Happiness in Islam

Australian prisoners find happiness in Islam

Academics, imams and prison workers widely agree that conversions to Islam are now commonplace in Australia’s prisons.

Michael Kennedy, a veteran detective of 20 years, knows more than most about the subject. Since leaving the New South Wales organised crime squad he has studied Islam and incarceration extensively as an academic at the University of Western Sydney.

Kennedy has maintained contact with a “lot of good crooks” met in his former life. They exchange letters now and again. His correspondents drift in and out of jail, giving him a unique insight into the place of religion in prison.

The best publicly available information comes from a 2013 census of NSW prisoners, which suggests Muslims remain a minority, although one that is overrepresented. The census showed Muslims accounted for about 9.3% of the state’s prison population compared with 3.2% of the NSW population.


Without a doubt there is … We’re constantly being made aware of new names of people who have embraced Islam or names of people who are wanting to embrace Islam. At least every two weeks, there’s another name or two being added to our list,” Maestracci says.

Why Australian prisoners are reverting to Islam ?

Does it scare you that people can be that dumb? Us atheists aren’t surprised
Australian prisoners find happiness in Islam

Academics, imams and prison workers widely agree that conversions to Islam are now commonplace in Australia’s prisons.

Michael Kennedy, a veteran detective of 20 years, knows more than most about the subject. Since leaving the New South Wales organised crime squad he has studied Islam and incarceration extensively as an academic at the University of Western Sydney.

Kennedy has maintained contact with a “lot of good crooks” met in his former life. They exchange letters now and again. His correspondents drift in and out of jail, giving him a unique insight into the place of religion in prison.

The best publicly available information comes from a 2013 census of NSW prisoners, which suggests Muslims remain a minority, although one that is overrepresented. The census showed Muslims accounted for about 9.3% of the state’s prison population compared with 3.2% of the NSW population.


Without a doubt there is … We’re constantly being made aware of new names of people who have embraced Islam or names of people who are wanting to embrace Islam. At least every two weeks, there’s another name or two being added to our list,” Maestracci says.

Why Australian prisoners are reverting to Islam ?

Does it scare you that people can be that dumb? Us atheists aren’t surprised

No. It's the politically correct media that irritates me.

Jailhouse jihad: Violent inmates enforcing prison conversions to Islam
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The classical Greek works were lost to Europe during its Dark Ages. It was Muslim scholars who rescued these works by translating and preserving them in the Arabic language, and they subsequently found their way back into Europe by being translated from Arabic into Latin. Moreover Muslims didn’t just preserve them; they built upon them by studying the ancient Greek works in detail, carried out experiments, wrote commentaries on them and corrected the theories where necessary in the form of their own independent works. A few such examples are Al-Biruni’s criticism and correction of Aristotle’s philosophy in a work called “Questions and Answers”; Al-Khwarizmi’s correction of Ptolemy’s geography in his work “Face of the Earth”; Ibn al-Haytham’s correction and refutation of Galen’s optics based upon practical experiments; Al-Khazini’s work on measures of weights and densities surpassed his Greek predecessors.

In fact Europe took far more from the Muslim world than this can do justice. Among other things: windmills, soap, perfume, sugar, irrigation, spices, universities, street lights, the paper industry, mass literacy, freedom of thought, architecture, poetry, hygiene, libraries and ceramics.

The classical Greek works were lost to Europe during its Dark Ages. It was Muslim scholars who rescued these works by translating and preserving them in the Arabic language, and they subsequently found their way back into Europe by being translated from Arabic into Latin. Moreover Muslims didn’t just preserve them; they built upon them by studying the ancient Greek works in detail, carried out experiments, wrote commentaries on them and corrected the theories where necessary in the form of their own independent works. A few such examples are Al-Biruni’s criticism and correction of Aristotle’s philosophy in a work called “Questions and Answers”; Al-Khwarizmi’s correction of Ptolemy’s geography in his work “Face of the Earth”; Ibn al-Haytham’s correction and refutation of Galen’s optics based upon practical experiments; Al-Khazini’s work on measures of weights and densities surpassed his Greek predecessors.

