Happiness in Islam

This is the ancient mantra in the original language for those who would butcher and rape their way into paradise hoping to receive many cool gifts from God...

Owa Tana Siam, Owa Tana Siam, Owa Tana Siam, at least 5 times, 5 times a day..
English translation...O wat an ass I am.

Most muslims do not know how to speak or read or write
in Arabic----- they just mumble ---ASS UP

Arabic was a brand new language still being worked on when the Koran was written. Just that fact shows that doubts about the Koran and its origin are questionable. Why would God tell people something in a language they do not understand? Maybe because the translator was Muhammad?

Islam is bullshit through and through.

my understanding of Arabic is that it DESERT GIBBERISH ----with no alphabet until about 300 AD----when the Persian script was co opted in order to invent a written alphabet for the
barbaric mumbles of the Bedouin "ishmaelites". Muslims claim that the Koran is a FOREVER BOOK----that existed in the time of ADAM (address being "garden of eden")-----I have no idea how a book can be written in a language that does not exist------or ----its script does not exist------but that is islam------wanna know some more bullshit? BTW----adam also built the kAABA-----and reached up into the sky and grabbed a Meteor-----so that the arabs would have something to worship----and even kiss------and whatever else they do to themselves on that ROCK (I'd rather not thing about it----but better the ROCK than some nine year old kid)

The point is that Arabic is used as another excuse. You can say kill all who do not believe in any language.

God is an Arab and understands only Arabic LOL
I see my post was edited. It says it was offensive. Dear mods the truth is not offensive, it is the truth. Muhammad was a pedophile.

Islamic custom of child marriage is based on Muhammad’s own marriage to a child Very depraved culture

The Quran’s Impact on the World (2)

Pope Gregory I, head of the Catholic Church and a contemporary of Prophet Muhammad, had this to say:

“What is there now, I ask of delight in this world? Everywhere we observe strife; fields are depopulated, the land has returned to solitude…And yet the blows of Divine justice have no end, because among the blows those guilty of evil acts are not corrected…”​

Gregory was referring to the oppression and tyranny he was facing at the hands of the Germanic Lombards and he was bemoaning the pitiful condition of his world, the world of the city of Rome. The Pope was not alone in his grief, as almost every society in the world was experiencing some oppression and injustice.
Syrian Orthodox Christians were witnessing heavy persecution due to their differences with the ruling Byzantine Church.
The Egyptian Coptic Church was also under the persecution of the Byzantines and Jews were on the brink of extinction at the hands of the Catholic Church in Spain.

It was against this backdrop that the Qur’an was revealed, transforming not only Arabia but also the rest of world.
Muslims believe they do not go to paradise after death no matter how good their behavior Instead, Muslims rot in their graves until Judgment Day Which, of course, hasn’t arrived during 1400 years of Islam. So, Muslims live in constant fear

Sounds like a recipe for happiness, eh? LOL

not the muslims I have known (lots) Going to Jannah is
a NOW thing------just tie a bomb to your ass and blow up
in Tel Aviv------and you are TRANSPORTED TO JANNAH
forthwith -----there is a period of time that Jinns try to bite
you if your body is neglected
I see my post was edited. It says it was offensive. Dear mods the truth is not offensive, it is the truth. Muhammad was a pedophile.

Islamic custom of child marriage is based on Muhammad’s own marriage to a child Very depraved culture

the problem muslims have in disposing of child marriage is that MUHUMMAD DID IT------muslims cannot bring themselves to admit that muhummad did anything NOT WONDERFUL
The Quran’s Impact on the World (2)

Pope Gregory I, head of the Catholic Church and a contemporary of Prophet Muhammad, had this to say:

“What is there now, I ask of delight in this world? Everywhere we observe strife; fields are depopulated, the land has returned to solitude…And yet the blows of Divine justice have no end, because among the blows those guilty of evil acts are not corrected…”​

Gregory was referring to the oppression and tyranny he was facing at the hands of the Germanic Lombards and he was bemoaning the pitiful condition of his world, the world of the city of Rome. The Pope was not alone in his grief, as almost every society in the world was experiencing some oppression and injustice.
Syrian Orthodox Christians were witnessing heavy persecution due to their differences with the ruling Byzantine Church.
The Egyptian Coptic Church was also under the persecution of the Byzantines and Jews were on the brink of extinction at the hands of the Catholic Church in Spain.

