Happy Presidents’ Day! Meet The Five Most Overrated American Presidents


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Ian Millhiser

Americans love to rank things. So lists of the best presidents in American history frequently allow historians to duke it out over whether George Washington, Abraham Lincoln or Franklin Delano Roosevelt should be remembered as our nation’s greatest leader. Meanwhile, recently departed President George W. Bush already ranks close to the top in polls of historians asked to rank the worst president in American history. Rather than wade into the thicket of which men best or worst served their nation during their time in the White House, we would like to offer a different kind of list. Here are five presidents who routinely rank far above what their performance in office deserves in surveys considering presidential performance:

1. Andrew Jackson

2. Ronald Reagan

3. Woodrow Wilson

4. Thomas Jefferson

5. James Madison

DETAILS: Happy Presidents' Day! Meet The Five Most Overrated American Presidents
Reagan was a feel-good President, he sure made the Republicans feel good about themselves.

His policies....absolutely DAMAGING to the country.

Good thread...timely. :thup:
By Ian Millhiser

Americans love to rank things. So lists of the best presidents in American history frequently allow historians to duke it out over whether George Washington, Abraham Lincoln or Franklin Delano Roosevelt should be remembered as our nation’s greatest leader. Meanwhile, recently departed President George W. Bush already ranks close to the top in polls of historians asked to rank the worst president in American history. Rather than wade into the thicket of which men best or worst served their nation during their time in the White House, we would like to offer a different kind of list. Here are five presidents who routinely rank far above what their performance in office deserves in surveys considering presidential performance:

1. Andrew Jackson

2. Ronald Reagan

3. Woodrow Wilson

4. Thomas Jefferson

5. James Madison

DETAILS: Happy Presidents' Day! Meet The Five Most Overrated American Presidents

Obama is the one who should be at the top of your list.

Presidents Gerald Ford, Zachary Taylor and James Garfield. (Clockwise from left:
Dirck Halstead/Time & Life Pictures/Getty; National Archive/Newsmakers/Getty;
Stock Montage/Getty)

For Presidents Day, Three Presidents Who Could Have Shined - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

I thought Gerald Ford was a good man - an honorable man.
For those of us who employ LOGIC and FACTS in our thought processes, here are the FIVE WORST PRESIDENTS in U.S. history:

1. Barack Obama
2. Bill Clinton
3. Jimmy Carter
4. Lyndon B. Johnson
5. TIE between Franklin Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson

Okay, please explain why with "credible" facts...
Reagan.....I dunno. More I think about it he is misunderstood. He is over rated as a Conservative. Deficit spender, savings n loan bailout king and all.

If he ran as a liberal economist and conservative on social issues would he have been better viewed? Probably not with the trickle down talk.

Strange man. More independant than Conservatives like to remember but gimme another decade before I call him a failure.
Reagan.....I dunno. More I think about it he is misunderstood. He is over rated as a Conservative. Deficit spender, savings n loan bailout king and all.

If he ran as a liberal economist and conservative on social issues would he have been better viewed? Probably not with the trickle down talk.

Strange man. More independent than Conservatives like to remember but gimme another decade before I call him a failure.

He began his political studies and leanings as a Democrat.
Lincoln launched the Civil War unilaterally, without Congressional action, following the secession of seven Southern states. Only later did he obtain Congressional approval. His critics called him a dictator. He was the first to trample the constitution but is generally considered a great president.

Wilson asked for and received near dictatorial powers from Congress when attacks by Germany against American ships and submarines plunged the nation into World War I. He had to raise and equip a large army to fight on foreign soil. To do so, he demanded and received unprecedented new power and authority. At least he asked congress first.

When Franklin Roosevelt was inaugurated in 1933, the world-wide Great Depression had reached its depths. The new President promised action, and during his first 100 days he enacted expenses that far exceeded his presidential power, afterward when he was challenged by the supreme court he threatened to appoint more judges until he could override their decisions but Congress gave him what he needed to enable him to use federal powers to rout the Depression and rescue every sector of the economy, as well as state and local government, from economic ruin. He further limited state's rights with the "new Deal".

Later, following the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, which forced the United States into World War II, FDR's exertion of his presidential powers would far exceed anything Wilson or Lincoln had done. Through the strength of his personality, Roosevelt lead the nation from that day of "infamy" through battles in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Pacific to total victory.

