Happiness in Islam

I was very young (19) when I read the Koran------it came at me in a box of rejects. It started out as a comedy ---the forward of the book seemed insane---written by the translator---He described some guy named muhummad who had invented everything from lemons to sliced bread--------
I wondered 'who is the legendary genius'? based on his
inventions it was obvious that he lived at least 6000 years
ago or more. ----I thumbed thru----it was all about JEWS!!!
---so I read it. I got progressively funny---I realized this is
the muslim book- I checked it out in my then version of google---the Encyclopedia Britannica. Then I handed it to a Pakistani surgeon who worked in the same hospital in which I had a little part time clerical job--------and told him----"you should inform the printer---this book is full of errors" He looked thru it and commented----"no----this looks good"----
he said he knew about this---THEN NEW translation--

Koran was simply Muhammad’s attempt to recycle the Bible for Arabs, but with many embarrassing errors. Here the ppl knew his scam Surat Al-'Anfal [8:31] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

Surat Al-Furqan [25:4-5] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

don't blame muhummad-----he didn't write it----he was illiterate----the people who did write it ------wrote it
believing there twists and turns would go undetected
since the overwhelming majority of muslims were illiterate
anyway. They got rid of the LITERATE people---Zoroastrians, jews and Christians. Consider their situations
IN CONTEXT. ------Even muslims who could read-----could not read the real bibles

The Bible was well-known in pre-Islamic Arabia which was populated by Jews and Christians. It’s believed by scholars that Muhammad obtained biblical material from them which ended up in the Koran but with many errors and discrepancies, which is why they, and Arabs, knew he was a fraud

think in context------the arab marauders needed a unifying creed-------it was for the sake of imperialism (something like
Constantine's excuse for pretending to be Christian)

True although whether Constantine’s conversion was sincere is a matter of debate

for good reason-------too late and too little
Koran was simply Muhammad’s attempt to recycle the Bible for Arabs, but with many embarrassing errors. Here the ppl knew his scam Surat Al-'Anfal [8:31] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

Surat Al-Furqan [25:4-5] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

don't blame muhummad-----he didn't write it----he was illiterate----the people who did write it ------wrote it
believing there twists and turns would go undetected
since the overwhelming majority of muslims were illiterate
anyway. They got rid of the LITERATE people---Zoroastrians, jews and Christians. Consider their situations
IN CONTEXT. ------Even muslims who could read-----could not read the real bibles

The Bible was well-known in pre-Islamic Arabia which was populated by Jews and Christians. It’s believed by scholars that Muhammad obtained biblical material from them which ended up in the Koran but with many errors and discrepancies, which is why they, and Arabs, knew he was a fraud

think in context------the arab marauders needed a unifying creed-------it was for the sake of imperialism (something like
Constantine's excuse for pretending to be Christian)

True although whether Constantine’s conversion was sincere is a matter of debate

for good reason-------too late and too little

Deathbed baptism
Prophet's Life (Under siege)

During the siege of Madinah by the unbelievers, who raised a large army with the aim of annihilating the Muslim community, the Prophet (peace be upon him) ordered a dry moat to be dug at the entrance to Madinah to stop the attacking army's advance. The Prophet worked in the digging of the moat as an individual among the community. The Muslims were very poor at the time, and most of them were suffering from hunger. As a result of their hard work, their hunger was especially acute. Many people used the device of putting a stone against their bellies and wrapping it tightly to overcome the pangs of hunger. The Prophet himself had two stones wrapped against his belly. As he was working, one of his Companions, Jabir ibn Abdullah, was deeply affected by the sight and sought permission to absent himself temporarily. He went straight home to determine what food was there. His wife told him that she had a small quantity of barley and a small goat. He immediately slaughtered the goat and prepared it for cooking. His wife ground the barley and started to cook the goat in a large saucepan.

When the cooking and baking were nearly finished, Jabir went to the Prophet and said: "Messenger of God, I have some food at home. Would you like to be my guest with one or two of your Companions."
The Prophet asked him how much food he had, and when he heard Jabir's reply he said: "This is good and plenty. Tell your wife not to take her saucepan off the fire, or her bread out of the oven until I come." Then he addressed his Companions and invited them to Jabir's dinner. All those digging the moat, from among the Muhajirun and the Ansar, went with him.

In Jabir's own account of the story, he says that he was exceedingly embarrassed because his little goat and a small amount of bread were very inadequate for that large number of people.

When he arrived at Jabir's house, the Prophet said to his Companions: "Come inside, but do not push one another." The Prophet himself started to cut the bread, put it in dishes and put meat on top of it. Meanwhile, he kept the pot simmering and covered it as well as the oven, after taking some bread from it. He served dish after dish to his Companions until they had all eaten a full meal. Both the saucepan and the oven were still full of bread and meat when everyone had finished eating. The Prophet then said to Jabir's wife: "Eat of that and send presents to other people, for we have suffered something approaching a famine." She did so and sent large quantities of bread and meat during the rest of that day. [Bukhari]
Prophet's Life (Under siege)

During the siege of Madinah by the unbelievers, who raised a large army with the aim of annihilating the Muslim community, the Prophet (peace be upon him) ordered a dry moat to be dug at the entrance to Madinah to stop the attacking army's advance. The Prophet worked in the digging of the moat as an individual among the community. The Muslims were very poor at the time, and most of them were suffering from hunger. As a result of their hard work, their hunger was especially acute. Many people used the device of putting a stone against their bellies and wrapping it tightly to overcome the pangs of hunger. The Prophet himself had two stones wrapped against his belly. As he was working, one of his Companions, Jabir ibn Abdullah, was deeply affected by the sight and sought permission to absent himself temporarily. He went straight home to determine what food was there. His wife told him that she had a small quantity of barley and a small goat. He immediately slaughtered the goat and prepared it for cooking. His wife ground the barley and started to cook the goat in a large saucepan.