It was against this backdrop that the Qur’an was revealed, transforming not only Arabia but also the rest of world.

the Koran was the galvanizing force for the most massive genocides the world had seen to that point------and since-----
dead bodies NOT IN THE MILLIONS---but in the hundreds of
millions. ----and now---still counting.
The Quran’s Impact on the World (2)

Pope Gregory I, head of the Catholic Church and a contemporary of Prophet Muhammad, had this to say:

“What is there now, I ask of delight in this world? Everywhere we observe strife; fields are depopulated, the land has returned to solitude…And yet the blows of Divine justice have no end, because among the blows those guilty of evil acts are not corrected…”​

Gregory was referring to the oppression and tyranny he was facing at the hands of the Germanic Lombards and he was bemoaning the pitiful condition of his world, the world of the city of Rome. The Pope was not alone in his grief, as almost every society in the world was experiencing some oppression and injustice.
Syrian Orthodox Christians were witnessing heavy persecution due to their differences with the ruling Byzantine Church.
The Egyptian Coptic Church was also under the persecution of the Byzantines and Jews were on the brink of extinction at the hands of the Catholic Church in Spain.

It was against this backdrop that the Qur’an was revealed, transforming not only Arabia but also the rest of world.

the Koran was the galvanizing force for the most massive genocides the world had seen to that point------and since-----
dead bodies NOT IN THE MILLIONS---but in the hundreds of
millions. ----and now---still counting.

Koran was simply Muhammad’s narcissistic outlet, from ranting about relatives and others who didn’t believe his bullshit prophetic “messages” to the bullshit prophetic “messages” themselves to his sock puppet Allah permitting unlimited wives including his incestuous marriage to a former daughter-in-law and looting caravans and benefitting financially. I could go on, but the Koran is a complete scam according to scholars
Last edited:
I see my post was edited. It says it was offensive. Dear mods the truth is not offensive, it is the truth. Muhammad was a pedophile.

Islamic custom of child marriage is based on Muhammad’s own marriage to a child Very depraved culture

the problem muslims have in disposing of child marriage is that MUHUMMAD DID IT------muslims cannot bring themselves to admit that muhummad did anything NOT WONDERFUL

Yes, Muhammad is idealized as Islam’s Perfect Man, however, many Muslims are unaware of the sordid details of his life
Muslims believe they do not go to paradise after death no matter how good their behavior Instead, Muslims rot in their graves until Judgment Day Which, of course, hasn’t arrived during 1400 years of Islam. So, Muslims live in constant fear

Sounds like a recipe for happiness, eh? LOL

not the muslims I have known (lots) Going to Jannah is
a NOW thing------just tie a bomb to your ass and blow up
in Tel Aviv------and you are TRANSPORTED TO JANNAH
forthwith -----there is a period of time that Jinns try to bite
you if your body is neglected

Standard Islamic belief is Muslims do not even have a chance for paradise until Judgment Day. Until such time, every Muslim since Islam’s inception is rotting in their graves until everyone is resurrected and judged
Muslims believe they do not go to paradise after death no matter how good their behavior Instead, Muslims rot in their graves until Judgment Day Which, of course, hasn’t arrived during 1400 years of Islam. So, Muslims live in constant fear

Sounds like a recipe for happiness, eh? LOL

not the muslims I have known (lots) Going to Jannah is
a NOW thing------just tie a bomb to your ass and blow up
in Tel Aviv------and you are TRANSPORTED TO JANNAH
forthwith -----there is a period of time that Jinns try to bite
you if your body is neglected

