Happiness in Islam

The Quran and the scientific method -3-

Ibn al-Haytham's
process involved the following stages:
  1. Observation of the natural world.
  2. Stating a definite problem.
  3. Formulating a robust hypothesis.
  4. Testing the hypothesis through experimentation.
  5. Analysis of the results.
  6. Interpreting the data and drawing conclusions.
  7. Publishing of the findings.

Ibn al-Haytham first studied theology, the Qur’an, and he stated that it was the Qur’an that inspired him to study philosophy and science:

I decided to discover what it is that brings us closer to God, what pleases Him most, and what makes us submissive to His ineluctable Will.”​

Using his revolutionary scientific method, Ibn al-Haytham made leaps and bounds in the field of optics. In his book, The Book of Optics, he was the first to disprove the ancient Greek idea that light comes out of the eye, bounces off objects, and comes back to the eye. He delved further into the way the eye itself works and using dissections he was able to begin to explain how light enters the eye, is focused and is projected to the back of the eye.

The translation of The Book of Optics had a huge impact on Europe. From it, later European scholars were able to understand the way light works and devices such as eyeglasses, magnifying lenses, telescopes and cameras were developed. Without Ibn al-Haytham’s scientific method, we may still be living in a time when speculation, superstition, and unproven myths are the basis of science. It is not a stretch to say that without his ideas, the modern world of science that we know today would not exist.
In retrospect: Book of Optics (Nature)

Figure: Ibn al-Haytham's Sketch of the Human Optical System. The oldest known drawing of the nervous system from Kitab al-Manazir of Ibn al-Haytham (from a manuscript held in the Süleymaniye Library, Istanbul), in which the eyes and optic nerves are illustrated. It shows a large nose at the bottom, eyes on both side and a hollow optic nerve that flows out of each one towards the back of the brain.(Source).
The Quran and the scientific method -3-

Ibn al-Haytham's
process involved the following stages:
  1. Observation of the natural world.
  2. Stating a definite problem.
  3. Formulating a robust hypothesis.
  4. Testing the hypothesis through experimentation.
  5. Analysis of the results.
  6. Interpreting the data and drawing conclusions.
  7. Publishing of the findings.

Ibn al-Haytham first studied theology, the Qur’an, and he stated that it was the Qur’an that inspired him to study philosophy and science:

I decided to discover what it is that brings us closer to God, what pleases Him most, and what makes us submissive to His ineluctable Will.”​

Using his revolutionary scientific method, Ibn al-Haytham made leaps and bounds in the field of optics. In his book, The Book of Optics, he was the first to disprove the ancient Greek idea that light comes out of the eye, bounces off objects, and comes back to the eye. He delved further into the way the eye itself works and using dissections he was able to begin to explain how light enters the eye, is focused and is projected to the back of the eye.

The translation of The Book of Optics had a huge impact on Europe. From it, later European scholars were able to understand the way light works and devices such as eyeglasses, magnifying lenses, telescopes and cameras were developed. Without Ibn al-Haytham’s scientific method, we may still be living in a time when speculation, superstition, and unproven myths are the basis of science. It is not a stretch to say that without his ideas, the modern world of science that we know today would not exist.
In retrospect: Book of Optics (Nature)

Figure: Ibn al-Haytham's Sketch of the Human Optical System. The oldest known drawing of the nervous system from Kitab al-Manazir of Ibn al-Haytham (from a manuscript held in the Süleymaniye Library, Istanbul), in which the eyes and optic nerves are illustrated. It shows a large nose at the bottom, eyes on both side and a hollow optic nerve that flows out of each one towards the back of the brain.(Source).
Was that drawn by a monkey?
The Quran and the scientific method -3-

Ibn al-Haytham's
process involved the following stages:
  1. Observation of the natural world.
  2. Stating a definite problem.
  3. Formulating a robust hypothesis.
  4. Testing the hypothesis through experimentation.
  5. Analysis of the results.
  6. Interpreting the data and drawing conclusions.
  7. Publishing of the findings.

