Happiness in Islam

The Quran’s Impact on the World

Before the coming of Islam the world was in a state of oppression and injustice. Pre-Islamic Arabia was a dreadful place to live in as the Arabs were a people without any set moral values. Slavery was an economic institution of the Arabs. Male and female slaves were bought and sold like animals, and they formed the most depressed class of the Arabian society. Illiteracy was common among the Arabs, as were alcoholism and adultery. Those with power and money took advantage of the poor by charging 100 per cent interest on loans. Arabia was a male-dominated society, men could marry any number of women and when a man died, his son “inherited” all his wives except his own mother. Women had virtually no legal status, for example they had no right to possess property and had little to no inheritance rights. Female infanticide was widely practiced as they used to bury their daughters alive. I think you can appreciate why this period of Arab history before the dawn of Islam is known as the period of ignorance!

Can you imagine being tasked with reforming such a society? Have a think about how long it would take one person to cure all these social ills. One generation? Perhaps several generations? You may even view it as an impossible task. Just to give you an idea of the scale of the challenge, let’s look at an attempt in recent Western history to eradicate just one of these social ills, alcoholism. In 1920 the United States government passed a nationwide law to ban the sale, production, importation, and transportation of alcoholic beverages for moral and health reasons. This is commonly known as Prohibition and although consumption of alcohol fell at the beginning of Prohibition, it subsequently increased and led to other problems such as corruption and organised crime. The law was repealed in 1933. The failure of one of the most powerful governments in the world to tackle just a single social ill should make us reflect on the Qur’an. The Qur’an managed to completely reform not only alcoholism but all the social ills of Arabian society in a single generation, just 23 years! This was a revolution the likes of which the world has never witnessed.

Now perhaps you might be thinking to yourself, these social ills of Arabia were a result of the tribal nature of society and the harsh desert environment the Arabs dwelt in. But the fact is that even the super powers of the world at the time, the Byzantine and Persian Empires, who ruled much of the world between them, were also in a state of oppression and injustice.
The Quran’s Impact on the World

The Quran’s Impact on the World

Before the coming of Islam the world was in a state of oppression and injustice. Pre-Islamic Arabia was a dreadful place to live in as the Arabs were a people without any set moral values. Slavery was an economic institution of the Arabs. Male and female slaves were bought and sold like animals, and they formed the most depressed class of the Arabian society. Illiteracy was common among the Arabs, as were alcoholism and adultery. Those with power and money took advantage of the poor by charging 100 per cent interest on loans. Arabia was a male-dominated society, men could marry any number of women and when a man died, his son “inherited” all his wives except his own mother. Women had virtually no legal status, for example they had no right to possess property and had little to no inheritance rights. Female infanticide was widely practiced as they used to bury their daughters alive. I think you can appreciate why this period of Arab history before the dawn of Islam is known as the period of ignorance!

Can you imagine being tasked with reforming such a society? Have a think about how long it would take one person to cure all these social ills. One generation? Perhaps several generations? You may even view it as an impossible task. Just to give you an idea of the scale of the challenge, let’s look at an attempt in recent Western history to eradicate just one of these social ills, alcoholism. In 1920 the United States government passed a nationwide law to ban the sale, production, importation, and transportation of alcoholic beverages for moral and health reasons. This is commonly known as Prohibition and although consumption of alcohol fell at the beginning of Prohibition, it subsequently increased and led to other problems such as corruption and organised crime. The law was repealed in 1933. The failure of one of the most powerful governments in the world to tackle just a single social ill should make us reflect on the Qur’an. The Qur’an managed to completely reform not only alcoholism but all the social ills of Arabian society in a single generation, just 23 years! This was a revolution the likes of which the world has never witnessed.