Standard Islamic belief is Muslims do not even have a chance for paradise until Judgment Day. Until such time, every Muslim since Islam’s inception is rotting in their graves until everyone is resurrected and judged

the greatest modern day saints of islam----like Wafa Idris who tied a bomb to her ass with the mission to kill as many jewish children as she could -----is always depicted
to muslim children as joyfully romping in Jannah NOW-----something like Mary on a thrown up there in HEAVEN. ----
eternal bliss. Judgement day not withstanding. I have
never heard of your version as an absolute----WAIT UNTIL
JUDGEMENT DAY or your concept of rotting-------Muhummad never rotted--------he has palaces in JANNAH------and raisins
before getting a permanent address in Jannah-----dead muslims have Jinns nipping at their toes
Muslims believe they do not go to paradise after death no matter how good their behavior Instead, Muslims rot in their graves until Judgment Day Which, of course, hasn’t arrived during 1400 years of Islam. So, Muslims live in constant fear

Sounds like a recipe for happiness, eh? LOL

not the muslims I have known (lots) Going to Jannah is
a NOW thing------just tie a bomb to your ass and blow up
in Tel Aviv------and you are TRANSPORTED TO JANNAH
forthwith -----there is a period of time that Jinns try to bite
you if your body is neglected

Standard Islamic belief is Muslims do not even have a chance for paradise until Judgment Day. Until such time, every Muslim since Islam’s inception is rotting in their graves until everyone is resurrected and judged

the greatest modern day saints of islam----like Wafa Idris who tied a bomb to her ass with the mission to kill as many jewish children as she could -----is always depicted
to muslim children as joyfully romping in Jannah NOW-----something like Mary on a thrown up there in HEAVEN. ----
eternal bliss. Judgement day not withstanding. I have
never heard of your version as an absolute----WAIT UNTIL
JUDGEMENT DAY or your concept of rotting-------Muhummad never rotted--------he has palaces in JANNAH------and raisins
Muslims believe they do not go to paradise after death no matter how good their behavior Instead, Muslims rot in their graves until Judgment Day Which, of course, hasn’t arrived during 1400 years of Islam. So, Muslims live in constant fear

Sounds like a recipe for happiness, eh? LOL

not the muslims I have known (lots) Going to Jannah is
a NOW thing------just tie a bomb to your ass and blow up
in Tel Aviv------and you are TRANSPORTED TO JANNAH
forthwith -----there is a period of time that Jinns try to bite
you if your body is neglected

Standard Islamic belief is Muslims do not even have a chance for paradise until Judgment Day. Until such time, every Muslim since Islam’s inception is rotting in their graves until everyone is resurrected and judged

the greatest modern day saints of islam----like Wafa Idris who tied a bomb to her ass with the mission to kill as many jewish children as she could -----is always depicted
to muslim children as joyfully romping in Jannah NOW-----something like Mary on a thrown up there in HEAVEN. ----
eternal bliss. Judgement day not withstanding. I have
never heard of your version as an absolute----WAIT UNTIL
JUDGEMENT DAY or your concept of rotting-------Muhummad never rotted--------he has palaces in JANNAH------and raisins

Judgment Day is a major belief in Islam, stolen, of course, from Judaism. Only on JD are all Muslims, since the beginning of Islam, judged for paradise or hell Since they’re buried, rotting is only natural, until they’re resurrected and called to account

I believe the constant uncertainty of paradise and the attendant fear leads many Muslims to be mentally ill
Muslims believe they do not go to paradise after death no matter how good their behavior Instead, Muslims rot in their graves until Judgment Day Which, of course, hasn’t arrived during 1400 years of Islam. So, Muslims live in constant fear

Sounds like a recipe for happiness, eh? LOL

not the muslims I have known (lots) Going to Jannah is
a NOW thing------just tie a bomb to your ass and blow up
in Tel Aviv------and you are TRANSPORTED TO JANNAH
forthwith -----there is a period of time that Jinns try to bite
you if your body is neglected

Standard Islamic belief is Muslims do not even have a chance for paradise until Judgment Day. Until such time, every Muslim since Islam’s inception is rotting in their graves until everyone is resurrected and judged

the greatest modern day saints of islam----like Wafa Idris who tied a bomb to her ass with the mission to kill as many jewish children as she could -----is always depicted
to muslim children as joyfully romping in Jannah NOW-----something like Mary on a thrown up there in HEAVEN. ----
eternal bliss. Judgement day not withstanding. I have
never heard of your version as an absolute----WAIT UNTIL
JUDGEMENT DAY or your concept of rotting-------Muhummad never rotted--------he has palaces in JANNAH------and raisins
Muslims believe they do not go to paradise after death no matter how good their behavior Instead, Muslims rot in their graves until Judgment Day Which, of course, hasn’t arrived during 1400 years of Islam. So, Muslims live in constant fear

