Happy 90th Birthday George HW Bush..

Bush is the man. I got to meet him and Reagan during their first campaign against Carter. Nice guy.

George H.W. Bush feeling 'great, exhilarated' after parachute jump for 90th birthday
The nonagenarian jumped from a helicopter, harnessed to a retired member of the U.S. Army's parachute team.
Family and friends cheered him on and neighbors were spotted waving to the 41st President as he passed overhead.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8ELtq2DwDU]President Bush 90th Bday Jump with All Veteran Parachute Team - YouTube[/ame]
Yes. Happy birthday to good ol' George Sr., a true American hero who, along with other members of our country's "Greatest Generation," piloted a fighter plane in WWII, and despite having been shot down and left to float alone surrounded by sharks in the Pacific for days, managed to have both the grace of God and the intestinal fortitude to survive the nightmare.

God bless that man. I love him, and I would gladly die for him.

Admirable sentiments, yes a strong and decent man, in politics, "trapped by the moment". (I did not understand how Clinton beat him in 1992, despite the fact I was a yellow dog Democrat at the time, he seemed so much better than Reagan.)

Clinton beat him because of Ross Perot.
Fuck Bush Sr. and fuck his son Bush Jr.

I served under both these assholes (was in the U.S. Navy from 1982 until 2002), and I think both of them suck.

Under both of them I had to watch my back when overseas because they were assholes.

Me? I'm glad he landed safely, and am also happy that he came in hard. He came in hard against a lot of other countries, but managed to land softly when he was President.

He deserves some of the pain he's inflicted.

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