Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

Not anymore.

Posse Comitatus is no longer enforced.

Haven't you noticed the militarization of local police departments across the nation?

Haven't you noticed the militarization of local police departments across the nation?

yes almost everyone has noticed it

this is part of obama creating a civilian army as strong as the military one he promised

the most recent example is how he weaponized the BLM
However? The Sheriff's are SWORN also to protect and defend the Constitution.

most do

those that are elected anyway

it is best now to find out where your sheriff

and his deputies sits on the issues
REST assured...the Second Amendment MEANS what it says.:eusa_hand:
I'm sure it does, but I've never been a "gun guy", so I could care less about that amendment.

But I'll make you a deal, if you fight for my 4th amendment rights, I'll fight for your 2nd.
No, but if the military intervenes Obama would be in deep shit.

Our military isn't allowed to do any operations inside the U.S.
Not anymore.

Posse Comitatus is no longer enforced.

Haven't you noticed the militarization of local police departments across the nation?

Posse Comitatus only applies to the Army.

I wonder if Bush was president would you be so happy about jack-booted thugs going around enforcing his idea of justice on the population?
REST assured...the Second Amendment MEANS what it says.:eusa_hand:
I'm sure it does, but I've never been a "gun guy", so I could care less about that amendment.

But I'll make you a deal, if you fight for my 4th amendment rights, I'll fight for your 2nd.


The amendments mean what the Court say they mean, no more no less. If the amendments were set in cement and could not be interpreted why would people have to fight to keep them?
Face it folks. This Government is out of control, and has declared WAR against it's citizens.

I bet all those who voted for Obama didn't realize this was the Transformation he was talking about

the first shot at us was him shutting down our parks and memorials to SHOW US who is THE KING...now this

We have a long time left with him and his comrades in office
I have a bad feeling something is going to happen
This is the reason we have the right to bear arms........to prevent tyranny from an abusive and lawless government that would trample on the rights of the people......
You and your 2nd amendment rights are not going to stop a government with Bradley armored vehicles, predator drones and nuclear weapons, from f-ing you in the A, if they so choose.

You really believe that? YOU are an idiot. The POTUS is NOT allowed to use the Military against the Citizens. The military is SWORN to uphold the Constitution, NOT the government.


The President can use the military to put down an insurrection.
You and your 2nd amendment rights are not going to stop a government with Bradley armored vehicles, predator drones and nuclear weapons, from f-ing you in the A, if they so choose.

You really believe that? YOU are an idiot. The POTUS is NOT allowed to use the Military against the Citizens. The military is SWORN to uphold the Constitution, NOT the government.


The President can use the military to put down an insurrection.

Then we become Syria.
Fuck rich man Bundy and his "militia". Rich man Bundy broke the law. Rich man Bundy is not a hero. The "militia" are misguided yokels and stupid inbred white trash rednecks.

More left wing class warfare from the subversive, I'm surprised you don't have MAO as your avatar! Or perhaps Pol Pot. Perhaps I should just call all you subversives, fag loving, pedophile approving, baby killing, scum of the earth, fecal matter! But, I won't, I'll let you continue to call patriots, stupid inbred white trash rednecks.:cuckoo:
Yes, left-wing class warfare. Completely ignore Wall Street's class warfare against everyone, including inbred toothless yokel Republican Conservative white trash hilljacks such as the brainless talking monkeys who made up the "militia".

Maybe I should use a photo of a burned child in Fallujah for my picture? Would that give you an idea of how "pro-life" the Conservative right wing is?

"Fag loving, baby killing, whatever". Fucking idiot.

You assholes blame Wall St. when it was the Clinto's HUD sec., Andy Cuomo, that brought on the economic collapse in 2008, you ignorant slut! '

Please do use that child's picture and I'll put up a picture of a beheaded Christian Arab, you muslim, terrorist supporter! I should realize you subversives are all for the people that killed us in 9/11!

Yes. we are pro life, unlike you pieces of shit that want to kill unborn babies.

Funny how all the "BOTTOM FISH" of this society are liberals, with your fucked up morals, and ethics. Same scum that does class warfare against Bundy, is also involved in EVERYTHING Communist/perversive in this country!
What a smuck. Another one that is noted

Bring out that NDAA document and we'll wipe the floor with it


Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

“U.S. Sen. Harry Reid on Thursday called [armed, militia-supported] supporters of Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy ’domestic terrorists’ because they defended him against a Bureau of Land Management cattle roundup with guns and put their children in harm’s way,” Las Vegas’ reviewjournal.com reports. “’Those people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists,’ Reid said during an appearance at a Las Vegas Review-Journal ‘Hashtags & Headlines’ event at the Paris. ‘… I repeat: what went on up there was domestic terrorism.’” We called that one. When push comes to shove, the enemies of liberty . . .

Breaking: Senator Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters "Domestic Terrorists" | The Truth About Guns

How would Geaux define a group of black men, all armed, marching in mass to protect a brother from authorities for using the local park without authority to grow food for the poor?

Interesting. After careful review, I have concluded there are many places, in addition to parks, that watermelon will thrive..

No, but seriously, let them have it. If they want to grow food for the poor I would contribute some of my time to tend the garden. I still have my farming skills of youth that would be very beneficial


I see. I guess we'll follow the lead of the Messiah of the New Right and trust but verify. I'll continue to read your threads and posts to see if some humanity is somewhere buried where I've missed it in the past.
You and your 2nd amendment rights are not going to stop a government with Bradley armored vehicles, predator drones and nuclear weapons, from f-ing you in the A, if they so choose.

You really believe that? YOU are an idiot. The POTUS is NOT allowed to use the Military against the Citizens. The military is SWORN to uphold the Constitution, NOT the government.


The President can use the military to put down an insurrection.

Only if he declares Martial Law.

Think he'll try that?

It would be the end of his presidency if he did......

Compared to a real mass grave:

See the difference?

I see a picture, according to the properties posted with that picture of the N. Koreans killing fields of S. Koreans. So now you're using YOUR FRIENDS, the Commie N. Koreans Communists as an example of a mass grave....You got some balls scumbag!
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You really believe that? YOU are an idiot. The POTUS is NOT allowed to use the Military against the Citizens. The military is SWORN to uphold the Constitution, NOT the government.


The President can use the military to put down an insurrection.

Only if he declares Martial Law.

Think he'll try that?

It would be the end of his presidency if he did......
Obama would LOVE nothing better....it would bolster him to suspend elections and become Dictator...
Note how the CONS here are defending a thief?

That's who this boards CONS work for ya know...THE crooks.

Yet you support the Manchurian muslim in the WH who STEALS the money earned from the hard working middle class to give Obamaphones and FOOD STAMPS to the indigent...where's your outrage?

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