Sounds like a recipe for happiness, eh? LOL

not the muslims I have known (lots) Going to Jannah is
a NOW thing------just tie a bomb to your ass and blow up
in Tel Aviv------and you are TRANSPORTED TO JANNAH
forthwith -----there is a period of time that Jinns try to bite
you if your body is neglected

Standard Islamic belief is Muslims do not even have a chance for paradise until Judgment Day. Until such time, every Muslim since Islam’s inception is rotting in their graves until everyone is resurrected and judged

the greatest modern day saints of islam----like Wafa Idris who tied a bomb to her ass with the mission to kill as many jewish children as she could -----is always depicted
to muslim children as joyfully romping in Jannah NOW-----something like Mary on a thrown up there in HEAVEN. ----
eternal bliss. Judgement day not withstanding. I have
never heard of your version as an absolute----WAIT UNTIL
JUDGEMENT DAY or your concept of rotting-------Muhummad never rotted--------he has palaces in JANNAH------and raisins

Judgment Day is a major belief in Islam, stolen, of course, from Judaism. Only on JD are all Muslims, since the beginning of Islam, judged for paradise or hell Since they’re buried, rotting is only natural, until they’re resurrected and called to account

I believe the constant uncertainty of paradise and the attendant fear leads many Muslims to be mentally ill

I tried to find this "rot in the grave till judgement day" thing
by google------but could not. I still do not believe that the BIG MO is not YET IN JANNAH. --------uhm------happily residing in the big yeshiva in the sky with the great sages----
is not reserved till JD as far as I know. Dante has a highly populated hell and heaven----ALREADY MADE
Muslims believe they do not go to paradise after death no matter how good their behavior Instead, Muslims rot in their graves until Judgment Day Which, of course, hasn’t arrived during 1400 years of Islam. So, Muslims live in constant fear

Sounds like a recipe for happiness, eh? LOL

not the muslims I have known (lots) Going to Jannah is
a NOW thing------just tie a bomb to your ass and blow up
in Tel Aviv------and you are TRANSPORTED TO JANNAH
forthwith -----there is a period of time that Jinns try to bite
you if your body is neglected

Standard Islamic belief is Muslims do not even have a chance for paradise until Judgment Day. Until such time, every Muslim since Islam’s inception is rotting in their graves until everyone is resurrected and judged

the greatest modern day saints of islam----like Wafa Idris who tied a bomb to her ass with the mission to kill as many jewish children as she could -----is always depicted
to muslim children as joyfully romping in Jannah NOW-----something like Mary on a thrown up there in HEAVEN. ----
eternal bliss. Judgement day not withstanding. I have
never heard of your version as an absolute----WAIT UNTIL
JUDGEMENT DAY or your concept of rotting-------Muhummad never rotted--------he has palaces in JANNAH------and raisins
Muslims believe they do not go to paradise after death no matter how good their behavior Instead, Muslims rot in their graves until Judgment Day Which, of course, hasn’t arrived during 1400 years of Islam. So, Muslims live in constant fear

Sounds like a recipe for happiness, eh? LOL

not the muslims I have known (lots) Going to Jannah is
a NOW thing------just tie a bomb to your ass and blow up
in Tel Aviv------and you are TRANSPORTED TO JANNAH
forthwith -----there is a period of time that Jinns try to bite
you if your body is neglected

Standard Islamic belief is Muslims do not even have a chance for paradise until Judgment Day. Until such time, every Muslim since Islam’s inception is rotting in their graves until everyone is resurrected and judged

the greatest modern day saints of islam----like Wafa Idris who tied a bomb to her ass with the mission to kill as many jewish children as she could -----is always depicted
to muslim children as joyfully romping in Jannah NOW-----something like Mary on a thrown up there in HEAVEN. ----
eternal bliss. Judgement day not withstanding. I have
never heard of your version as an absolute----WAIT UNTIL
JUDGEMENT DAY or your concept of rotting-------Muhummad never rotted--------he has palaces in JANNAH------and raisins

