Happiness in Islam

actually---there was a time when arabs were getting civilized----sorta. It was in the latter part of the BC era and then the
early part of the AD era-------when Zoroastrians, Jews and
Christians were taking up activity along the silk road and settling
in parts of Arabia -------making OUTPOSTS along the trail
It was against this backdrop that the Qur’an was revealed, transforming not only Arabia but also the rest of world. One of the reasons for the revelation of the Qur’an was to bring mankind out of this state of oppression and injustice.

The Qur’an proclaimed loud and clear:

[This is] a Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that you might bring mankind out of darknesses into the light by permission of their Lord – to the path of the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy.” The Qur’an 14:1​

Peace and justice was not only delivered to the Arabs, but the whole world reaped the fruits of this blessing from God. As we will see, the peace and justice emanating from the Islamic system produced some of the most civilised societies in the history of mankind.

Koran sanctions rape of female slaves and wife-beating and polygamy and war and terrorism against non-Muslims. Koran is a scourge on the civilized world

but consider how CIVILIZED it made arabs

Muhammad and his Arab thugs were caravan robbers Civilized?

They would not have been caravan robbers-----had there
being no caravans. Blame that stuff on the Zoroastrians,
and Christians and Jews who like to trade----east >>>west and west >>>east
actually---there was a time when arabs were getting civilized----sorta. It was in the latter part of the BC era and then the
early part of the AD era-------when Zoroastrians, Jews and
Christians were taking up activity along the silk road and settling
in parts of Arabia -------making OUTPOSTS along the trail

Arab hanifs were a kind of monotheist who lived before Islam It’s believed they were influenced by Jews and Christians. Muhammad was a crazy narcissist who claimed to be a prophet but he did not bring monotheism to Arabia
It was against this backdrop that the Qur’an was revealed, transforming not only Arabia but also the rest of world. One of the reasons for the revelation of the Qur’an was to bring mankind out of this state of oppression and injustice.

The Qur’an proclaimed loud and clear:

[This is] a Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that you might bring mankind out of darknesses into the light by permission of their Lord – to the path of the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy.” The Qur’an 14:1​

Peace and justice was not only delivered to the Arabs, but the whole world reaped the fruits of this blessing from God. As we will see, the peace and justice emanating from the Islamic system produced some of the most civilised societies in the history of mankind.

Koran sanctions rape of female slaves and wife-beating and polygamy and war and terrorism against non-Muslims. Koran is a scourge on the civilized world

but consider how CIVILIZED it made arabs

Muhammad and his Arab thugs were caravan robbers Civilized?

They would not have been caravan robbers-----had there
being no caravans. Blame that stuff on the Zoroastrians,
and Christians and Jews who like to trade----east >>>west and west >>>east

Here, Allah (ie Muhammad) recruits followers with promises of loot and sex What a scam!


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It was against this backdrop that the Qur’an was revealed, transforming not only Arabia but also the rest of world. One of the reasons for the revelation of the Qur’an was to bring mankind out of this state of oppression and injustice.

The Qur’an proclaimed loud and clear:

[This is] a Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that you might bring mankind out of darknesses into the light by permission of their Lord – to the path of the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy.” The Qur’an 14:1​

Peace and justice was not only delivered to the Arabs, but the whole world reaped the fruits of this blessing from God. As we will see, the peace and justice emanating from the Islamic system produced some of the most civilised societies in the history of mankind.

Koran sanctions rape of female slaves and wife-beating and polygamy and war and terrorism against non-Muslims. Koran is a scourge on the civilized world

but consider how CIVILIZED it made arabs

Muhammad and his Arab thugs were caravan robbers Civilized?

They would not have been caravan robbers-----had there
being no caravans. Blame that stuff on the Zoroastrians,
and Christians and Jews who like to trade----east >>>west and west >>>east

Here, Allah (ie Muhammad) recruits followers with promises of loot and sex What a scam!

the most EFFECTIVE manipulation of the idiot adolescent mind JANNAH AND ETERNAL ORGASMS IN THE
Koran sanctions rape of female slaves and wife-beating and polygamy and war and terrorism against non-Muslims. Koran is a scourge on the civilized world

but consider how CIVILIZED it made arabs

Muhammad and his Arab thugs were caravan robbers Civilized?

