Hard science.

Hard science rests on a soft foundation. How many times have the castles of stone produced by "hard" science crumbled to dust when science really examines the details? How many times have the "Laws" of science been shattered by further investigation? There are only two "hard" laws in science, Somehow, somewhen our universe came to be. Somehow, somewhen it will end. All the rest are theory, working hypotheses, and our best guess. All of them are based on observation, anecdotal evidence, and have limits we conveniently leave out of the "law". The speed of light is a constant. Yes, but only in the part of the universe we can observe, What is the speed of light when approaching the event horizon of a black hole? What is the speed of light in a black hole? What is the speed of light exiting a white hole (if they do in fact exist)? If you insist on calling them laws at least add all the qualifiers and corollaries to the laws. 2 plus 2 always equals four (only in the decimal system). Two human females plus two human males usually adds up to more than four. (And I'm glad it does).

If science can admit that we don't have all the answers and we never will (my unabridged book of questions stretches to infinity), maybe we can accept their work as imperfect, but the best explanation based on incomplete data. Maybe then we wouldn't be in such a hurry to enforce or impose them on ourselves. Its time to admit that the quest for knowledge is neverending and our conclusions are always subject to change (like everything else). Pappadave.

The most vocal Scientists of today are not necessarily those who are actually applying the Scientific Method.

Don't believe the hype, Science is alive and well. Some of them even get to live to see their theorems proven. That's a major advancement compared to Galileo's time (a posthumously lauded conservative, by the way).
No, you don't get to say what I meant.
But you get to say that Rush is the Right's messiah?

Nothing hypocritical about it at all. It is merely the Golden Rule biting CON$ in THEIR hypocritical asses!!! :lol:

CON$ can dish it out but whine and cry like little snot-nosed bratty children when they are treated in kind. :cuckoo:

If you remember it was YOUR MessiahRushie who branded Obama as the Messiah by CHANGING the words Obama used. As you can see in the second and third quotes in my sig, I am using Stuttering LimpTard's own rationalization of a Messianic attitude to brand him as the CON$ervoFascist Messiah.

October 3, 2007
RUSH: We've reached a new day, when interpreters are allowed to determine the meaning of words spoken by others. What happens with that is the loss of meaning.

August 22, 2008
RUSH: * The Messiah is a humorous term and used in this context because that's what he's trying to portray himself as: The Anointed One. "I'm the one you've been waiting for," is what he means when he says, "We're the ones we've been waiting for." I'm the one you've been looking for.

October 21, 2008
RUSH: He didn't say it in those words, but that's exactly what he meant.

November 5, 2007
RUSH: Don't put words in my mouth

I don't listen to Rush.

So whatever point you may have had falls apart, doesn't it? As well as confirms your own hypocrisy.

Just because I point out that you are wrong about something does not make me conservative. I have managed to out liberal most of my liberal friends because I adopted the premise behind classical liberalism, that the individual is paramount.

Dood...you have GOT be to feeling lonely. Liberalism has been corrupted to stand for greater and greater government control over individual lives.

I hope you're successful in restoring liberalism to once again standing for liberty.
They DO. This is just another post furthering the "scientists don't know what they're talking about" meme. I've worked in the scientific arena all my working life and that kind of analysis would get you laughed out of town. They're smart people. Like they don't know all of this, esp. the uncertainty part! This post is only useful as a means to confuse or misdirect the scientifically unsophisticated.

It always amazes me how people who don't know anything about science either think it is worthless, or want to point to it as being perfect. It has been a few years since anyone in the science field though that science had all the answers, but some people still want to think they do.

If you read THAT into my post, then you're talking about yourself. I never said science was worthless or inerrant. There's apparently a flaw in your ESP!!! Don't try telling us what others think. Tell us what you think. That way you won't come out looking so foolish.

Just because I point out that you are wrong about something does not make me conservative. I have managed to out liberal most of my liberal friends because I adopted the premise behind classical liberalism, that the individual is paramount.

Dood...you have GOT be to feeling lonely. Liberalism has been corrupted to stand for greater and greater government control over individual lives.

I hope you're successful in restoring liberalism to once again standing for liberty.

