Happy Columbus Day!


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
A message from the original Italian Stallion.....

daaayuuum lol

Columbus was just an explorer and a product of his time.
The SJWs use Columbus as a strawman to pillory as their symbol of the eeeeviiil white man.
America has lifted humanity into the modern age.
The SJWs enjoy all of the benefits of living in America.
The history of humanity is the story of competition AND cooperation. Why do some hail one and consider the other to be socialist/Marxist? We'd never have gotten anywhere without both.
I don’t have any issue with Columbus.

His views of other races and indigenous people were no worse than any others of his era. In hindsight, 500 years later, it is easy to condemn them. But in the context of their time, nobody was enlightened.....even the church

Why do we celebrate Columbus?
Because he discovered America.

You may argue that others came first but there can be no argument that after 1492, exploration and settlement of the New World took off.
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While individual humans from ANY society can be superior in intelligence and knowledge, Europeans were (and probably remain) the most advanced civilization in the world by far. Consider the things that the Amerindians lacked

  • Navigation, celestial and otherwise - nonexistent
  • The Wheel - didn't have it
  • Domesticated animals doing work - didn't have it
  • Metallurgy - especially iron, which requires a very sophisticated process - didn't have it
  • Weapons - very primitive
  • Clothing - basically animal skins
  • Written language, and all that goes with it - basically didn't have it
  • Architecture - very primitive, even in the advanced populations
Good Lord, what would you expect when these two civilizations come together?
While individual humans from ANY society can be superior in intelligence and knowledge, Europeans were (and probably remain) the most advanced civilization in the world by far. Consider the things that the Amerindians lacked

  • Navigation, celestial and otherwise - nonexistent
  • The Wheel - didn't have it
  • Domesticated animals doing work - didn't have it
  • Metallurgy - especially iron, which requires a very sophisticated process - didn't have it
  • Weapons - very primitive
  • Clothing - basically animal skins
  • Written language, and all that goes with it - basically didn't have it
  • Architecture - very primitive, even in the advanced populations
Good Lord, what would you expect when these two civilizations come together?
There were written languages in the mesoamerican indians..
While individual humans from ANY society can be superior in intelligence and knowledge, Europeans were (and probably remain) the most advanced civilization in the world by far. Consider the things that the Amerindians lacked

  • Navigation, celestial and otherwise - nonexistent
  • The Wheel - didn't have it
  • Domesticated animals doing work - didn't have it
  • Metallurgy - especially iron, which requires a very sophisticated process - didn't have it
  • Weapons - very primitive
  • Clothing - basically animal skins
  • Written language, and all that goes with it - basically didn't have it
  • Architecture - very primitive, even in the advanced populations
Good Lord, what would you expect when these two civilizations come together?
Like taking candy from a baby.
Happy Columbus day. The Native American in me regrets this message and just wants to hunt some buffalo. However, the German and Scottish and Swiss parts of me just want to roll down to my local Dunkin Donuts, set up a missionary outpost and then invade the bitch when DD employees try to rape and pillage my frontier nunnery. After the invasion my people will claim land in the lobby for future settlers from a far away empire. In no time at all, few if any of the original "natives" will be left to resist. Afterward? We're going for Burger King. After that? Waffle House!
I can’t take these attacks on Columbus Day seriously. It’s like America’s short lived experiment with slavery.... just another historical vehicle to shake down white man. Non-whites world-wide continue to this day raping, enslaving, and taking land and resources. Get over yourselves. I know I have gotten over your bullshit attacks on western white men for “sins of the father”.
The Commanche, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Mohawks....All renowned for their passivity and peaceful nature.
My impression is the Cherokee were more advanced and open to new ideas compared the diehard tribes

but it was the Plains Indians who initiated the policy of using social workers to peacefully persuade other tribes to give up horses, hunting territory and women that lib Karens and Pajama Boys running the big blue cites are imitating today

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