In fact Europe took far more from the Muslim world than this can do justice. Among other things: windmills, soap, perfume, sugar, irrigation, spices, universities, street lights, the paper industry, mass literacy, freedom of thought, architecture, poetry, hygiene, libraries and ceramics.
Muslims gave us hygiene? You mean like Mo using an uneven number of rocks to wipe his ass? Um... no.

The classical Greek works were lost to Europe during its Dark Ages. It was Muslim scholars who rescued these works by translating and preserving them in the Arabic language, and they subsequently found their way back into Europe by being translated from Arabic into Latin. Moreover Muslims didn’t just preserve them; they built upon them by studying the ancient Greek works in detail, carried out experiments, wrote commentaries on them and corrected the theories where necessary in the form of their own independent works. A few such examples are Al-Biruni’s criticism and correction of Aristotle’s philosophy in a work called “Questions and Answers”; Al-Khwarizmi’s correction of Ptolemy’s geography in his work “Face of the Earth”; Ibn al-Haytham’s correction and refutation of Galen’s optics based upon practical experiments; Al-Khazini’s work on measures of weights and densities surpassed his Greek predecessors.

In fact Europe took far more from the Muslim world than this can do justice. Among other things: windmills, soap, perfume, sugar, irrigation, spices, universities, street lights, the paper industry, mass literacy, freedom of thought, architecture, poetry, hygiene, libraries and ceramics.

The REAL FACT is that the written works of the ancient greeks and the arts and sciences of the greeks,
Egyptians, and Persians and even India-----were brought to or translated into the "Islamic world"------by
Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians and coopted by muslim conquerors. Arabic was the LINGUA FRANCA
of the lands taken by force by muslim invaders. Latin was the language of science in Christian Europe----
most Christians at that time were not literate in Latin-----just as most muslims were not literate in
Arabic. Greek was, PRIOR to the rise of Latin as the language of scholarship, the language of
scholarship in Christian Europe and even in the Middle east thanks to the rise of the Persian empire---
(the Alexander thing) All of my papers are in English-----but I am not an ANGLICAN (the church
King Henry VIII invented). I do not know the history of windmills------but hubby's very own ancestors
were in the spice trade in the middle east long before the country in which they resided was invaded
by the barbarians from Arabia. They were also VERY LITERATE in a land that became mostly
illiterate due to the muslim population----and still is. The Iraqi non muslims are STILL notable
for their affinity for MATHEMATICS---based on their ancestral trade interactions with India and
Mass literacy remains a not so successful ongoing project for the Ummah. Long ago--
--when I was young and beautiful----a Pakistani surgeon told
in fact, muslims today call him MUSA (ie those docs educated in Islamic med. schools)
Based on their family experience in lands invaded by muslims-----I still have relatives (by marriage)
who speak Arabic or some facsimile. The language varies from country to country
All that comes down in Arabic is not "muslim". The three wise guys from Persia (Zoroastrians)
brought perfume to Jesus long before there was an islam--------perfume was in use LONG LONG
before that in the Middle east and India and Persia Zoroastrians remain literate wherever they have
survived Islamic invasion. In fact, the Zoroastrian script was coopted by arab speakers----but not
until about 300 AD. Lucky for the speakers of Arabic that Zoroastrians were active along the
caravan routes that passed thru Arabia, ie---lucky for the few that finally decided to read
and write. How things would have panned out if not for the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC
CONQUEST---------is completely unknown. How things would have panned out if not for
the GLORIOUS AGE OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE-----is completely unknown. All that is written
in English is not Anglican. (so THERE !!! Elizabeth (and grandma Victoria)!!!!!)
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The origins of the European enlightenment and Quran

New Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3…) in particular revolutionised the mathematics of Medieval Europe and consequently had a lasting effect on architecture. Cathedrals, castles, palaces, gardens and many more structures were built in medieval Europe by the help of Islamic Spain’s architectural techniques.