Since liberals are now calling themselves progressives I actually have hope.
They DO. This is just another post furthering the "scientists don't know what they're talking about" meme. I've worked in the scientific arena all my working life and that kind of analysis would get you laughed out of town. They're smart people. Like they don't know all of this, esp. the uncertainty part! This post is only useful as a means to confuse or misdirect the scientifically unsophisticated.

It always amazes me how people who don't know anything about science either think it is worthless, or want to point to it as being perfect. It has been a few years since anyone in the science field though that science had all the answers, but some people still want to think they do.

If you read THAT into my post, then you're talking about yourself. I never said science was worthless or inerrant. There's apparently a flaw in your ESP!!! Don't try telling us what others think. Tell us what you think. That way you won't come out looking so foolish.

Where did I say you said anything like you think I did, and you say my ESP is off. I was essentially agreeing with you, and pointing out that people who don't understand science either think that science is worthless, or they think it is perfect. That is a comment on their attitude, not yours.

Just because I point out that you are wrong about something does not make me conservative. I have managed to out liberal most of my liberal friends because I adopted the premise behind classical liberalism, that the individual is paramount.

Dood...you have GOT be to feeling lonely. Liberalism has been corrupted to stand for greater and greater government control over individual lives.

I hope you're successful in restoring liberalism to once again standing for liberty.

Since liberals are now calling themselves progressives I actually have hope.
Classical liberalism is pretty much modern conservatism.
But you get to say that Rush is the Right's messiah?

Nothing hypocritical about it at all. It is merely the Golden Rule biting CON$ in THEIR hypocritical asses!!! :lol:

CON$ can dish it out but whine and cry like little snot-nosed bratty children when they are treated in kind. :cuckoo:

If you remember it was YOUR MessiahRushie who branded Obama as the Messiah by CHANGING the words Obama used. As you can see in the second and third quotes in my sig, I am using Stuttering LimpTard's own rationalization of a Messianic attitude to brand him as the CON$ervoFascist Messiah.

October 3, 2007
RUSH: We've reached a new day, when interpreters are allowed to determine the meaning of words spoken by others. What happens with that is the loss of meaning.

August 22, 2008
RUSH: * The Messiah is a humorous term and used in this context because that's what he's trying to portray himself as: The Anointed One. "I'm the one you've been waiting for," is what he means when he says, "We're the ones we've been waiting for." I'm the one you've been looking for.

October 21, 2008
RUSH: He didn't say it in those words, but that's exactly what he meant.

November 5, 2007
RUSH: Don't put words in my mouth

I don't listen to Rush.

So whatever point you may have had falls apart, doesn't it? As well as confirms your own hypocrisy.
And I didn't vote for Obama!

That has not stopped CON$ from saying Obama is my messiah, so whether you listen or not, the Golden Rule says LimpTard is your MessiahRushie no matter what you say to the contrary. Nothing hypocritical about it at all.

You are just whining because I'm beating CON$ at their own game using their own rules and their own rationalizations. CON$ can dish it out but cry like little babies when the Golden Rule bites them in their worthless asses.
Dood...you have GOT be to feeling lonely. Liberalism has been corrupted to stand for greater and greater government control over individual lives.

I hope you're successful in restoring liberalism to once again standing for liberty.

Since liberals are now calling themselves progressives I actually have hope.
Classical liberalism is pretty much modern conservatism.
NO, modern CON$ervatism is a hate religion.
Hard science rests on a soft foundation. How many times have the castles of stone produced by "hard" science crumbled to dust when science really examines the details?

How many times have the "Laws" of science been shattered by further investigation?

Science crumbles? :cuckoo:

btw, what has dis-proven scientific theories? Religion or more of that soft science you attack?

gawd, you're in the running for biggest USMb moron.

If science can admit that we don't have all the answers and we never will (my unabridged book of questions stretches to infinity), maybe we can accept their work as imperfect, but the best explanation based on incomplete data.

Maybe then we wouldn't be in such a hurry to enforce or impose them on ourselves. Its time to admit that the quest for knowledge is neverending and our conclusions are always subject to change (like everything else). Pappadave.

do you exist in a vacuum?

what does hard science say about that possibility?

