Happy Memorial Day


Active Member
Apr 26, 2013
My prayer for the future:

• Use every means possible before firing the first shot.
· Never justify a war created by politics;

· Never enter a war unless there is no other choice;

These figures represent real people; men, women, children, fathers and mothers. It destroys families and those who live and suffer the mental and physical anguish the rest of their lives.

Korea, 36,516 casualties
Vietnam, 58,209
War on Terror 6,717
Iraq 3,527
Gulf War 149
Afghanistan War 1,742
Bosnia 7

Multiply the wounded by 3.

It would be a safe assumption that America would have been strong and safe without these many death!

Sometimes people ask when I did my tours in Vietnam. I always say “yesterday”.

The last defensible US war was WWII, 291,557. Why do we continue this savagery?

Bottom line: If haven’t been there you’ll never understand!

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