Hard workers and those who live off their hard work.

There was no suggestion Franchise owners and stock holders don't take risks.

There was no suggestion that Franchise owners don't work hard, some do, some don't.

The thread was in response to the constant comments and threads by callous conservatives that the poor and working poor are lazy and seeking government aid. Some are and some do, but many work more than one PT job earning minimum wage with no benefits.

Blaming those who may have made poor choices, or had no choices to make is what makes many of those who posted above callous individuals; the irony being many of those claim to be Christians.

One measure of whether a thread is spot on is by the response of those who have differing opinions. When the response is to attack me personally and not respond critically to the theme is gratifying.

If you are older than 18 and trying to work minimum wage jobs to support a family, you are FLAT OUT STUPID

If you have not advanced enough to have a skillset that can draw a salary higher than minimum wage, you are FLAT OUT STUPID or FLAT OUT LAZY

Who else are you gonna blame for poor choices?? Society?? The boogeyman??

Thank you for once again providing evidence that you are a callous conservative sans any empathy for your fellow man. I'd bet you think you are a Christian too.
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I'm outa here. Y'all enjoy your circle jerk now - don't forget to echo each other.
There was no suggestion Franchise owners and stock holders don't take risks.

There was no suggestion that Franchise owners don't work hard, some do, some don't.

The thread was in response to the constant comments and threads by callous conservatives that the poor and working poor are lazy and seeking government aid. Some are and some do, but many work more than one PT job earning minimum wage with no benefits.

Blaming those who may have made poor choices, or had no choices to make is what makes many of those who posted above callous individuals; the irony being many of those claim to be Christians.

One measure of whether a thread is spot on is by the response of those who have differing opinions. When the response is to attack me personally and not respond critically to the theme is gratifying.

If you are older than 18 and trying to work minimum wage jobs to support a family, you are FLAT OUT STUPID

If you have not advanced enough to have a skillset that can draw a salary higher than minimum wage, you are FLAT OUT STUPID or FLAT OUT LAZY

Who else are you gonna blame for poor choices?? Society?? The boogeyman??

Thank you for once again providing evidence that you are a callous conservative sans any empathy for your fellow man. I'd bet you think you are a Christian too.

Empathy? Lol It is not his fault they are useless. A bloody liberal talkin about empathy HAHA
There was no suggestion Franchise owners and stock holders don't take risks.

There was no suggestion that Franchise owners don't work hard, some do, some don't.

The thread was in response to the constant comments and threads by callous conservatives that the poor and working poor are morally corrupt, lazy and seeking government aid. Some are and some do, but many work more than one PT job earning minimum wage with no benefits.

Blaming those who may have made poor choices, or had no choices to make is what makes many of those who posted above callous individuals; the irony being many of those claim to be Christians.

One measure of whether a thread is spot on is by the response of those who have differing opinions. When the response is to attack me personally and not respond critically to the theme is gratifying.

So your response to some unnamed others who make "constant comments" that "the poor and working poor are morally corrupt", etc. is to make an equally stupid comment that restaurant owners leech off their workers?


Did you know that half of all restaurants fail in their first year? Does that sound like a ripping good time sucking the life out of the proles to you? Or does it sound like making a successful business out of a restaurant is ball-busting work?

And why should some teenager working in a restaurant be paid the same as the owner? What skin does he have in that game?

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There was no suggestion Franchise owners and stock holders don't take risks.

There was no suggestion that Franchise owners don't work hard, some do, some don't.

The thread was in response to the constant comments and threads by callous conservatives that the poor and working poor are lazy and seeking government aid. Some are and some do, but many work more than one PT job earning minimum wage with no benefits.

Blaming those who may have made poor choices, or had no choices to make is what makes many of those who posted above callous individuals; the irony being many of those claim to be Christians.

One measure of whether a thread is spot on is by the response of those who have differing opinions. When the response is to attack me personally and not respond critically to the theme is gratifying.

If you are older than 18 and trying to work minimum wage jobs to support a family, you are FLAT OUT STUPID

If you have not advanced enough to have a skillset that can draw a salary higher than minimum wage, you are FLAT OUT STUPID or FLAT OUT LAZY

Who else are you gonna blame for poor choices?? Society?? The boogeyman??

Thank you for once again providing evidence that you are a callous conservative sans any empathy for your fellow man. I'd bet you think you are a Christian too.

So minimum wage for non-skilled positions that anyone can do should make your lie comfortable and not just be a starter wage for first entering the workforce??

If you do nothing to advance yourself or ad value to yourself or the company you work for, you should be rewarded?

And again, who's fault are bad choices if not the person making the choice??

You are not owed comfort at the expense of others because you simply fucking exist...