Ibn al-Haytham first studied theology, the Qur’an, and he stated that it was the Qur’an that inspired him to study philosophy and science:

I decided to discover what it is that brings us closer to God, what pleases Him most, and what makes us submissive to His ineluctable Will.”​

Using his revolutionary scientific method, Ibn al-Haytham made leaps and bounds in the field of optics. In his book, The Book of Optics, he was the first to disprove the ancient Greek idea that light comes out of the eye, bounces off objects, and comes back to the eye. He delved further into the way the eye itself works and using dissections he was able to begin to explain how light enters the eye, is focused and is projected to the back of the eye.

The translation of The Book of Optics had a huge impact on Europe. From it, later European scholars were able to understand the way light works and devices such as eyeglasses, magnifying lenses, telescopes and cameras were developed. Without Ibn al-Haytham’s scientific method, we may still be living in a time when speculation, superstition, and unproven myths are the basis of science. It is not a stretch to say that without his ideas, the modern world of science that we know today would not exist.
In retrospect: Book of Optics (Nature)

Figure: Ibn al-Haytham's Sketch of the Human Optical System. The oldest known drawing of the nervous system from Kitab al-Manazir of Ibn al-Haytham (from a manuscript held in the Süleymaniye Library, Istanbul), in which the eyes and optic nerves are illustrated. It shows a large nose at the bottom, eyes on both side and a hollow optic nerve that flows out of each one towards the back of the brain.(Source).
Was that drawn by a monkey?

it is a very reasonable copy of the drawings of the ANATOMY of the EYE produced
by GALEN in the second century AD.. For the record ---the OPTIC nerve is not
anything more from the holy Koran about the anatomy of the eye and the "HOLLOW OPTIC NERVE"? " Ibn al-Haytham's scientific method" developed by 10th century muslim
in BASRA, Iraq according to Islamic historic revisionism. Well----actually BASRA was a center of jewish scholarship by the 9th century AD------ during which time a jewish scholar--(name---I forgot---will search) translated the GREEK medical literature into
Arabic. That city was chock full of Christian, Jewish and zoroastrian scholars who did
translate the works of greek and Persian scholars that had preceded muhummad by more than 1000 years and who had developed that which we call the "scientific method"
way back then. Basra is in southern Iraq and in ancient time was a center of TALMUDIC scholarship before that community was wiped out progressively by some creeps called
UMMAYAADS (?) and very recently----ie in the early 20th century----progressively and
finally completely destroyed----by you know whom\

As for Ibn Al-haytham-------he could rightly say "If I have seen further than others-----
It is because I have stood on the shoulders of Giants" <<<< sir Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton himself was VERY INNOVATIVE------he created the bane to my
existence in my freshman college year-- CALCULUS!!!----he also did THE LAWS OF
THERMODYNAMICS. I know of no actual innovation by ibn AL-haytham----but I
may have missed something
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Light upon Light

In the thirteenth century the seeds of Muslim learning began to germinate in Europe. Thus Europe awoke from the Dark Ages and entered a new era of enlightenment known as the Renaissance. Translations of Arabic works on science were made for almost three centuries starting from the tenth to the thirteenth century and gradually spread throughout Europe.

Professor George Saliba penned a book on this very topic and stated that:

There is hardly a book on Islamic civilization, or on the general history of science, that does not at least pretend to recognize the importance of the Islamic scientific tradition and the role this tradition played in the development of human civilisation in general.”​

Professor Thomas Arnold was of the opinion that the European Renaissance originated in Islamic Spain:

“…Muslim Spain had written one of the brightest pages in the history of Medieval Europe. Her influence had passed through Provence into the other countries of Europe, bringing into birth a new poetry and a new culture, and it was from her that Christian scholars received what of Greek philosophy and science they had to stimulate their mental activity up to the time of the Renaissance.”
Light upon Light

In the thirteenth century the seeds of Muslim learning began to germinate in Europe. Thus Europe awoke from the Dark Ages and entered a new era of enlightenment known as the Renaissance. Translations of Arabic works on science were made for almost three centuries starting from the tenth to the thirteenth century and gradually spread throughout Europe.