While FDR continued to ask Congress for what he needed, he gave them no choice as to whether they would accede. For example, in demanding that Congress repeal provisions in the Price Control Act (prohibiting ceilings on certain food products), he told the Congress: "In the event the Congress should fail to act, and act adequately, I shall accept the responsibility, and I will act." And he reminded the Congress: "The President has the power ... to take measures necessary to avert a disaster which would interfere with winning of the war." Once again a president trampled the constitution and was looked upon as it's savior.

These are the worst of the presidents as far as following their oath to protect and preserve the constitution. They each believed that the country was more important than the constitution - it is not!
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For those of us who employ LOGIC and FACTS in our thought processes, here are the FIVE WORST PRESIDENTS in U.S. history:

1. Barack Obama
2. Bill Clinton
3. Jimmy Carter
4. Lyndon B. Johnson
5. TIE between Franklin Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson

I'd put the list like this:

  1. Abraham Lincoln
  2. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
  3. Woodrow Wilson
  4. Theodore Roosevelt
  5. Lyndon Johnson
  6. Jimmy Carter
By Ian Millhiser

Americans love to rank things. So lists of the best presidents in American history frequently allow historians to duke it out over whether George Washington, Abraham Lincoln or Franklin Delano Roosevelt should be remembered as our nation’s greatest leader. Meanwhile, recently departed President George W. Bush already ranks close to the top in polls of historians asked to rank the worst president in American history. Rather than wade into the thicket of which men best or worst served their nation during their time in the White House, we would like to offer a different kind of list. Here are five presidents who routinely rank far above what their performance in office deserves in surveys considering presidential performance:

1. Andrew Jackson

2. Ronald Reagan

3. Woodrow Wilson

4. Thomas Jefferson

5. James Madison

DETAILS: Happy Presidents' Day! Meet The Five Most Overrated American Presidents

Okay, great....great job. You proved by providing this link, you are too dumb to think for yourself in regards to who the most overrated presidents are. Well, I do not need a link to provide what I am about to reply with, these are facts that immediately came to my mind, and no, with what I am about to say, it is not just made up, but fact, look it up yourself.

5 worst presidents ever:

1. Teddy Roosevelt - ahhh yes that gg.....gg..great American hero...Teddy Roosevelt and the rough riders....grrrrrrrrrr!!! Teddy was the first true treasonist to be president. He was was a radical left-wing progressive who said to hell with the constitution. He was a good friend of world bankers and he ran as a 3rd party candidate with the progressive Bull-Moose party to guarantee fellow America-hater Woodrow Wilson to be the next president. Teddy was a true pile of America-hating treasonist shit in every sense of the word.

2. Woodrow Wilson- this is radical racist leftist who showed the KKK movie "Birth of a Nation" to his staff. It is under Wilson and the Democrats who took away the power of congress to coin money and give it to rich world bankers with the federal reserve. It is also Woodrow Wilson who was Hitler before Hitler became Hitler in that he had people arrested and thrown in prison for speaking out against him via the Alien and Seditions Act. If I ever get a chance to piss on Wilson's grave, I will.

3. Franklin D. Roosevelt - no other president has ever written more executive orders or expanded big Marxist government like FDR. FDR was an arrogant sack of shit who shat upon the honor of past presidents who ran for only 2 terms. FDR was one of the most destructive presidents to what our Founding Fathers stood for.

4. Lyndon B. Johnson - how can any president be good for the U.S. when this Democrat makes statements like:

"I'll have those n***ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years."

This is also the idiot who brought forth the great society, an epic failure in every sense of the word, just like all left-wing Marxist policies.

5. Bill Clinton - it was under Bill Clinton the housing crisis began. Through his attorney general (and mass murder) Janet Reno, banks were forced to give loans to people who they knew could never pay back the debt, which gave false hope to people who felt they could finally get ahead, and totally screwed up housing, and has lead to many of the problems that Pavlov's dogs - also know as people who blame Bush and vote Democrat, and blame it all on Bush.

