Harris has smallest edge among Latino voters in 4 Presidential election cycles.

54 to 40 is lower than before, yes.

Her edge in college educated white males, in woman, in blacks (still at 90), and you will offset this.
54 to 40 is lower than before, yes.

Her edge in college educated white males, in woman, in blacks (still at 90), and you will offset this.

How many of those college educated white males claim to not be voting Trump in polls just to keep their probably more progressive wives off their cases?
That's why the D's need to import a new underclass for their base.

The problem is that a lot of Latinos are progressing in American society, and aren't interested in staying at the bottom. So the appeal of long term welfare benefits isn't as appealing to them as it was.

Groups like Poles and Italians and other ethnic groups used to be firmly in the socialist camp as well, but were abandoned by the left when they moved on.
Is there a group that isn't running away from the Democrats?

Nobody likes this woman. Nobody except hard core Cult members.

You do realize the polling has been moving away from the ex-President and toward the plucky 60-day upstart candidate that has run a flawless campaign and now has the rights favorite pollster flipping?

The right a few weeks aga: Nate Silver, Nate Silver, Nate Silver Nate Silver

The right now: Nate Silver Sucks!

Most Likely Kamala Harris Scenario Is 7 Swing State Sweep—Nate Silver Model - Newsweek
This was reported on MSNBC this morning and the bigots described as show hosts said they don't believe it because Latinos love open borders....
They live in their own world that's for sure....

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