Happiness in Islam

The More You Know Him, The More You Love Him
(A Convert's Reflections)

When I first heard about a religion called Islam, I had never heard of a Prophet named Muhammad.

I had never even heard of any man named Muhammad for that matter.

It might have been due to the fact that growing up, I was pretty sheltered.

Or it could’ve had something to do with the fact that the first time I heard of Islam was in 1998. A time before mass anti-Muslim propaganda...

The More You Know Him, The More You Love Him | About Islam
The More You Know Him, The More You Love Him
(A Convert's Reflections)

When I first heard about a religion called Islam, I had never heard of a Prophet named Muhammad.

I had never even heard of any man named Muhammad for that matter.

It might have been due to the fact that growing up, I was pretty sheltered.

Or it could’ve had something to do with the fact that the first time I heard of Islam was in 1998. A time before mass anti-Muslim propaganda...

The More You Know Him, The More You Love Him | About Islam
Do you believe the history of Mohammed, that he was a murderer and destroyed people if they didn't adhere to his new religion?
The More You Know Him, The More You Love Him
(A Convert's Reflections)

When I first heard about a religion called Islam, I had never heard of a Prophet named Muhammad.

I had never even heard of any man named Muhammad for that matter.

It might have been due to the fact that growing up, I was pretty sheltered.

Or it could’ve had something to do with the fact that the first time I heard of Islam was in 1998. A time before mass anti-Muslim propaganda...

The More You Know Him, The More You Love Him | About Islam
Do you believe the history of Mohammed, that he was a murderer and destroyed people if they didn't adhere to his new religion?

muhummad murdered ONLY the people that he was supposed (for the love of allah) to murder and
raped the women ---that he was SUPPOSED to rape.

I grew up in the USA-----in a USA small town. I learned about islam. According to my social studies book it is a monotheistic religion and Friday is sunday-----and like jews----muslims do not eat pork.
The entire description of islam was about 100 words in my text book. The entire description of Hinduism was another 100 words. Later on I met up with lots of muslims from whom I learned that americans HATE muslims and islam (especially jews ) and hindus are no damn good because they have too many "gods"
At the time I met up with musims, I also met up with hindus-----they did not EXPRESS much opinion about
muslims------they just shrugged and giggled a little. ......Long ago I was young and so damn innocent that I
look back on the '60s as the time of real stupidity. I absolutely believe that racial and sectarian strife was
ALL OVER-----archaic crap.........then I got invited to go to a mosque ---the IMAM was a visiting genius---he
spoke in English because the audience was largely people from south east asia and americans like me
like me) It was from muslims that I learned about islam and the "facts" about Hindus, Christians, and
Jews that are shoved down the throats of muslim children from infancy
Right-wing AfD German politician reverts to Islam.

A senior member of Germany‘s right-wing Alternative for Deutschland party has caused a stir by converting to Islam.

Arthur Wagner, who was until recently a member of the Brandenburg state legislative committee, said his decision to become a Muslim was a ‘private matter’.

But members of his party have repeatedly stressed that Islam ‘does not belong’ in Germany and that multiculturalism and mass migration are bad for the country.

At the time of the migration crisis – when Angela Merkel unilaterally declared that over a million people could come to Germany from around the world – Wagner said the chancellor was making a ‘huge mistake’, Tagesspiegel reported.

He explained: ‘Germany is mutating into another country.’

Wagner has resigned his senior position with the party for ‘private reasons’, according to an AfD official quoted in Berliner Zeitung.

Right-wing AfD German politician reverts to Islam !
right wing AFD aka Nazi deutscher has an affinity for islam-----what else is new?-----so did adolf
In fact so did "DOCTOR" Aribert Heim----mass murderer of Mauthausen aka Dr. Death
right wing AFD aka Nazi deutscher has an affinity for islam-----what else is new?-----so did adolf
In fact so did "DOCTOR" Aribert Heim----mass murderer of Mauthausen aka Dr. Death
Syria was an ally and hiding place for Nazis. Common agenda, extermination of Jews. Islam and Nazis are both fascist in nature.
How to Feel God’s Kindness Towards Us

God is kind to us in ways that we cannot even imagine.

His kindness is manifested to us from before we are born into our infancy and adulthood, in every aspect of our lives...

