Happiness in Islam

the "former congressman" has is under INDICTMENT for a serious felony involving fraud and theft -------in a conspiracy
with his muslim handlers. The poor man is DESPERATE ----the
content of the piece includes the kind of shit that gets thrown onto the floor Fridays in the weekly feces fliing called "KHUTBAH JUMAAT"------for the record----the discussion of
language is filled with errors----it is childish

The Qur’an also instructs Muslims with regard to those non-Muslims who do not fight them:

God does not forbid you to deal kindly and justly with anyone who has not fought you for your faith or driven you out of your homes: God loves the just.” The Qur’an 60:8​

Muslims are not supposed to fight anyone who desires peace and co-existence and in the absence of any religious hostility and persecution, they are commanded to be kind to all.

Alfred J. Butler
, whose work on the Arab Conquest of Egypt is to this day an authoritative reference point, studied the relevant chronicles and made many profound statements pertaining to the Islamic leadership’s tolerance and protection of the Christian population in Egypt:

“After all that the Copts had suffered at the hands of the Romans and the Patriarch Cyrus, it would not have been unnatural if they had desired to retaliate upon the Melkites [the Romans]. But any such design, if they cherished it, was sternly discountenanced by ‘Amr, [the Muslim conqueror of Egypt] whose government was wisely tolerant but perfectly impartial between the two forms of religion. Many facts might be cited in proof of this contention…two forms of Christianity must be imagined as subsisting side by side under the equal protection of the conquerors.”

It was the justice of Islam that appealed to both populations. Moreover the Coptics not only welcomed the Muslims, they facilitated the conquest by joining the ranks of the conquerors.

The Qur’an also instructs Muslims with regard to those non-Muslims who do not fight them:

God does not forbid you to deal kindly and justly with anyone who has not fought you for your faith or driven you out of your homes: God loves the just.” The Qur’an 60:8​

Muslims are not supposed to fight anyone who desires peace and co-existence and in the absence of any religious hostility and persecution, they are commanded to be kind to all.

Alfred J. Butler
, whose work on the Arab Conquest of Egypt is to this day an authoritative reference point, studied the relevant chronicles and made many profound statements pertaining to the Islamic leadership’s tolerance and protection of the Christian population in Egypt:

“After all that the Copts had suffered at the hands of the Romans and the Patriarch Cyrus, it would not have been unnatural if they had desired to retaliate upon the Melkites [the Romans]. But any such design, if they cherished it, was sternly discountenanced by ‘Amr, [the Muslim conqueror of Egypt] whose government was wisely tolerant but perfectly impartial between the two forms of religion. Many facts might be cited in proof of this contention…two forms of Christianity must be imagined as subsisting side by side under the equal protection of the conquerors.”

It was the justice of Islam that appealed to both populations. Moreover the Coptics not only welcomed the Muslims, they facilitated the conquest by joining the ranks of the conquerors.

for REAL information on this topic------talk to copts. We do have copts in the USA-----they are a LITERATE people and were literate even way back there in Medieval times when the filth from Arabia swept across northern Africa. Sorry folks----they were more literate than lots of European Christians---they know their own history and carry the same kind of legacy that leads the Eastern Orthodox ROBERT SPENCER to devote his life to WARNING US

Muslims landed in Spain in 711 CE and many sources testify that they were welcomed by the population, as their reputation preceded them. This was, again, due to the severe persecution certain communities were facing therein. Under the Catholic Church’s rule, the Jewish community, in particular, was severely oppressed. The Catholic hierarchy in Spain held many councils to solve political and religious disputes and in these councils, severe edicts were issued against the Jews of Spain. One of the clauses in the text of the proceedings of the Fourth Council of Toledo (633 CE) states:

“We decree that the sons and daughters of the Jews should be separated from the company of their parents in order that they should not become further entangled in their deviation, and entrusted either to monasteries or to Christian, God fearing men and women, in order that they should learn from their way of life to venerate the faith and, educated on better things, progress in their morals as well as their faith.'​

Hence, the children of the Jews were to be forcefully converted to Catholicism. Jews weren’t the only ones facing tyranny but they were easy targets due to them being a minority and having a way of life that was distinct from their Christian persecutors. So, when the Muslims arrived, Jews were the first people to greet them as saviours. Zion Zohar, a Jewish American historian, confirms the appreciation that Jews felt for the Muslim arrival:

Thus, when Muslims crossed the straits of Gibraltar from North Africa in 711 CE and invaded the Iberian Peninsula, Jews welcomed them as liberators from Christian Persecution.”​

Muslims landed in Spain in 711 CE and many sources testify that they were welcomed by the population, as their reputation preceded them. This was, again, due to the severe persecution certain communities were facing therein. Under the Catholic Church’s rule, the Jewish community, in particular, was severely oppressed. The Catholic hierarchy in Spain held many councils to solve political and religious disputes and in these councils, severe edicts were issued against the Jews of Spain. One of the clauses in the text of the proceedings of the Fourth Council of Toledo (633 CE) states:

“We decree that the sons and daughters of the Jews should be separated from the company of their parents in order that they should not become further entangled in their deviation, and entrusted either to monasteries or to Christian, God fearing men and women, in order that they should learn from their way of life to venerate the faith and, educated on better things, progress in their morals as well as their faith.'​

Hence, the children of the Jews were to be forcefully converted to Catholicism. Jews weren’t the only ones facing tyranny but they were easy targets due to them being a minority and having a way of life that was distinct from their Christian persecutors. So, when the Muslims arrived, Jews were the first people to greet them as saviours. Zion Zohar, a Jewish American historian, confirms the appreciation that Jews felt for the Muslim arrival:

Thus, when Muslims crossed the straits of Gibraltar from North Africa in 711 CE and invaded the Iberian Peninsula, Jews welcomed them as liberators from Christian Persecution.”​
Islam was the worst thing to happen to Spain. EVER.

Muslims landed in Spain in 711 CE and many sources testify that they were welcomed by the population, as their reputation preceded them. This was, again, due to the severe persecution certain communities were facing therein. Under the Catholic Church’s rule, the Jewish community, in particular, was severely oppressed. The Catholic hierarchy in Spain held many councils to solve political and religious disputes and in these councils, severe edicts were issued against the Jews of Spain. One of the clauses in the text of the proceedings of the Fourth Council of Toledo (633 CE) states:

“We decree that the sons and daughters of the Jews should be separated from the company of their parents in order that they should not become further entangled in their deviation, and entrusted either to monasteries or to Christian, God fearing men and women, in order that they should learn from their way of life to venerate the faith and, educated on better things, progress in their morals as well as their faith.'​

Hence, the children of the Jews were to be forcefully converted to Catholicism. Jews weren’t the only ones facing tyranny but they were easy targets due to them being a minority and having a way of life that was distinct from their Christian persecutors. So, when the Muslims arrived, Jews were the first people to greet them as saviours. Zion Zohar, a Jewish American historian, confirms the appreciation that Jews felt for the Muslim arrival:

Thus, when Muslims crossed the straits of Gibraltar from North Africa in 711 CE and invaded the Iberian Peninsula, Jews welcomed them as liberators from Christian Persecution.”​
Islam was the worst thing to happen to Spain. EVER.

Jews were subjected to FORCED CONVERSION to islam in
Moorish Spain leading to genocide of that community. There was a SHORT period of time-----at the outset of Islamic invasion that muslims, seeking ALLIANCE held off on the
reign of TERROR. --------old cat knows that. Thru that period of time----ie from the eighth century thru the sixteenth----jews caught between BOTH the Islamic and Christian worlds, continually sought the LESSER EVIL which, as it
turned out-------ended up being mostly in the Christian world---
(lousy as it was it tended to be better than shariah shit holes--
more or less-----old cat knows that)

The behaviour of the Muslims in Al-Andalus was no different to their conduct in Syria and Egypt. They facilitated freedom of religion for all people regardless of any differences. This was a golden opportunity for the Jews to flourish and make progress. Prior to the Muslim arrival, the Jews couldn’t imagine having religious freedom, as they were facing extinction at the hands of the Catholic Church. Zion Zohar summarised the benefits Jews reaped from the Muslim protection as follows:

Born during this era of Islamic rule, the famous Golden Age of Spanish Jewry (circa 900-1200) produced such luminaries as: statesman and diplomat Hasdai ibn Shaprut, vizier and army commander Shmuel ha-Nagid, poet-philosophers Solomon Ibn Gabriol and Judah Halevi, and at the apex of them all, Moses Ben Maimon, also known among the Spaniards as Maimonides.”​

