Happiness in Islam

Islamic bookstores do not sell the Bible.
Christian and Jewish bookstores don't sell the Qur'an.

So what's your point? ..... :dunno:

Jews and Christians are not discouraged from reading the Koran,

Muslims are discouraged from reading the Bible. Muslims are deeply insecure Ruling on studying the books of the People of the Book for the purpose of da‘wah (calling them to Islam), and the ruling on studying comparative religion. - islamqa.info

"discouraged from reading the bible" In shariah shit holes---
a non muslim who gives a bible to a muslim is subject to the death penalty

Muslims claim the Bible was falsified BUT in 1400 years have provided no proof for this false claim Ask Muslims how this allegedly occurred and when, and they have no idea.

“Allah” waited 500+ years after the Gospels to correct the falsified Gospels with the “correct” Koran? Why not correct them immediately? The whole Islam thing is ridiculous!

The Bible is banned for Muslims because of the fear that they will learn that the Koran (ie Muhammad) copied from it and with many variances, discrepancies and errors in the Koran,
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Islamic bookstores do not sell the Bible.
Christian and Jewish bookstores don't sell the Qur'an.

So what's your point? ..... :dunno:

Jews and Christians are not discouraged from reading the Koran,

Muslims are discouraged from reading the Bible. Muslims are deeply insecure Ruling on studying the books of the People of the Book for the purpose of da‘wah (calling them to Islam), and the ruling on studying comparative religion. - islamqa.info

"discouraged from reading the bible" In shariah shit holes---
a non muslim who gives a bible to a muslim is subject to the death penalty

Get this: Muslims revere the so-called Gospel of Barnabas, sold in Islamic bookstores, as the authentic Islamic Gospel Just 1 problem: It’s a proven forgery, originally written in Italian. When did Italian become an Islamic language? LOL

These people are a hoot!
Islamic bookstores do not sell the Bible.
Christian and Jewish bookstores don't sell the Qur'an.

So what's your point? ..... :dunno:

I have at least seven copies of the NOBLE BOOK OF KHARAH-------fellow posters----never BUY that thing-----they are given out like handbills for the latest circus---free of charge and you can pick the up at any book dump labeled "FREE BOOKS".
Those muslims who insist that they MUST send you a copy---
do not give out your mailing address

Koran claims an Injil (Gospel) was revealed to Jesus Ask Muslims where this alleged Injil is and they have no idea Some claim Gospel of Barnabas, a forgery written around 1500 AD, is the Injil. Absurd!

