one of the biggest thinkers and philosophers were muslims. Also a true Muslim shouldn't be insecure or unhappy about where he's gonna end up because we believe in the mercy of god, sinners or not.

??? who was the "biggest thinker and philosopher"? according to your khutbah jumaat feces flinger? A true muslim knows that if he slits the throat of a Christian, Jewish, or Hindu infant-----he will be rewarded with ETERNAL ORGASM IN JANNAH

That “big thinker” “prophet” Muhammad said Satan inhabits ppl’s noses at night Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Also, camel urine has medicinal value Hadith - Book of Medicine - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, cures for diseases are on flies’ wings Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Not true one of the biggest thinkers and philosophers were muslims. Also a true Muslim shouldn't be insecure or unhappy about where he's gonna end up because we believe in the mercy of god, sinners or not.

??? who was the "biggest thinker and philosopher"? according to your khutbah jumaat feces flinger? A true muslim knows that if he slits the throat of a Christian, Jewish, or Hindu infant-----he will be rewarded with ETERNAL ORGASM IN JANNAH

That “big thinker” “prophet” Muhammad said Satan inhabits ppl’s noses at night Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Also, camel urine has medicinal value Hadith - Book of Medicine - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, cures for diseases are on flies’ wings Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

False, false and false.
Islam thought how to live happily, success in life, love everyone, respect everyone's beliefs, let live and help other in need regardless of their religion or belief.

And btw Muslims countries elected 8 women to be presidents....the last woman that ran for president in the US gets called named like bitch, crooked , nasty ect....

Issa-----your Imam lied -----again. There are SURVIVORS OF THE VILE FILTH OF ISLAM--------its filth is no secret
There is no happiness in Islam Not 1 Islamic country is a free democracy Islamic world is oppressed, backward and a collective failure. Muslims are not even free to leave, a crime punishable by death, making Islam a cult Muslims must emulate every action reportedly by Muhammad, from entering a room with a specific foot to eating with a specific hand to putting their shoes on and taking them off like Muhammad, to even sneezing and yawning like Muhammad Absolutely crazy, cult-like behavior. Not 1 important scientific discovery or invention has come from 57 Islamic countries. 1.5 BILLION Muslims have produced just 2 Nobel Laureates in science.

Becoming a Muslim takes just seconds, for a lifetime of misery!

Not true one of the biggest thinkers and philosophers were muslims. Also a true Muslim shouldn't be insecure or unhappy about where he's gonna end up because we believe in the mercy of god, sinners or not.

??? who was the "biggest thinker and philosopher"? according to your khutbah jumaat feces flinger? A true muslim knows that if he slits the throat of a Christian, Jewish, or Hindu infant-----he will be rewarded with ETERNAL ORGASM IN JANNAH

That “big thinker” “prophet” Muhammad said Satan inhabits ppl’s noses at night Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Also, camel urine has medicinal value Hadith - Book of Medicine - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, cures for diseases are on flies’ wings Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Not true one of the biggest thinkers and philosophers were muslims. Also a true Muslim shouldn't be insecure or unhappy about where he's gonna end up because we believe in the mercy of god, sinners or not.

??? who was the "biggest thinker and philosopher"? according to your khutbah jumaat feces flinger? A true muslim knows that if he slits the throat of a Christian, Jewish, or Hindu infant-----he will be rewarded with ETERNAL ORGASM IN JANNAH

That “big thinker” “prophet” Muhammad said Satan inhabits ppl’s noses at night Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Also, camel urine has medicinal value Hadith - Book of Medicine - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, cures for diseases are on flies’ wings Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

False, false and false.
Islam thought how to live happily, success in life, love everyone, respect everyone's beliefs, let live and help other in need regardless of their religion or belief.

And btw Muslims countries elected 8 women to be presidents....the last woman that ran for president in the US gets called named like bitch, crooked , nasty ect....

Islam loves everyone? LOL Muhammad ordered expulsion of Christians and Jews Hadith - The Book of <i>Jihad</i> and Expeditions - Sahih Muslim - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, Koran advocates murder of polytheists which is applied to all non-Muslims Surat At-Tawbah [9:5] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

Koran authorizes war against non-Muslims who must submit to Islamic rule and be humiliated Surat At-Tawbah [9:29] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم
There is no happiness in Islam Not 1 Islamic country is a free democracy Islamic world is oppressed, backward and a collective failure. Muslims are not even free to leave, a crime punishable by death, making Islam a cult Muslims must emulate every action reportedly by Muhammad, from entering a room with a specific foot to eating with a specific hand to putting their shoes on and taking them off like Muhammad, to even sneezing and yawning like Muhammad Absolutely crazy, cult-like behavior. Not 1 important scientific discovery or invention has come from 57 Islamic countries. 1.5 BILLION Muslims have produced just 2 Nobel Laureates in science.