They would not have been caravan robbers-----had there
being no caravans. Blame that stuff on the Zoroastrians,
and Christians and Jews who like to trade----east >>>west and west >>>east

Here, Allah (ie Muhammad) recruits followers with promises of loot and sex What a scam!

the most EFFECTIVE manipulation of the idiot adolescent mind JANNAH AND ETERNAL ORGASMS IN THE

Muhammad was a manipulator not a prophet. He knew what impoverished, sexually charged Bedouins craved and it wasn’t spiritual guidance!

Just how did the Qur’an and early Muslims go about reforming society? This is the testimony of Ja’far bin Abi Talib, who was a contemporary of Prophet Muhammad. Here he informed the king of Abyssinia about the condition of his people and the positive change Islam had brought for them:

O King, we were an uncivilised people, worshipping idols, eating corpses, committing abominations, breaking natural ties, treating guests badly, and our strong devoured our weak. Thus we were until God sent us an apostle whose lineage, truth, trustworthiness, and clemency we know.
He summoned us to acknowledge God’s unity and to worship him and to renounce the stones and images which we and our fathers formerly worshipped. He commanded us to speak the truth, be faithful to our engagements, mindful of the ties of kinship and kindly hospitality, and to refrain from crimes and bloodshed.
He forbade us to commit abominations and to speak lies, and to devour the property of orphans, to vilify chaste women. He commanded us to worship God alone and not associate anything with him, and he gave us orders about prayer, almsgiving, and fasting. We confessed his truth and believed in him, and we followed him in what he had brought from God, and we worshipped God without associating aught with him…”

The people of Arabia were transformed within few decades and they became the torch bearers of a new civilisation in the world, a civilisation that would change the course of human history forever. Prophet Mohammad and his followers liberated not only their own people from tyranny; they also brought freedom to the neighbouring world. The Qur’an stipulated that Muslims must help the oppressed at all cost, regardless of whom and where they are:

And what is [the matter] with you that you fight not in the cause of God and [for] the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, “Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper?” The Qur’an 4:75​

The Muslims were thus charged to help oppressed people of the world. History testifies to the fact that the early Muslims rescued the populations of Syria, Egypt and Spain from a reign of tyranny.

Just how did the Qur’an and early Muslims go about reforming society? This is the testimony of Ja’far bin Abi Talib, who was a contemporary of Prophet Muhammad. Here he informed the king of Abyssinia about the condition of his people and the positive change Islam had brought for them:

O King, we were an uncivilised people, worshipping idols, eating corpses, committing abominations, breaking natural ties, treating guests badly, and our strong devoured our weak. Thus we were until God sent us an apostle whose lineage, truth, trustworthiness, and clemency we know.
He summoned us to acknowledge God’s unity and to worship him and to renounce the stones and images which we and our fathers formerly worshipped. He commanded us to speak the truth, be faithful to our engagements, mindful of the ties of kinship and kindly hospitality, and to refrain from crimes and bloodshed.
He forbade us to commit abominations and to speak lies, and to devour the property of orphans, to vilify chaste women. He commanded us to worship God alone and not associate anything with him, and he gave us orders about prayer, almsgiving, and fasting. We confessed his truth and believed in him, and we followed him in what he had brought from God, and we worshipped God without associating aught with him…”

The people of Arabia were transformed within few decades and they became the torch bearers of a new civilisation in the world, a civilisation that would change the course of human history forever. Prophet Mohammad and his followers liberated not only their own people from tyranny; they also brought freedom to the neighbouring world. The Qur’an stipulated that Muslims must help the oppressed at all cost, regardless of whom and where they are:

And what is [the matter] with you that you fight not in the cause of God and [for] the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, “Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper?” The Qur’an 4:75​

The Muslims were thus charged to help oppressed people of the world. History testifies to the fact that the early Muslims rescued the populations of Syria, Egypt and Spain from a reign of tyranny.
And replaced it with their own tyranny. The only way to set anyone free is to free their soul from bondage. This only Christ can do through faith in HIM and HIM alone.