Judgment Day is a major belief in Islam, stolen, of course, from Judaism. Only on JD are all Muslims, since the beginning of Islam, judged for paradise or hell Since they’re buried, rotting is only natural, until they’re resurrected and called to account

I believe the constant uncertainty of paradise and the attendant fear leads many Muslims to be mentally ill

I tried to find this "rot in the grave till judgement day" thing
by google------but could not. I still do not believe that the BIG MO is not YET IN JANNAH. --------uhm------happily residing in the big yeshiva in the sky with the great sages----
is not reserved till JD as far as I know. Dante has a highly populated hell and heaven----ALREADY MADE

Does the torment of the grave continue until the Day of Resurrection? - islamqa.info
not the muslims I have known (lots) Going to Jannah is
a NOW thing------just tie a bomb to your ass and blow up
in Tel Aviv------and you are TRANSPORTED TO JANNAH
forthwith -----there is a period of time that Jinns try to bite
you if your body is neglected

Standard Islamic belief is Muslims do not even have a chance for paradise until Judgment Day. Until such time, every Muslim since Islam’s inception is rotting in their graves until everyone is resurrected and judged

the greatest modern day saints of islam----like Wafa Idris who tied a bomb to her ass with the mission to kill as many jewish children as she could -----is always depicted
to muslim children as joyfully romping in Jannah NOW-----something like Mary on a thrown up there in HEAVEN. ----
eternal bliss. Judgement day not withstanding. I have
never heard of your version as an absolute----WAIT UNTIL
JUDGEMENT DAY or your concept of rotting-------Muhummad never rotted--------he has palaces in JANNAH------and raisins
not the muslims I have known (lots) Going to Jannah is
a NOW thing------just tie a bomb to your ass and blow up
in Tel Aviv------and you are TRANSPORTED TO JANNAH
forthwith -----there is a period of time that Jinns try to bite
you if your body is neglected

Standard Islamic belief is Muslims do not even have a chance for paradise until Judgment Day. Until such time, every Muslim since Islam’s inception is rotting in their graves until everyone is resurrected and judged

the greatest modern day saints of islam----like Wafa Idris who tied a bomb to her ass with the mission to kill as many jewish children as she could -----is always depicted
to muslim children as joyfully romping in Jannah NOW-----something like Mary on a thrown up there in HEAVEN. ----
eternal bliss. Judgement day not withstanding. I have
never heard of your version as an absolute----WAIT UNTIL
JUDGEMENT DAY or your concept of rotting-------Muhummad never rotted--------he has palaces in JANNAH------and raisins

Judgment Day is a major belief in Islam, stolen, of course, from Judaism. Only on JD are all Muslims, since the beginning of Islam, judged for paradise or hell Since they’re buried, rotting is only natural, until they’re resurrected and called to account

I believe the constant uncertainty of paradise and the attendant fear leads many Muslims to be mentally ill

I tried to find this "rot in the grave till judgement day" thing
by google------but could not. I still do not believe that the BIG MO is not YET IN JANNAH. --------uhm------happily residing in the big yeshiva in the sky with the great sages----
is not reserved till JD as far as I know. Dante has a highly populated hell and heaven----ALREADY MADE

Does the torment of the grave continue until the Day of Resurrection? - islamqa.info

thanks-----so either you IMAGINE YOU ARE IN JANNAH
(or in Jahhanam) until you finally get there or you actually get there right away -----SAME THING
Standard Islamic belief is Muslims do not even have a chance for paradise until Judgment Day. Until such time, every Muslim since Islam’s inception is rotting in their graves until everyone is resurrected and judged

the greatest modern day saints of islam----like Wafa Idris who tied a bomb to her ass with the mission to kill as many jewish children as she could -----is always depicted
to muslim children as joyfully romping in Jannah NOW-----something like Mary on a thrown up there in HEAVEN. ----
eternal bliss. Judgement day not withstanding. I have
never heard of your version as an absolute----WAIT UNTIL
JUDGEMENT DAY or your concept of rotting-------Muhummad never rotted--------he has palaces in JANNAH------and raisins
Standard Islamic belief is Muslims do not even have a chance for paradise until Judgment Day. Until such time, every Muslim since Islam’s inception is rotting in their graves until everyone is resurrected and judged

