Happiness in Islam


Like Syria, Egypt was also governed by the Byzantines. The ruling Byzantine Church was utterly against the existence of any doctrinal dissent. The Egyptians were mostly Jacobite Christians and did not agree with the Byzantine version of Christianity. The result of this disagreement was heavy persecution at the hands of the ruling elite. The eminent British orientalist and historian Thomas Arnold summarised the situation as follows:

“The Jacobites, who formed the majority of the Christian population, had been very roughly handled by the Orthodox adherents of the court and subjected to indignities that have not been forgotten by their children even to the present day. Some were tortured and then thrown into the sea; many followed their Patriarch into exile to escape from the hands of their persecutors, while a large number disguised their real opinions under a pretended acceptance of the Council of Chalcedon.”

When the Muslims arrived in Egypt, lead by ‘Amr bin al-‘Aas, a contemporary of Prophet Muhammad and close companion of his, they were greeted as liberators and the Egyptian Coptic Christians even supported their intervention. John of Nikiu (690 CE), a Coptic bishop in Nikiu (Egypt), asserted that one of the reasons for the Muslim success in Egypt was the hatred of the masses for the Byzantines and that the Egyptians not only refused to fight the Muslims, they actually supported the conquest:

“When Muslims saw the weakness of the Romans and the hostility of the people to the emperor Heraclius because of the persecution wherewith he had visited all the land of Egypt in regard to the orthodox faith at the instigation of Cyrus the Chalcedonian Patriarch [in office 631/2-41], they became bolder and stronger in the war…And people began to help the Muslims.”

Like Syria, Egypt was also governed by the Byzantines. The ruling Byzantine Church was utterly against the existence of any doctrinal dissent. The Egyptians were mostly Jacobite Christians and did not agree with the Byzantine version of Christianity. The result of this disagreement was heavy persecution at the hands of the ruling elite. The eminent British orientalist and historian Thomas Arnold summarised the situation as follows:

“The Jacobites, who formed the majority of the Christian population, had been very roughly handled by the Orthodox adherents of the court and subjected to indignities that have not been forgotten by their children even to the present day. Some were tortured and then thrown into the sea; many followed their Patriarch into exile to escape from the hands of their persecutors, while a large number disguised their real opinions under a pretended acceptance of the Council of Chalcedon.”

When the Muslims arrived in Egypt, lead by ‘Amr bin al-‘Aas, a contemporary of Prophet Muhammad and close companion of his, they were greeted as liberators and the Egyptian Coptic Christians even supported their intervention. John of Nikiu (690 CE), a Coptic bishop in Nikiu (Egypt), asserted that one of the reasons for the Muslim success in Egypt was the hatred of the masses for the Byzantines and that the Egyptians not only refused to fight the Muslims, they actually supported the conquest:

“When Muslims saw the weakness of the Romans and the hostility of the people to the emperor Heraclius because of the persecution wherewith he had visited all the land of Egypt in regard to the orthodox faith at the instigation of Cyrus the Chalcedonian Patriarch [in office 631/2-41], they became bolder and stronger in the war…And people began to help the Muslims.”

SO? Lots of the Afghanis were DELIGHTED with the TALIBAN PIGS-----for awhile. Long ago when I was young----I worked with a fairly young Iranian Doc------he was delighted with the over throw of the SHAH---for awhile, too. Now muslims in Egypt are slaughtering Christians---_WHOLE SALE (anyone interested--there are lots of Copts in the USA-------if you find one who will trust you not to rat him out to the muslims----he will tell you what really goes on there and has been going on for

Like Syria, Egypt was also governed by the Byzantines. The ruling Byzantine Church was utterly against the existence of any doctrinal dissent. The Egyptians were mostly Jacobite Christians and did not agree with the Byzantine version of Christianity. The result of this disagreement was heavy persecution at the hands of the ruling elite. The eminent British orientalist and historian Thomas Arnold summarised the situation as follows:

“The Jacobites, who formed the majority of the Christian population, had been very roughly handled by the Orthodox adherents of the court and subjected to indignities that have not been forgotten by their children even to the present day. Some were tortured and then thrown into the sea; many followed their Patriarch into exile to escape from the hands of their persecutors, while a large number disguised their real opinions under a pretended acceptance of the Council of Chalcedon.”