the translations from Arabic were translations from Greek works by virtue of Christian and jewish scholars in
lands invaded by hordes from Arabia

Professor Thomas Arnold was of the opinion that the European Renaissance originated in Islamic Spain:

“…Muslim Spain had written one of the brightest pages in the history of Medieval Europe. Her influence had passed through Provence into the other countries of Europe, bringing into birth a new poetry and a new culture, and it was from her that Christian scholars received what of Greek philosophy and science they had to stimulate their mental activity up to the time of the Renaissance.”<<<< right-----translations of ancient greek writings----translated into Arabic by jewish and Christian scholars
The Quran and the scientific method -3-

Ibn al-Haytham's
process involved the following stages:
  1. Observation of the natural world.
  2. Stating a definite problem.
  3. Formulating a robust hypothesis.
  4. Testing the hypothesis through experimentation.
  5. Analysis of the results.
  6. Interpreting the data and drawing conclusions.
  7. Publishing of the findings.

Ibn al-Haytham first studied theology, the Qur’an, and he stated that it was the Qur’an that inspired him to study philosophy and science:

I decided to discover what it is that brings us closer to God, what pleases Him most, and what makes us submissive to His ineluctable Will.”​

Using his revolutionary scientific method, Ibn al-Haytham made leaps and bounds in the field of optics. In his book, The Book of Optics, he was the first to disprove the ancient Greek idea that light comes out of the eye, bounces off objects, and comes back to the eye. He delved further into the way the eye itself works and using dissections he was able to begin to explain how light enters the eye, is focused and is projected to the back of the eye.

The translation of The Book of Optics had a huge impact on Europe. From it, later European scholars were able to understand the way light works and devices such as eyeglasses, magnifying lenses, telescopes and cameras were developed. Without Ibn al-Haytham’s scientific method, we may still be living in a time when speculation, superstition, and unproven myths are the basis of science. It is not a stretch to say that without his ideas, the modern world of science that we know today would not exist.
In retrospect: Book of Optics (Nature)

Figure: Ibn al-Haytham's Sketch of the Human Optical System. The oldest known drawing of the nervous system from Kitab al-Manazir of Ibn al-Haytham (from a manuscript held in the Süleymaniye Library, Istanbul), in which the eyes and optic nerves are illustrated. It shows a large nose at the bottom, eyes on both side and a hollow optic nerve that flows out of each one towards the back of the brain.(Source).
Before Islam Baghdad was the center of science and math. Christians were killing themselves over religion while Arabs were way ahead of the times. Slowly Christianity embraced science and math but Islam taught math was the devil. Don’t study math study the Koran.

Since Islam Muslims have slipped into the dark ages. All that knowledge lost or never explored. There are billions of Muslims and only 15 million Jews but 25% of Nobel prize winners are Jews but only 0.5% have been Muslims
The Quran and the scientific method -3-

Ibn al-Haytham's
process involved the following stages:
  1. Observation of the natural world.
  2. Stating a definite problem.
  3. Formulating a robust hypothesis.
  4. Testing the hypothesis through experimentation.
  5. Analysis of the results.
  6. Interpreting the data and drawing conclusions.
  7. Publishing of the findings.

Ibn al-Haytham first studied theology, the Qur’an, and he stated that it was the Qur’an that inspired him to study philosophy and science:

I decided to discover what it is that brings us closer to God, what pleases Him most, and what makes us submissive to His ineluctable Will.”​

Using his revolutionary scientific method, Ibn al-Haytham made leaps and bounds in the field of optics. In his book, The Book of Optics, he was the first to disprove the ancient Greek idea that light comes out of the eye, bounces off objects, and comes back to the eye. He delved further into the way the eye itself works and using dissections he was able to begin to explain how light enters the eye, is focused and is projected to the back of the eye.