Becoming a Muslim takes just seconds, for a lifetime of misery!

??? who was the "biggest thinker and philosopher"? according to your khutbah jumaat feces flinger? A true muslim knows that if he slits the throat of a Christian, Jewish, or Hindu infant-----he will be rewarded with ETERNAL ORGASM IN JANNAH

That “big thinker” “prophet” Muhammad said Satan inhabits ppl’s noses at night Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Also, camel urine has medicinal value Hadith - Book of Medicine - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, cures for diseases are on flies’ wings Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

??? who was the "biggest thinker and philosopher"? according to your khutbah jumaat feces flinger? A true muslim knows that if he slits the throat of a Christian, Jewish, or Hindu infant-----he will be rewarded with ETERNAL ORGASM IN JANNAH

That “big thinker” “prophet” Muhammad said Satan inhabits ppl’s noses at night Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Also, camel urine has medicinal value Hadith - Book of Medicine - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, cures for diseases are on flies’ wings Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

False, false and false.
Islam thought how to live happily, success in life, love everyone, respect everyone's beliefs, let live and help other in need regardless of their religion or belief.

And btw Muslims countries elected 8 women to be presidents....the last woman that ran for president in the US gets called named like bitch, crooked , nasty ect....

Islam loves everyone? LOL Muhammad ordered expulsion of Christians and Jews Hadith - The Book of <i>Jihad</i> and Expeditions - Sahih Muslim - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, Koran advocates murder of polytheists which is applied to all non-Muslims Surat At-Tawbah [9:5] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

Koran authorizes war against non-Muslims who must submit to Islamic rule and be humiliated Surat At-Tawbah [9:29] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

Be nice-----yesterday was Friday-----with Friday comes the weekly KHUTBAH JUMAAT FECES FLING-----which is a
refresher lecture in BS
There is no happiness in Islam Not 1 Islamic country is a free democracy Islamic world is oppressed, backward and a collective failure. Muslims are not even free to leave, a crime punishable by death, making Islam a cult Muslims must emulate every action reportedly by Muhammad, from entering a room with a specific foot to eating with a specific hand to putting their shoes on and taking them off like Muhammad, to even sneezing and yawning like Muhammad Absolutely crazy, cult-like behavior. Not 1 important scientific discovery or invention has come from 57 Islamic countries. 1.5 BILLION Muslims have produced just 2 Nobel Laureates in science.

Becoming a Muslim takes just seconds, for a lifetime of misery!

False, false and false.
Islam thought how to live happily, success in life, love everyone, respect everyone's beliefs, let live and help other in need regardless of their religion or belief.

And btw Muslims countries elected 8 women to be presidents....the last woman that ran for president in the US gets called named like bitch, crooked , nasty ect....

Islam loves everyone? LOL Muhammad ordered expulsion of Christians and Jews Hadith - The Book of <i>Jihad</i> and Expeditions - Sahih Muslim - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, Koran advocates murder of polytheists which is applied to all non-Muslims Surat At-Tawbah [9:5] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

Koran authorizes war against non-Muslims who must submit to Islamic rule and be humiliated Surat At-Tawbah [9:29] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

Be nice-----yesterday was Friday-----with Friday comes the weekly KHUTBAH JUMAAT FECES FLING-----which is a
refresher lecture in BS

Get this: Muslims have been slaughtering Muslims for 1400 years over who’s a real Muslim, but Islam is a religion of peace, harmony and goodwill to all mankind LOL
There is no happiness in Islam Not 1 Islamic country is a free democracy Islamic world is oppressed, backward and a collective failure. Muslims are not even free to leave, a crime punishable by death, making Islam a cult Muslims must emulate every action reportedly by Muhammad, from entering a room with a specific foot to eating with a specific hand to putting their shoes on and taking them off like Muhammad, to even sneezing and yawning like Muhammad Absolutely crazy, cult-like behavior. Not 1 important scientific discovery or invention has come from 57 Islamic countries. 1.5 BILLION Muslims have produced just 2 Nobel Laureates in science.

Becoming a Muslim takes just seconds, for a lifetime of misery!

Not true one of the biggest thinkers and philosophers were muslims. Also a true Muslim shouldn't be insecure or unhappy about where he's gonna end up because we believe in the mercy of god, sinners or not.