Let’s perform a thought experiment: if the Qur’an had never been revealed, then what would be the likely state of the world today? Let’s think this through step by step. From the Qur’an emerged the justice of Islamic law; from that justice came peace and co-existence; with that peaceful co-existence came free intellectual activity in Muslim lands and from this freedom of literacy originate the knowledge that took Europe out of the Dark Ages and ushered in the Renaissance. Thus isn’t it reasonable to conclude that the modern world, with all of its advanced technology like the internet and mobile phones, is a direct consequence of the revelation of the Qur’an?
The origins of the European enlightenment and Quran

New Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3…) in particular revolutionised the mathematics of Medieval Europe and consequently had a lasting effect on architecture. Cathedrals, castles, palaces, gardens and many more structures were built in medieval Europe by the help of Islamic Spain’s architectural techniques.

Let’s perform a thought experiment: if the Qur’an had never been revealed, then what would be the likely state of the world today? Let’s think this through step by step. From the Qur’an emerged the justice of Islamic law; from that justice came peace and co-existence; with that peaceful co-existence came free intellectual activity in Muslim lands and from this freedom of literacy originate the knowledge that took Europe out of the Dark Ages and ushered in the Renaissance. Thus isn’t it reasonable to conclude that the modern world, with all of its advanced technology like the internet and mobile phones, is a direct consequence of the revelation of the Qur’an?

sophistry stretched to the point of obscenity !!!!!!! The architecture of Moorish Spain was nothing more
than that of the preceding CHRISTIAN BYZANT. In fact-----even the TAJ MAHAL (that structure muslims
like to call "MUSLIM ARCHITECTURE" is BYZANTIAN)---------to take the issue FURTHER BACK----go
to Egypt (pre Islamic Egypt-----a thousand of years "pre")
Gratefulness Impacts Happiness – Psychological Take

As an advocate for positive psychology, I see the benefit of gratefulness as part of a healing process as well as an everyday lifestyle.

It employs an element of optimism and happiness. Instead of seeing the pantry as half-empty, choose to see it as half-full and say THANK YOU to your higher power.

Be grateful and optimistic instead of negative and pessimistic.

Say Alhamdulillah which means all thanks and praise to God.

These are the beginning steps towards working for self-actualization and happiness.

Appreciate even the smallest things and remember gratefulness impacts happiness as well as our spirituality...

Gratefulness Impacts Happiness - Psychological Take | About Islam
IMHO---the very fascinating aspect of human religious thought took place EAST AND WEST about two
thousand and six hundred years ago------The great BUDDHA (hindu prince Siddhartha) and the
Great CONFUCIOUS and the great Prophet JEREMIAH all lived within a short period of time of each
other------bringing to mankind the real pinnacle of spirituality------seemingly independently. No doubt
similar ideas popped up in other cultures-------maybe even -----maybe even amongst such seeming
barbaric people as the Incas. ---------the basic principles those greats emphasized was actually
a repudiation of mankind's PRIOR contention with the cosmos ------told MAGIFICENTLY in the
sublime parable of Jacob's struggle with the angel Gabriel. -----the idea seemed to hang around
for something like a Millennia before the three greats-----Buddha, Confucious and Jeremiah gave the
concept like a gift to MOST of mankind. Some day this gift will touch even the most depraved
outreaches of mankind
Satisfaction: A Godly Gift (Ibn Atta')

In his well-known book, Al-Hikam (Words of Wisdom), sheikh Ahmad Ibn `Ataa’illah As-Sakandari says:

His most perfect blessing on you is to give you just enough, and to deprive you from what will cause you to do wrong. When you have less to be happy with, you will have less to be sad about.

This stage of our journey to Allah relates to the issue of providence and how to understand it correctly.

The Prophetic hadith that says: “The little that suffices is better than the abundant and distracting”, has been re-worded by the Sheikh in this word of wisdom.

The Sheikh says: “His most perfect blessing on you is to give you just enough, and to deprive you from what will cause you to do wrong”.

Allah the Almighty may give a believer just enough, not more or less. When this happens, it is a perfect blessing from Allah.

If Allah gives abundant providence to someone, there is a risk of that person transgressing boundaries...

Satisfaction: A Godly Gift (Ibn Atta) | About Islam
Heavenly Mercy

When one's knowledge and awareness increase, he will find himself in situations in which he becomes involved in many social matters and starts to learn about people's secrets, faults, and problems. This happens when he is consulted about a problem or becomes an arbitrator in certain disputes at the level of the individual, family, or society. Another source of knowledge is experience and insight that one gains over time; this allows one to judge people's nature and real character based on their outward appearance and what is between the lines of their speech or writing.