Just how did the Qur’an and early Muslims go about reforming society? This is the testimony of Ja’far bin Abi Talib, who was a contemporary of Prophet Muhammad. Here he informed the king of Abyssinia about the condition of his people and the positive change Islam had brought for them:

O King, we were an uncivilised people, worshipping idols, eating corpses, committing abominations, breaking natural ties, treating guests badly, and our strong devoured our weak. Thus we were until God sent us an apostle whose lineage, truth, trustworthiness, and clemency we know.
He summoned us to acknowledge God’s unity and to worship him and to renounce the stones and images which we and our fathers formerly worshipped. He commanded us to speak the truth, be faithful to our engagements, mindful of the ties of kinship and kindly hospitality, and to refrain from crimes and bloodshed.
He forbade us to commit abominations and to speak lies, and to devour the property of orphans, to vilify chaste women. He commanded us to worship God alone and not associate anything with him, and he gave us orders about prayer, almsgiving, and fasting. We confessed his truth and believed in him, and we followed him in what he had brought from God, and we worshipped God without associating aught with him…”

The people of Arabia were transformed within few decades and they became the torch bearers of a new civilisation in the world, a civilisation that would change the course of human history forever. Prophet Mohammad and his followers liberated not only their own people from tyranny; they also brought freedom to the neighbouring world. The Qur’an stipulated that Muslims must help the oppressed at all cost, regardless of whom and where they are:

And what is [the matter] with you that you fight not in the cause of God and [for] the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, “Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper?” The Qur’an 4:75​

The Muslims were thus charged to help oppressed people of the world. History testifies to the fact that the early Muslims rescued the populations of Syria, Egypt and Spain from a reign of tyranny.

what history is that? I have relatives that resided in the Middle east-----and, in fact, Spain who had resided in SPAIN since long before muhummad was born and before arab militants rampaged across north Africa and parts of Europe.
In the course of my life I have been acquainted with lots of
Iranians------THEY certainly do not accuse muslims of bringing "peace" or justice. Even the muslims amongst them are DISGUSTED at the very sound of spoken Arabic.
(quite a paradox) Hubby was born in a land that was LOVELY until ------muslims got there----and his community became the oppressed under the filth of the PACT OF OMAR. The "GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST"
included the most comprehensive genocides that the world had ever seen to that time and SINCE------and counting

Just how did the Qur’an and early Muslims go about reforming society? This is the testimony of Ja’far bin Abi Talib, who was a contemporary of Prophet Muhammad. Here he informed the king of Abyssinia about the condition of his people and the positive change Islam had brought for them:

O King, we were an uncivilised people, worshipping idols, eating corpses, committing abominations, breaking natural ties, treating guests badly, and our strong devoured our weak. Thus we were until God sent us an apostle whose lineage, truth, trustworthiness, and clemency we know.
He summoned us to acknowledge God’s unity and to worship him and to renounce the stones and images which we and our fathers formerly worshipped. He commanded us to speak the truth, be faithful to our engagements, mindful of the ties of kinship and kindly hospitality, and to refrain from crimes and bloodshed.
He forbade us to commit abominations and to speak lies, and to devour the property of orphans, to vilify chaste women. He commanded us to worship God alone and not associate anything with him, and he gave us orders about prayer, almsgiving, and fasting. We confessed his truth and believed in him, and we followed him in what he had brought from God, and we worshipped God without associating aught with him…”

The people of Arabia were transformed within few decades and they became the torch bearers of a new civilisation in the world, a civilisation that would change the course of human history forever. Prophet Mohammad and his followers liberated not only their own people from tyranny; they also brought freedom to the neighbouring world. The Qur’an stipulated that Muslims must help the oppressed at all cost, regardless of whom and where they are:

And what is [the matter] with you that you fight not in the cause of God and [for] the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, “Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper?” The Qur’an 4:75​

The Muslims were thus charged to help oppressed people of the world. History testifies to the fact that the early Muslims rescued the populations of Syria, Egypt and Spain from a reign of tyranny.