Heinrich Graetz, a nineteenth century Jewish historian expressed similar sentiments regarding Islamic rule:

It was in these favourable circumstances that the Spanish Jews came under the rule of Mahometans [Muslims], as whose allies they esteemed themselves the equals of their co-religionists in Babylonia and Persia. They were kindly treated, obtained religious liberty, of which they had so long been deprived, were permitted to exercise jurisdiction over their co-religionists, and were only obliged, like the conquered Christians, to pay poll tax…”​

Thus the Islamic rule proved to be one of the best things in the history of Jewry. The Spanish Jews reached such a high level of learning and progress that they could now claim to be the leaders of the world Jewry. The Jews were certainly saved from extinction by the Muslim conquest of Al-Andalus. Moreover for the first time the three Abrahamic faiths were able to co-exist alongside one another in peace and harmony.

The behaviour of the Muslims in Spain was no different to their conduct in Syria and Egypt. They facilitated freedom of religion for all people regardless of any differences. This was a golden opportunity for the Jews to flourish and make progress. Prior to the Muslim arrival, the Jews couldn’t imagine having religious freedom, as they were facing extinction at the hands of the Catholic Church. Zion Zohar summarised the benefits Jews reaped from the Muslim protection as follows:

Born during this era of Islamic rule, the famous Golden Age of Spanish Jewry (circa 900-1200) produced such luminaries as: statesman and diplomat Hasdai ibn Shaprut, vizier and army commander Shmuel ha-Nagid, poet-philosophers Solomon Ibn Gabriol and Judah Halevi, and at the apex of them all, Moses Ben Maimon, also known among the Spaniards as Maimonides.”​

Heinrich Graetz, a nineteenth century Jewish historian expressed similar sentiments regarding Islamic rule:

It was in these favourable circumstances that the Spanish Jews came under the rule of Mahometans [Muslims], as whose allies they esteemed themselves the equals of their co-religionists in Babylonia and Persia. They were kindly treated, obtained religious liberty, of which they had so long been deprived, were permitted to exercise jurisdiction over their co-religionists, and were only obliged, like the conquered Christians, to pay poll tax…”​

Thus the Islamic rule proved to be one of the best things in the history of Jewry. The Spanish Jews reached such a high level of learning and progress that they could now claim to be the leaders of the world Jewry. The Jews were certainly saved from extinction by the Muslim conquest of Spain. Moreover for the first time the three Abrahamic faiths were able to co-exist alongside one another in peace and harmony.
Spain was liberated when the mooslim hordes were defeated and sent packing.

The behaviour of the Muslims in Spain was no different to their conduct in Syria and Egypt. They facilitated freedom of religion for all people regardless of any differences. This was a golden opportunity for the Jews to flourish and make progress. Prior to the Muslim arrival, the Jews couldn’t imagine having religious freedom, as they were facing extinction at the hands of the Catholic Church. Zion Zohar summarised the benefits Jews reaped from the Muslim protection as follows:

Born during this era of Islamic rule, the famous Golden Age of Spanish Jewry (circa 900-1200) produced such luminaries as: statesman and diplomat Hasdai ibn Shaprut, vizier and army commander Shmuel ha-Nagid, poet-philosophers Solomon Ibn Gabriol and Judah Halevi, and at the apex of them all, Moses Ben Maimon, also known among the Spaniards as Maimonides.”​

Heinrich Graetz, a nineteenth century Jewish historian expressed similar sentiments regarding Islamic rule:

It was in these favourable circumstances that the Spanish Jews came under the rule of Mahometans [Muslims], as whose allies they esteemed themselves the equals of their co-religionists in Babylonia and Persia. They were kindly treated, obtained religious liberty, of which they had so long been deprived, were permitted to exercise jurisdiction over their co-religionists, and were only obliged, like the conquered Christians, to pay poll tax…”​

Thus the Islamic rule proved to be one of the best things in the history of Jewry. The Spanish Jews reached such a high level of learning and progress that they could now claim to be the leaders of the world Jewry. The Jews were certainly saved from extinction by the Muslim conquest of Spain. Moreover for the first time the three Abrahamic faiths were able to co-exist alongside one another in peace and harmony.
Spain was liberated when the mooslim hordes were defeated and sent packing.

