Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

What a smuck. Another one that is noted

Bring out that NDAA document and we'll wipe the floor with it


Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

“U.S. Sen. Harry Reid on Thursday called [armed, militia-supported] supporters of Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy ’domestic terrorists’ because they defended him against a Bureau of Land Management cattle roundup with guns and put their children in harm’s way,” Las Vegas’ reviewjournal.com reports. “’Those people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists,’ Reid said during an appearance at a Las Vegas Review-Journal ‘Hashtags & Headlines’ event at the Paris. ‘… I repeat: what went on up there was domestic terrorism.’” We called that one. When push comes to shove, the enemies of liberty . . .

Breaking: Senator Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters "Domestic Terrorists" | The Truth About Guns

How would Geaux define a group of black men, all armed, marching in mass to protect a brother from authorities for using the local park without authority to grow food for the poor?

depends if they were trying to stop me from voting
if they were in the middle of the desert like bundy I could care less

I see. Would you like to expand on this sort of support for anarchy in other scenarios? Is the law only relevant when in a geographically defined space? Would you care less if vandals destroyed rock formations in the desert of Utah? Or some engaged in hydro mining the hills around Sedona, AZ? Where do you draw the line legal relativism?

A look at hydro mining: https://www.google.com/search?q=hyd...AS5l4GgDw&sqi=2&ved=0CDIQsAQ&biw=1280&bih=537

Clearly cattle don't do as much damage, yet does the degree of damage define the crime?
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Note how the CONS here are defending a thief?

That's who this boards CONS work for ya know...THE crooks.

Yet you support the Manchurian muslim in the WH who STEALS the money earned from the hard working middle class to give Obamaphones and FOOD STAMPS to the indigent...where's your outrage?

Didn't think he'd support this ugly abuse of the government (200 armed men and women) all for ONE RANCHER
You really believe that? YOU are an idiot. The POTUS is NOT allowed to use the Military against the Citizens. The military is SWORN to uphold the Constitution, NOT the government.


The President can use the military to put down an insurrection.

Only if he declares Martial Law.

Think he'll try that?

It would be the end of his presidency if he did......

Was this law prohibiting the use of the military against citizens passed after Kent State?
That's not true at all.

If you use violence..or the threat of violence to further a political agenda?

That's terrorism.

Bootlickers are gay.:up: Guys like Sallow have their noses so far up the pooper of the government its not even real. Clueless assholes happy to fall in line with the sheep......and happy to oblige.:D These meatheads read too much Hobbes, Moore, Plato, Marx et. al.......happy to embrace a classless society. Surrender your freedoms for the greater good of society.

People need to wake the fuck up. This is where we are going. You don't fall in lockstep with the edicts of the federal government, you're going to labeled a "domestic terrorist". Reid is simply laying the groundwork here. This will become the established narrative.
Make no mistake.......if you are a supporter of Bundy in this, you're on a terror watch list......has grave implications moving forward.

Indeed, as we move forward, there will be more false flags, engineered by the federal government and dollar to a thousand stale donuts when they happen, the culprit will be depicted as an enemy of the state: conservative American. These fuckers are morphing the psychology as we speak.......creating a matrix. You don't support the gubmint down the road, you are a candidate to get your door kicked in by the guys in black like you saw all over Boston just a year ago this week. You don't support a strong central gubmint, you're a terror guy. You text support for Bundy......you're on a terror watch list in 2014.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::coffee:. Awesome!!!

Shit is coming to a head here.......might not explode out there yet but enough people have had it with this out of control central government. Gets worse by the day under this regime. Those militia's going to the Bundy ranch are respresentative of the mood of tens of millions of Americans. Glad to see people out of the complaining/talk mode and into a change in behavior. Expect more if it.

Tens of millions, huh? What did they get, 100 freaks to show up? We have more people than that show up for a little league game around here. Where were you? Why hasn't your behavior changed? Scared?

lol s0n......when the SHTF, good luck with that wiffle ball bat collection you use for home defense. HAPPY NOW!!! I know where I'll be going to get shit I need and get a good laugh while Im at it!!:D:D:eusa_dance:

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The President can use the military to put down an insurrection.

Only if he declares Martial Law.

Think he'll try that?

It would be the end of his presidency if he did......

Was this law prohibiting the use of the military against citizens passed after Kent State?

No, it wasn't, perhaps you should learn history, and the current usurpation of the law!

The original 1878 Posse Comitatus Act was indeed passed with the intent of removing the Army from domestic law enforcement. "Posse Comitatus" means the "power of the county," reflecting the inherent power of the old west county sheriff to call upon a posse of able-bodied men to supplement law enforcement assets and thereby maintain the peace. Following the Civil War the Army had been used extensively throughout the South to maintain civil order, to enforce the policies of the reconstruction era, and to ensure that any lingering sentiments of rebellion were crushed. However, in reaching those goals the Army necessarily became involved in traditional police roles and in enforcing politically volatile reconstruction era policies. The stationing of federal troops at political events and polling places under the justification of maintaining domestic order became of increasing concern to Congress, which felt that the Army was becoming politicized and straying from its original national defense mission. The Posse Comitatus Act was passed to remove the Army from civilian law enforcement and to return it to its role of defending the borders of the United States.