When the Muslims arrived in Egypt, lead by ‘Amr bin al-‘Aas, a contemporary of Prophet Muhammad and close companion of his, they were greeted as liberators and the Egyptian Coptic Christians even supported their intervention. John of Nikiu (690 CE), a Coptic bishop in Nikiu (Egypt), asserted that one of the reasons for the Muslim success in Egypt was the hatred of the masses for the Byzantines and that the Egyptians not only refused to fight the Muslims, they actually supported the conquest:

“When Muslims saw the weakness of the Romans and the hostility of the people to the emperor Heraclius because of the persecution wherewith he had visited all the land of Egypt in regard to the orthodox faith at the instigation of Cyrus the Chalcedonian Patriarch [in office 631/2-41], they became bolder and stronger in the war…And people began to help the Muslims.”

Ancient Egyptians, long before Islam, pioneered agriculture and Egypt was called Bread Basket of the Roman Empire

Islamic Egypt is just a basket case and must import its own food including wheat

Like Syria, Egypt was also governed by the Byzantines. The ruling Byzantine Church was utterly against the existence of any doctrinal dissent. The Egyptians were mostly Jacobite Christians and did not agree with the Byzantine version of Christianity. The result of this disagreement was heavy persecution at the hands of the ruling elite. The eminent British orientalist and historian Thomas Arnold summarised the situation as follows:

“The Jacobites, who formed the majority of the Christian population, had been very roughly handled by the Orthodox adherents of the court and subjected to indignities that have not been forgotten by their children even to the present day. Some were tortured and then thrown into the sea; many followed their Patriarch into exile to escape from the hands of their persecutors, while a large number disguised their real opinions under a pretended acceptance of the Council of Chalcedon.”

When the Muslims arrived in Egypt, lead by ‘Amr bin al-‘Aas, a contemporary of Prophet Muhammad and close companion of his, they were greeted as liberators and the Egyptian Coptic Christians even supported their intervention. John of Nikiu (690 CE), a Coptic bishop in Nikiu (Egypt), asserted that one of the reasons for the Muslim success in Egypt was the hatred of the masses for the Byzantines and that the Egyptians not only refused to fight the Muslims, they actually supported the conquest:

“When Muslims saw the weakness of the Romans and the hostility of the people to the emperor Heraclius because of the persecution wherewith he had visited all the land of Egypt in regard to the orthodox faith at the instigation of Cyrus the Chalcedonian Patriarch [in office 631/2-41], they became bolder and stronger in the war…And people began to help the Muslims.”

Ancient Egyptians, long before Islam, pioneered agriculture and Egypt was called Bread Basket of the Roman Empire

Islamic Egypt is just a basket case and must import its own food including wheat

Even Gaza was highly productive---agriculturally----before islam got there. In fact, history shows us that islam galvanizes lots of changes------it creates deserts out of gardens----invariably.

Like Syria, Egypt was also governed by the Byzantines. The ruling Byzantine Church was utterly against the existence of any doctrinal dissent. The Egyptians were mostly Jacobite Christians and did not agree with the Byzantine version of Christianity. The result of this disagreement was heavy persecution at the hands of the ruling elite. The eminent British orientalist and historian Thomas Arnold summarised the situation as follows:

“The Jacobites, who formed the majority of the Christian population, had been very roughly handled by the Orthodox adherents of the court and subjected to indignities that have not been forgotten by their children even to the present day. Some were tortured and then thrown into the sea; many followed their Patriarch into exile to escape from the hands of their persecutors, while a large number disguised their real opinions under a pretended acceptance of the Council of Chalcedon.”

When the Muslims arrived in Egypt, lead by ‘Amr bin al-‘Aas, a contemporary of Prophet Muhammad and close companion of his, they were greeted as liberators and the Egyptian Coptic Christians even supported their intervention. John of Nikiu (690 CE), a Coptic bishop in Nikiu (Egypt), asserted that one of the reasons for the Muslim success in Egypt was the hatred of the masses for the Byzantines and that the Egyptians not only refused to fight the Muslims, they actually supported the conquest:

“When Muslims saw the weakness of the Romans and the hostility of the people to the emperor Heraclius because of the persecution wherewith he had visited all the land of Egypt in regard to the orthodox faith at the instigation of Cyrus the Chalcedonian Patriarch [in office 631/2-41], they became bolder and stronger in the war…And people began to help the Muslims.”