For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”
Why don't labor pools start the companies? I know some do, but it is rare. How come it's mostly a capital investment by an individual or perhaps a few and then the wage labor thinks they have some right to the business earnings? They don't. They have the right to receive the wage they signed onto through the employer/employee contract. that is all. They have no other right to any profit beyond that.

Too many cooks.

Usually it's the vision and investment of one person, or partnership, that begins companies.

Also, any of those employees can learn on the job, then go off and open their own restaurant.

The reason I'd never join a union is because it can hold you back. The worst sloth is paid the same as the most productive, so everyone ends up coasting because they can. No one gets fired.
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Start your own restaurant.

Save your excess minimum wage earning and build up the $1 Million plus in liquid assets, in addition to the franchise fee and cost of building the structure that a McD's franchisee has to have.

Good fucking luck. (read: keeping people down and living hand to mouth and then saying they should VC their own enterprises, is not just woefully ignorant, it makes you a heartless fucking piece of shit.)

Try to be a better person. You might like yourself more. So there's that.
Start your own restaurant.

Save your excess minimum wage earning and build up the $1 Million plus in liquid assets, in addition to the franchise fee and cost of building the structure that a McD's franchisee has to have.

Good fucking luck. (read: keeping people down and living hand to mouth and then saying they should VC their own enterprises, is not just woefully ignorant, it makes you a heartless fucking piece of shit.)

Try to be a better person. You might like yourself more. So there's that.

How about you do something to improve yourself to get away from that minimum wage job? Or work real hard and get noticed by management and maybe they will see your worth and train you up for something better.

Also, making others pay for your social programs using the guns of the government makes you a authoritarian lazy piece of shit, so there.
Start your own restaurant.

Save your excess minimum wage earning and build up the $1 Million plus in liquid assets, in addition to the franchise fee and cost of building the structure that a McD's franchisee has to have.

Good fucking luck. (read: keeping people down and living hand to mouth and then saying they should VC their own enterprises, is not just woefully ignorant, it makes you a heartless fucking piece of shit.)

Try to be a better person. You might like yourself more. So there's that.

Paying people for doing nothing or not adding considerable value makes you a fucking stupid piece of shit
Bullshit. Nothing stops them from trying -- but they can't all succeeded.

This system does not reward you just for being hard-working and willing to take the risk. You have to be lucky on top of that.

You have the freedom to fail that goes hand in hand with the freedom to succeed

The freedom to succeed does not mean the freedom to become rich at the expense of others.

Unless you go into thier homes and steal thier shit, how is you getting rich by running a business at the expense of others?
Start your own restaurant.

Save your excess minimum wage earning and build up the $1 Million plus in liquid assets, in addition to the franchise fee and cost of building the structure that a McD's franchisee has to have.

Good fucking luck. (read: keeping people down and living hand to mouth and then saying they should VC their own enterprises, is not just woefully ignorant, it makes you a heartless fucking piece of shit.)

Try to be a better person. You might like yourself more. So there's that.

Paying people for doing nothing or not adding considerable value makes you a fucking stupid piece of shit

No argument. Plus it would be stupid. Best to only hire folks needed to keep the enterprise moving forward.

And ditto on no value-adding. Hard to resell shit for the same price you paid, and still be a productive member of the society and business community.

Your powers of perception are fucking astonishing. I am in awe.
Start your own restaurant.

Save your excess minimum wage earning and build up the $1 Million plus in liquid assets, in addition to the franchise fee and cost of building the structure that a McD's franchisee has to have.

Good fucking luck. (read: keeping people down and living hand to mouth and then saying they should VC their own enterprises, is not just woefully ignorant, it makes you a heartless fucking piece of shit.)

Try to be a better person. You might like yourself more. So there's that.

I can't tell you how many young people I have seen who think they should be able to walk into a bank and get a business loan to start a construction company or some other business, with no employment experience under their belts, much less any business education.

You are just another one of those in a long line of entitlement mindsets we see today.

You start from the bottom like everyone else. You go to work as a teen, flipping burgers. You bust your ass for years on end, and learn the ropes of the business.

THEN you start your own.

Success is earned.

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Save your excess minimum wage earning and build up the $1 Million plus in liquid assets, in addition to the franchise fee and cost of building the structure that a McD's franchisee has to have.

Good fucking luck. (read: keeping people down and living hand to mouth and then saying they should VC their own enterprises, is not just woefully ignorant, it makes you a heartless fucking piece of shit.)

Try to be a better person. You might like yourself more. So there's that.

Paying people for doing nothing or not adding considerable value makes you a fucking stupid piece of shit

No argument. Plus it would be stupid. Best to only hire folks needed to keep the enterprise moving forward.

And ditto on no value-adding. Hard to resell shit for the same price you paid, and still be a productive member of the society and business community.

Your powers of perception are fucking astonishing. I am in awe.

Then you do not think it is 'heartless' to pay someone low when they add minimal value, when anyone can walk in and do the same job, etc... gotcha

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