Happiness in Islam

Knowledge is Light

If you want to increase in faith, do an effort to increase in beneficial knowledge.

Knowledge brings light to the heart, and increases faith, and the best type of knowledge a believer can seek is knowledge of our Creator.

Try to better understand His names and attributes, what He likes and what He doesn't, what He commands and what He prohibits.

With this knowledge, you will find your faith gradually increases, and with that more peace will enter your heart.

So start now and pray that God increases you in knowledge.

Since I can prove the Quran says the sun orbits the earth, I am certain you will find no knowledge there.

that's the least of its problems
Gems of the Quran: The Gates of Hell vs. The Gates of Paradise

Allah says: The people are being driven to the gates of Paradise. They are being taken there and they come upon Paradise....and - They find the gates ALREADY OPEN. They saw it while coming upon it, they saw it as they came upon it, they are able to gaze into the open doors. This SINGLE LETTER causes the image of these gates to change by showing the state of the gates as the people come upon them.

There is no surprise. There is no questioning. There is no wonder if this place is meant for them....it is meant for them. They are welcome. The gates are open already and it is why they have been taken there. Paradise is theirs and they are being called into it from these gates.

During prayer, heart and soul are in communication with God

Closeness to Him, the comfort realized from asking of Him, and the spirituality felt from standing in front of Him - these are all realized during the prayer.

Every limb is used during the prayer, but what is more important is that the heart must be wakefull as well.

When one prays, tranquility and peace are achieved, as one travels away, at least spiritually, from enemies and troubles.

Thus prayer is one of the most potent of remedies for the diseases of the heart. Yet only the worthy heart benefits from prayer; the weak heart on the other hand is like the body in that it seeks its sustenance from material matter.

Prayer is the greatest way to help us achieve the blessings of both this world and the Hereafter. The prayer precludes one from sins, defends against diseases, illuminates both heart and face, makes one active, and in general brings good upon the person who performs it sincerely

(Source: Book titled "Don't be Sad")
Moderate Islam: An Islam That Deals With Reality

Imam Suhaib Webb shares his reflections on this topic in a light way:

(7 minutes)
What Does It Mean to Be a Muslim?

1. To worship Allah alone

2. To be respectful and kind to parents

3. To be good to relatives, to the poor, and to travelers

4. To be careful with money and not waste resources

5. To take good care of children

6. To steer clear of adultery and illicit relations

7. To respect every life and not to kill anyone unless in the pursuit of justice

8. To take care of the orphans

9. To fulfill promises and commitments

10. To be honest in business dealings

11. To act upon knowledge and not follow hearsay or act on half-truths

12. To be humble and have no arrogance
What Does It Mean to Be a Muslim?

1. To worship Allah alone

2. To be respectful and kind to parents

3. To be good to relatives, to the poor, and to travelers

4. To be careful with money and not waste resources

5. To take good care of children

6. To steer clear of adultery and illicit relations

7. To respect every life and not to kill anyone unless in the pursuit of justice

8. To take care of the orphans

9. To fulfill promises and commitments

10. To be honest in business dealings

11. To act upon knowledge and not follow hearsay or act on half-truths

12. To be humble and have no arrogance
13. Kill infidels.
the Islamic approach is orphans is fascinating. Muslim orphans can end up in the care of relatives---
or other muslims. ----the DILEMMA is what to do with the children of non muslims-----SIMPLE!!!
ENSLAVE THEM------It is legal to do so if the non muslim child loses his father----even if the
mother and other relatives are alive-----by THE HOLY LAW OF ALLAH-----the orphaned child is
rendered a slave to the muslim who claims him or her. The LOGIC is that it is far better to be
a slave in a muslim household------than the child of a non muslim
Racism Can Only Be Cured by Virtue

Dr. Sherman Abdul Hakim Jackson explains that racism cannot be cured by human rights, but inculcating akhlaq (character).

He points out the hypocrisy in human rights discourse as a symptom of weak akhlaq.