Scholars believe Muhammad, who wrote the Koran, was confused and thought the Gospels were revealed to Jesus, clueless that they are biographies about Jesus written decades after Jesus. Oops!
I was but 19 when I first stumbled into the ISLAMIC POV---regarding the forgery which is the bible. ----me, college student----wording in large, semi rural hospital as a weekend clerk---short and taciturn. -------the young doc interns ----who hailed from south-east asia----liked to talk to me. -----probably based on my long hair and short stature------I looked almost human to them (the area was full of 5' 7" scary blond farmers' daughters) THEY wanted to TEACH me all about the "beauty of islam" That the bible is a gross forgery is an ABSOLUTE belief in muslim countries-------something like "....COLUMBUS
SAILED THE OCEAN BLUE...." -----the teaching that muslim kids know at age four is-----the "bible"---ie OT AND NT exist for one purpose-----"GROSS LIES THAT EXIST ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISPUTING ISLAM"---written by "LIARS" (ie Christians and Joos) ---by "THE ENEMIES OF ISLAAAAM"---and constantly revised by the "evil priests and rabbis" There is no arguing with this "FACT"
The reason why Democrats and Muslims adore each other so much is because they are both hate filled brainwashed fanatics
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I was but 19 when I first stumbled into the ISLAMIC POV---regarding the forgery which is the bible. ----me, college student----wording in large, semi rural hospital as a weekend clerk---short and taciturn. -------the young doc interns ----who hailed from south-east asia----liked to talk to me. -----probably based on my long hair and short stature------I looked almost human to them (the area was full of 5' 7" scary blond farmers' daughters) THEY wanted to TEACH me all about the "beauty of islam" That the bible is a gross forgery is an ABSOLUTE belief in muslim countries-------something like "....COLUMBUS
SAILED THE OCEAN BLUE...." -----the teaching that muslim kids know at age four is-----the "bible"---ie OT AND NT exist for one purpose-----"GROSS LIES THAT EXIST ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISPUTING ISLAM"---written by "LIARS" (ie Christians and Joos) ---by "THE ENEMIES OF ISLAAAAM"---and constantly revised by the "evil priests and rabbis" There is no arguing with this "FACT"
I was but 19 when I first stumbled into the ISLAMIC POV---regarding the forgery which is the bible. ----me, college student----wording in large, semi rural hospital as a weekend clerk---short and taciturn. -------the young doc interns ----who hailed from south-east asia----liked to talk to me. -----probably based on my long hair and short stature------I looked almost human to them (the area was full of 5' 7" scary blond farmers' daughters) THEY wanted to TEACH me all about the "beauty of islam" That the bible is a gross forgery is an ABSOLUTE belief in muslim countries-------something like "....COLUMBUS
SAILED THE OCEAN BLUE...." -----the teaching that muslim kids know at age four is-----the "bible"---ie OT AND NT exist for one purpose-----"GROSS LIES THAT EXIST ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISPUTING ISLAM"---written by "LIARS" (ie Christians and Joos) ---by "THE ENEMIES OF ISLAAAAM"---and constantly revised by the "evil priests and rabbis" There is no arguing with this "FACT"

Facts are irrelevant to Muslims. Gospels were completed about 100 AD; Koran was completed about 650 AD, 500+ years later. If Gospels were falsified, why did Allah wait so long to “correct” them with the Koran? Makes no sense!
The reason why Democrats and Muslims adore each other so much because they are both hate filled brainwashed fanatics
Democrats may adore Muslims, but believe me, Muslims do not adore Democrats.

They are just useful idiots. ..... :cool:

Funny: Muslims calling others idiots. Meanwhile, Muslims believe a Jesus body-double was REALLY crucified, as portrayed in the “infallible” Koran.
The reason why Democrats and Muslims adore each other so much because they are both hate filled brainwashed fanatics
Democrats may adore Muslims, but believe me, Muslims do not adore Democrats.

They are just useful idiots. ..... :cool:

Muslims believe Muhammad, a caveman who robbed caravans and claimed to travel on a flying donkey, was a prophet Who are the idiots, after all?
Jews and Christians are not discouraged from reading the Koran, Muslims are discouraged from reading the Bible. Muslims are deeply insecure Ruling on studying the books of the People of the Book for the purpose of da‘wah (calling them to Islam), and the ruling on studying comparative religion. - islamqa.info
Just one scholars opinion. Not a legal ruling. ..... :cool:

Funny: Muslims claim the Bible is a forgery, with absolutely no evidence, BUT revere Gospel of Barnabas, an actual forgery, as the true Islamic Gospel. LOL
Jews and Christians are not discouraged from reading the Koran, Muslims are discouraged from reading the Bible. Muslims are deeply insecure Ruling on studying the books of the People of the Book for the purpose of da‘wah (calling them to Islam), and the ruling on studying comparative religion. - islamqa.info
Just one scholars opinion. Not a legal ruling. ..... :cool:

the issue is really not the thumb twiddling yammerings of this or that imam dog-----the REAL ISSUE IS PRACTICE. It is fact that in shariah shit holes-----a dhimmi can be executed for so much as touching a Koran------and a whole village can go down if the dhimmi gives a bible to a muslim. To know islam -----learn Islamic "law"----as PRACTICED
It was against this backdrop that the Qur’an was revealed, transforming not only Arabia but also the rest of world. One of the reasons for the revelation of the Qur’an was to bring mankind out of this state of oppression and injustice.