Now perhaps you might be thinking to yourself, these social ills of Arabia were a result of the tribal nature of society and the harsh desert environment the Arabs dwelt in. But the fact is that even the super powers of the world at the time, the Byzantine and Persian Empires, who ruled much of the world between them, were also in a state of oppression and injustice.
The Quran’s Impact on the World

Isn't the writing of the Qur'an perhaps in reaction to the New Testament and the story of Jesus the Messiah? And is there peace for everyone or just those who embraced Islam? May I go visit various families in an Islamic nation and speak openly regarding the salvation Jesus the Christ offers freely? And if things are so wonderful as you say in the Middle East, why would the non-Christians of that region go as non-missionaries to a country of so many Christians to raise their children?
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The Quran’s Impact on the World

Before the coming of Islam the world was in a state of oppression and injustice. Pre-Islamic Arabia was a dreadful place to live in as the Arabs were a people without any set moral values. Slavery was an economic institution of the Arabs. Male and female slaves were bought and sold like animals, and they formed the most depressed class of the Arabian society. Illiteracy was common among the Arabs, as were alcoholism and adultery. Those with power and money took advantage of the poor by charging 100 per cent interest on loans. Arabia was a male-dominated society, men could marry any number of women and when a man died, his son “inherited” all his wives except his own mother. Women had virtually no legal status, for example they had no right to possess property and had little to no inheritance rights. Female infanticide was widely practiced as they used to bury their daughters alive. I think you can appreciate why this period of Arab history before the dawn of Islam is known as the period of ignorance!

Can you imagine being tasked with reforming such a society? Have a think about how long it would take one person to cure all these social ills. One generation? Perhaps several generations? You may even view it as an impossible task. Just to give you an idea of the scale of the challenge, let’s look at an attempt in recent Western history to eradicate just one of these social ills, alcoholism. In 1920 the United States government passed a nationwide law to ban the sale, production, importation, and transportation of alcoholic beverages for moral and health reasons. This is commonly known as Prohibition and although consumption of alcohol fell at the beginning of Prohibition, it subsequently increased and led to other problems such as corruption and organised crime. The law was repealed in 1933. The failure of one of the most powerful governments in the world to tackle just a single social ill should make us reflect on the Qur’an. The Qur’an managed to completely reform not only alcoholism but all the social ills of Arabian society in a single generation, just 23 years! This was a revolution the likes of which the world has never witnessed.

Now perhaps you might be thinking to yourself, these social ills of Arabia were a result of the tribal nature of society and the harsh desert environment the Arabs dwelt in. But the fact is that even the super powers of the world at the time, the Byzantine and Persian Empires, who ruled much of the world between them, were also in a state of oppression and injustice.
The Quran’s Impact on the World

Isn't the writing of the Qur'an perhaps in reaction to the New Testament and the story of Jesus the Messiah? And is there peace for everyone or just those who embraced Islam? May I go visit various families in an Islamic nation at speak openly regarding the salvation Jesus the Christ offers freely? And if things are so wonderful as you say in the Middle East, why would the non-Christians of that region go as non-missionaries to a country of so many Christians to raise their children?

feel free to ask questions Nipper. My hubby was born in a part of the world which is an ancient "country" often considered PART OF ARABIA. His community was highly developed ---very literate and strongly moral for more than 1000 years before the rapist of Arabia was born------and has written records. Now that country is 100% muslim-----and still going down hill in a river of blood thanks to islam. People of his community BACK then also had very civilized communities in what is today the cesspit---Saudi Arabia---
but those communities were destroyed by murder, rape.
pillage and enslavement---DIRECTLY BY THE RAPIST OF
MECCA. Old cat's essay is a fantasy-----it is no mystery
why muslims DESTROY evidence of the civilized pasts of
the countries they despoil-------it clears the way for the development of the Islamic FANTASIES. Even arabs
of Arabia were far more civilized PRE MUHUMMAD then----
after. The literate people----Persians, Christians, Jews,
etc were GENOCIDED OUT OF EXISTENCE and the evidence of their existence-------destroyed. Saudi Arabia would have been a treasure trove of historical records had
muslims not been highly motivated to DESTROY-----
Neither Mecca nor Medina has been excavated and never will be---------the REAL HISTORY of muhummad used to lie right
there-------As to hubby's birth place------virtually a pile of shit now-------the kind of place that vomits forth ----osamas
PS----as to alcoholism-----muslims never gave it up------shariah law "allows" non muslims to make wine and "strong wine" (which actually means the distilled stuff) ------because MUSLIMS LIKE IT. Survival for non muslims in shariah shit holes often depended on BRIBERY----with booze. Drug dependency is and WAS also rampant thruout the "ummah"------screwing ones own slave girls or those of one's friends-----is legal and
socially acceptable in shariah shit holes. Rape of non muslim females is illegal only if one rapes one that belongs to another
muslim-------rape of a dhimmi can be considered a bit illegal ---
on the level of traffic ticket-----the resulting offspring "belongs"
to the rapist. "CIVILIZED"? maybe--someday
Thank you very much. While I can imagine some Muslims are nice, I believe it likely has more to do with the influence of a Judaeo/Christian biblical based ethics than trying to destroy "infidels".
Thank you very much. While I can imagine some Muslims are nice, I believe it likely has more to do with the influence of a Judaeo/Christian biblical based ethics than trying to destroy "infidels".