I didn't start at the end of the thread. I started at the beginning. I now see dave and the USMB windbag have hijacked this thread too.

Dood...you have GOT be to feeling lonely. Liberalism has been corrupted to stand for greater and greater government control over individual lives.

I hope you're successful in restoring liberalism to once again standing for liberty.

Since liberals are now calling themselves progressives I actually have hope.
Classical liberalism is pretty much modern conservatism.

It seems that way, but today's conservatives tend to have a looser standard to impose on the individual than I think should be applied. Conservatives believe that as long as the group is reasonable it is permissible to restrict the individual. This can result in discrimination like the government not recognizing the rights of some individuals to choose their own personal relationships.

I believe that the government should be required to demonstrate a level of interest that rises to at least the level of strict scrutiny is allowed to restrict the rights of individuals.
And I didn't vote for Obama!

That has not stopped CON$ from saying Obama is my messiah, so whether you listen or not, the Golden Rule says LimpTard is your MessiahRushie no matter what you say to the contrary. Nothing hypocritical about it at all.
So you had a chance to rise above that to which you object...but choose instead to wallow in it.
You are just whining because I'm beating CON$ at their own game using their own rules and their own rationalizations. CON$ can dish it out but cry like little babies when the Golden Rule bites them in their worthless asses.
I'm sure it comforts your small closed mind to "think" so, but no. :lol:
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Since liberals are now calling themselves progressives I actually have hope.
Classical liberalism is pretty much modern conservatism.
NO, modern CON$ervatism is a hate religion.
Yes, because wanting people to take care of themselves and their families and insisting we don't need the government to hold our hands from cradle to grave is SO hateful.

Do you even bother to read what you write? Because if you did, you'd see how ridiculous it is. :cuckoo:

I didn't start at the end of the thread. I started at the beginning. I now see dave and the USMB windbag have hijacked this thread too.


Yes, isn't it terrible how us mean scary conservatives hold lefties accountable for their words? :cool:

You want an echo chamber, I suggest you go elsewhere. What's your DU username?
And I didn't vote for Obama!

That has not stopped CON$ from saying Obama is my messiah, so whether you listen or not, the Golden Rule says LimpTard is your MessiahRushie no matter what you say to the contrary. Nothing hypocritical about it at all.
So you had a chance to rise above that to which you object...but choose instead to wallow in it.
You are just whining because I'm beating CON$ at their own game using their own rules and their own rationalizations. CON$ can dish it out but cry like little babies when the Golden Rule bites them in their worthless asses.
I'm sure it comforts your small closed mind to "think" so, but no. :lol:
Experience has taught me that you have to get down in their gutter with them and beat the arrogant condescending CON$ at their own game. It's the only thing they understand.

And the proof is you trying to get me to change my tactics, that tells me they are working much better than what you would have me do instead.
Thank you for the positive feedback.
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Classical liberalism is pretty much modern conservatism.
NO, modern CON$ervatism is a hate religion.
Yes, because wanting people to take care of themselves and their families and insisting we don't need the government to hold our hands from cradle to grave is SO hateful.

Do you even bother to read what you write? Because if you did, you'd see how ridiculous it is. :cuckoo:
That is nothing but CON$ervative LIP SERVICE. No CON$ervative practices anything they preach. Red states are the leech states sucking on the government teat, and CON$ are the financial underachievers. That inferiority complex is why CON$ hate themselves first and everyone else doing better than them, especially the "Limousine" Liberals they are so jealous of, second.
NO, modern CON$ervatism is a hate religion.
Yes, because wanting people to take care of themselves and their families and insisting we don't need the government to hold our hands from cradle to grave is SO hateful.

Do you even bother to read what you write? Because if you did, you'd see how ridiculous it is. :cuckoo:
That is nothing but CON$ervative LIP SERVICE. No CON$ervative practices anything they preach. Red states are the leech states sucking on the government teat, and CON$ are the financial underachievers. That inferiority complex is why CON$ hate themselves first and everyone else doing better than them, especially the "Limousine" Liberals they are so jealous of, second.
you prove you are a fucking moron with every post

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