Hardline Immigration Hawks Are Starting To Panic About Donald Trump


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Hardline Immigration Hawks Are Starting To Panic About Donald Trump

Hardline Immigration Hawks Are Starting To Panic About Donald Trump

Trump’s fluctuating positions on his proposed Muslim ban and mass deportations seem “kind of like barstool philosophizing.”

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump has spent the week pedaling backward and forward on his immigration positions, leaving immigration hawks — and some of his biggest boosters — worried about the strength of his support for mass deportations and a blanket ban on Muslim immigrants.

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a prominent Trump supporter and immigration hawk, told HuffPost he was perplexed by Trump’s series of unfolding positions.

“He initially said he wanted to deport the 11 million people,” Arpaio said. “So you’re saying he’s now saying he’s not going to deport everybody who’s been here illegally?”

Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, an influential think tank that calls for stricter immigration laws, said he was similarly concerned.

“His instincts on a lot of these issues are correct. Unfortunately, since he doesn’t know much about the issue, won’t listen to his own advisers, and won’t read his own immigration platform, he ends up veering from one thing to the next,” said Krikorian, who plans to vote for Trump. “This is just another example of Trump’s weakness when it comes to policy.”

Krikorian chalked it up to Trump’s basic approach to politics. “He’s just saying whatever pops into his head at any given moment,” he said. “It’s kind of like barstool philosophizing.”

Wow, talk about fighting to lose this election. First he pisses off all the non-whites, women and moderates, but now he turns around in shits all over his own base. wow!!!!
Trump deals.

He stakes out a position, like "No more Illegal Mexicans", "the illegal ones now here to go Home", and a limit on "Muslim immigration" until we can figure out why so many are Barbarians.

Trump has very reasonable positions, except to the Vote-Whoring Democratic Party, and its Pravda-like Media.

Mexicans and Muslims can be expected to vote Democratic, and therefore its is Racist to say anything bad about them...or even to question why the Immigration laws aren't being enforced.

Well, the Pussy Republicans like McConnell and Ryan and the Super Pussy and Loser Mitt Romney are shitting themselves, so Trump moderates his position.

He says something like "we are going to suspend immigration from countries "linked" to terrorism. That makes the Pussy Republicans feel better, but worries some Conservatives who correctly understand that the Democratic "no borders" policy will undermine the Republic.

But, Trump is just negotiating. Its what he does.

Countries "linked to terrorism" make up every single country in the Middle East---except Israel. If the Pussy Republicans would quit shitting their pants, and undermining him...he would get what the political world calls a Mandate to stop the invasion of this country by barbarians.

Trump is not stupid; he is shrewd. He may have some personality disorders, like arrested development, but they are nothing compared to the pathological liar, professional coat-tail rider, perjurer, narcissist and criminal--Mrs. Bill Clinton.

Its going to be a bumpy ride, but Traditional Americans have got to go with Trump.

The alternative is corruption, totalitarianism, socialism, incompetence. Desperate times.
Trump is doing what all politicians do during campaign season, promise you the kitchen sink, and then forget about it after election..Trump is in such a hurry, he's doing it every time he opens his mouth...
How do you define "Hard line" immigration hawk? Someone that doesn't accept a hand written birth certificate and a series of "interviews" as a vetting process? Then count me in.
Like all people running for office, it's not what they say, it's what they do.

I think Trump should stay on the messages that (likely) won him the nomination, but like all politicians, he's looking at poll numbers and trying to figure out how to glean what he can from the groups that vow to vote against him.

Once in office, I believe he will stick to his core beliefs that he preached about during his campaign. Of course, there are some Constitutional issues with what he really wants to do as well as resistance from party officials that would hinder his plans.

But it's where his mindset is that makes me want to vote for him. I didn't support him in the primaries, but I definitely will during the general.

We can't leave this border issue the way it currently is. Somebody has to do something about it. So between Trump and Hillary, one has to ask which one will move forward to protect our country, protect our jobs, and protect our language and culture.

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