old cat is merely parroting mosque BS----and the same shit TAUGHT to muslims in muslim countries and even in any muslim institution in non-muslim countries. Spanish jews now claim to the the leaders of world jewry? since when?
Simply a baseless lie. I have lots of relatives who fled the filth of islam in spain. As to Maimonides----he was the person who INNOVATED the idea of being a jew in secret------where? in shariah shit holes. He was forced to pretend to convert to the FILTH in Morocco after fleeing---over the dead bodies of friends and relatives-----CORDOBA----because of MUSLIM POGROMS. Some of his letters alluding to the massacres are STILL EXTANT. Right now----SYRIA is allied with IRAN-----In fact Iranians hate arabs. The alliance is simply a REPRISE of Islamic politics. It lasts until the muslims involved decide to murder the "others". In modern times----the muslims of West Pakistan even managed to DECLARE THE MUSLIMS OF East Pakistan-----"takfir" so that their boys could LEGALLY RAPE THE EAST PAKISTANI GIRLS. My hubby was born a
"happy dhimmi"-------fortunately he was rescued in an escape that began in the mid thirties to save his mom from rape under the filth of the islamic DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW. There has never been a muslim majority country in which Christians and Jews----whilst they still existed there were not oppressed.
(hindus and Buddhists and etc ALSO) It was always just a matter of more or less-------and now or later. Feel free to ask questions----by coincidence of history, I have lots of relatives with ancestral background in shariah shit holes

Maria Rosa Menocal, one of the authorities on medieval European literature, authored a book to pay her respect to the peaceful co-existence between three Abrahamic faiths in Al-Andalus and she titled it the “Ornament of the world”. Indeed, Spain had become an Ornament of the World but sadly this ornament was destroyed upon the departure of the Muslims, as Spanish historian Ulick Burke puts it painfully:

The institutions that had flourished under the Moslem, died when the Moslem departed; and after four centuries of light and learning, Andalusia fell back, under the Christian rule, into a condition of ignorance and barbarism , nearly, if not quite, equal to that of the north western provinces of the peninsula…”​

This culminated with the Spanish Expulsion of 1492, an edict issued by Catholic Monarchs of Spain ordering the expulsion of Jews from the lands. From the 13th to the 16th centuries many European countries expelled the Jews from their territory on at least 15 occasions.

It is abundantly clear from the evidence seen above that the Muslim conquest of Spain initiated one of the brightest periods in the history of man. The darkness of oppression and injustice reigned over Spain prior to the Muslim arrival and it was the mercy of Islam that liberated the Jewish population.

This behaviour of the Muslims was not accidental; the previous examples of Syria and Egypt serve to demonstrate the consistency of their conduct in different lands and in different times. Thus the laws of the Qur’an are a mercy from God to mankind, Muslim and non Muslim alike, when they are implemented as intended by God, in accordance with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad:

And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds.” The Qur’an 21:107​

The Quran’s Impact on the World |

Much of Western philosophy and science finds its basis in the thoughts and teachings of the ancient Greek philosophers. In the 6th century BCE the ancient Greeks broke away from a mythological approach to understanding the world, and it initiated an approach based on reason and evidence (what we call "rational thinking" today). It is defined largely by three great thinkers: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.

Plato founded the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world, in around 387 BC which helped to lay the foundations of Western philosophy and science. The Academy endured for nearly 1,000 years as a beacon of higher learning, until it was closed by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian in 529 CE in an effort by the Catholic Church to suppress the heresy of pagan thought. The Greek ancient chronicler John Malalas recorded:

"During the consulship of Decius [529 CE], the Emperor issued a decree and sent it to Athens ordering that no one should teach philosophy nor interpret the laws."​

Following the closure of the Greek schools of philosophy, Europe entered into a 1,000 year period of intellectual slumber. Thus the "lights went out" on rational thinking and Europe entered into the Dark Ages.
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So? even in the "dark ages" there remained a core of educated Christians and Jews who maintained literacy in Greek
and continued to hold the keys to the ancient greek writings---even as the Byzant and Mesopotamia and the erstwhile
Greek empire and parts of the Roman empire was overrun by
barbarians from Arabia. Zoroastrians were already ON THE RUN with the arab invasion of Iran