the greatest modern day saints of islam----like Wafa Idris who tied a bomb to her ass with the mission to kill as many jewish children as she could -----is always depicted
to muslim children as joyfully romping in Jannah NOW-----something like Mary on a thrown up there in HEAVEN. ----
eternal bliss. Judgement day not withstanding. I have
never heard of your version as an absolute----WAIT UNTIL
JUDGEMENT DAY or your concept of rotting-------Muhummad never rotted--------he has palaces in JANNAH------and raisins

Judgment Day is a major belief in Islam, stolen, of course, from Judaism. Only on JD are all Muslims, since the beginning of Islam, judged for paradise or hell Since they’re buried, rotting is only natural, until they’re resurrected and called to account

I believe the constant uncertainty of paradise and the attendant fear leads many Muslims to be mentally ill

I tried to find this "rot in the grave till judgement day" thing
by google------but could not. I still do not believe that the BIG MO is not YET IN JANNAH. --------uhm------happily residing in the big yeshiva in the sky with the great sages----
is not reserved till JD as far as I know. Dante has a highly populated hell and heaven----ALREADY MADE

Does the torment of the grave continue until the Day of Resurrection? - islamqa.info

thanks-----so either you IMAGINE YOU ARE IN JANNAH
(or in Jahhanam) until you finally get there or you actually get there right away -----SAME THING

There is no fasttrack to paradise in Islam even for good behavior. You must wait until you’re resurrected on Judgment Day. So, all Muslims for 1400 years are in their graves waiting Sucks to be Muslim!
the greatest modern day saints of islam----like Wafa Idris who tied a bomb to her ass with the mission to kill as many jewish children as she could -----is always depicted
to muslim children as joyfully romping in Jannah NOW-----something like Mary on a thrown up there in HEAVEN. ----
eternal bliss. Judgement day not withstanding. I have
never heard of your version as an absolute----WAIT UNTIL
JUDGEMENT DAY or your concept of rotting-------Muhummad never rotted--------he has palaces in JANNAH------and raisins
the greatest modern day saints of islam----like Wafa Idris who tied a bomb to her ass with the mission to kill as many jewish children as she could -----is always depicted
to muslim children as joyfully romping in Jannah NOW-----something like Mary on a thrown up there in HEAVEN. ----
eternal bliss. Judgement day not withstanding. I have
never heard of your version as an absolute----WAIT UNTIL
JUDGEMENT DAY or your concept of rotting-------Muhummad never rotted--------he has palaces in JANNAH------and raisins

Judgment Day is a major belief in Islam, stolen, of course, from Judaism. Only on JD are all Muslims, since the beginning of Islam, judged for paradise or hell Since they’re buried, rotting is only natural, until they’re resurrected and called to account

I believe the constant uncertainty of paradise and the attendant fear leads many Muslims to be mentally ill

I tried to find this "rot in the grave till judgement day" thing
by google------but could not. I still do not believe that the BIG MO is not YET IN JANNAH. --------uhm------happily residing in the big yeshiva in the sky with the great sages----
is not reserved till JD as far as I know. Dante has a highly populated hell and heaven----ALREADY MADE

Does the torment of the grave continue until the Day of Resurrection? - islamqa.info

thanks-----so either you IMAGINE YOU ARE IN JANNAH
(or in Jahhanam) until you finally get there or you actually get there right away -----SAME THING

There is no fasttrack to paradise in Islam even for good behavior. You must wait until you’re resurrected on Judgment Day. So, all Muslims for 1400 years are in their graves waiting Sucks to be Muslim!

That is not what I have heard or read. ------I doubt it is a
majority opinion amongst the geniuses of Al Azhar-----if it
is they are not telling that stuff to the "simple folk"
There is no fasttrack to paradise in Islam even for good behavior. You must wait until you’re resurrected on Judgment Day.
Christian's also must wait for Judgement Day to be resurrected from the grave according to the Bible.

So what's your point? ...... :dunno:

No. In Christianity, salvation and heaven for righteous behavior are immediate.

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