Happiness in Islam

What's the picture with all the fishing hooks supposed to represent?
What's the picture with all the fishing hooks supposed to represent?

its Arabic script-----adapted from farsi script circa 300 AD----to that time arabs were entirely illiterate ------and even today-----at least half are. The justification for persons of normal intellect to remain illiterate is------EMULATE AL NABI.
What's the picture with all the fishing hooks supposed to represent?

its Arabic script-----adapted from farsi script circa 300 AD----to that time arabs were entirely illiterate ------and even today-----at least half are. The justification for persons of normal intellect to remain illiterate is------EMULATE AL NABI.

God is an Arab and only understands Arabic LOL
What's the picture with all the fishing hooks supposed to represent?

its Arabic script-----adapted from farsi script circa 300 AD----to that time arabs were entirely illiterate ------and even today-----at least half are. The justification for persons of normal intellect to remain illiterate is------EMULATE AL NABI.
I thought it was a plan of attack or something, and all those little comma-like things were car bombs.
What's the picture with all the fishing hooks supposed to represent?

its Arabic script-----adapted from farsi script circa 300 AD----to that time arabs were entirely illiterate ------and even today-----at least half are. The justification for persons of normal intellect to remain illiterate is------EMULATE AL NABI.

God is an Arab and only understands Arabic LOL

my all time fave is ------ADAM, not only spoke Arabic---he also had the ORIGINAL COPY OF DA KORAN ---which was written in Arabic. ------------long before Arabic script existed.
I like that story------it stretches the principle of "SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF -----to obscenity
What's the picture with all the fishing hooks supposed to represent?

its Arabic script-----adapted from farsi script circa 300 AD----to that time arabs were entirely illiterate ------and even today-----at least half are. The justification for persons of normal intellect to remain illiterate is------EMULATE AL NABI.
I thought it was a plan of attack or something, and all those little comma-like things were car bombs.

I don't know-----maybe old pussy cat can tell us-----maybe the little squiggles are there to make us HAPPY
What's the picture with all the fishing hooks supposed to represent?

its Arabic script-----adapted from farsi script circa 300 AD----to that time arabs were entirely illiterate ------and even today-----at least half are. The justification for persons of normal intellect to remain illiterate is------EMULATE AL NABI.
I thought it was a plan of attack or something, and all those little comma-like things were car bombs.

I don't know-----maybe old pussy cat can tell us-----maybe the little squiggles are there to make us HAPPY

It’s Arabic. Except, most Muslims are not Arabs, but they believe in an Arab prophet following in a long line of Jewish prophets. I know, makes no sense
What's the picture with all the fishing hooks supposed to represent?

its Arabic script-----adapted from farsi script circa 300 AD----to that time arabs were entirely illiterate ------and even today-----at least half are. The justification for persons of normal intellect to remain illiterate is------EMULATE AL NABI.
I thought it was a plan of attack or something, and all those little comma-like things were car bombs.

I don't know-----maybe old pussy cat can tell us-----maybe the little squiggles are there to make us HAPPY

It’s Arabic. Except, most Muslims are not Arabs, but they believe in an Arab prophet following in a long line of Jewish prophets. I know, makes no sense

most muslims cannot read Arabic. -----it seems to me that more muslims DRESS in Arabian costume-----than can so much as recite the Arabic alphabet.. I am not all that sure that the mess of squiggles posted in this thread -----says anything at all
What's the picture with all the fishing hooks supposed to represent?

its Arabic script-----adapted from farsi script circa 300 AD----to that time arabs were entirely illiterate ------and even today-----at least half are. The justification for persons of normal intellect to remain illiterate is------EMULATE AL NABI.
I thought it was a plan of attack or something, and all those little comma-like things were car bombs.

I don't know-----maybe old pussy cat can tell us-----maybe the little squiggles are there to make us HAPPY

It’s Arabic. Except, most Muslims are not Arabs, but they believe in an Arab prophet following in a long line of Jewish prophets. I know, makes no sense

most muslims cannot read Arabic. -----it seems to me that more muslims DRESS in Arabian costume-----than can so much as recite the Arabic alphabet.. I am not all that sure that the mess of squiggles posted in this thread -----says anything at all

Ridiculous: Most Muslims are not Arabs BUT their god is called by an Arabic word Allah. They face Arabia in prayer, make pilgrimage to Arabia and worship a pagan Arab rock
its Arabic script-----adapted from farsi script circa 300 AD----to that time arabs were entirely illiterate ------and even today-----at least half are. The justification for persons of normal intellect to remain illiterate is------EMULATE AL NABI.
I thought it was a plan of attack or something, and all those little comma-like things were car bombs.