The translation of The Book of Optics had a huge impact on Europe. From it, later European scholars were able to understand the way light works and devices such as eyeglasses, magnifying lenses, telescopes and cameras were developed. Without Ibn al-Haytham’s scientific method, we may still be living in a time when speculation, superstition, and unproven myths are the basis of science. It is not a stretch to say that without his ideas, the modern world of science that we know today would not exist.
In retrospect: Book of Optics (Nature)

Figure: Ibn al-Haytham's Sketch of the Human Optical System. The oldest known drawing of the nervous system from Kitab al-Manazir of Ibn al-Haytham (from a manuscript held in the Süleymaniye Library, Istanbul), in which the eyes and optic nerves are illustrated. It shows a large nose at the bottom, eyes on both side and a hollow optic nerve that flows out of each one towards the back of the brain.(Source).
Before Islam Baghdad was the center of science and math. Christians were killing themselves over religion while Arabs were way ahead of the times. Slowly Christianity embraced science and math but Islam taught math was the devil. Don’t study math study the Koran.

Since Islam Muslims have slipped into the dark ages. All that knowledge lost or never explored. There are billions of Muslims and only 15 million Jews but 25% of Nobel prize winners are Jews but only 0.5% have been Muslims
The Quran and the scientific method -3-

Ibn al-Haytham's
process involved the following stages:
  1. Observation of the natural world.
  2. Stating a definite problem.
  3. Formulating a robust hypothesis.
  4. Testing the hypothesis through experimentation.
  5. Analysis of the results.
  6. Interpreting the data and drawing conclusions.
  7. Publishing of the findings.

Ibn al-Haytham first studied theology, the Qur’an, and he stated that it was the Qur’an that inspired him to study philosophy and science:

I decided to discover what it is that brings us closer to God, what pleases Him most, and what makes us submissive to His ineluctable Will.”​

Using his revolutionary scientific method, Ibn al-Haytham made leaps and bounds in the field of optics. In his book, The Book of Optics, he was the first to disprove the ancient Greek idea that light comes out of the eye, bounces off objects, and comes back to the eye. He delved further into the way the eye itself works and using dissections he was able to begin to explain how light enters the eye, is focused and is projected to the back of the eye.

The translation of The Book of Optics had a huge impact on Europe. From it, later European scholars were able to understand the way light works and devices such as eyeglasses, magnifying lenses, telescopes and cameras were developed. Without Ibn al-Haytham’s scientific method, we may still be living in a time when speculation, superstition, and unproven myths are the basis of science. It is not a stretch to say that without his ideas, the modern world of science that we know today would not exist.
In retrospect: Book of Optics (Nature)

Figure: Ibn al-Haytham's Sketch of the Human Optical System. The oldest known drawing of the nervous system from Kitab al-Manazir of Ibn al-Haytham (from a manuscript held in the Süleymaniye Library, Istanbul), in which the eyes and optic nerves are illustrated. It shows a large nose at the bottom, eyes on both side and a hollow optic nerve that flows out of each one towards the back of the brain.(Source).
Before Islam Baghdad was the center of science and math. Christians were killing themselves over religion while Arabs were way ahead of the times. Slowly Christianity embraced science and math but Islam taught math was the devil. Don’t study math study the Koran.

Since Islam Muslims have slipped into the dark ages. All that knowledge lost or never explored. There are billions of Muslims and only 15 million Jews but 25% of Nobel prize winners are Jews but only 0.5% have been Muslims

Long before muslims invaded what is now Iraq-----the city that BECAME BAGHDAD-----was home to scholars----Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians-------in fact the major part of the Talmud was recorded around that
area long before the illiterate unwashed arabs invaded. Muslims conquered a city far advanced of anything \that existed in the land of the birth of the "prophet"------and PROFITED from that which already existed there. Jews and Christians translated the greek stuff into Arabic------a few bright arabs did RISE to the occasion.
Sir Isaac Newton was probably descended from a DRUID-------but he managed to LEARN as a result
of the ROMAN/NORMAN conquest . ----"If I have seen further than others, it is because I have stood
on the shoulders of giants" He was realistic. The muslim scientists take credit from that which was there
long before Arabic was a written language
There are billions of Muslims and only 15 million Jews but 25% of Nobel prize winners are Jews but only 0.5% have been Muslims
The Nobel prize committee is basically a Jewish cabal organization. So of course the majority of awards go to their fellow hebe tribe members. .... :cool:

of course------that too. otherwise the rapist pig of Arabia would have been awarded
a Nobel prize posthumously---------he invented felafel
There are billions of Muslims and only 15 million Jews but 25% of Nobel prize winners are Jews but only 0.5% have been Muslims
The Nobel prize committee is basically a Jewish cabal organization. So of course the majority of awards go to their fellow hebe tribe members. .... :cool:

Maybe you can show us in the last century some Muslim scientists who you think were deserving of the Nobel prize but were cheated out of it?