It is from God’s kindness that He blesses us with patience and fortitude in the face of pain and hardship. When we bear patiently what befalls us reconcile ourselves to His will, it is good for us.

We see this in the story of Joseph (peace be upon him). First, he suffered at the hands of his brothers who abandoned him at the bottom of a well. Then he suffered years of imprisonment in Egypt as a result of sexual allegations he was innocent of.

Finally, God blessed him to enjoy power and influence in Egypt. After everything that happened, Joseph declared:

Lo! My Lord is Most Kind to whom He pleases. (12: 100)​

Most people grumble about the tribulations that they face as individuals and as communities, because they do not see anything in them but their obviously negative aspects.

With time, they come to see the situation’s many dimensions and outcomes, and they realize that it manifests God’s kindness in many profound ways.

How to Feel God’s Kindness Towards Us | About Islam
How to Feel God’s Kindness Towards Us

God is kind to us in ways that we cannot even imagine.

His kindness is manifested to us from before we are born into our infancy and adulthood, in every aspect of our lives...

It is from God’s kindness that He blesses us with patience and fortitude in the face of pain and hardship. When we bear patiently what befalls us reconcile ourselves to His will, it is good for us.

We see this in the story of Joseph (peace be upon him). First, he suffered at the hands of his brothers who abandoned him at the bottom of a well. Then he suffered years of imprisonment in Egypt as a result of sexual allegations he was innocent of.

Finally, God blessed him to enjoy power and influence in Egypt. After everything that happened, Joseph declared:

Lo! My Lord is Most Kind to whom He pleases. (12: 100)​

Most people grumble about the tribulations that they face as individuals and as communities, because they do not see anything in them but their obviously negative aspects.

With time, they come to see the situation’s many dimensions and outcomes, and they realize that it manifests God’s kindness in many profound ways.

How to Feel God’s Kindness Towards Us | About Islam
Ancient Liar, Your god's love is stoning to death for being raped.
How to Feel God’s Kindness Towards Us

God is kind to us in ways that we cannot even imagine.

His kindness is manifested to us from before we are born into our infancy and adulthood, in every aspect of our lives...

It is from God’s kindness that He blesses us with patience and fortitude in the face of pain and hardship. When we bear patiently what befalls us reconcile ourselves to His will, it is good for us.

We see this in the story of Joseph (peace be upon him). First, he suffered at the hands of his brothers who abandoned him at the bottom of a well. Then he suffered years of imprisonment in Egypt as a result of sexual allegations he was innocent of.

Finally, God blessed him to enjoy power and influence in Egypt. After everything that happened, Joseph declared:

Lo! My Lord is Most Kind to whom He pleases. (12: 100)​

Most people grumble about the tribulations that they face as individuals and as communities, because they do not see anything in them but their obviously negative aspects.

With time, they come to see the situation’s many dimensions and outcomes, and they realize that it manifests God’s kindness in many profound ways.

How to Feel God’s Kindness Towards Us | About Islam
Ancient Liar, Your god's love is stoning to death for being raped.

taz-----do you mock fortune cookies, too?
How to Feel God’s Kindness Towards Us

God is kind to us in ways that we cannot even imagine.

His kindness is manifested to us from before we are born into our infancy and adulthood, in every aspect of our lives...

It is from God’s kindness that He blesses us with patience and fortitude in the face of pain and hardship. When we bear patiently what befalls us reconcile ourselves to His will, it is good for us.

We see this in the story of Joseph (peace be upon him). First, he suffered at the hands of his brothers who abandoned him at the bottom of a well. Then he suffered years of imprisonment in Egypt as a result of sexual allegations he was innocent of.

Finally, God blessed him to enjoy power and influence in Egypt. After everything that happened, Joseph declared:

Lo! My Lord is Most Kind to whom He pleases. (12: 100)​

Most people grumble about the tribulations that they face as individuals and as communities, because they do not see anything in them but their obviously negative aspects.

With time, they come to see the situation’s many dimensions and outcomes, and they realize that it manifests God’s kindness in many profound ways.

How to Feel God’s Kindness Towards Us | About Islam
Ancient Liar, Your god's love is stoning to death for being raped.

taz-----do you mock fortune cookies, too?
At least fortune cookies don't want to have me killed for laughing at them. :biggrin:
How to Feel God’s Kindness Towards Us

God is kind to us in ways that we cannot even imagine.

