Happy Insurrection Day!

Americans are EASILY swayed by the MEDIA
Walk down the street and ask 10 random people what happened Jan 6th 2021 and 9 will have no idea
If that’s really true, no wonder Trump’s lies have gotten so much traction! But, I think what’s happening is that it wasn’t really a random sample and 8 of the 9 were Republicans lying to the pollster, as they usually do.
If that’s really true, no wonder Trump’s lies have gotten so much traction! But, I think what’s happening is that it wasn’t really a random sample and 8 of the 9 were Republicans.
It's not true. Every poll on the matter shows nearly every American knows what happened there. And that the cultists are the only ones in denial.
So we basically have the road map to the planning of the insurrection by the Trump cult high priests and the cult leader himself.
It's not true. Every poll on the matter shows nearly every American knows what happened there. And that the cultists are the only ones in denial.
I just saw a video of some trumpanzee chimps being interviewed about 1/6. Every excuse under the sun except that it was trumpanzees that stormed the Capitol. A psychologist would have a field day dealing with this cognitive dissonance.
That there‘s something wrong with American democracy. I thought I made that pretty clear, but I guess English isn’t your first language, comrade.
So do you disagree with the fact that democracy is rule by the majority?

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