Just to let you know, what scum these 5 were, what I have stated is only a sliver of ice from an iceberg as to what America-hating treasonist trash they really are. Dishonorable mention to the list are Barack Hussein Obama, George HW Bush and George W. Bush. Happy Presidents Day
That's hilarious. Liberal d-bags rate Wilson high for his defunct, ideological presidency and then call him over-rated for not abiding by conptemporary defunct liberal standards. Now, I've seen it all.
By Ian Millhiser

Americans love to rank things. So lists of the best presidents in American history frequently allow historians to duke it out over whether George Washington, Abraham Lincoln or Franklin Delano Roosevelt should be remembered as our nation’s greatest leader. Meanwhile, recently departed President George W. Bush already ranks close to the top in polls of historians asked to rank the worst president in American history. Rather than wade into the thicket of which men best or worst served their nation during their time in the White House, we would like to offer a different kind of list. Here are five presidents who routinely rank far above what their performance in office deserves in surveys considering presidential performance:

1. Andrew Jackson

2. Ronald Reagan

3. Woodrow Wilson

4. Thomas Jefferson

5. James Madison

DETAILS: Happy Presidents' Day! Meet The Five Most Overrated American Presidents

Okay, great....great job. You proved by providing this link, you are too dumb to think for yourself in regards to who the most overrated presidents are. Well, I do not need a link to provide what I am about to reply with, these are facts that immediately came to my mind, and no, with what I am about to say, it is not just made up, but fact, look it up yourself.

5 worst presidents ever:

1. Teddy Roosevelt - ahhh yes that gg.....gg..great American hero...Teddy Roosevelt and the rough riders....grrrrrrrrrr!!! Teddy was the first true treasonist to be president. He was was a radical left-wing progressive who said to hell with the constitution. He was a good friend of world bankers and he ran as a 3rd party candidate with the progressive Bull-Moose party to guarantee fellow America-hater Woodrow Wilson to be the next president. Teddy was a true pile of America-hating treasonist shit in every sense of the word.

2. Woodrow Wilson- this is radical racist leftist who showed the KKK movie "Birth of a Nation" to his staff. It is under Wilson and the Democrats who took away the power of congress to coin money and give it to rich world bankers with the federal reserve. It is also Woodrow Wilson who was Hitler before Hitler became Hitler in that he had people arrested and thrown in prison for speaking out against him via the Alien and Seditions Act. If I ever get a chance to piss on Wilson's grave, I will.

3. Franklin D. Roosevelt - no other president has ever written more executive orders or expanded big Marxist government like FDR. FDR was an arrogant sack of shit who shat upon the honor of past presidents who ran for only 2 terms. FDR was one of the most destructive presidents to what our Founding Fathers stood for.

4. Lyndon B. Johnson - how can any president be good for the U.S. when this Democrat makes statements like:

"I'll have those n***ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years."

This is also the idiot who brought forth the great society, an epic failure in every sense of the word, just like all left-wing Marxist policies.

5. Bill Clinton - it was under Bill Clinton the housing crisis began. Through his attorney general (and mass murder) Janet Reno, banks were forced to give loans to people who they knew could never pay back the debt, which gave false hope to people who felt they could finally get ahead, and totally screwed up housing, and has lead to many of the problems that Pavlov's dogs - also know as people who blame Bush and vote Democrat, and blame it all on Bush.

Just to let you know, what scum these 5 were, what I have stated is only a sliver of ice from an iceberg as to what America-hating treasonist trash they really are. Dishonorable mention to the list are Barack Hussein Obama, George HW Bush and George W. Bush. Happy Presidents Day

Except, the list is not the worst. It's most over-rated. It's sort of ironic though. Like we're gonna revise history and ignore reality and prop up losers and then call them over-rated if we can find enough stuff that went against our liberal agenda. That's pretty much what this list is.
For those of us who employ LOGIC and FACTS in our thought processes, here are the FIVE WORST PRESIDENTS in U.S. history:

1. Barack Obama
2. Bill Clinton
3. Jimmy Carter
4. Lyndon B. Johnson
5. TIE between Franklin Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson

Okay, please explain why with "credible" facts...

I'll bite as soon as you explain yours with credible facts. Deal?

By Ian Millhiser

Americans love to rank things. So lists of the best presidents in American history frequently allow historians to duke it out over whether George Washington, Abraham Lincoln or Franklin Delano Roosevelt should be remembered as our nation’s greatest leader. Meanwhile, recently departed President George W. Bush already ranks close to the top in polls of historians asked to rank the worst president in American history. Rather than wade into the thicket of which men best or worst served their nation during their time in the White House, we would like to offer a different kind of list. Here are five presidents who routinely rank far above what their performance in office deserves in surveys considering presidential performance:

1. Andrew Jackson

2. Ronald Reagan

3. Woodrow Wilson

4. Thomas Jefferson

5. James Madison

DETAILS: Happy Presidents' Day! Meet The Five Most Overrated American Presidents

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