Koran justice?

Koran sanctions rape of female slaves

Koran permits wife-beating

Koran authorizes war against Christians and Jews, and their subjugation, and murder of other non-Muslims

Koran does not recognize non-Muslims as equal

Islamic countries are based on Islamic law which is based on the Koran: Not 1 Islamic country is a free democracy. Islamic countries are the most repressive in the world
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Following the death of Prophet Muhammad, in the reign of the second Caliph, Umar bin Khattab, the Muslim armies began liberating the people of Syria from the Byzantines (Romans). The Christians of Syria were divided in many different denominations, such as Monophysites, Jacobites and Nestorians, and almost all of them were facing severe persecution at the hands of the ruling Byzantine Church. Dionysius of Tel-Mahre, a Jacobite patriarch from 818 to 845 CE, stated in his chronicle that the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius sent an army to expel the Muslims out of Syria and recapture the land. The Muslim forces decided to withdraw from Syrian cities in order to fight an open pitch battle with the Byzantines. Whilst pulling back, the Muslims decided, out of fairness, to refund the money which they had taken as tribute from the Syrian Christians:

Abu Ubaydah, whom Umar had put in command of the Arabs, ordered Habib b. Maslama to return to the Emesenes the tribute which he had exacted from them with this message: “We are both bound by our mutual oaths. Now we are going to do battle with the Romans. If we return, this tribute is ours; but if we are defeated and do not return, we are absolved of our oaths.”​

This was an unprecedented demonstration of honesty and justice. The non-Muslims pay a poll tax to the Islamic state so that their lives, religion and property are protected under the rule of the Muslims. In this case the Muslims knew that they were unable to protect the Christians of Syria due to an imminent attack by Heraclius, and therefore it was not fair to keep the money if they couldn’t protect the masses. Also, one must note that this was taking place in seventh century Syria where plunder, robbery and injustice were a common occurrence and the Muslims had shocked the Syrians with their merciful conduct. Another point worth mentioning is that this incident is narrated by a ninth century Christian source, which testifies that the Muslims did not abuse power and they did not betray the trust that the Christians had bestowed upon them. Why did the Muslims return such big sums to the Christians? Why didn’t they keep this wealth when they needed it the most, as they were facing a much larger army than themselves? The response to all these perplexing questions is that these Muslims obeyed God and followed His injunctions in the Qur’an:

God commands you [people] to return things entrusted to you to their rightful owners, and, if you judge between people, to do so with justice: God’s instructions to you are excellent, for He hears and sees everything.” The Qur’an 5:58​

The Christians of Syria preferred the Muslim rule over the oppressive Byzantines, as the Muslims had brought justice and good governance. Moreover after the Muslims defeated the Byzantine army and returned to Syria, they were welcomed back as heroes. Dionysius confirms this:

So the Arabs left Damascus and pitched camp by the river Yarmuk. As the Romans marched towards the Arab camp every city and village on their way which had surrendered to the Arabs shouted threats at them. As for crimes the Romans committed on their passage, they are unspeakable, and their unseemliness ought not even to be brought to mind…The Arabs returned, elated with their great victory, to Damascus; and the Damascenes greeted them outside the city and welcomed them joyfully in, and all treaties and assurances were reaffirmed.”​

One cannot imagine the conquered welcoming the conqueror “joyfully”. Yet it happened in Syria once upon a time.

Following the death of Prophet Muhammad, in the reign of the second Caliph, Umar bin Khattab, the Muslim armies began liberating the people of Syria from the Byzantines (Romans). The Christians of Syria were divided in many different denominations, such as Monophysites, Jacobites and Nestorians, and almost all of them were facing severe persecution at the hands of the ruling Byzantine Church. Dionysius of Tel-Mahre, a Jacobite patriarch from 818 to 845 CE, stated in his chronicle that the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius sent an army to expel the Muslims out of Syria and recapture the land. The Muslim forces decided to withdraw from Syrian cities in order to fight an open pitch battle with the Byzantines. Whilst pulling back, the Muslims decided, out of fairness, to refund the money which they had taken as tribute from the Syrian Christians:

Abu Ubaydah, whom Umar had put in command of the Arabs, ordered Habib b. Maslama to return to the Emesenes the tribute which he had exacted from them with this message: “We are both bound by our mutual oaths. Now we are going to do battle with the Romans. If we return, this tribute is ours; but if we are defeated and do not return, we are absolved of our oaths.”​

This was an unprecedented demonstration of honesty and justice. The non-Muslims pay a poll tax to the Islamic state so that their lives, religion and property are protected under the rule of the Muslims. In this case the Muslims knew that they were unable to protect the Christians of Syria due to an imminent attack by Heraclius, and therefore it was not fair to keep the money if they couldn’t protect the masses. Also, one must note that this was taking place in seventh century Syria where plunder, robbery and injustice were a common occurrence and the Muslims had shocked the Syrians with their merciful conduct. Another point worth mentioning is that this incident is narrated by a ninth century Christian source, which testifies that the Muslims did not abuse power and they did not betray the trust that the Christians had bestowed upon them. Why did the Muslims return such big sums to the Christians? Why didn’t they keep this wealth when they needed it the most, as they were facing a much larger army than themselves? The response to all these perplexing questions is that these Muslims obeyed God and followed His injunctions in the Qur’an:

God commands you [people] to return things entrusted to you to their rightful owners, and, if you judge between people, to do so with justice: God’s instructions to you are excellent, for He hears and sees everything.” The Qur’an 5:58​

The Christians of Syria preferred the Muslim rule over the oppressive Byzantines, as the Muslims had brought justice and good governance. Moreover after the Muslims defeated the Byzantine army and returned to Syria, they were welcomed back as heroes. Dionysius confirms this:

So the Arabs left Damascus and pitched camp by the river Yarmuk. As the Romans marched towards the Arab camp every city and village on their way which had surrendered to the Arabs shouted threats at them. As for crimes the Romans committed on their passage, they are unspeakable, and their unseemliness ought not even to be brought to mind…The Arabs returned, elated with their great victory, to Damascus; and the Damascenes greeted them outside the city and welcomed them joyfully in, and all treaties and assurances were reaffirmed.”​

One cannot imagine the conquered welcoming the conqueror “joyfully”. Yet it happened in Syria once upon a time.

Following the death of Prophet Muhammad, in the reign of the second Caliph, Umar bin Khattab, the Muslim armies began liberating the people of Syria from the Byzantines (Romans). The Christians of Syria were divided in many different denominations, such as Monophysites, Jacobites and Nestorians, and almost all of them were facing severe persecution at the hands of the ruling Byzantine Church. Dionysius of Tel-Mahre, a Jacobite patriarch from 818 to 845 CE, stated in his chronicle that the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius sent an army to expel the Muslims out of Syria and recapture the land. The Muslim forces decided to withdraw from Syrian cities in order to fight an open pitch battle with the Byzantines. Whilst pulling back, the Muslims decided, out of fairness, to refund the money which they had taken as tribute from the Syrian Christians:

Abu Ubaydah, whom Umar had put in command of the Arabs, ordered Habib b. Maslama to return to the Emesenes the tribute which he had exacted from them with this message: “We are both bound by our mutual oaths. Now we are going to do battle with the Romans. If we return, this tribute is ours; but if we are defeated and do not return, we are absolved of our oaths.”​

This was an unprecedented demonstration of honesty and justice. The non-Muslims pay a poll tax to the Islamic state so that their lives, religion and property are protected under the rule of the Muslims. In this case the Muslims knew that they were unable to protect the Christians of Syria due to an imminent attack by Heraclius, and therefore it was not fair to keep the money if they couldn’t protect the masses. Also, one must note that this was taking place in seventh century Syria where plunder, robbery and injustice were a common occurrence and the Muslims had shocked the Syrians with their merciful conduct. Another point worth mentioning is that this incident is narrated by a ninth century Christian source, which testifies that the Muslims did not abuse power and they did not betray the trust that the Christians had bestowed upon them. Why did the Muslims return such big sums to the Christians? Why didn’t they keep this wealth when they needed it the most, as they were facing a much larger army than themselves? The response to all these perplexing questions is that these Muslims obeyed God and followed His injunctions in the Qur’an:

God commands you [people] to return things entrusted to you to their rightful owners, and, if you judge between people, to do so with justice: God’s instructions to you are excellent, for He hears and sees everything.” The Qur’an 5:58​

The Christians of Syria preferred the Muslim rule over the oppressive Byzantines, as the Muslims had brought justice and good governance. Moreover after the Muslims defeated the Byzantine army and returned to Syria, they were welcomed back as heroes. Dionysius confirms this:

So the Arabs left Damascus and pitched camp by the river Yarmuk. As the Romans marched towards the Arab camp every city and village on their way which had surrendered to the Arabs shouted threats at them. As for crimes the Romans committed on their passage, they are unspeakable, and their unseemliness ought not even to be brought to mind…The Arabs returned, elated with their great victory, to Damascus; and the Damascenes greeted them outside the city and welcomed them joyfully in, and all treaties and assurances were reaffirmed.”​

One cannot imagine the conquered welcoming the conqueror “joyfully”. Yet it happened in Syria once upon a time.

for those who do not know-----muslim girls are actually taught that ----when muslim galloped in on horseback---lopping heads off------girls would rush out of their homes and BEG THE MUSLIM BOYS to rape them. It's an adolescent wet
dream----- but both the teenaged girls and boys BUY INTO IT--------for the rest of their lives
As for the JIZYA being a payment for "protection"------it is--very much like the protection money that the Mafia has extorted in the history of the USA. The only protection Dhimmis need is from muslims themselves------and even when the money is paid---they don't get that either.
As for the JIZYA being a payment for "protection"------it is--very much like the protection money that the Mafia has extorted in the history of the USA. The only protection Dhimmis need is from muslims themselves------and even when the money is paid---they don't get that either.

Does the GOP tax plan affect jizya?

Following the death of Prophet Muhammad, in the reign of the second Caliph, Umar bin Khattab, the Muslim armies began liberating the people of Syria from the Byzantines (Romans). The Christians of Syria were divided in many different denominations, such as Monophysites, Jacobites and Nestorians, and almost all of them were facing severe persecution at the hands of the ruling Byzantine Church. Dionysius of Tel-Mahre, a Jacobite patriarch from 818 to 845 CE, stated in his chronicle that the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius sent an army to expel the Muslims out of Syria and recapture the land. The Muslim forces decided to withdraw from Syrian cities in order to fight an open pitch battle with the Byzantines. Whilst pulling back, the Muslims decided, out of fairness, to refund the money which they had taken as tribute from the Syrian Christians:

Abu Ubaydah, whom Umar had put in command of the Arabs, ordered Habib b. Maslama to return to the Emesenes the tribute which he had exacted from them with this message: “We are both bound by our mutual oaths. Now we are going to do battle with the Romans. If we return, this tribute is ours; but if we are defeated and do not return, we are absolved of our oaths.”​

This was an unprecedented demonstration of honesty and justice. The non-Muslims pay a poll tax to the Islamic state so that their lives, religion and property are protected under the rule of the Muslims. In this case the Muslims knew that they were unable to protect the Christians of Syria due to an imminent attack by Heraclius, and therefore it was not fair to keep the money if they couldn’t protect the masses. Also, one must note that this was taking place in seventh century Syria where plunder, robbery and injustice were a common occurrence and the Muslims had shocked the Syrians with their merciful conduct. Another point worth mentioning is that this incident is narrated by a ninth century Christian source, which testifies that the Muslims did not abuse power and they did not betray the trust that the Christians had bestowed upon them. Why did the Muslims return such big sums to the Christians? Why didn’t they keep this wealth when they needed it the most, as they were facing a much larger army than themselves? The response to all these perplexing questions is that these Muslims obeyed God and followed His injunctions in the Qur’an:

God commands you [people] to return things entrusted to you to their rightful owners, and, if you judge between people, to do so with justice: God’s instructions to you are excellent, for He hears and sees everything.” The Qur’an 5:58​

The Christians of Syria preferred the Muslim rule over the oppressive Byzantines, as the Muslims had brought justice and good governance. Moreover after the Muslims defeated the Byzantine army and returned to Syria, they were welcomed back as heroes. Dionysius confirms this:

So the Arabs left Damascus and pitched camp by the river Yarmuk. As the Romans marched towards the Arab camp every city and village on their way which had surrendered to the Arabs shouted threats at them. As for crimes the Romans committed on their passage, they are unspeakable, and their unseemliness ought not even to be brought to mind…The Arabs returned, elated with their great victory, to Damascus; and the Damascenes greeted them outside the city and welcomed them joyfully in, and all treaties and assurances were reaffirmed.”​

One cannot imagine the conquered welcoming the conqueror “joyfully”. Yet it happened in Syria once upon a time.

Syria was populated by Jews and Christians long before Muslims existed. Muslims destroyed Syria
As for the JIZYA being a payment for "protection"------it is--very much like the protection money that the Mafia has extorted in the history of the USA. The only protection Dhimmis need is from muslims themselves------and even when the money is paid---they don't get that either.

Does the GOP tax plan affect jizya?

no Jizya is a straight POLL TAX----each person is
charged a specific sum regardless of ability to pay or
lack thereof. The community either takes care of it
or the muzzies put on a GENERAL throat slitting party for the glory of allah.
As for the JIZYA being a payment for "protection"------it is--very much like the protection money that the Mafia has extorted in the history of the USA. The only protection Dhimmis need is from muslims themselves------and even when the money is paid---they don't get that either.

Does the GOP tax plan affect jizya?

no Jizya is a straight POLL TAX----each person is
charged a specific sum regardless of ability to pay or
lack thereof. The community either takes care of it
or the muzzies put on a GENERAL throat slitting party for the glory of allah.

Pay an extortionate Islamic tax or die Sounds like the Mafia!
As for the JIZYA being a payment for "protection"------it is--very much like the protection money that the Mafia has extorted in the history of the USA. The only protection Dhimmis need is from muslims themselves------and even when the money is paid---they don't get that either.

Does the GOP tax plan affect jizya?

no Jizya is a straight POLL TAX----each person is
charged a specific sum regardless of ability to pay or
lack thereof. The community either takes care of it
or the muzzies put on a GENERAL throat slitting party for the glory of allah.

Pay an extortionate Islamic tax or die Sounds like the Mafia!

the Mafia was formed whilst muslims OCCUPIED SICILY. <<<<< a little discussed factoid but FASCINATING. So much
of Mafia ETHOS is purely Islamic including its SECLUSION of females policy. One of the interesting facts of MAFIA life is that DA WOMEN are not supposed to KNOW that is going on-------just accept it. -------that custom comes from islam. Another----DA GIRLS don't know nuthin' about sex-----also from islam. Of course PROTECTION MONEY------directly from the stinking ass of AL NABI
As for the JIZYA being a payment for "protection"------it is--very much like the protection money that the Mafia has extorted in the history of the USA. The only protection Dhimmis need is from muslims themselves------and even when the money is paid---they don't get that either.

Does the GOP tax plan affect jizya?

no Jizya is a straight POLL TAX----each person is
charged a specific sum regardless of ability to pay or
lack thereof. The community either takes care of it
or the muzzies put on a GENERAL throat slitting party for the glory of allah.

Pay an extortionate Islamic tax or die Sounds like the Mafia!

the Mafia was formed whilst muslims OCCUPIED SICILY. <<<<< a little discussed factoid but FASCINATING. So much
of Mafia ETHOS is purely Islamic including its SECLUSION of females policy. One of the interesting facts of MAFIA life is that DA WOMEN are not supposed to KNOW that is going on-------just accept it. -------that custom comes from islam. Another----DA GIRLS don't know nuthin' about sex-----also from islam. Of course PROTECTION MONEY------directly from the stinking ass of AL NABI

Islam is like the Mafia: If you leave, you will die

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