In 1971 The west Pakistani army entered EAST PAKISTAN----in FORCE------the east Pakistani girls greeted them with love and enthusiasm and said PLEASE RAPE US-----.
The wonderful Sunni west Pakistani soldiers ------for their
pleasure-----raped at least 1/4 million girls----FOR THE GLORY OF ALLAH The bangla deshi girls have been grateful every since. There are lots of Bangladeshis in the
USA (well not lots---but some) Find a few and congratulate them on being invaded by the wonderful sunni west Pakistani army. -------(make sure you are not cornered and can RUN...

Like Syria, Egypt was also governed by the Byzantines. The ruling Byzantine Church was utterly against the existence of any doctrinal dissent. The Egyptians were mostly Jacobite Christians and did not agree with the Byzantine version of Christianity. The result of this disagreement was heavy persecution at the hands of the ruling elite. The eminent British orientalist and historian Thomas Arnold summarised the situation as follows:

“The Jacobites, who formed the majority of the Christian population, had been very roughly handled by the Orthodox adherents of the court and subjected to indignities that have not been forgotten by their children even to the present day. Some were tortured and then thrown into the sea; many followed their Patriarch into exile to escape from the hands of their persecutors, while a large number disguised their real opinions under a pretended acceptance of the Council of Chalcedon.”

When the Muslims arrived in Egypt, lead by ‘Amr bin al-‘Aas, a contemporary of Prophet Muhammad and close companion of his, they were greeted as liberators and the Egyptian Coptic Christians even supported their intervention. John of Nikiu (690 CE), a Coptic bishop in Nikiu (Egypt), asserted that one of the reasons for the Muslim success in Egypt was the hatred of the masses for the Byzantines and that the Egyptians not only refused to fight the Muslims, they actually supported the conquest:

“When Muslims saw the weakness of the Romans and the hostility of the people to the emperor Heraclius because of the persecution wherewith he had visited all the land of Egypt in regard to the orthodox faith at the instigation of Cyrus the Chalcedonian Patriarch [in office 631/2-41], they became bolder and stronger in the war…And people began to help the Muslims.”

In 1971 The west Pakistani army entered EAST PAKISTAN----in FORCE------the east Pakistani girls greeted them with love and enthusiasm and said PLEASE RAPE US-----.
The wonderful Sunni west Pakistani soldiers ------for their
pleasure-----raped at least 1/4 million girls----FOR THE GLORY OF ALLAH The bangla deshi girls have been grateful every since. There are lots of Bangladeshis in the
USA (well not lots---but some) Find a few and congratulate them on being invaded by the wonderful sunni west Pakistani army. -------(make sure you are not cornered and can RUN...

Koran sanctions rape of females whom your right hand possesses (ie captives)—Muslims are merely following Allah’s desires

Like Syria, Egypt was also governed by the Byzantines. The ruling Byzantine Church was utterly against the existence of any doctrinal dissent. The Egyptians were mostly Jacobite Christians and did not agree with the Byzantine version of Christianity. The result of this disagreement was heavy persecution at the hands of the ruling elite. The eminent British orientalist and historian Thomas Arnold summarised the situation as follows:

“The Jacobites, who formed the majority of the Christian population, had been very roughly handled by the Orthodox adherents of the court and subjected to indignities that have not been forgotten by their children even to the present day. Some were tortured and then thrown into the sea; many followed their Patriarch into exile to escape from the hands of their persecutors, while a large number disguised their real opinions under a pretended acceptance of the Council of Chalcedon.”

