Harmful “Free Trade” Agreements Threatening Future of U.S. Economic Prosperity


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
New Jersey
October 12, 2013

Free-trade agreements have opened the United States up to a flood of foreign imports, with disastrous ramifications. These cheaply made products are manufactured overseas for $4-an-hour or less! U.S.-based manufacturers cannot compete with such low wage-rates. As a result, some of our most valuable businesses have to resort to outsourcing just to stay in operation, which results in job losses here at home. We’ve already witnessed examples of this happening with the auto industry in Detroit. How many more cities are going to have to experience such catastrophic economic devastation before our leaders finally take action to protect our domestic industries?

Our main obstacle to ridding ourselves of dangerous “free trade” agreements is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce perceives outsourcing and “free trade” as great things for our economy. After all, they’re the ones representing the so-called “American” multinational corporations making billions of dollars from our FTA’s. Meanwhile, it is the American middle class that is both suffering and shrinking. According to recent studies, the unemployment rate is holding steady under 8 percent. However, factor in the those out of work for over a year, and the actual jobless rate in the U.S. ends up being over 20 percent.

In addition to these bleak unemployment numbers, we are experiencing the destruction of our manufacturing capabilities. If we stay on our present course and continue to uphold these dangerous “free trade” agreements, we will experience economic destruction on an unprecedented scale. While “free trade” is not even in America’s best interest, we are told we must uphold our commitment because it is a benefit for everyone else—for all of our foreign creditors, exporters, and investors.

There are regulations, limitations and restrictions in place to manage the amount of U.S.-made goods being released into the markets of other countries, but the United States is not allowed such luxuries. We have no such regulations, and that is the problem.

read more Harmful ?Free Trade? Agreements Threatening Future of U.S. Economic Prosperity | Economy In Crisis

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