some muslims are very nice-------(((some of my best friends.....))) it is islam that is not nice. -----the worst place to bring a child is
a mosque on Friday----that's the day when muslims are subjected to the "KHUTBAH JUMAAT"-------<<< the propaganda lecture. I experienced it almost 50 years ago---
it is child abuse. The material presented by old-cat is khutbah jumaat stuff. Arabia ---way back before muhummad was no worse and probably better than it
was during his heyday and during the times of the
GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST. For the record-----the claim of "world-wide illiteracy" is also false----
Zoroastrians, Hindus, Chinese, Christians and Jews had varying but in some cases very high levels of literacy----arabs
were completely illiterate until about 300 AD when Zoroastrians influenced a script for them-----their alphabet is
semitic-------a copy of at least a dozen semitic language alphabets already in existence. I have no doubt that there
were-----even before Arabic was written in the Arabic script----
examples of Arabic language written in Hebrew script. ------
jews played that game wherever they went. I know people who STILL KNOW how to do Hebraized Arabic. The mysterious life of muhummad was CREATED as a mystery---
by destroying "the evidence"
Thank you very much. While I can imagine some Muslims are nice, I believe it likely has more to do with the influence of a Judaeo/Christian biblical based ethics than trying to destroy "infidels".
Irosie's posts about Islam and muslims are very humorous. She knows just enough to sound knowledgable to the average person. But in reality, her posts are full of misinformation and many times just outright lies. .... :cool:
Thank you very much. While I can imagine some Muslims are nice, I believe it likely has more to do with the influence of a Judaeo/Christian biblical based ethics than trying to destroy "infidels".
Irosie's posts about Islam and muslims are very humorous. She knows just enough to sound knowledgable to the average person. But in reality, her posts are full of misinformation and many times just outright lies. .... :cool:

feel free to cite examples of "lies" or "misinformation"----
sunni dear. BTW -------it occurred to me to try to find out
if Britains most beloved Imam ANJEM CHOUDARY ---is sunni like you, or Shiite like ACHMADINEJAD-----you probably already know-------he is one of THEM-----Shiite......
sorry if this factoid upsets you
The Korans inpact? It guarantees a never ending holy war until Islam dominates the world. It has caused countless deaths to soothe the ego of a maniac.
Britains most beloved Imam ANJEM CHOUDARY ---is sunni like you, or Shiite like ACHMADINEJAD-----you probably already know-------he is one of THEM-----Shiite......sorry if this factoid upsets you
Your so called factoid is retarded. .... :cuckoo:

Anjem Choudary is not Britian's most beloved Imam.

In fact, his mosque has about a dozen members, and he has been denounced by all of the major Islamic organizations in Britain.

Just more of your blatant lies about Islam and muslims. ...... :cool:
Britains most beloved Imam ANJEM CHOUDARY ---is sunni like you, or Shiite like ACHMADINEJAD-----you probably already know-------he is one of THEM-----Shiite......sorry if this factoid upsets you
Your so called factoid is retarded. .... :cuckoo:

Anjem Choudary is not Britian's most beloved Imam.

In fact, his mosque has about a dozen members, and he has been denounced by all of the major Islamic organizations in Britain.

Just more of your blatant lies about Islam and muslims. ...... :cool:

OH C'MON sunni baby------you know that remark was
tongue in cheek-------that bastard is in jail right now-----if da
computer can be trusted (????) It suddenly hit me that
he might not be sunni-------since he is not so charming as are you
Britains most beloved Imam ANJEM CHOUDARY ---is sunni like you, or Shiite like ACHMADINEJAD-----you probably already know-------he is one of THEM-----Shiite......sorry if this factoid upsets you
Your so called factoid is retarded. .... :cuckoo:

Anjem Choudary is not Britian's most beloved Imam.

In fact, his mosque has about a dozen members, and he has been denounced by all of the major Islamic organizations in Britain.

