Hard to put hands up after getting shot. Then even harder when you are murdered.

why the cops aren't to loved as they use to be.......

You donā€™t have to love me. You donā€™t have to respect me. But, you do have to comply with my lawful orders.

Did anyone consider the possibility this was suicide by cop and he refused orders and made intentional moves to entice being shot? That is what it looks like to me. But like all of you, it's just my guess.

I kind of thought that too, he might have been sick of being in that chair , didn't want to do it himself so he took this route.

Yeah, you knew it before your first post but being a typical Troll, you just lied by omission.

Once I see what an a.h. someone is that's the only response you will get until you get so bored you either stay away and find someone new to fk with , or you come around acting like someone who doesn't have their heads up their ass so until then............


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