??? who was the "biggest thinker and philosopher"? according to your khutbah jumaat feces flinger? A true muslim knows that if he slits the throat of a Christian, Jewish, or Hindu infant-----he will be rewarded with ETERNAL ORGASM IN JANNAH

That “big thinker” “prophet” Muhammad said Satan inhabits ppl’s noses at night Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Also, camel urine has medicinal value Hadith - Book of Medicine - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, cures for diseases are on flies’ wings Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Not true one of the biggest thinkers and philosophers were muslims. Also a true Muslim shouldn't be insecure or unhappy about where he's gonna end up because we believe in the mercy of god, sinners or not.

??? who was the "biggest thinker and philosopher"? according to your khutbah jumaat feces flinger? A true muslim knows that if he slits the throat of a Christian, Jewish, or Hindu infant-----he will be rewarded with ETERNAL ORGASM IN JANNAH

That “big thinker” “prophet” Muhammad said Satan inhabits ppl’s noses at night Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Also, camel urine has medicinal value Hadith - Book of Medicine - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, cures for diseases are on flies’ wings Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

False, false and false.
Islam thought how to live happily, success in life, love everyone, respect everyone's beliefs, let live and help other in need regardless of their religion or belief.

And btw Muslims countries elected 8 women to be presidents....the last woman that ran for president in the US gets called named like bitch, crooked , nasty ect....

Islam teaches success in life? Except, Islamic countries are the most backward, unsuccessful on the planet LOL
There is no happiness in Islam Not 1 Islamic country is a free democracy Islamic world is oppressed, backward and a collective failure. Muslims are not even free to leave, a crime punishable by death, making Islam a cult Muslims must emulate every action reportedly by Muhammad, from entering a room with a specific foot to eating with a specific hand to putting their shoes on and taking them off like Muhammad, to even sneezing and yawning like Muhammad Absolutely crazy, cult-like behavior. Not 1 important scientific discovery or invention has come from 57 Islamic countries. 1.5 BILLION Muslims have produced just 2 Nobel Laureates in science.

Becoming a Muslim takes just seconds, for a lifetime of misery!

Not true one of the biggest thinkers and philosophers were muslims. Also a true Muslim shouldn't be insecure or unhappy about where he's gonna end up because we believe in the mercy of god, sinners or not.

??? who was the "biggest thinker and philosopher"? according to your khutbah jumaat feces flinger? A true muslim knows that if he slits the throat of a Christian, Jewish, or Hindu infant-----he will be rewarded with ETERNAL ORGASM IN JANNAH

That “big thinker” “prophet” Muhammad said Satan inhabits ppl’s noses at night Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Also, camel urine has medicinal value Hadith - Book of Medicine - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, cures for diseases are on flies’ wings Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Not true one of the biggest thinkers and philosophers were muslims. Also a true Muslim shouldn't be insecure or unhappy about where he's gonna end up because we believe in the mercy of god, sinners or not.

??? who was the "biggest thinker and philosopher"? according to your khutbah jumaat feces flinger? A true muslim knows that if he slits the throat of a Christian, Jewish, or Hindu infant-----he will be rewarded with ETERNAL ORGASM IN JANNAH

That “big thinker” “prophet” Muhammad said Satan inhabits ppl’s noses at night Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Also, camel urine has medicinal value Hadith - Book of Medicine - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, cures for diseases are on flies’ wings Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

False, false and false.
Islam thought how to live happily, success in life, love everyone, respect everyone's beliefs, let live and help other in need regardless of their religion or belief.

And btw Muslims countries elected 8 women to be presidents....the last woman that ran for president in the US gets called named like bitch, crooked , nasty ect....

And Muslim women are the most oppressed in the world Only recently were they granted the right to drive in Saudi Arabia, birthplace of Islam
There is no happiness in Islam Not 1 Islamic country is a free democracy Islamic world is oppressed, backward and a collective failure. Muslims are not even free to leave, a crime punishable by death, making Islam a cult Muslims must emulate every action reportedly by Muhammad, from entering a room with a specific foot to eating with a specific hand to putting their shoes on and taking them off like Muhammad, to even sneezing and yawning like Muhammad Absolutely crazy, cult-like behavior. Not 1 important scientific discovery or invention has come from 57 Islamic countries. 1.5 BILLION Muslims have produced just 2 Nobel Laureates in science.

Becoming a Muslim takes just seconds, for a lifetime of misery!

Not true one of the biggest thinkers and philosophers were muslims. Also a true Muslim shouldn't be insecure or unhappy about where he's gonna end up because we believe in the mercy of god, sinners or not.