When the Muslims arrived in Egypt, lead by ‘Amr bin al-‘Aas, a contemporary of Prophet Muhammad and close companion of his, they were greeted as liberators and the Egyptian Coptic Christians even supported their intervention. John of Nikiu (690 CE), a Coptic bishop in Nikiu (Egypt), asserted that one of the reasons for the Muslim success in Egypt was the hatred of the masses for the Byzantines and that the Egyptians not only refused to fight the Muslims, they actually supported the conquest:

“When Muslims saw the weakness of the Romans and the hostility of the people to the emperor Heraclius because of the persecution wherewith he had visited all the land of Egypt in regard to the orthodox faith at the instigation of Cyrus the Chalcedonian Patriarch [in office 631/2-41], they became bolder and stronger in the war…And people began to help the Muslims.”

In 1971 The west Pakistani army entered EAST PAKISTAN----in FORCE------the east Pakistani girls greeted them with love and enthusiasm and said PLEASE RAPE US-----.
The wonderful Sunni west Pakistani soldiers ------for their
pleasure-----raped at least 1/4 million girls----FOR THE GLORY OF ALLAH The bangla deshi girls have been grateful every since. There are lots of Bangladeshis in the
USA (well not lots---but some) Find a few and congratulate them on being invaded by the wonderful sunni west Pakistani army. -------(make sure you are not cornered and can RUN...

Koran sanctions rape of females whom your right hand possesses (ie captives)—Muslims are merely following Allah’s desires

Allah had a good time with his randy pal-----muhummad

Like Syria, Egypt was also governed by the Byzantines. The ruling Byzantine Church was utterly against the existence of any doctrinal dissent. The Egyptians were mostly Jacobite Christians and did not agree with the Byzantine version of Christianity. The result of this disagreement was heavy persecution at the hands of the ruling elite. The eminent British orientalist and historian Thomas Arnold summarised the situation as follows:

“The Jacobites, who formed the majority of the Christian population, had been very roughly handled by the Orthodox adherents of the court and subjected to indignities that have not been forgotten by their children even to the present day. Some were tortured and then thrown into the sea; many followed their Patriarch into exile to escape from the hands of their persecutors, while a large number disguised their real opinions under a pretended acceptance of the Council of Chalcedon.”

When the Muslims arrived in Egypt, lead by ‘Amr bin al-‘Aas, a contemporary of Prophet Muhammad and close companion of his, they were greeted as liberators and the Egyptian Coptic Christians even supported their intervention. John of Nikiu (690 CE), a Coptic bishop in Nikiu (Egypt), asserted that one of the reasons for the Muslim success in Egypt was the hatred of the masses for the Byzantines and that the Egyptians not only refused to fight the Muslims, they actually supported the conquest:

“When Muslims saw the weakness of the Romans and the hostility of the people to the emperor Heraclius because of the persecution wherewith he had visited all the land of Egypt in regard to the orthodox faith at the instigation of Cyrus the Chalcedonian Patriarch [in office 631/2-41], they became bolder and stronger in the war…And people began to help the Muslims.”

In 1971 The west Pakistani army entered EAST PAKISTAN----in FORCE------the east Pakistani girls greeted them with love and enthusiasm and said PLEASE RAPE US-----.
The wonderful Sunni west Pakistani soldiers ------for their
pleasure-----raped at least 1/4 million girls----FOR THE GLORY OF ALLAH The bangla deshi girls have been grateful every since. There are lots of Bangladeshis in the
USA (well not lots---but some) Find a few and congratulate them on being invaded by the wonderful sunni west Pakistani army. -------(make sure you are not cornered and can RUN...

Koran sanctions rape of females whom your right hand possesses (ie captives)—Muslims are merely following Allah’s desires

Allah had a good time with his randy pal-----muhummad

Muhammad’s sock puppet AKA Allah texted him convenient messages such as divine permission for unlimited wives It’s good to be Allah’s Apostle! LOL


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Like Syria, Egypt was also governed by the Byzantines. The ruling Byzantine Church was utterly against the existence of any doctrinal dissent. The Egyptians were mostly Jacobite Christians and did not agree with the Byzantine version of Christianity. The result of this disagreement was heavy persecution at the hands of the ruling elite. The eminent British orientalist and historian Thomas Arnold summarised the situation as follows:

“The Jacobites, who formed the majority of the Christian population, had been very roughly handled by the Orthodox adherents of the court and subjected to indignities that have not been forgotten by their children even to the present day. Some were tortured and then thrown into the sea; many followed their Patriarch into exile to escape from the hands of their persecutors, while a large number disguised their real opinions under a pretended acceptance of the Council of Chalcedon.”