When the cooking and baking were nearly finished, Jabir went to the Prophet and said: "Messenger of God, I have some food at home. Would you like to be my guest with one or two of your Companions."
The Prophet asked him how much food he had, and when he heard Jabir's reply he said: "This is good and plenty. Tell your wife not to take her saucepan off the fire, or her bread out of the oven until I come." Then he addressed his Companions and invited them to Jabir's dinner. All those digging the moat, from among the Muhajirun and the Ansar, went with him.

In Jabir's own account of the story, he says that he was exceedingly embarrassed because his little goat and a small amount of bread were very inadequate for that large number of people.

When he arrived at Jabir's house, the Prophet said to his Companions: "Come inside, but do not push one another." The Prophet himself started to cut the bread, put it in dishes and put meat on top of it. Meanwhile, he kept the pot simmering and covered it as well as the oven, after taking some bread from it. He served dish after dish to his Companions until they had all eaten a full meal. Both the saucepan and the oven were still full of bread and meat when everyone had finished eating. The Prophet then said to Jabir's wife: "Eat of that and send presents to other people, for we have suffered something approaching a famine." She did so and sent large quantities of bread and meat during the rest of that day. [Bukhari]

There was no prophet Muhammad. Even the existence of a figure named Muhammad is uncertain
Happiness is a feeling that resides in the heart. It is characterized by peace of mind, tranquility, a sense of well-being, and a relaxed disposition. It comes as a result of proper behavior, both inward and outward, and is inspired by strong faith. This is attested to by the Qur’ân and Sunnah.
Allah says:
- Whoever works righteousness as a believer, whether male or female, We will give a good life.

- Then, whoever follows My guidance shall neither go astray nor be distressed. But whoever turns away from My reminder will have a life of hardship.

Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “True enrichment does not come through possessing a lot of wealth, but true enrichment is the enrichment of the soul.”

Mostly misery in Islam, which is why Muslims must be threatened against leaving, a crime punishable by death

Having to robotically and mindlessly emulate everything Muhammad did, from entering a house with your right foot to putting your right shoe on first and taking off your left shoe first, to brushing your teeth like Muhammad, to washing like Muhammad, to even sneezing and yawning like Muhammad is complete insanity and it points to Islam being a crazy cult not a religion
Prophet's Life (Under siege - 2)

There are several reports of this story. Some of these put the figure of those who shared in Jabir's dinner at 800. If everyone who was working on digging the moat accepted the Prophet's invitation to Jabir's house, the number would be even higher. These events are not surprising, not because of a little goat - or a large one, for that matter - was enough to feed such a large number of people, but because God blessed that repast and gave the Prophet such a privilege at that particular time.

There are many other stories like these that took place at one time or another. In all these examples, the common factor was that the Prophet would handle the situation himself and say a supplication that was not heard by those around him: witnesses only mention that they saw him saying a prayer or a supplication. When necessary, he would take over the action, as in the case of serving the food given by Jabir. Were these miracles? From our human perspective, they were no doubt supernatural happenings. However, they were not offered by the Prophet or anyone else as signs or proofs that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was God's Messenger. No one was asked to believe in Islam as a result of any such event. These events reassured the Prophet's Companions and gave them certainty that they were following the right path, but they were not presented as evidence of the truth of Islam. Rather, they showed two things. Firstly, they show that when God's blessings are given, a small amount of food suffices an army. It was God's blessing of Jabir's goat that gave hundreds of people two meals during their hard work in digging the moat to defend Islam. Secondly, they show that when God answers a prayer, there is no limit to how much He gives
lifted from the New Testament story of the loaves and fishes

Arabs themselves knew the Koran plagiarized the Bible

“And when Our verses are recited to them, they say, "We have heard. If we willed, we could say [something] like this. This is not but legends of the former peoples."

And those who disbelieve say, "This [Qur'an] is not except a falsehood he invented, and another people assisted him in it." But they have committed an injustice and a lie.

And they say, "Legends of the former peoples which he has written down, and they are dictated to him morning and afternoon."
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How can one be happy when they're completely dictated for their every action and must "act" perfect or face hell.

Muslims are mind-numbed robots and Islam is a cult Enter a room like Muhammad, eat like Muhammad, put your shoes on like Muhammad, take your shoes off like Muhammad, wash like Muhammad, brush your teeth like Muhammad, even sneeze and yawn like Muhammad

Islam is the only hope for the world. ...... :thup:


1.5+ BILLION Muslims: Just 2 Nobel Prizes in science. (Jews have 142. Israel has 5)

57 Muslim countries: Not 1 important scientific discovery or invention.

Islamic world is the most backward, illiterate, unsuccessful “culture” on the planet

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