I don't know-----maybe old pussy cat can tell us-----maybe the little squiggles are there to make us HAPPY

It’s Arabic. Except, most Muslims are not Arabs, but they believe in an Arab prophet following in a long line of Jewish prophets. I know, makes no sense

most muslims cannot read Arabic. -----it seems to me that more muslims DRESS in Arabian costume-----than can so much as recite the Arabic alphabet.. I am not all that sure that the mess of squiggles posted in this thread -----says anything at all

Ridiculous: Most Muslims are not Arabs BUT their god is called by an Arabic word Allah. They face Arabia in prayer, make pilgrimage to Arabia and worship a pagan Arab rock

if you want to make a Pakistani nervous------recite the Hebrew alphabet-------he will think you are SPEAKING ARABIC
I thought it was a plan of attack or something, and all those little comma-like things were car bombs.

I don't know-----maybe old pussy cat can tell us-----maybe the little squiggles are there to make us HAPPY

It’s Arabic. Except, most Muslims are not Arabs, but they believe in an Arab prophet following in a long line of Jewish prophets. I know, makes no sense

most muslims cannot read Arabic. -----it seems to me that more muslims DRESS in Arabian costume-----than can so much as recite the Arabic alphabet.. I am not all that sure that the mess of squiggles posted in this thread -----says anything at all

Ridiculous: Most Muslims are not Arabs BUT their god is called by an Arabic word Allah. They face Arabia in prayer, make pilgrimage to Arabia and worship a pagan Arab rock

if you want to make a Pakistani nervous------recite the Hebrew alphabet-------he will think you are SPEAKING ARABIC
I thought it was a plan of attack or something, and all those little comma-like things were car bombs.

I don't know-----maybe old pussy cat can tell us-----maybe the little squiggles are there to make us HAPPY

It’s Arabic. Except, most Muslims are not Arabs, but they believe in an Arab prophet following in a long line of Jewish prophets. I know, makes no sense

most muslims cannot read Arabic. -----it seems to me that more muslims DRESS in Arabian costume-----than can so much as recite the Arabic alphabet.. I am not all that sure that the mess of squiggles posted in this thread -----says anything at all

Ridiculous: Most Muslims are not Arabs BUT their god is called by an Arabic word Allah. They face Arabia in prayer, make pilgrimage to Arabia and worship a pagan Arab rock

if you want to make a Pakistani nervous------recite the Hebrew alphabet-------he will think you are SPEAKING ARABIC

Islam was started as Judaism and Christianity adapted for pagan Arabs. But about 90% of Muslims aren’t Arabs
New Doors of Mercy

Al-Baqara : Ayah 286 (partial)

"Our Sustainer! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error."

In this portion of the ayah, there is a request that the believers should not be held accountable for any lapses or for forgetting. The word nisyan (forgetfulness) in the text means forgetting something in the course of obeying a commandment, while the word khata (error) means doing something wrong due to lack of understanding. Although lapses such as these are forgiven by Allah, the supplication by a servant for forgiveness for what is already forgiven indicates an extreme sense of awe and fear and causes new doors of Divine mercy and grace to open up. All the sins of the Prophet, peace be upon him, we know, were forgiven, but still, he assiduously prayed for forgiveness. When asked about this, he replied: "Should I not be a grateful servant of my Sustainer!"

Compiled From:
"Pondering Over The Qur'an: Surah al-Fatiha and Surah al-Baqarah" - Amin Ahsan Islahi
I am lucky----I am left handed------HOWEVER----I also tend to hold a fork in
my left hand and when in the company of persons from the middle east------I have to REMIND myself to hold my wine glass in my right hand

Why? Hold it with your left and give the muzbot the finger with the right if he has a problem.

Fuck these people.

although hubby was born in a shariah shit hole------he is (ahumdiallah) not a muzbot. The right hand thing is pervasive thruout the midde east AND the Indian sub-
continent. When I eat my chappatis-----I do it with my right hand too-----so as not to annoy the hindus
I would eat with my left hand...just to piss them off.
I am lucky----I am left handed------HOWEVER----I also tend to hold a fork in
my left hand and when in the company of persons from the middle east------I have to REMIND myself to hold my wine glass in my right hand

Why? Hold it with your left and give the muzbot the finger with the right if he has a problem.

