Happy Columbus Day!

Columbus battled mutiny, storms, cannibals, disease, mosquitoes, and quicksand. He also befriended natives and rescued beautiful girls.

one time a woman said that Hugo Chavez was from a working class background and he ordered to cut her tongue and paraded her naked all over town on top of a donkey!

WAIT...that wasn't Chavez, it was Columbus
they are protesting the discovery of the Americas in Santiago, Chile.⁠

The march was organized by Indigenous groups demanding autonomy and the recovery of ancestral land. ⁠
While individual humans from ANY society can be superior in intelligence and knowledge, Europeans were (and probably remain) the most advanced civilization in the world by far. Consider the things that the Amerindians lacked

  • Navigation, celestial and otherwise - nonexistent
  • The Wheel - didn't have it
  • Domesticated animals doing work - didn't have it
  • Metallurgy - especially iron, which requires a very sophisticated process - didn't have it
  • Weapons - very primitive
  • Clothing - basically animal skins
  • Written language, and all that goes with it - basically didn't have it
  • Architecture - very primitive, even in the advanced populations
Good Lord, what would you expect when these two civilizations come together?
Leave the Lord out of this he would have said to leave them alone.
The message of the meme brought to mind a church sermon I heard a few months back in which the pastor noted that if everybody on this planet lived the American lifestyle to sustain such living would require the resources of 5 Earths.
The pastor is full of kaka.

As resources ran low we would find other things to turn into resources like we did oil, wood pulp and yellow cake.
Nothing says "I am a Christian" like killing someone to take what they have..

Or claiming to discover something that had already been found.
I know, yesterday blacks discovered something called jobs.

But long before that, you had discovered blow jobs.

...and a
Nothing says "I am a Christian" like killing someone to take what they have..

Or claiming to discover something that had already been found.
or enjoying all of the benefits of living in America whilst hating it

Why shouldn't we enjoy what we helped to build, it isn't America that we hate it's the racist trash in it.
yea, America has a lot of Democrat hate groups like, the Klan, Nation of Islam, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood, La Raza, Antifa, BLM........glad to hear that you are also opposed to them

BLM, NOI and Black Panthers have NEVER committed crimes against whites as whites have done to black folks in this country. Why was it so hard for Trump to denounce white supremacists? Why is it all he could say was, "stand down and stand by"
True. BLM hurts blacks more than whites.
"hey that cop killed a black. Lets go burn down our brother and sisters whole life to show how we hate cops" DERP

Right wing propaganda. Do you idiots know that 93% of protest are peaceful.
All the ones with our people are peaceful until you scum attack. Liar.

Liar, liar pants on fire.


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