Happy Indendependence Day Israel


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
And he said: “The Lord roars from Zion and utters his voice from Jerusalem” Amos 1:2

Judah, your brothers will praise you; your hand will be on the neck of your enemies; your father's sons will bow down to you. You are a lion's cub, Judah; you return from the prey, my son. Like a lion he crouches and lies down, like a lioness—who dares to rouse him?

Genesis 49:8
Isaiah 66:8 — “Who has ever heard of such things? Who has ever seen things like this? Can a country be born in a day

or a nation be brought forth in a moment?

Yet no sooner is Zion in labor

than she gives birth to her children.”

God is the author of Zionism, because He spoke about restoration of Zion thousands of years before it took place, when the modern day State of Israel was in fact born in one day...​
I wonder why some right wingers are against jews but also some left wingers for oppossite reasons, i guess its across the whole political spectrum, some quite interesting hardcore zionists here who do not like me because they think im black like DudleySmith and CarlinAnnArbor would say its leftwing to hate jews, now you post something anti-jew from a right wing perspective
And he said: “The Lord roars from Zion and utters his voice from Jerusalem” Amos 1:2

Israel stopped being a physical place at the same time the Temple stopped being a stone building. Jesus became the Third Temple and Israel became the spiritual body of the Church.
I wonder why some right wingers are against jews but also some left wingers for oppossite reasons, i guess its across the whole political spectrum, some quite interesting hardcored zionists here who do not like me because they think im black like DudleySmith and CarlinAnnArbor would say its leftwing to hate jews, now you post something anti-jew from a right wing perspective
How can I be “anti-Jew” when I am a spiritual Israelite that proclaims a Jew to be King of the world?
I wonder why some right wingers are against jews but also some left wingers for oppossite reasons, i guess its across the whole political spectrum, some quite interesting hardcore zionists here who do not like me because they think im black like DudleySmith and CarlinAnnArbor would say its leftwing to hate jews, now you post something anti-jew from a right wing perspective
they think your black?....i doubt it .....you are pretty white morty.....
Christians are Jewish sect. Whether many like that or not is a separate issue and not one I care about.

The intention of this article is to demonstrate the significant role of the Torah in the first Gospel. The article argues that:

* the Torah holds a central position in Matthew

* the Torah continues to remain valid; but that

* Jesus teaches and enacts an alternative interpretation of the Torah.

The research proposes that the central role of the Torah must be seriously considered when reading the first Gospel.

The Torah holds a central position

The central position of the Torah in Matthew is especially notable from the way Jesus teaches the Torah and proceeds to enact the intention of the Torah.

Jesus teaches the Torah

The Sermon on the Mount especially signifies the importance of the Torah in Matthew. This sermon holds a prominent position in the Gospel as the first of five great discourses. These discourses are the Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7), the missionary charge (Mt 10:5-42), the parables discourse (Mt 13:3-52), instructions to the community (Mt 18:3-35), and the woes and eschatological discourse (Mt 23-25) (cf. Davies & Allison 2004a:60). Combrink (1983:61-90) identifies a chiastic structure between the discourses as indicated in Box 1.

The Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7) parallels the woes and the eschatological discourse (Mt 23-25). The missionary charge (Mt 10) parallels the community discourse (Mt 18). The parables discourse (Mt 13) is framed by the above-mentioned parallels.

Each of these discourses is followed by a narrative on the actions or sayings of Jesus that are related to the preceding discourses. These five discourses serve as main building blocks or the architectonical structure of the first Gospel. It seems that this fivefold structure could be a deliberate imitation of the Pentateuch to indicate the relation between Matthew's Gospel and pentateuchal material (cf. Bacon 1930:48).1

In the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew alludes to Moses when presenting Jesus (cf. Allison 1993:137-270; Floor 1969:34). Right from the beginning of this carefully composed sermon, the Sinai typology is significant as Jesus went up the mountain to teach (Mt 5:1-2). This opening creates an anticipation of a new revelation to be delivered by a new Lawgiver (Loader 1997:165). This expectation is met when Jesus declares the purpose of his coming with his 'I have come'-sayings with regard to the law in Matthew 5:17 (Osborne 2010:181)2 and his repeated reference to the meaning and intention of the law in the sermon inter alia with his sixfold elaboration on stipulations of the law (on murder, adultery, divorce, oaths, retaliation and neighbourly love; Mt 5:21-47; cf. Osborne 2010:187)3 and his disapproval of hypocritical righteousness in charity, praying and fasting (Mt 6:1-18; cf. Weren 1994:73).4

In Judaism it was a well-known concept that the mosaic character could transmigrate to later legislators and teachers (e.g. Ezekiel). According to 4 Ezra 14 the scribe received the old revelation of Sinai plus additional new revelations (Allison 1993:185). Within this convention Jesus is portrayed as a teacher and revealer comparable to Moses.

Beyond the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus' teaching on the Torah echoes in several other passages as well, for example Matthew 15:1-205 and 22:34-40.6 Significantly the Gospel concludes with Jesus' Great Commandment that his disciples should go and make disciples by teaching them to obey everything he has commanded them (Mt 28:18-20; cf. Meier 1976:168; Saldarini 1994:79). Jesus is depicted as the One who taught the law and commands his disciples to teach others the contents of what he taught.
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they think your black?....i doubt it .....you are pretty white morty.....

Morty wants reparations, and is just building up to it. He also wants the U.S. to fly him over and set him up for life without working. Maybe he can move in with IM2 in his mom's basement.
Of course you’re anti-Jew. All your talk about how Jews are doomed to hell tells me that.
I speak the truth. Nothing would make me happier than to see those Jews accept Jesus. How is that “anti-Jew”?

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