Don't deny this. It's part of your history. Before Islam you guys were the smartest most scientific and mathamatical people in the world. All of the sudden Islam teaches that math is the devil and you guys reverted back to the stone ages.

We were no different by the way. Back when you guys were doing math and science we were killing each other over Jesus. But now you guys are the backward ones.

Why the Arabic World Turned Away from Science

Now, would that be a probable cause of decline in the Islamic golden era of science, as pointed out so famously by Neil deGrasse Tyson? Well, perhaps. Essentially Al Ghazali was saying that math is a fine subject of pursuit as long as its devotees did not start to challenge the content of his religion's holy book. At its root this is basically an attack on the principle that 'NOTHING IS SACROSANCT IN SCIENCE'. Could that attitude towards science, and its universal adoption by later Islamic scholars, partly led to a gradual levelling off of Islamic scientific progress? Well, I dont have the evidence to proof it, but for myself I do not like anything that stands in the way of being able to question anything about anything.

The problem is Islam teaches you not to question what is written in the koran. Why? Because it's all bullshit.
The Qur'an is perfect and needs no update or revision. ...... :cool:

Then tell us how come as soon as Arabs picked up that book the learning stopped? These people were once the smartest at Math and Science and as soon as they were forced to worship Moe they all got dumb.

Clearly it's a man made written book based on a lie.
The Qur'an is a book that has no equal. ..... :cool:

Qur'an 31:27 "If all the trees on the earth were pens, and all the sea (were ink), with seven more seas added thereto, the words of God would not be exhausted in the writing. Surely God is the All-Glorious with irresistible might"
Australian prisoners find happiness in Islam

Academics, imams and prison workers widely agree that conversions to Islam are now commonplace in Australia’s prisons.

Michael Kennedy, a veteran detective of 20 years, knows more than most about the subject. Since leaving the New South Wales organised crime squad he has studied Islam and incarceration extensively as an academic at the University of Western Sydney.

Kennedy has maintained contact with a “lot of good crooks” met in his former life. They exchange letters now and again. His correspondents drift in and out of jail, giving him a unique insight into the place of religion in prison.

The best publicly available information comes from a 2013 census of NSW prisoners, which suggests Muslims remain a minority, although one that is overrepresented. The census showed Muslims accounted for about 9.3% of the state’s prison population compared with 3.2% of the NSW population.


Without a doubt there is … We’re constantly being made aware of new names of people who have embraced Islam or names of people who are wanting to embrace Islam. At least every two weeks, there’s another name or two being added to our list,” Maestracci says.

Why Australian prisoners are reverting to Islam ?
Australian prisoners find happiness in Islam

Academics, imams and prison workers widely agree that conversions to Islam are now commonplace in Australia’s prisons.

Michael Kennedy, a veteran detective of 20 years, knows more than most about the subject. Since leaving the New South Wales organised crime squad he has studied Islam and incarceration extensively as an academic at the University of Western Sydney.

Kennedy has maintained contact with a “lot of good crooks” met in his former life. They exchange letters now and again. His correspondents drift in and out of jail, giving him a unique insight into the place of religion in prison.

The best publicly available information comes from a 2013 census of NSW prisoners, which suggests Muslims remain a minority, although one that is overrepresented. The census showed Muslims accounted for about 9.3% of the state’s prison population compared with 3.2% of the NSW population.


Without a doubt there is … We’re constantly being made aware of new names of people who have embraced Islam or names of people who are wanting to embrace Islam. At least every two weeks, there’s another name or two being added to our list,” Maestracci says.

Why Australian prisoners are reverting to Islam ?


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