“One Violent Day of Policing”?

Heads should have been cracked in mid-2020. Anyone caught torching cities should have been severely dealt with.

And don't say that no cities got torched. It's all on video.
To be clear, you are in favor of the temporary suspension of American's constitutional rights, correct?
trump continues to try to make other people responsible for the mob doing what he wanted them to do. Stupidly, you believe him.

Hey Cult Rube -
The timing helped Biden, not Trump.
They did what The Democrats wanted done.
“President Trump has always been the law and order President and he continues to reiterate the importance of enforcing existing laws,” Steven Cheung,
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No matter all those instances of getting rough would end up in court with thousands of policemen getting fired. Oh......wait......he'd just pardon them.
Jews are being beaten on college campuses and in the streets s we speak because of Biden's policies and the desperate left wing compares Trump to the Nazi Holocaust because of a throw away comment intended to be funny? They say a sense of humor is connected to intelligence and lefties continually show that they have no sense of humor.
"Still oppose reopening the 911 investigation??"
Query to poster EMH: Would Don Trump open up this investigation that you pine for if he wins the job back?

Why do you think he didn't open it during his term?
What will have changed to persuade him to open it?
"....because of a throw away comment intended to be funny?"

Count me skeptical.
Don Trump has evidenced virtually no sense of humor. Unless, of course, he is deriding or demeaning someone or something.

And too, do we want an elected leader who gratuitously throws out throw-away' suggestions when he is addressing thousands of people?

To my sense of decorum and the duty of leadership I believe and hopefully, practiced, there are some issues one just doesn't kid about. The reality of misinterpretation is too, well, too real.

Further, we have all seen that the MAGA world contains within it a faction that leans towards violence, threats and mayhem as their preferred avenue for getting their wishes fulfilled. Don Trump surely recognizes that. So to provoke or incite that dangerous faction is the height of irresponsibility for a leader.


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