Learning people's secrets and their weaknesses is a form of power over them. A believer who happens to learn people's secrets should also learn how to deal with them.

First, one should not feel that he is authorised by God to act as a judge or have any illusion that he is on a great mission to establish justice based on the secrets he came to know.

Second, one must have heavenly mercy on others involved in the secrets. Heavenly mercy requires that one should not reveal people's faults. God is the One who conceals people's faults. A man called Maiz came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) confessing that he committed adultery. Hazzal, the Companion, said: "I saw him and ordered him to confess." The Prophet then said, "It would have been better for you if you had covered him with your robe, Hazzal." [Abu Dawud]

It is a major sin to reveal people's faults or use their faults against them. The Prophet is reported to have said: "A believer who conceals the faults of others in this world, God will conceal his faults on the Day of Resurrection." [Muslim]

Compiled From:
"A Journey to God: Reflections on the Hikam of Ibn Ataillah" - Jasser Auda
unless the person considered be a "sinner" is a non-muslim. In that case a muslim
should accuse him and the non-muslim, having virtually no means of defense in an
Islamic court-----must be executed and his possessions given to anyone in his extended
family willing to claim to be a "muslim"
unless the person considered be a "sinner" is a non-muslim. In that case a muslim
should accuse him and the non-muslim, having virtually no means of defense in an
Islamic court-----must be executed and his possessions given to anyone in his extended
family willing to claim to be a "muslim"

Christians have historically pronounced certain unbelievers and people they judge as unrepentant sinners anathema, an execration which amounts to a slow death sentence, being solemnly banned from the community, shunned, cursed, rejected, despised, and consigned to evil, suffering, and destruction.

Many still do, even some religious Jewish communities do this, not to mention covens of any type.

Whats the difference?

Don't all of these religions believe more or less the same irrational thing, that there will be peace on earth only when all of the unbelievers are dead?

A specious belief that condemns the world to never be at peace because there will always be those who will not believe what is absurd....
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unless the person considered be a "sinner" is a non-muslim. In that case a muslim
should accuse him and the non-muslim, having virtually no means of defense in an
Islamic court-----must be executed and his possessions given to anyone in his extended
family willing to claim to be a "muslim"

Christians have historically pronounced certain unbelievers and people they judge as unrepentant sinners anathema, an execration which amounts to a slow death sentence, being solemnly banned from the community, shunned, cursed, rejected, despised, and consigned to evil, suffering, and destruction.

Many still do, even some religious Jewish communities do this, not to mention covens of any type.

Whats the difference?

Don't all of these religions believe more or less the same irrational thing, that there will be peace on earth only when all of the unbelievers are dead?

A specious belief that condemns the world to never be at peace because there will always be those who will not believe what is absurd....

you are addressing an ENTIRELY different issue-------ie that of "BANNING" .....which is a policy of some
Christian sects for very unacceptable behavior------like fornication. As to Judaism---the situation is
considerably different-----and involves a kind of "banning" from a given community for really aberrant
community behavior that involves support being the INSTIGATOR of hardcore heretical philosophy----
with a following. From the standpoint of society it means TRAITOROUS behavior (like "lets join up
with the greeks and zeus") The Christian approach was detailed in the movie "how green was my valley" ----
JW's do it too. ----as do Scientologists. Some sects of Judaism do it too------and ends up being---
"you can go away and attend the synagogue down the block" Even historically ---jewish "banning" did
not come to much more than that.---it is community censure. ----like getting thrown out of
the local golf club. In Islamic societies the process is usually aimed at getting the object of the
accusations EXECUTED. It is going on in Pakistan and even in Egypt. Historically it was used as
a libel to instigate progroms. The libel can vary from silliness to outright stupidity. A Christian lady
remains jailed in Pakistan because some piece of filth accused her of ripping a page of the Koran. In the
Islamic shit hole in which hubby was born------a pogrom could be instigated by simply claiming "that jew
sells wine to muslims" --------OR MAKING AN ACCUSATION (such as theft or rape etc) AGAINST A
MUSLIM --------see? you are addressing two different issues involving very SIGNIFICANT differences---
like the process of trial. In an Islamic court---a non muslim's testimony cannot contradict that of a muslim.
Thus in all cases of "he says, she says"------the muslim wins --------IN ALL CASES ----usually property
In Search for Inner Peace

Allah tells us that He is calling us to the home of Salam (peace).