(3 minutes)
a "symptom" is a subjective sensation. Hypocrisy cannot be a symptom.
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getting back to AKHLAQ-----the prominent issue of the world today is the LACK OF AKHLAQ OF THE UMMAH. This problem is
a manifestation of the lack of AKHLAQ demonstrated, in their formative years, to the children of the UMMAH
Patience, Trust in God and More Patience..

God says in the Qur'an that He loves the patient.

That in itself is a sufficient motivation for a believer to be patient when going through a hard time.

We trust that with hardship there is ease, and that God responds to the supplications of believers, so keep praying, and have more patience.

After the dark night comes the break of dawn and the rising sun spreads light and hope.
Only Islam Could Fill the Void Within Me

I was raised in a religious Christian family where religion was intertwined with all aspects of life.

As a result, even at a very young age, I took religious matters seriously, and played a role in teaching the other children at church.

This was also facilitated by the fact that we didn’t have a television at home (for reasons of principle) and thus I would spend a great deal of time reading anything I could get my hands on, religious books included...​

Only Islam Could Fill the Void Within Me | About Islam
Only Islam Could Fill the Void Within Me

I was raised in a religious Christian family where religion was intertwined with all aspects of life.

As a result, even at a very young age, I took religious matters seriously, and played a role in teaching the other children at church.

This was also facilitated by the fact that we didn’t have a television at home (for reasons of principle) and thus I would spend a great deal of time reading anything I could get my hands on, religious books included...​

Only Islam Could Fill the Void Within Me | About Islam

I don't know if you have read the Upanishads, but they are far older than the bible or the Quran and they are truly spiritual writings. Unlike the Quran which I regard as evil lies about God from a false prophet.

I expect you have me on ignore, so do not envisage any reply, but other people will read it.

Frankly I cannot understand how anyone could want to worship the Allah described in the Quran because of the terrible cruelty in hell he promises to unbelievers.
American Muslims Launch Hijab Billboard Campaign

OAKBROOK TERRACE – With billboards that draw a similarity between Islamic hijab and the veiled Virgin Mary, a Muslim group from Chicago launched a billboard campaign on Monday to inform people about hijab in Illinois.

“Wearing the hijab is 100% my choice. As contrary to the popular belief, hijab in no way oppresses us. In fact, it indicates the opposite as hijab symbolizes the power to women, and not inferiority,” Sara Ahmed, GainPeace volunteer, told WGNTV on Monday.


The billboards are the first of their kind in the country, designed by a group called GainPeace, which encourages non-Muslim Americans to contact the organization for a better understanding of why Muslim women wear the hijab.

They say they’ve already gotten many phone calls, most of which have been positive.
Chicago Muslims Launch Hijab Billboard Campaign
veils and hats are not an innovation of islam. -----nor of Christianity, nor of
Judaism. Clothing as a mark of social rank goes back many thousands of
years. Rules are instituted in Islamic law covering many issues---including
oppression. Ancient Greek women of HIGH RANK----generally ALWAYS wore
a veil over their heads-----mostly to distinguish themselves from slaves. Veiled
women were "special" In many societies some aspects of clothing were
OUTLAWED for persons of low rank-----this perversity also exists in Islamic law.
Islamic law also PRESCRIBES specific clothing for its oppressed classes----like
DHIMMIS. Some of the laws are truly perverse. The color for Zoroastrians is
red (probably related to their attachment to fire) for Christians it is blue,
for jews it is yellow (hitler did not invent the idea) and for hindus and
Buddhists it is orange (something like saffron). In strict shariah adherence-----
dhimmis CANNOT DRESS LIKE MUSLIMS <<<<isn't that all SO CUTE?
The Story of People of Sheba in the Quran

The fifty-four verse surah, Sheba, was revealed in Makkah. All chapters revealed in Makkah tend to concentrate on the fundamentals of faith and pay particular attention to belief in the Day of Judgment and the Hereafter...

The Story of People of Sheba in the Quran

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