??? who was the "biggest thinker and philosopher"? according to your khutbah jumaat feces flinger? A true muslim knows that if he slits the throat of a Christian, Jewish, or Hindu infant-----he will be rewarded with ETERNAL ORGASM IN JANNAH

That “big thinker” “prophet” Muhammad said Satan inhabits ppl’s noses at night Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Also, camel urine has medicinal value Hadith - Book of Medicine - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, cures for diseases are on flies’ wings Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Not true one of the biggest thinkers and philosophers were muslims. Also a true Muslim shouldn't be insecure or unhappy about where he's gonna end up because we believe in the mercy of god, sinners or not.

??? who was the "biggest thinker and philosopher"? according to your khutbah jumaat feces flinger? A true muslim knows that if he slits the throat of a Christian, Jewish, or Hindu infant-----he will be rewarded with ETERNAL ORGASM IN JANNAH

That “big thinker” “prophet” Muhammad said Satan inhabits ppl’s noses at night Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Also, camel urine has medicinal value Hadith - Book of Medicine - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, cures for diseases are on flies’ wings Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

False, false and false.
Islam thought how to live happily, success in life, love everyone, respect everyone's beliefs, let live and help other in need regardless of their religion or belief.

And btw Muslims countries elected 8 women to be presidents....the last woman that ran for president in the US gets called named like bitch, crooked , nasty ect....

Women are publicly beheaded and lashed in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries. Nowhere are women more oppressed and without basic human rights
There is no happiness in Islam Not 1 Islamic country is a free democracy Islamic world is oppressed, backward and a collective failure. Muslims are not even free to leave, a crime punishable by death, making Islam a cult Muslims must emulate every action reportedly by Muhammad, from entering a room with a specific foot to eating with a specific hand to putting their shoes on and taking them off like Muhammad, to even sneezing and yawning like Muhammad Absolutely crazy, cult-like behavior. Not 1 important scientific discovery or invention has come from 57 Islamic countries. 1.5 BILLION Muslims have produced just 2 Nobel Laureates in science.

Becoming a Muslim takes just seconds, for a lifetime of misery!

Not true one of the biggest thinkers and philosophers were muslims. Also a true Muslim shouldn't be insecure or unhappy about where he's gonna end up because we believe in the mercy of god, sinners or not.

??? who was the "biggest thinker and philosopher"? according to your khutbah jumaat feces flinger? A true muslim knows that if he slits the throat of a Christian, Jewish, or Hindu infant-----he will be rewarded with ETERNAL ORGASM IN JANNAH

That “big thinker” “prophet” Muhammad said Satan inhabits ppl’s noses at night Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Also, camel urine has medicinal value Hadith - Book of Medicine - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, cures for diseases are on flies’ wings Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Not true one of the biggest thinkers and philosophers were muslims. Also a true Muslim shouldn't be insecure or unhappy about where he's gonna end up because we believe in the mercy of god, sinners or not.

??? who was the "biggest thinker and philosopher"? according to your khutbah jumaat feces flinger? A true muslim knows that if he slits the throat of a Christian, Jewish, or Hindu infant-----he will be rewarded with ETERNAL ORGASM IN JANNAH

That “big thinker” “prophet” Muhammad said Satan inhabits ppl’s noses at night Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Also, camel urine has medicinal value Hadith - Book of Medicine - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, cures for diseases are on flies’ wings Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

False, false and false.
Islam thought how to live happily, success in life, love everyone, respect everyone's beliefs, let live and help other in need regardless of their religion or belief.

And btw Muslims countries elected 8 women to be presidents....the last woman that ran for president in the US gets called named like bitch, crooked , nasty ect....
There is no happiness in Islam Not 1 Islamic country is a free democracy Islamic world is oppressed, backward and a collective failure. Muslims are not even free to leave, a crime punishable by death, making Islam a cult Muslims must emulate every action reportedly by Muhammad, from entering a room with a specific foot to eating with a specific hand to putting their shoes on and taking them off like Muhammad, to even sneezing and yawning like Muhammad Absolutely crazy, cult-like behavior. Not 1 important scientific discovery or invention has come from 57 Islamic countries. 1.5 BILLION Muslims have produced just 2 Nobel Laureates in science.

Becoming a Muslim takes just seconds, for a lifetime of misery!