If you think for a second about this metaphor, imagine that someone is in the middle of a desert and they are desperate for water and there is only one source of water in that desert.

Now think about what would happen if you are far away from that source of water.

If you are far from that source of water, are you ever going to quench your thirst?

And if you far from that source of water, are you ever going to be able to give water to others?

The only way you can quench that thirst is by being near to that source. So by being nearer than I am to that source of water, the more that I can quench my thirst, and the more that I can give to others. But if we are not close to the source of water we can never quench our thirst.

Similarly, if we are not near God, who is the source of peace, we can never ever attain peace.

In Search for Inner Peace | About Islam
In Search for Inner Peace

Allah tells us that He is calling us to the home of Salam (peace).

If you think for a second about this metaphor, imagine that someone is in the middle of a desert and they are desperate for water and there is only one source of water in that desert.

Now think about what would happen if you are far away from that source of water.

If you are far from that source of water, are you ever going to quench your thirst?

And if you far from that source of water, are you ever going to be able to give water to others?

The only way you can quench that thirst is by being near to that source. So by being nearer than I am to that source of water, the more that I can quench my thirst, and the more that I can give to others. But if we are not close to the source of water we can never quench our thirst.

Similarly, if we are not near God, who is the source of peace, we can never ever attain peace.

In Search for Inner Peace | About Islam
10 Bible verses about Living Water
Happiness is a feeling that resides in the heart. It is characterized by peace of mind, tranquility, a sense of well-being, and a relaxed disposition. It comes as a result of proper behavior, both inward and outward, and is inspired by strong faith. This is attested to by the Qur’ân and Sunnah.
Allah says:
- Whoever works righteousness as a believer, whether male or female, We will give a good life.

- Then, whoever follows My guidance shall neither go astray nor be distressed. But whoever turns away from My reminder will have a life of hardship.

Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “True enrichment does not come through possessing a lot of wealth, but true enrichment is the enrichment of the soul.”

Mohammed’s last words before he died:
“O Lord, kill the Jews and Christians.”
SOURCE: Hadith Muwatta Imam Malik, 511:1588

EXPLANATION: Islam teaches that Mohammed’s
later teachings take priority over his older teachings.
Therefore, the later the teaching, the greater it is.
Therefore, Muslims must believe that Mohammed’s
last words were his most important words.
Happiness is a feeling that resides in the heart. It is characterized by peace of mind, tranquility, a sense of well-being, and a relaxed disposition. It comes as a result of proper behavior, both inward and outward, and is inspired by strong faith. This is attested to by the Qur’ân and Sunnah.
Allah says:
- Whoever works righteousness as a believer, whether male or female, We will give a good life.

- Then, whoever follows My guidance shall neither go astray nor be distressed. But whoever turns away from My reminder will have a life of hardship.

Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “True enrichment does not come through possessing a lot of wealth, but true enrichment is the enrichment of the soul.”

Mohammed’s last words before he died:
“O Lord, kill the Jews and Christians.”
SOURCE: Hadith Muwatta Imam Malik, 511:1588

EXPLANATION: Islam teaches that Mohammed’s
later teachings take priority over his older teachings.
Therefore, the later the teaching, the greater it is.
Therefore, Muslims must believe that Mohammed’s
last words were his most important words.

he was seeking HAPPINESS-----the happiness of seeing lots
of people dead even if he could no longer accomplish the rape and
murder on his own
Patience, Knowledge, Wisdom, Faith and Peace

Can you find peace without Patience, Knowledge, Wisdom and Faith?

Not easy.


Because if you don't have patience we will not be able to benefit from life's hardships to grow in faith and peace.

And if you don't have the basics of divine knowledge, you won't follow the right path, which means you won't find peace in this world and the next.

And if you are not a wise person, you won't take the right decisions in life, and again that means no peace.

And finally, if you don't have faith, how can you find real eternal peace?

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