Five Times

They are. Mostly just when they are compulsively trying to talk about Trump when nobody else is.

Which is often.

I get it a lot at work. Never from anyone else. Not from democrats, not from libertarians, not from people just trying to talk about their favorite hobby, not even from super religious people trying to talk about Jesus.

But Trump supporters? They can't seem to help themselves.

We are talking about classic cars and risk-based pricing and total loss events, and suddenly it's "Boy, once we get Biden out of there, maybe I can afford one myself, amiright, haw haw haw"

I mean, this was a head of region of a large corporation on a professional phone call.

Like... lower the dosage, my man... geesh
internet bullshit here!!!! no way for you to prove such a thing. I have never heard one of my colleagues ever discuss politics at all.
You right wingers are the ones with the mental problem.
right wingers don't dress up in drag and walk with our junk hanging and we're the ones with mental issues? Dude, how fking hilarious. The fact you support all that insanity says it all for anyone coming in here.
Why live a leftist ideology of hate and derision?


No offense but there are not a lot of you righties I'd let my kids hang out with. An enourmous amount of the right is infected with all the intolerant -isms. Plus, who wants someone to evaluate what's safe around your kids when right wing nuts cant even tell who wins an election and when they are being bald face lied to? Bad judgement.
Yeah, what is wrong with the Dems? Just because a guy is found guilty of rape, is a self-admitted pussy grabber, a tax dodger, a racist, a liar who has no gumption about spreading filthy lies about a group of people...

And sure, his rabid cultist supporters have no issues with any of the orange douchebag's crimes...but, still...why would the Dems be upset about their kids hanging out with the orange douchebag's supporters?

Just astounding, isn't it?

A clear indication that you are likely massively in error..........

Is when the only thanks and kudos you ever get are from those proven to be massively racist or equally ignorant.

(Yes, YOU)
A study, by CNN no less, finds that the children of democrat parents are 5 times less likely to be open to the idea of being friends or visiting the home of other children whose parents are Republican.

Gee, what a surprise.

The party of slavery and intolerance hasn't changed a bit since its inception.

The left is teaching hate to our children.
No offense but there are not a lot of you righties I'd let my kids hang out with. An enourmous amount of the right is infected with all the intolerant -isms. Plus, who wants someone to evaluate what's safe around your kids when right wing nuts cant even tell who wins an election and when they are being bald face lied to? Bad judgement.

Here's a little needle for your bubble........

It's not just the Right. An enormous segment of the Left (maybe larger than the Right) is more intolerant than the Right.
Your acceptance of the Let's version of intolerance bias is blinding you from reality.
It's not just the Right. An enormous segment of the Left (maybe larger than the Right) is more intolerant than the Right.

Very, very true

The left is intolerant of bigotry, intolerant of wild conspiracy theories, intolerant of ignorance, intolerant of hate
And by believing in God and the Bible, (and denying 5 year olds sex changes) the Left accuses the Right of teaching hate also.

The Human condition is indeed a dismal, incorrigible state which unfortunately can only be remedied via force and exclusion.
Social media users have been sharing posts online that claim children as young as five years old can take hormones and change their sex. There is no evidence to support this claim.

Examples can be seen here and here . The posts include text that reads: “Can I have a cigarette? No, you’re 5. Can I have a beer? No, you’re 5. Can I drive the car? No, you’re 5. Can I take hormones and change my sex? Sure! You know best!”

Here's a little needle for your bubble........

It's not just the Right. An enormous segment of the Left (maybe larger than the Right) is more intolerant than the Right.
Your acceptance of the Let's version of intolerance bias is blinding you from reality.
Ooo. Another moronic "intolerance of intolerance is intolerant" nonsense. Look, no one is perfect but the right is grounded in intolerance.

Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2023
  • All the extremist-related murders in 2023 were committed by right-wing extremists of various kinds, with 15 of the 17 killings involving perpetrators or accomplices with white supremacist connections. This is the second year in a row that right-wing extremists have been connected to all identified extremist-related killings.
it kinda works like this…..

Children from MAGA homes realize their parents are kinda crazy and seek out friends from more stable homes

Children from Liberal families look at those MAGA homes and know enough to stay away
It kinda works like this...

You and the rest of your shitlib peckerhead glee club continue to prove the premise of the OP to be 100% correct.

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