Just more of your blatant lies about Islam and muslims. ...... :cool:

Retarded are Muslims believing an Arab caveman who hijacked caravans was a freaking prophet. Not to mention his flying donkey and the 6-year-old “wife”
Muslims believe they do not go to paradise after death no matter how good their behavior Instead, Muslims rot in their graves until Judgment Day Which, of course, hasn’t arrived during 1400 years of Islam. So, Muslims live in constant fear

Sounds like a recipe for happiness, eh? LOL
Britains most beloved Imam ANJEM CHOUDARY ---is sunni like you, or Shiite like ACHMADINEJAD-----you probably already know-------he is one of THEM-----Shiite......sorry if this factoid upsets you
Your so called factoid is retarded. .... :cuckoo:

Anjem Choudary is not Britian's most beloved Imam.

In fact, his mosque has about a dozen members, and he has been denounced by all of the major Islamic organizations in Britain.

Just more of your blatant lies about Islam and muslims. ...... :cool:

OH C'MON sunni baby------you know that remark was
tongue in cheek-------that bastard is in jail right now-----if da
computer can be trusted (????) It suddenly hit me that
he might not be sunni-------since he is not so charming as are you

Sunni Muslims must follow the sunnah of Muhammad, from w
The Quran’s Impact on the World

Before the coming of Islam the world was in a state of oppression and injustice. Pre-Islamic Arabia was a dreadful place to live in as the Arabs were a people without any set moral values. Slavery was an economic institution of the Arabs. Male and female slaves were bought and sold like animals, and they formed the most depressed class of the Arabian society. Illiteracy was common among the Arabs, as were alcoholism and adultery. Those with power and money took advantage of the poor by charging 100 per cent interest on loans. Arabia was a male-dominated society, men could marry any number of women and when a man died, his son “inherited” all his wives except his own mother. Women had virtually no legal status, for example they had no right to possess property and had little to no inheritance rights. Female infanticide was widely practiced as they used to bury their daughters alive. I think you can appreciate why this period of Arab history before the dawn of Islam is known as the period of ignorance!

Can you imagine being tasked with reforming such a society? Have a think about how long it would take one person to cure all these social ills. One generation? Perhaps several generations? You may even view it as an impossible task. Just to give you an idea of the scale of the challenge, let’s look at an attempt in recent Western history to eradicate just one of these social ills, alcoholism. In 1920 the United States government passed a nationwide law to ban the sale, production, importation, and transportation of alcoholic beverages for moral and health reasons. This is commonly known as Prohibition and although consumption of alcohol fell at the beginning of Prohibition, it subsequently increased and led to other problems such as corruption and organised crime. The law was repealed in 1933. The failure of one of the most powerful governments in the world to tackle just a single social ill should make us reflect on the Qur’an. The Qur’an managed to completely reform not only alcoholism but all the social ills of Arabian society in a single generation, just 23 years! This was a revolution the likes of which the world has never witnessed.

Now perhaps you might be thinking to yourself, these social ills of Arabia were a result of the tribal nature of society and the harsh desert environment the Arabs dwelt in. But the fact is that even the super powers of the world at the time, the Byzantine and Persian Empires, who ruled much of the world between them, were also in a state of oppression and injustice.
The Quran’s Impact on the World

What reform? Koran sanctions rape of female slaves.

Koran permits polygamy, as many as 4 wives.

Koran sanctions striking disobedient wives,

Koran authorizes murder of non-Muslims.

Koran sanctions war against Christians and Jews.

Koran glorifies jihad holy war for the advancement of Islam.
Muslims believe they do not go to paradise after death no matter how good their behavior Instead, Muslims rot in their graves until Judgment Day Which, of course, hasn’t arrived during 1400 years of Islam. So, Muslims live in constant fear

Sounds like a recipe for happiness, eh? LOL
They are also buried sans coffin. They rot a little faster than Christians.
Thank you very much. While I can imagine some Muslims are nice, I believe it likely has more to do with the influence of a Judaeo/Christian biblical based ethics than trying to destroy "infidels".
Irosie's posts about Islam and muslims are very humorous. She knows just enough to sound knowledgable to the average person. But in reality, her posts are full of misinformation and many times just outright lies. .... :cool:

You know as much about Islam as needed to convert in the 10 seconds it takes

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