Harris foreign policy should be


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021
Harris foreign policy should be within my opinion.
1. A two state solution in the middle east and a full end of violence by both sides. We should use military force with the help of other middle eastern countries towards forcing this solution if need be. Once done we can and will pick the best people in palestian society to form a new government to govern the new nation into the future. The current prime minister of Israel should agree or be removed through force. Iran and other islamic nations shall take part in the creation of this government and we can all work together towards peace.

2. America should doubt down in Ukraine and force Putin the fuck out of Ukraine. We should literally get the entirety of nato on our side to push with our full might the removal of russia from ukraine. We should demand putin to accept or terms or else. no fucking around! We're not going to put up with violence and the terms china below get shall also be granted to Russia. No fucking around, no middle ground and no stalin! If he refuses we arm Ukraine with f15's, f22's, destroyers and thousands of tanks....If he still refuses after 3-4 months we send in 500,000 American troops and force him out of ukraine. He knows and we know that all life on this fucking planet will be gone if he pushes the button! It isn't worth it and he fucking knows it.

3. We should set up trade policies that favor peace with China but warn that if they fuck with Taiwan it will mean nuclear war. No middle ground. No fucking around, no stalin! ;) Work with us and live with us in peace and profit! We put 4 aircraft battle groups off Taiwan with planes and subs loaded with nuclear bombs!

PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH BABY! Real peace through strength. Trump is too much of a pussy and dick sucker of Russia to ever do this.
Her policies are what she is told to have... you are supporting a robot for president... just like Biden was... so tell us why your life is better because of it....
Harris foreign policy should be within my opinion.
A two state solution in the middle east

Whomever the US President, their policy should be to not interfere with Israel's defense.

They aren't in any position to determine how Israel fights against terrorism.
Harris foreign policy should be within my opinion.
1. A two state solution in the middle east and a full end of violence by both sides. We should use military force with the help of other middle eastern countries towards forcing this solution if need be. Once done we can and will pick the best people in palestian society to form a new government to govern the new nation into the future. The current prime minister of Israel should agree or be removed through force. Iran and other islamic nations shall take part in the creation of this government and we can all work together towards peace.

2. America should doubt down in Ukraine and force Putin the fuck out of Ukraine. We should literally get the entirety of nato on our side to push with our full might the removal of russia from ukraine. We should demand putin to accept or terms or else. no fucking around! We're not going to put up with violence and the terms china below get shall also be granted to Russia. No fucking around, no middle ground and no stalin! If he refuses we arm Ukraine with f15's, f22's, destroyers and thousands of tanks....If he still refuses after 3-4 months we send in 500,000 American troops and force him out of ukraine. He knows and we know that all life on this fucking planet will be gone if he pushes the button! It isn't worth it and he fucking knows it.

3. We should set up trade policies that favor peace with China but warn that if they fuck with Taiwan it will mean nuclear war. No middle ground. No fucking around, no stalin! ;) Work with us and live with us in peace and profit! We put 4 aircraft battle groups off Taiwan with planes and subs loaded with nuclear bombs!

PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH BABY! Real peace through strength. Trump is too much of a pussy and dick sucker of Russia to ever do this.

Which is why you are officially classified as "Deranged "----
someone with no office or rank , with no expert or specialised knowledge .
The actual label is" Idiot" but I am in a charitable mood
Harris foreign policy should be within my opinion.
1. A two state solution in the middle east and a full end of violence by both sides. We should use military force with the help of other middle eastern countries towards forcing this solution if need be. Once done we can and will pick the best people in palestian society to form a new government to govern the new nation into the future. The current prime minister of Israel should agree or be removed through force. Iran and other islamic nations shall take part in the creation of this government and we can all work together towards peace.

2. America should doubt down in Ukraine and force Putin the fuck out of Ukraine. We should literally get the entirety of nato on our side to push with our full might the removal of russia from ukraine. We should demand putin to accept or terms or else. no fucking around! We're not going to put up with violence and the terms china below get shall also be granted to Russia. No fucking around, no middle ground and no stalin! If he refuses we arm Ukraine with f15's, f22's, destroyers and thousands of tanks....If he still refuses after 3-4 months we send in 500,000 American troops and force him out of ukraine. He knows and we know that all life on this fucking planet will be gone if he pushes the button! It isn't worth it and he fucking knows it.

3. We should set up trade policies that favor peace with China but warn that if they fuck with Taiwan it will mean nuclear war. No middle ground. No fucking around, no stalin! ;) Work with us and live with us in peace and profit! We put 4 aircraft battle groups off Taiwan with planes and subs loaded with nuclear bombs!

PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH BABY! Real peace through strength. Trump is too much of a pussy and dick sucker of Russia to ever do this.
So you think the Vice President in the Administration that allowed Russia to attack Ukraine in the first place is the choice to force them to get out of Ukraine? Putin didn't respect Biden or Harris before...why would he respect Harris now?

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