When the Muslims arrived in Egypt, lead by ‘Amr bin al-‘Aas, a contemporary of Prophet Muhammad and close companion of his, they were greeted as liberators and the Egyptian Coptic Christians even supported their intervention. John of Nikiu (690 CE), a Coptic bishop in Nikiu (Egypt), asserted that one of the reasons for the Muslim success in Egypt was the hatred of the masses for the Byzantines and that the Egyptians not only refused to fight the Muslims, they actually supported the conquest:

“When Muslims saw the weakness of the Romans and the hostility of the people to the emperor Heraclius because of the persecution wherewith he had visited all the land of Egypt in regard to the orthodox faith at the instigation of Cyrus the Chalcedonian Patriarch [in office 631/2-41], they became bolder and stronger in the war…And people began to help the Muslims.”

In 1971 The west Pakistani army entered EAST PAKISTAN----in FORCE------the east Pakistani girls greeted them with love and enthusiasm and said PLEASE RAPE US-----.
The wonderful Sunni west Pakistani soldiers ------for their
pleasure-----raped at least 1/4 million girls----FOR THE GLORY OF ALLAH The bangla deshi girls have been grateful every since. There are lots of Bangladeshis in the
USA (well not lots---but some) Find a few and congratulate them on being invaded by the wonderful sunni west Pakistani army. -------(make sure you are not cornered and can RUN...

Koran sanctions rape of females whom your right hand possesses (ie captives)—Muslims are merely following Allah’s desires

Allah had a good time with his randy pal-----muhummad

Muhammad’s sock puppet AKA Allah texted him convenient messages such as divine permission for unlimited wives It’s good to be Allah’s Apostle! LOL

friends in high places

It is to be noted that these are contemporary Christian sources testifying that the Muslims were actually supported by the Egyptian Coptic Christians against the Byzantine Christians. If the Byzantines had treated the masses justly, then wouldn’t the Coptic population of Egypt have fought alongside the Byzantines against the Muslims? It was the tolerant attitude of the Muslims and the barbarity of the Byzantines which facilitated the rapid downfall of the Byzantines in the land of the Pharaohs.

If the oppression and injustice as exhibited by the Byzantines was just the norm for ruling powers, then why didn’t the Muslims act in the same way? Like with all matters in life, Muslims are bound to act according to the code of conduct laid out in the Qur’an, and war is no exception. If Muslims happen to be at war, then even when they might be facing severe opposition, Muslims must be righteous and are prohibited from going to extremes:

Fight in God’s cause against those who fight you, but do not overstep the limits: God does not love those who overstep the limits.” The Qur’an 2:190​

For example, Muslims are not allowed to harm innocent men, women and children. This can be seen in the instructions given to the Muslim army by their leader Abu Bakr, the first successor of Prophet Muhammad:

I advise you ten things: Do not kill women or children or an aged, infirm person.
Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees.
Do not destroy an inhabited place.
Do not slaughter sheep or camels except for food.
Do not burn bees and do not scatter them.
Do not steal from the booty, and do not be cowardly

It is to be noted that these are contemporary Christian sources testifying that the Muslims were actually supported by the Egyptian Coptic Christians against the Byzantine Christians. If the Byzantines had treated the masses justly, then wouldn’t the Coptic population of Egypt have fought alongside the Byzantines against the Muslims? It was the tolerant attitude of the Muslims and the barbarity of the Byzantines which facilitated the rapid downfall of the Byzantines in the land of the Pharaohs.