The Quran’s Impact on the World |

Indeed, Europe’s creative energies and inventiveness are acknowledged much later, only from the dawn of the “scientific revolution” in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. A good example that is characteristic of this era is that of the astronomer Galileo. In 1610 he published a work which promoted heliocentrism, which is the idea that the Earth and planets revolve around a relatively stationary Sun at the centre of the Solar System. Today science has confirmed that this model of the universe is correct, however at that time it conflicted with the prevailing theological belief that the Earth was the centre of the universe and that all heavenly bodies revolved around the Earth, known as geocentrism, a view which the Catholic Church held due to its literal interpretation of the Bible. Galileo’s discoveries were met with opposition within the Catholic Church, and in 1616 the Church formally declared heliocentrism to be heretical.


Heliocentric books were banned and Galileo was ordered to refrain from holding, teaching or defending heliocentric ideas. Later the Church found him “gravely suspect of heresy”, sentencing him to indefinite imprisonment. Galileo was kept under house arrest until his death in 1642.

This intellectual slumber of Europe is in stark contrast to the Islamic world. The coming of the Qur’an in the seventh century not only transformed Arabia but also the lands that were under the control of the Muslims. The peace and sense of security that Islamic rule brought about consequently produced one of the most successful civilisations in the history of the world.

While Europe was in the Dark Ages it was the Muslims that produced some of the best known scholars and work. Victor Robinson, a historian of science, eloquently summed up the contrast between medieval Europe and Islamic Spain:

Europe was darkened at sunset, Cordova shone with public lamps; Europe was dirty, Cordova built a thousand baths; Europe was covered with vermin, Cordova changed its undergarments daily; Europe lay in mud, Cordova’s streets were paved; Europe’s palaces had smoke-holes in the ceiling, Cordova’s arabesques were exquisite; Europe’s nobility could not sign its name, Cordova’s children went to school; Europe’s monks could not read the baptismal service, Cordova’s teachers created a library of Alexandrian dimensions.”
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the Cordova of the 12th Century was a shariah shit hole in which non muslims were reduced to ENSLAVED STATUS and subjected to deadly pogroms by Jihadist dogs and pigs. Its claim to both advanced social institutions and scholarship PRECEDES the stink of Arabian invasion -------but it fell into the
cosmic sewer based on its genocide of both Christian and Jewish scholars. The well known MAIMONIDES fled the stink of shariah oppression and forced conversion to the filth of islam to various countries in North Africe------muslim but not quite so disgusting as the Moorish filth in Spain in the 12th century. Interestingly -----his service to the war lord SALAADIN---who was not actually an ARAB but a BERBER (read that kurd)--- salvaged the jewish community of Egypt. His synagogue still stands but the vile ass lickers of muhummad do their thing------whereas muslims are permitted to pray in the AL AQSA mosque which they built on the TEMPLE MOUNT which they STOLE-----jews cannot utter a prayer in the temple of Maimonides------a clear example of the STENCH OF ISLAM

Some examples of Muslim advances in science are the mathematician Al-Khawarizmi who played a significant role in the development of algebra. He also came up with the concept of algorithms which is why he is called the grandfather of computer science. The mathematical works of al-Khwarizmi were used in European universities up to the 17th century. The physician Az-Zahrawi is considered the greatest medieval surgeon and is described by many as the father of modern surgery. He made pioneering discoveries in surgical procedures and instruments, for example the material he utilised for internal stitching is still used in surgery today.


The astronomer Al-Sufi made the earliest recorded observation of the Andromeda Galaxy. This was the first galaxy other than the Milky Way to be observed from Earth. The philosopher Ibn Sina is considered one of the greatest thinkers and scholars in history. He provided the first descriptions of bacteria and viral organisms. He also discovered the contagious nature of infectious diseases and introduced the concept of quarantine to limit the spread of disease. He has been so influential in medicine that he is referred to as the father of modern medicine.

You may be surprised to learn that many of the scientific words and terms we use today are taken from the Arabic language; this is a legacy of the discoveries of Muslim scientists. For example, the word “algebra” comes from the Arabic word “al-jabr”, taken from the title of one of the books by the Muslim mathematician al-Khwarizmi. The word “algorithm” is taken from al-Khwarizmi’s name itself. The word “alchemy” comes almost unchanged from the Arabic “al-kimya”.