Fuck these people.

although hubby was born in a shariah shit hole------he is (ahumdiallah) not a muzbot. The right hand thing is pervasive thruout the midde east AND the Indian sub-
continent. When I eat my chappatis-----I do it with my right hand too-----so as not to annoy the hindus
I would eat with my left hand...just to piss them off.

I like hindus
I am lucky----I am left handed------HOWEVER----I also tend to hold a fork in
my left hand and when in the company of persons from the middle east------I have to REMIND myself to hold my wine glass in my right hand

Why? Hold it with your left and give the muzbot the finger with the right if he has a problem.

Fuck these people.

although hubby was born in a shariah shit hole------he is (ahumdiallah) not a muzbot. The right hand thing is pervasive thruout the midde east AND the Indian sub-
continent. When I eat my chappatis-----I do it with my right hand too-----so as not to annoy the hindus
I would eat with my left hand...just to piss them off.

I like hindus
They're Muslims. And you like them. Hmmm...
I am lucky----I am left handed------HOWEVER----I also tend to hold a fork in
my left hand and when in the company of persons from the middle east------I have to REMIND myself to hold my wine glass in my right hand

Why? Hold it with your left and give the muzbot the finger with the right if he has a problem.

Fuck these people.

although hubby was born in a shariah shit hole------he is (ahumdiallah) not a muzbot. The right hand thing is pervasive thruout the midde east AND the Indian sub-
continent. When I eat my chappatis-----I do it with my right hand too-----so as not to annoy the hindus
I would eat with my left hand...just to piss them off.

I like hindus
They're Muslims. And you like them. Hmmm...

hindus are muslims? -----nevah mind. I still avoid aggravating ALL people from the middle east and
Indian subcontinent by EATING RIGHT HANDED----when
eating by hand. It is a widespread convention. -----normal
human beans do observe, at least to some extent, social
convention. I do WRITE with my left hand----even that can
aggravate some people. I throw OBJECTS with my right hand-----like grenades
Do Your Best to Put God's Attributes Into Practice

After seeking knowledge of God's attributes of mercy, kindness, generosity, wisdom, love, forgiveness, ... etc. do your best to put them into practice in your daily life.

If you want God to forgive you, then remember His attribute of forgiveness and forgive others.

If you want God to help you, help others and be generous towards them.

If you want God to be Kind and Merciful towards you on the Day of Judgment, then do your best to be kind and merciful to people around you, not only family and friends but also complete strangers.

And if you want to find peace and find God's love, spread peace and love in your community.

He is the Most Kind, the Most Merciful, the Source of All Peace.
Do Your Best to Put God's Attributes Into Practice

After seeking knowledge of God's attributes of mercy, kindness, generosity, wisdom, love, forgiveness, ... etc. do your best to put them into practice in your daily life.

If you want God to forgive you, then remember His attribute of forgiveness and forgive others.

If you want God to help you, help others and be generous towards them.

If you want God to be Kind and Merciful towards you on the Day of Judgment, then do your best to be kind and merciful to people around you, not only family and friends but also complete strangers.

And if you want to find peace and find God's love, spread peace and love in your community.

He is the Most Kind, the Most Merciful, the Source of All Peace.
It would really be nice if Muslims practiced these qualities. Wouldn't it?
Do Your Best to Put God's Attributes Into Practice

After seeking knowledge of God's attributes of mercy, kindness, generosity, wisdom, love, forgiveness, ... etc. do your best to put them into practice in your daily life.

If you want God to forgive you, then remember His attribute of forgiveness and forgive others.

If you want God to help you, help others and be generous towards them.

If you want God to be Kind and Merciful towards you on the Day of Judgment, then do your best to be kind and merciful to people around you, not only family and friends but also complete strangers.

And if you want to find peace and find God's love, spread peace and love in your community.

He is the Most Kind, the Most Merciful, the Source of All Peace.

??? what happened to the SHORT CIRCUIT right into Jannah that young women travel-----by simply tying bombs to their whorish asses and murdering a bunch of children whilst
screaming "allahuAKBARRRRR"? --------kindness?

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