If the oppression and injustice as exhibited by the Byzantines was just the norm for ruling powers, then why didn’t the Muslims act in the same way? Like with all matters in life, Muslims are bound to act according to the code of conduct laid out in the Qur’an, and war is no exception. If Muslims happen to be at war, then even when they might be facing severe opposition, Muslims must be righteous and are prohibited from going to extremes:

Fight in God’s cause against those who fight you, but do not overstep the limits: God does not love those who overstep the limits.” The Qur’an 2:190​

For example, Muslims are not allowed to harm innocent men, women and children. This can be seen in the instructions given to the Muslim army by their leader Abu Bakr, the first successor of Prophet Muhammad:

I advise you ten things: Do not kill women or children or an aged, infirm person.
Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees.
Do not destroy an inhabited place.
Do not slaughter sheep or camels except for food.
Do not burn bees and do not scatter them.
Do not steal from the booty, and do not be cowardly
Most Christians testify that Mooslims are barbaric and backwards, so you'd be wrong. Again.
above is the shit taught to muslim children who cheer every time a Yazidi girl is raped by LEGALLY under the vile stench of KORANIC LAW. My very own mother-in-law---ESCAPED the filth way back in the 1930s-------she, according to the glorious Koran-----was supposed to be raped and enslaved to the local imam pig--------because her father died when she was eleven years old. Circa 1970 1/4 million east Pakistani girls were raped LEGALLY according to the filth of muhummad and allah-------Yazidi and Nigerian girls are still being raped LEGALLY-----and millions of muslim boys jerk off daily just thinking about it

It is to be noted that these are contemporary Christian sources testifying that the Muslims were actually supported by the Egyptian Coptic Christians against the Byzantine Christians. If the Byzantines had treated the masses justly, then wouldn’t the Coptic population of Egypt have fought alongside the Byzantines against the Muslims? It was the tolerant attitude of the Muslims and the barbarity of the Byzantines which facilitated the rapid downfall of the Byzantines in the land of the Pharaohs.

If the oppression and injustice as exhibited by the Byzantines was just the norm for ruling powers, then why didn’t the Muslims act in the same way? Like with all matters in life, Muslims are bound to act according to the code of conduct laid out in the Qur’an, and war is no exception. If Muslims happen to be at war, then even when they might be facing severe opposition, Muslims must be righteous and are prohibited from going to extremes:

Fight in God’s cause against those who fight you, but do not overstep the limits: God does not love those who overstep the limits.” The Qur’an 2:190​

For example, Muslims are not allowed to harm innocent men, women and children. This can be seen in the instructions given to the Muslim army by their leader Abu Bakr, the first successor of Prophet Muhammad:

I advise you ten things: Do not kill women or children or an aged, infirm person.
Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees.
Do not destroy an inhabited place.
Do not slaughter sheep or camels except for food.
Do not burn bees and do not scatter them.
Do not steal from the booty, and do not be cowardly

Ancient Egyptians, who were not Muslims, pioneered agriculture and fed the Roman Empire. Egypt was called Breadbasket of the Roman Empire.

Today, backward Islamic Egypt imports its own food, including wheat.

Egypt has gone from bread basket to basket case under Islam
If you have not heard the BS thrown around in mosques on Friday-------you would have NO IDEA how DESPERATE muslims are. The objective of the "KHUTBAH JUMAAT" is
"WE IS DA BEST" followed by a half hour of
"imagination" that beats 1001 Arabian nights
for the record-----for a history of Egyptian's COPTIC population----talk to a Copt-----we got lots in the USA. Do it carefully------
and remember that they have relatives in Egypt. A copt will have to TRUST you before he gets candid about the situation
for copts in Egypt and their history there.
for the record-----for a history of Egyptian's COPTIC population----talk to a Copt-----we got lots in the USA. Do it carefully------
and remember that they have relatives in Egypt. A copt will have to TRUST you before he gets candid about the situation
for copts in Egypt and their history there.

Coptic Christians in Egypt, who predate Islam by 500+ years, are being exterminated by Muslims.

And, Jews lived in Egypt 1000+ years before Islam.

Muslims are latecomers.
If you have not heard the BS thrown around in mosques on Friday-------you would have NO IDEA how DESPERATE muslims are. The objective of the "KHUTBAH JUMAAT" is
"WE IS DA BEST" followed by a half hour of
"imagination" that beats 1001 Arabian nights

The Pyramids were built by ancient Egyptians who were not Muslims.

Muslims today threaten to destroy them as idols.

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