??? who was the "biggest thinker and philosopher"? according to your khutbah jumaat feces flinger? A true muslim knows that if he slits the throat of a Christian, Jewish, or Hindu infant-----he will be rewarded with ETERNAL ORGASM IN JANNAH

That “big thinker” “prophet” Muhammad said Satan inhabits ppl’s noses at night Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Also, camel urine has medicinal value Hadith - Book of Medicine - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, cures for diseases are on flies’ wings Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

??? who was the "biggest thinker and philosopher"? according to your khutbah jumaat feces flinger? A true muslim knows that if he slits the throat of a Christian, Jewish, or Hindu infant-----he will be rewarded with ETERNAL ORGASM IN JANNAH

That “big thinker” “prophet” Muhammad said Satan inhabits ppl’s noses at night Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Also, camel urine has medicinal value Hadith - Book of Medicine - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

And, cures for diseases are on flies’ wings Hadith - Book of Beginning of Creation - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

False, false and false.
Islam thought how to live happily, success in life, love everyone, respect everyone's beliefs, let live and help other in need regardless of their religion or belief.

And btw Muslims countries elected 8 women to be presidents....the last woman that ran for president in the US gets called named like bitch, crooked , nasty ect....

Koran: Only Muslims are accepted Surat 'Ali `Imran [3:85] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم
There is no happiness in Islam Not 1 Islamic country is a free democracy Islamic world is oppressed, backward and a collective failure. Muslims are not even free to leave, a crime punishable by death, making Islam a cult Muslims must emulate every action reportedly by Muhammad, from entering a room with a specific foot to eating with a specific hand to putting their shoes on and taking them off like Muhammad, to even sneezing and yawning like Muhammad Absolutely crazy, cult-like behavior. Not 1 important scientific discovery or invention has come from 57 Islamic countries. 1.5 BILLION Muslims have produced just 2 Nobel Laureates in science.

Becoming a Muslim takes just seconds, for a lifetime of misery!

False, false and false.
Islam thought how to live happily, success in life, love everyone, respect everyone's beliefs, let live and help other in need regardless of their religion or belief.

And btw Muslims countries elected 8 women to be presidents....the last woman that ran for president in the US gets called named like bitch, crooked , nasty ect....

Koran: Only Muslims are accepted Surat 'Ali `Imran [3:85] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

are you expecting a response from Issa?
There is no happiness in Islam Not 1 Islamic country is a free democracy Islamic world is oppressed, backward and a collective failure. Muslims are not even free to leave, a crime punishable by death, making Islam a cult Muslims must emulate every action reportedly by Muhammad, from entering a room with a specific foot to eating with a specific hand to putting their shoes on and taking them off like Muhammad, to even sneezing and yawning like Muhammad Absolutely crazy, cult-like behavior. Not 1 important scientific discovery or invention has come from 57 Islamic countries. 1.5 BILLION Muslims have produced just 2 Nobel Laureates in science.

Becoming a Muslim takes just seconds, for a lifetime of misery!

False, false and false.
Islam thought how to live happily, success in life, love everyone, respect everyone's beliefs, let live and help other in need regardless of their religion or belief.

And btw Muslims countries elected 8 women to be presidents....the last woman that ran for president in the US gets called named like bitch, crooked , nasty ect....

Koran: Only Muslims are accepted Surat 'Ali `Imran [3:85] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

are you expecting a response from Issa?

Isa is the Arabic/Muslim name for Jesus but never mind that Jesus was a devout Jew who lived 600+ years BEFORE Islam
islam is the religion of submission and peace. Submit to them and be a muslim and you will have peace. Or at least that you won't be beheaded and have your fingertips sliced off. The only reason I voted for Trump since he doesn't suck up to this vicious muslim scum.
Isa is the Arabic/Muslim name for Jesus but never mind that Jesus was a devout Jew who lived 600+ years BEFORE Islam
And?? .... :dunno:

joel was being informative---as in GENERAL information

Muslims believe Jesus to be a Muslim who will return, proclaim Islam and destroy Christianity. Except, Jesus was an Orthodox Jew who lived several centuries before Islam.

Facts are irrelevant in Islam
Muslims believe Jesus to be a Muslim......

The word "muslim" means, "one who submits to God".

Thus all of the prophets in the Old Testament plus Jesus were muslim. ...... :cool:

the etymology of the word that is used by muslims and the rest of the world to designate the BELIEF SYSTEM which is islam -----is no issue at all. It is idiotic to USE it to include lots and lots of people who never had anything to do with that belief system. MUSLIMS make lots of false claims. Way back in "cold war" times-----the big joke was RUSSIAN HISTORIC REVISIONISM-----the Russians were claiming just about every significant scientific advance for the past 500 years---
lots of funny stuff-----that was before I met ISLAM---the claims by muslims are far more FLAMBOYANT and idiotic

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