His kindness is manifested to us from before we are born into our infancy and adulthood, in every aspect of our lives...

It is from God’s kindness that He blesses us with patience and fortitude in the face of pain and hardship. When we bear patiently what befalls us reconcile ourselves to His will, it is good for us.

We see this in the story of Joseph (peace be upon him). First, he suffered at the hands of his brothers who abandoned him at the bottom of a well. Then he suffered years of imprisonment in Egypt as a result of sexual allegations he was innocent of.

Finally, God blessed him to enjoy power and influence in Egypt. After everything that happened, Joseph declared:

Lo! My Lord is Most Kind to whom He pleases. (12: 100)​

Most people grumble about the tribulations that they face as individuals and as communities, because they do not see anything in them but their obviously negative aspects.

With time, they come to see the situation’s many dimensions and outcomes, and they realize that it manifests God’s kindness in many profound ways.

How to Feel God’s Kindness Towards Us | About Islam
Ancient Liar, Your god's love is stoning to death for being raped.

taz-----do you mock fortune cookies, too?
At least fortune cookies don't want to have me killed for laughing at them. :biggrin:

and ....if you are really hungry----they taste good with tea
Knowledge is Light

If you want to increase in faith, do an effort to increase in beneficial knowledge.

Knowledge brings light to the heart, and increases faith, and the best type of knowledge a believer can seek is knowledge of our Creator.

Try to better understand His names and attributes, what He likes and what He doesn't, what He commands and what He prohibits.

With this knowledge, you will find your faith gradually increases, and with that more peace will enter your heart.

So start now and pray that God increases you in knowledge.
Purifying Ourselves From Anger & Envy

Shaykh Yahya Rhodus speaks about purifying ourselves from anger, rancor, and envy.

This talk was delivered at the Muslim Community Center - East Bay in Pleasanton, California on Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017.

(64 minutes)
Prohibition of Gambling

By Mufti Muhammad Shafi’ Uthmani (rahmatullahi alayh)

They ask you about wine and maisir (gambling). Say, “In both there is great sin, and some benefits for people. And their sin is greater than their benefit. [Surah al-Baqarah 2:219]​

The word, maisir is an infinitive and lexically means ‘to distribute’. One who distributes is called yasir. During the days of Jahiliyyah, several types of games of chance were common in Arabia. In one of such games, they used to slaughter a camel following which they would gamble while distributing shares from the meat. Some used to get more than one share while others remained deprived of even one. The one who thus remained deprived had to pay for the whole camel. The meat was, of course, distributed among the poor; the gamblers did not use it themselves.

The catch in this particular game of chance was that it benefited the poor while, at the same time, it demonstrated the philanthropy of the gamblers. That is why this game was considered a matter of pride by them. Anyone who would not participate in it was chided as miserly and wretched.

It is because of the relevance of distribution that Qimar is given the name of Maisir. All Companions, and Successors to them, hold the unanimous view that the word, Maisir includes all forms of Qimar or gambling and that all of them are haraam or unlawful.
Muslim, Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham, who stabbed two brothers in Minnesota on Nov. 2017 said he carried out his attack to answer the "call for jihad by the Chief of Believer, Abu-bakr Al-baghdadi, may Allah protect him, and by the Mujahiden of the Islamic State.” Just another day in the happiness that is Islam.
Muslim suicide bomber killed close to 100 people and wounded scores of others on January 27th of this year in Kabul, Afghanistan. Just another day in the happiness that is Islam.

All things are created with wisdom and with an ulterior purpose. In consort with this ulterior purpose, there are benefits for the believers in all happenings. Because Allah is on the believers' side and does not let them down.

Encounters in life may at first seem unfavorable for the believers. However, one should understand that even seemingly events, for example, a plot hatched against them by the others, will ultimately turn out well for them. Allah will sooner or later let them savor His beneficence so, believers should be completely sure that there is goodness in all.

There are many examples of this kind of situation in the Qur'an; the life of Yusuf (Joseph) is one of the most remarkable. In his childhood, Yusuf had been thrown down to the bottom of a well by his brothers. He was later rescued and then accused and imprisoned, even though he was innocent.