The Qur’an proclaimed loud and clear:

[This is] a Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that you might bring mankind out of darknesses into the light by permission of their Lord – to the path of the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy.” The Qur’an 14:1​

Peace and justice was not only delivered to the Arabs, but the whole world reaped the fruits of this blessing from God. As we will see, the peace and justice emanating from the Islamic system produced some of the most civilised societies in the history of mankind.
[QUOTE="Ancient lion,

Peace and justice was not only delivered to the Arabs, but the whole world reaped the fruits of this blessing from God. As we will see, the peace and justice emanating from the Islamic system produced some of the most civilised societies in the history of mankind.[/QUOTE]

name one
It was against this backdrop that the Qur’an was revealed, transforming not only Arabia but also the rest of world. One of the reasons for the revelation of the Qur’an was to bring mankind out of this state of oppression and injustice.

The Qur’an proclaimed loud and clear:

[This is] a Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that you might bring mankind out of darknesses into the light by permission of their Lord – to the path of the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy.” The Qur’an 14:1​

Peace and justice was not only delivered to the Arabs, but the whole world reaped the fruits of this blessing from God. As we will see, the peace and justice emanating from the Islamic system produced some of the most civilised societies in the history of mankind.

Koran sanctions rape of female slaves and wife-beating and polygamy and war and terrorism against non-Muslims. Koran is a scourge on the civilized world
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It was against this backdrop that the Qur’an was revealed, transforming not only Arabia but also the rest of world. One of the reasons for the revelation of the Qur’an was to bring mankind out of this state of oppression and injustice.

The Qur’an proclaimed loud and clear:

[This is] a Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that you might bring mankind out of darknesses into the light by permission of their Lord – to the path of the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy.” The Qur’an 14:1​

Peace and justice was not only delivered to the Arabs, but the whole world reaped the fruits of this blessing from God. As we will see, the peace and justice emanating from the Islamic system produced some of the most civilised societies in the history of mankind.

Only fools believe the Koran was revealed by God. Muhammad’s own peeps knew what scholars have long-known: Koran was simply Muhammad’s poor attempt to recycle the Bible for Arabs ⤵️


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It was against this backdrop that the Qur’an was revealed, transforming not only Arabia but also the rest of world. One of the reasons for the revelation of the Qur’an was to bring mankind out of this state of oppression and injustice.

The Qur’an proclaimed loud and clear:

[This is] a Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that you might bring mankind out of darknesses into the light by permission of their Lord – to the path of the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy.” The Qur’an 14:1​

Peace and justice was not only delivered to the Arabs, but the whole world reaped the fruits of this blessing from God. As we will see, the peace and justice emanating from the Islamic system produced some of the most civilised societies in the history of mankind.

Koran sanctions rape of female slaves and wife-beating and polygamy and war and terrorism against non-Muslims. Koran is a scourge on the civilized world

but consider how CIVILIZED it made arabs
It was against this backdrop that the Qur’an was revealed, transforming not only Arabia but also the rest of world. One of the reasons for the revelation of the Qur’an was to bring mankind out of this state of oppression and injustice.

The Qur’an proclaimed loud and clear:

[This is] a Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that you might bring mankind out of darknesses into the light by permission of their Lord – to the path of the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy.” The Qur’an 14:1​

Peace and justice was not only delivered to the Arabs, but the whole world reaped the fruits of this blessing from God. As we will see, the peace and justice emanating from the Islamic system produced some of the most civilised societies in the history of mankind.

Koran sanctions rape of female slaves and wife-beating and polygamy and war and terrorism against non-Muslims. Koran is a scourge on the civilized world

but consider how CIVILIZED it made arabs

Muhammad and his Arab thugs were caravan robbers Civilized?

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