Figure : Two instances of the modern application of algebra: a book of algebra for electronic circuits and a pocket calculator.

1001 Inventions: Contribution of Al-Khwarizmi to Mathematics and Geography
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^^^^^ debunked extensively--------Galen preceded all of them in medicine-----INDIA preceded all of them in algebra and Zoroastrians did all the astronomy. Muslim writers were able to chronicle lots of stuff in Arabic once Arabic got an alphabet and script adapted from the Zoroastrians and the earlier works were translated into Arabic
by Zoroastrian and Jewish and Christian scholars. ------in sum----muslims conquered and CLAIMED the accomplishments of those conquered people as THEIR OWN. It's easy to do so once one destroys records of the prior cultures.
Massive destruction of the cultural centers of non muslims is no COINCIDENCE. Zoroastrians and Jews PRECEDE the birth of muhummad IN MECCA by at least
2000 years and both groups were LITERATE way back then------somehow their writings MYSTERIOUSLY vanished along with their monuments and holy places with
Islamic invasion.
The Quran’s Impact on the World

One of the greatest contributions made by Arab scholars was their development of the science of astronomy. If you look at a modern star chart, you’ll find hundreds of stars whose names derive from Arabic: Altair النسر الطائر, Aldebaran الدبران, Betelgeuse إبط الجوزاء, Vega النَّسْر الوَاقِع, Rigel رجل الجبار and Algolرأس الغول, to name a few. We owe the decimal number system that we use for counting to Arab mathematicians. In fact the most common symbolic representation of numbers in the world today (1, 2, 3 etc.) are actually Arabic numerals.

You may be wondering, what is it about the Qur’an that inspired Muslims to go from the depths of ignorance of the pre-Islamic era to being leaders of the world in the sciences? Many of these scientists were excellent Islamic theologians and it was the Qur’an which drew their attention to inquire into the natural world and showed them the path to knowledge and enlightenment:

Read! In the name of your Lord who created: He created man from a clinging form. Read! Your Lord is the Most Bountiful One who taught by [means of] the pen, who taught man what he did not know.” The Qur’an 96:1-5​

These ayat make up the first passage revealed to Prophet Muhammad. It is interesting that of all the things which God could have began His revelation with, the actions of reading and writing were chosen. Notice how the very first word revealed was a commandment to “read”. Thus the Qur’an attaches great importance to knowledge and education.

And Allah has extracted you from the wombs of your mothers not knowing a thing, and He made for you hearing and vision and intellect that perhaps you would be grateful.” The Qur’an 16:78​
I speak and write in ENGLISH-----which is the LINGUA FRANCA not only of the USA but----MOST OF THE WORLD. The fact that I speak and write in English as do most
of the nobel prize winners in the world (not me----I have not yet won the prize) ----
DOES NOT MAKE ME AN ANGLICAN. There was a time when Arabic----by virtue of conquest and imposition was THE LINGUA FRANCA of a large part of the world.
Before that time-----it was largely GREEK-----Then Latin took over in some quarters. The people who used -------GREEK &/or LATIN for scholarly writings were not necessarily GREEKS OR ITALIANS When I was a student in college ----LONG AGO-------I was obligated to STUDY GERMAN because I was a "science" major. ----
SCHOLARLY PAPERS in "science" were----LONG AGO done in German.------
except-----sadly-----the more important papers in the neurosciences------as it turned out -----WERE IN FRENCH (the language I never studied). Long ago---when I was young-------a Pakistani surgeon tried to convince me that the man variably called MAIMONIDES---or RAMBAM-----must have been a MUSLIM because he wrote in Arabic. It was a "fact" that he had learned in medical school in Karachi.
The arabs who rampaged over the world-----brought their language as
conqueres. They brought that language to places like BABYLON-----
where mathematics largely developed in medieval times because of the
contact of BAGHDADI traders with INDIA (zoroastrians, jews and some
Christians). The prime movers in astronomy have been the ZOROASTRIANS
OF PERSIA------the people who gave Arabic a script. The Koran had nothing
to do with it. The overwhelming majority of muslims EVEN TODAY --are
completely illiterate. In fact----right here in the USA the only people I have encountered who could not so much as sign initials or a mark on a consent form have been muslim women.

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