Port Unions non-negotiation tactics.


Hiring people to train them and get them up to speed.
Takes a LOT more $$$ than paying overtime.
Overtime isn't mandatory, except for salaried employees or managers who get ripped off working overtime, ALL the time.
If it is a permanent need than training new employees so working overtime isn't necessary is the best option, especially if it isnn't mandatory.
Not me, that would be your dear leader and the scummy foreigner.

Sure, by replacing/firing your employees?

I was an employer, of a small business.
I paid overtime to people who volunteered for it when I was in crunch, even strapped on my tool belt to meet the demand, often working as a helper, getting the materials to keep my journeymen working, so they wouldn't waste time looking for stuff I got for them.
ie when you needed them to work overtime temporarily, ie crunch as you said. Smart move.
Imagine that, a boss helping their employees do manual labor.
Your dear leader or his foreign buddy would never steep to such depths.
They do alll the time. A employer doesn't need to know how to do every employees job but it is a wise thing if they ndid to avoid an employee frommholding him and that jobhostage.
With a 401k, it puts skin in the game. Maybe not in the business you work for, but in stocks for whatever business you invest in. Then you become the hated Stockholders the Democrats try to demonize.
Yep. Not to mention the fact that they want the type of pension that you see State and Federal workers get.

If the economy tanks, they are required by law to fully fund the pension anyway and if they can't, then the company has to forfiet everything and make sure the pension fund is fully funded.

Just ask the Postal Pension Fund.
If it is a permanent need than training new employees so working overtime isn't necessary is the best option, especially if it isnn't mandatory.
It isn't but Trump seemed to think so.

ie when you needed them to work overtime temporarily, ie crunch as you said. Smart move.

They do alll the time. A employer doesn't need to know how to do every employees job but it is a wise thing if they ndid to avoid an employee frommholding him and that jobhostage.
So, NO raises?
Got it.
It isn't but Trump seemed to think so.

Yeah, lots of employers say that but if forced to choose between getting the job done on time and pay overtime or not, they n do what they have to do.
So, NO raises?
Got it.
What does this have to do with pay raises? You get an increase in compensation based on supply and demand, i.e. the line of those with your job requirements of folks wanting your job. And on the risk of loosing you to another company if you are hard to replace. If they believe you are easy to replace, bye.
Yeah, lots of employers say that but if forced to choose between getting the job done on time and pay overtime or not, they n do what they have to do.
MOST pay overtime.
Only cheap self proclaimed "Billionaires" don't.
What does this have to do with pay raises?
Working an entire year and your employer doesn't give you a raise?
You get an increase in compensation based on supply and demand, i.e. the line of those with your job requirements of folks wanting your job.
Typical Republican.
Threatening employees claiming they can be replaced easily.

You would suck at being an employer and wouldn't last long being one.
And on the risk of loosing you to another company if you are hard to replace. If they believe you are easy to replace, bye.
See above.
Companies have only one obligation to an employee and that is a paycheck. You can always quite if you think they are abusing you. Automation is coming whether they like it or not and if those people WALK OUT,, guess what,,THERE ARE 20 MILLION ILLEGAL FRIENDS OF BIDEN THAT WILL GLADLY TAKE THEIR JOBS.
One thing american employers have is access to the hardest workers on the face of the earth.
Port unions are refusing to show up to negotiate their future. How are they supposed to arrive to a compromise if they won't even show up? They are getting a 32% pay raise already, but they want more and a ban on automation.

So if you notice your cost of groceries and other stuff to double in price in the near future, better you know it is not the profiteering of some CEO, but some gigantic Union.

It is unions, not CEOs, making things more expensive for everyday Americans.
These things hurt absolutely everyone price wise and nobody gets a raise but them. All of this hurts the poor the most and they already can't afford to live.
MOST pay overtime.
Only cheap self proclaimed "Billionaires" don't.
If it is a temporary situation, they do. If they don't have the staff to do what they need to do without overtime on a normal day, than they hire more people.
Working an entire year and your employer doesn't give you a raise?
Maybe you suck at your job. Maybe you're damn lucky you didn't get fired. Maybe you are a subpar employee who doesn't perform at the expected level or efficiency.
Typical Republican.
Threatening employees claiming they can be replaced easily.
Sun Trust bank had an office in Tampa where there was a center where people would hand type your deposits into the computer, i.e. it was a while ago. If you clocked in 5 minutes late, they docked you 15 minutes. If you were 15 minutes late, they sent you home. Once a month, they would fire the least productive worker and hire a new one.

Result; No one was late to work, and everyone typed as fast and accurately as they could. They tended to burn out, but there were plenty of people to replace them with.
You would suck at being an employer and wouldn't last long being one.
You would suck as an employee and wouldn't last as long.
See above.
See above.

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