For a person without faith, these incidents may be thought of as the greatest misfortunes. Nevertheless, Yusuf always kept in mind that these could only happen under Allah's will and that all would certainly turn out for the better. And this proved to be true. Allah turned the "disasters" to good account; Yusuf was released from prison and in time became one of the governors of that land


All things are created with wisdom and with an ulterior purpose. In consort with this ulterior purpose, there are benefits for the believers in all happenings. Because Allah is on the believers' side and does not let them down.

Encounters in life may at first seem unfavorable for the believers. However, one should understand that even seemingly events, for example, a plot hatched against them by the others, will ultimately turn out well for them. Allah will sooner or later let them savor His beneficence so, believers should be completely sure that there is goodness in all.

There are many examples of this kind of situation in the Qur'an; the life of Yusuf (Joseph) is one of the most remarkable. In his childhood, Yusuf had been thrown down to the bottom of a well by his brothers. He was later rescued and then accused and imprisoned, even though he was innocent.

For a person without faith, these incidents may be thought of as the greatest misfortunes. Nevertheless, Yusuf always kept in mind that these could only happen under Allah's will and that all would certainly turn out for the better. And this proved to be true. Allah turned the "disasters" to good account; Yusuf was released from prison and in time became one of the governors of that land

Do me a favour ! The story of Joseph in the Quran is nothing but an incomprehensible rambling account of the story in Genesis in the bible. The story of Joseph in the bible is four times the length of the Qurans surah 12.
Surah 12 leaves out much detail of the story and is incomprehensible if you have not already read the story of Joseph in genesis in the bible.
It is obvious that Muhammad had the story read to him from the bible and some time later he related as much as he could remember of it. But his memory was faulty and he left out essential details that make the story understandable.
Knowledge is Light

If you want to increase in faith, do an effort to increase in beneficial knowledge.

Knowledge brings light to the heart, and increases faith, and the best type of knowledge a believer can seek is knowledge of our Creator.

Try to better understand His names and attributes, what He likes and what He doesn't, what He commands and what He prohibits.

With this knowledge, you will find your faith gradually increases, and with that more peace will enter your heart.

So start now and pray that God increases you in knowledge.

Since I can prove the Quran says the sun orbits the earth, I am certain you will find no knowledge there.

All things are created with wisdom and with an ulterior purpose. In consort with this ulterior purpose, there are benefits for the believers in all happenings. Because Allah is on the believers' side and does not let them down.

Encounters in life may at first seem unfavorable for the believers. However, one should understand that even seemingly events, for example, a plot hatched against them by the others, will ultimately turn out well for them. Allah will sooner or later let them savor His beneficence so, believers should be completely sure that there is goodness in all.

There are many examples of this kind of situation in the Qur'an; the life of Yusuf (Joseph) is one of the most remarkable. In his childhood, Yusuf had been thrown down to the bottom of a well by his brothers. He was later rescued and then accused and imprisoned, even though he was innocent.

For a person without faith, these incidents may be thought of as the greatest misfortunes. Nevertheless, Yusuf always kept in mind that these could only happen under Allah's will and that all would certainly turn out for the better. And this proved to be true. Allah turned the "disasters" to good account; Yusuf was released from prison and in time became one of the governors of that land

Do me a favour ! The story of Joseph in the Quran is nothing but an incomprehensible rambling account of the story in Genesis in the bible. The story of Joseph in the bible is four times the length of the Qurans surah 12.
Surah 12 leaves out much detail of the story and is incomprehensible if you have not already read the story of Joseph in genesis in the bible.
It is obvious that Muhammad had the story read to him from the bible and some time later he related as much as he could remember of it. But his memory was faulty and he left out essential details that make the story understandable.

don't blame muhummad----he did not write the Koran-----his somewhat illiterate friends did it. I read the Koran LONG LONG ago---------I thought it would be interesting-----like the Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana and
Odyssey------even Dante's Divine Comedy. -------it wasn't------it is a jumbled messed up recounting of
some bible and some midrash tales and legends mixed with the life story of a desert sociopath. I was INTO
the CLASSICS complete with themes and----HUBRIS and----the end result of HUBRIS and all that stuff.
CHARACTER DEVELOPEMENT ---------nope---nuthin'

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