Hard to Believe This Happened 80 yrs. Ago

Hoover SPECIFICALLY ordered MacArthur to NOT enter the city to not cross into the tent city and to take no physical action against any but the violent prone near the White House.

If you are going to give us a History lesson at least get it right.

And MacArthur should have been publicly shot for violating orders.
Hoover SPECIFICALLY ordered MacArthur to NOT enter the city to not cross into the tent city and to take no physical action against any but the violent prone near the White House.

If you are going to give us a History lesson at least get it right.

And MacArthur should have been publicly shot for violating orders.

Very true. It was a do-over like we saw under W. The rise of right wing fascism reared it's ugly head again to overthrow america once again.
And it can happen again

Only this time it will be right-wing extremists and gun cultists descending on D.C.

Remember the sign from the Tea Party rallies: "We came unarmed, this time."

Sounds like the veterans actually has something to protest. Whereas the Tea Party has nothing but impotent rage.
Not to worry. MacArthur and the administration said the bonus-veterans were commies and criminals and Republicans felt better. No evidence of either charge was ever found. Just some WWI vets that were hungry and thought their bonus money could be paid a little early.
One of the interesting things was ten months later, after FDR's election, the bonus army with a new president, again gathered, this time FDR fed them and set up tents for them. Then he sent Eleanor down alone to talk to the vets, no MacArthur, no tanks, no cavalry, no shooting, no tear gas, just Eleanor, the vets talked with her and then went home.
Not to worry. MacArthur and the administration said the bonus-veterans were commies and criminals and Republicans felt better. No evidence of either charge was ever found. Just some WWI vets that were hungry and thought their bonus money could be paid a little early.
One of the interesting things was ten months later, after FDR's election, the bonus army with a new president, again gathered, this time FDR fed them and set up tents for them. Then he sent Eleanor down alone to talk to the vets, no MacArthur, no tanks, no cavalry, no shooting, no tear gas, just Eleanor, the vets talked with her and then went home.

and then WWII started.
FANTASTIC NEWS VIDEO: 1932 - young Patton, young Eisenhower, Pres Hoover, Walter Winchell reporting.

I don't recall this from any history classes.

Do you think the military, acting on orders from a broken federal gov't, won't march against its own??

Hard to believe this happened 80 years ago.

Bonus Army: US military attacks demonstrating American War Veterans - YouTube
Hoovervilles.....MacArthur had no problem attacking WWI vets.

I learned about it in school
Not to worry. MacArthur and the administration said the bonus-veterans were commies and criminals and Republicans felt better. No evidence of either charge was ever found. Just some WWI vets that were hungry and thought their bonus money could be paid a little early.
One of the interesting things was ten months later, after FDR's election, the bonus army with a new president, again gathered, this time FDR fed them and set up tents for them. Then he sent Eleanor down alone to talk to the vets, no MacArthur, no tanks, no cavalry, no shooting, no tear gas, just Eleanor, the vets talked with her and then went home.

and then WWII started.

Yeah....that was Eleanor's fault too.
The Bonus Act was enacted in May, 1924, in a period of good economic times six years after the end of The Great War (WWI). Congress had passed it several times in previous years, and two Presidents had vetoed it. In May 1924, President Coolidge also vetoed it, saying that the Fed Govt had no authority to take tax money from all the citizens and hand it to a relatively small group, even if they were war veterans. Only their regular service pay and bonuses as members of the military, were constitutionally authorized payments, and they already had those.

BONUS IS UNJUST COOLIDGE WRITES IN VETO MESSAGE ? The Cornell Daily Sun 16 May 1924 ? The Cornell Daily Sun

Coolidge also pointed out that the government didn't have the money now, was still paying off huge (for the times) debts from the War, and that there was no reason to saddle future governments with the burden if it could not be paid for now, unless it was an extreme emergency (which, in those prosperous times, it was not). He also mentioned that, at the time, even veterans opposed the Bonus Act.

Congress overrode Coolidge's veto and enated the Bonus Act anyway.

World War Adjusted Compensation Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Years later, the Great Depression struck, and people holding Bonus Act certificates petitioned the government to pay them off now instead of ten-plus years later. But the govt had even less money in 1932 than it had in 1924, and refused.

For some reason the certificates, which said they would be paid off twenty years later (around 1945 or later), were NOT made transferrable. If they had been, the veterans holding them could have sold them for a lesser amount to get the cash now, to an investor who would hold them the remainder of the period and cash them for full value later. But this option was not open to the certificate holders.

Using tanks and troops against the "Bonus Marchers" was unconscionable, of course, and a vile act by President Hoover and Douglas MacArthur.
I do not recall ever hearing about it in any history class.

I didn't hear about it in a history class, I read about it in a book. Seems that our 'Conservatives' constantly belittle education, yet cannot be bothered to read a book to actually understand some of the history of this nation. Most don't recognize the name of Blair Mountain or Ludlow. When the Oligarchs turns machine guns on working Americans.
FANTASTIC NEWS VIDEO: 1932 - young Patton, young Eisenhower, Pres Hoover, Walter Winchell reporting.

I don't recall this from any history classes.

Do you think the military, acting on orders from a broken federal gov't, won't march against its own??

Hard to believe this happened 80 years ago.

Bonus Army: US military attacks demonstrating American War Veterans - YouTube

If you live on the East Coast, you see lots of the NG armories are built like fortresses.....because they thought they may have to used as such in the late 1800s...against our own citizens.

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