Happiness in Islam

The Quran’s Impact on the World

God created man and provided him with the tools for acquiring knowledge, namely hearing, sight and wisdom. Thus the Qur’an reminds us that we should be grateful to God for these tools which give us the means to obtain knowledge.

“…How can those who know be equal to those who do not know? Only those who have understanding will take heed.” The Qur’an 39:9​

Here the Qur’an highlights the noble status of the one who has knowledge; they are superior to those who lack knowledge, as one who is knowledgeable has greater understanding. This encourages Muslims to continually seek knowledge.

Then do they not look at the camels – how they are created? And at the sky – how it is raised? And at the mountains – how they are erected? And at the earth – how it is spread out?” The Qur’an 88:17 – 20​

The Qur’an draws our attention to many natural phenomena by encouraging us to observe the world around us.

There truly are signs in the creation of the heavens and earth, and in the alternation of night and day, for those with understanding, who remember God standing, sitting, and lying down, who reflect on the creation of the heavens and earth…” The Qur’an 3:190-191​

Moreover this observation of the world around us should not be aimless but rather we should ponder and reflect on what we see.
The Quran’s Impact on the World

God created man and provided him with the tools for acquiring knowledge, namely hearing, sight and wisdom. Thus the Qur’an reminds us that we should be grateful to God for these tools which give us the means to obtain knowledge.

“…How can those who know be equal to those who do not know? Only those who have understanding will take heed.” The Qur’an 39:9​

Here the Qur’an highlights the noble status of the one who has knowledge; they are superior to those who lack knowledge, as one who is knowledgeable has greater understanding. This encourages Muslims to continually seek knowledge.

Then do they not look at the camels – how they are created? And at the sky – how it is raised? And at the mountains – how they are erected? And at the earth – how it is spread out?” The Qur’an 88:17 – 20​

The Qur’an draws our attention to many natural phenomena by encouraging us to observe the world around us.

There truly are signs in the creation of the heavens and earth, and in the alternation of night and day, for those with understanding, who remember God standing, sitting, and lying down, who reflect on the creation of the heavens and earth…” The Qur’an 3:190-191​

Moreover this observation of the world around us should not be aimless but rather we should ponder and reflect on what we see.
and then the koran tells you to kill anyone who doesn't agree with it. Buncha lunatics.
for the record----"-KORAN IMPACT ON THE WORLD" is, in itself, a ludicrous
oxymoron. Most muslims never read it and the OVERWHELMING majority
of non muslims are completely clueless as to the contents of that silly book
The garble therein IS the basis for the filth of shariah law in the hands of
the "koranic scholars" and has led the world to such innovations and murder by
rented truck for the glory of "allah" and his best buddy, the rapist dog of mecca
The Quran and the scientific method

If you have doubts about the revelation We have sent down to Our servant, then produce a single chapter like it– enlist whatever witnesses you have other than God– if you truly [think you can].” The Qur’an 2:23​

The concept of putting ideas to the test is encouraged by the Qur’an. So too is the use of witnesses in order to validate conclusions. It must be noted that no other religious text challenges its reader in such ways; the use of falsification tests is unique to the Qur’an.

Concepts that the Qur’an puts forward with regards to knowledge: using our senses to observe the world around us, thinking and reflecting on what we observe, putting ideas to the test and providing witnesses to validate our conclusions. If these concepts seem familiar to you it’s because they resemble the modern scientific method. Today, it is understood to students of science that everything must be proven. You cannot make claims about scientific theories based on assumption without experimentation.

The scientific method is the process by which science is carried out and involves observing some natural phenomenon, making a hypothesis based on the observations and then putting the hypothesis to the test by carrying out experiments to determine whether the original hypothesis is correct. If the hypothesis turns out to be correct then it becomes a theory (a proven hypothesis), and if it isn’t correct then further observation will be performed, the original hypothesis will be updated and the whole process will repeat itself.

For example, a fun anecdote we are taught in school is that an apple fell onto the head of the scientist Sir Isaac Newton when he was sitting under a tree. Based on this observation he then came up with the hypothesis that there must be some force or attraction that makes the apple fall to the ground, he tested his hypothesis and this is how he devised the law of gravity.
The scientific method ----including the principals expounded upon by Sir Isaac Newton is not presented in any way in the Koran. Islamic "logic" is------"IT SAYS
SO IN THE KORAN" or-----"MUHUMMAD" aka the rapist pig of mecca 'so said' according to this or that 'hadith' "
The Quran and the scientific method -2-

Now whether or not an apple really did fall onto Sir Isaac Newton’s head isn’t important, what matters is that it is the scientific method which allowed him to validate his ideas about how gravity works. Now you can appreciate why this experimental approach to science is perhaps one of the greatest ideas ever conceived of by mankind, it is the basis of all scientific progress and without it we wouldn’t have devised laws of physics such as gravity. It is theories such as this that have allowed mankind to create the automobile, computer and travel into space.

You may be wondering, who came up with such an important idea?

Before Islam, the ancient Greek philosophies of science were predominant in Western civilisation. The Greeks believed that knowledge should be advanced through deduction, which means that you rely on reason alone without taking evidence into consideration. The development of a scientific process resembling the modern method was developed by the Muslim scholar Ibn al-Haytham. He is regarded as the father of the scientific method and was the first scientist in history to insist that everything be proven through induction which uses observations and experimentation to challenge previously held theories.
The True Message of Jesus Christ

There is only One God who created one race of human beings, and communicated to them one message: submission to the will of God—known in Arabic as Islaam. That message was conveyed to the first human beings on this earth, and reaffirmed by all of the prophets of God who came after them, down through the ages. The essence of the message of Islaam was that humans should worship only One God by obeying His commandments, and should avoid worshipping God’s creation in any way, shape or form.

Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary, performed miracles and invited the Israelites to the same message of submission (Islaam), as did all of the prophets who preceded him. He was not God, nor was he the ‘Son of God’, but was the Messiah, an illustrious prophet of God.

Jesus did not invite people to worship himself; rather, he called them to worship God, and he himself worshipped God. He confirmed the laws of the Torah which Prophet Moses taught; he lived by them, and instructed his disciples to follow them to the finest detail. Before his departure, he informed his followers of the last prophet, Muhammad of Arabia (e), who would come after him, and instructed them to observe his teachings.
The True Message of Jesus Christ

There is only One God who created one race of human beings, and communicated to them one message: submission to the will of God—known in Arabic as Islaam. That message was conveyed to the first human beings on this earth, and reaffirmed by all of the prophets of God who came after them, down through the ages. The essence of the message of Islaam was that humans should worship only One God by obeying His commandments, and should avoid worshipping God’s creation in any way, shape or form.

Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary, performed miracles and invited the Israelites to the same message of submission (Islaam), as did all of the prophets who preceded him. He was not God, nor was he the ‘Son of God’, but was the Messiah, an illustrious prophet of God.

Jesus did not invite people to worship himself; rather, he called them to worship God, and he himself worshipped God. He confirmed the laws of the Torah which Prophet Moses taught; he lived by them, and instructed his disciples to follow them to the finest detail. Before his departure, he informed his followers of the last prophet, Muhammad of Arabia (e), who would come after him, and instructed them to observe his teachings.
All this Jesus shit is made up, just like the koran, to control people. If a god wanted his creations to submit to him, he would have built that right in. Now go kiss a carpet, hopefully one that your dog has dragged his ass across.
Because happiness is forced marriages, amirite?

the best of Islamic "logic" includes the concept that slavery is GOOD----because it gives PEOPLE the really HAPPY good fortune of potentially being ENSLAVED
by a muslim ---(under Islamic law) and thus being INTRODUCED to the BEAUTY OF
ISLAM------<<<really---I kid you not---the filth has been so described to me>>>
The True Message of Jesus Christ

Jesus came as a prophet calling people to worship God alone, as the prophets before him did. God says in chapter an-Nahl (16):36, of the Qur‘aan:

“Surely, I have sent to every nation a messenger (saying): ‘Worship Allaah and avoid false gods.”

The vast majority of Christians today pray to Jesus, claiming that he is God. The Philosophers among them claim that they are not worshipping Jesus the man, but God who was manifest in Jesus the man. This is also the rationale of pagans who bow down in worship to idols.

When a pagan philosopher is asked why he worships an idol which was made by human hands, he replies that he is not really worshipping the idol. Furthermore, he may claim that the idol is only a focal point for the presence of God, and thereby claim to be worshipping God who is manifest in the idol, and not the physical idol itself. There is little or no difference between that explanation and the answer given by Christians for worshipping Jesus. The origin of this deviation lies in the false belief that God is present in His creation. Such a belief justifies the worship of God’s creation.
The True Message of Jesus Christ

Jesus came as a prophet calling people to worship God alone, as the prophets before him did. God says in chapter an-Nahl (16):36, of the Qur‘aan:

“Surely, I have sent to every nation a messenger (saying): ‘Worship Allaah and avoid false gods.”

The vast majority of Christians today pray to Jesus, claiming that he is God. The Philosophers among them claim that they are not worshipping Jesus the man, but God who was manifest in Jesus the man. This is also the rationale of pagans who bow down in worship to idols.

When a pagan philosopher is asked why he worships an idol which was made by human hands, he replies that he is not really worshipping the idol. Furthermore, he may claim that the idol is only a focal point for the presence of God, and thereby claim to be worshipping God who is manifest in the idol, and not the physical idol itself. There is little or no difference between that explanation and the answer given by Christians for worshipping Jesus. The origin of this deviation lies in the false belief that God is present in His creation. Such a belief justifies the worship of God’s creation.
Isn't Jesus a kafir and wouldn't you all want to kill him like you do Christians today?
The True Message of Jesus Christ

Jesus came as a prophet calling people to worship God alone, as the prophets before him did. God says in chapter an-Nahl (16):36, of the Qur‘aan:

“Surely, I have sent to every nation a messenger (saying): ‘Worship Allaah and avoid false gods.”

The vast majority of Christians today pray to Jesus, claiming that he is God. The Philosophers among them claim that they are not worshipping Jesus the man, but God who was manifest in Jesus the man. This is also the rationale of pagans who bow down in worship to idols.

When a pagan philosopher is asked why he worships an idol which was made by human hands, he replies that he is not really worshipping the idol. Furthermore, he may claim that the idol is only a focal point for the presence of God, and thereby claim to be worshipping God who is manifest in the idol, and not the physical idol itself. There is little or no difference between that explanation and the answer given by Christians for worshipping Jesus. The origin of this deviation lies in the false belief that God is present in His creation. Such a belief justifies the worship of God’s creation.
Isn't Jesus a kafir and wouldn't you all want to kill him like you do Christians today?

muslim kill ONLY those who attack muslims. Egypt is a good example. A few days ago
a Coptic church was attacked FOR REASON. The word had GONE AROUND that the
church was in progress of installing a BELL!!!! if those Copts had followed the LAW----the
church would not have been attacked.

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