In order to understand the extent to which the Act has relevance today, it is important to understand to whom the Act applies and under what circumstances. The statutory language of the Act does not apply to all U.S. military forces.[2] While the Act has applicability to the Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marines, including their reserve components, it does not have any applicability to the Coast Guard, nor to the huge military manpower resources of the National Guard.[3] The National Guard, when it is operating in its state status pursuant to Title 32 of the U.S. Code is not subject to the prohibitions on civilian law enforcement. (Federal military forces operate pursuant to Title 10 of the U.S. Code.) In fact one of the express missions of the Guard is to preserve the laws of the state during times of emergency when regular law enforcement assets prove inadequate. It is only when federalized pursuant to an exercise of Presidential authority that the Guard becomes subject to the limitations of the Posse Comitatus Act.

The intent of the Act is to prevent the military forces of the U.S. from becoming a national police force or guardia civil. Accordingly, the act prohibits the use of the military to "execute the laws".[4],[5] Execution of the laws is perceived to be a civilian police function, which includes the arrest and detention of criminal suspects, search and seizure activities, restriction of civilian movement through the use of blockades or checkpoints, gathering evidence for use in court, and the use of undercover personnel in civilian drug enforcement activities.[6]

The federal courts have had several opportunities to define what behavior by military personnel in support of civilian law enforcement is permissible under the Act. The test applied by the courts has been to determine whether the role of military personnel in the law enforcement operation was "passive" or "active". Active participation in civilian law enforcement, such as making arrests, is deemed to be a violation of the Act, while taking a "passive" supporting role is not.[7] Passive support has often taken the form of logistical support to civilian police agencies. Recognizing that the military possesses unique equipment and uniquely trained personnel, the courts have held that providing supplies, equipment, training, facilities, and certain types of intelligence information does not violate the Act. Military personnel may also be involved in the planning of law enforcement operations, as long as the actual arrest of suspects and seizure of evidence is carried out by civilian law enforcement personnel.[8]

The Posse Comitatus act was passed in the Nineteenth Century, when the distinction between criminal law enforcement and defense of the national borders was clearer. Today, with the advent of technology that permits weapons of mass destruction to be transported by a single person, the line between police functions and national security concerns has blurred.[9] As a matter of policy Western nations have labeled terrorists as "criminals" to be prosecuted under domestic criminal laws. Consistent with this, the Department of Justice has been charged as the lead U.S. agency for combating terrorism. However, all terrorist acts are not planned and executed by non-state actors. Terrorism refers to illegal attacks on civilians and other non-military targets by either state or non-state actors. This new type of threat requires a reassessment of traditional military roles and missions along with an examination of the relevance and benefit of the Posse Comitatus Act.


While the Act appears to prohibit active participation in law enforcement by the military, the reality in application has become quite different
If only 100 "freaks" showed up, they would have been outnumbered 2 to 1 by the 200 federal agents. We know that's not true. Take a look at some of the photos, buy a clue.
Note how the CONS here are defending a thief?

That's who this boards CONS work for ya know...THE crooks.

Yet you support the Manchurian muslim in the WH who STEALS the money earned from the hard working middle class to give Obamaphones and FOOD STAMPS to the indigent...where's your outrage?

Didn't think he'd support this ugly abuse of the government (200 armed men and women) all for ONE RANCHER
They HAD TO make an example out of this guy...just like Lerner asking the DOJ for possible prosecution of TEA Party Groups...same shit.
Yet you support the Manchurian muslim in the WH who STEALS the money earned from the hard working middle class to give Obamaphones and FOOD STAMPS to the indigent...where's your outrage?

Didn't think he'd support this ugly abuse of the government (200 armed men and women) all for ONE RANCHER
They HAD TO make an example out of this guy...just like Lerner asking the DOJ for possible prosecution of TEA Party Groups...same shit.

Including making up laws for the patriot groups to violate.
Yet you support the Manchurian muslim in the WH who STEALS the money earned from the hard working middle class to give Obamaphones and FOOD STAMPS to the indigent...where's your outrage?

Didn't think he'd support this ugly abuse of the government (200 armed men and women) all for ONE RANCHER
They HAD TO make an example out of this guy...just like Lerner asking the DOJ for possible prosecution of TEA Party Groups...same shit.

or closing the parks and monuments

establishing first amendment zones

jailing a producer of a youtube
What a smuck. Another one that is noted

Bring out that NDAA document and we'll wipe the floor with it


Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

“U.S. Sen. Harry Reid on Thursday called [armed, militia-supported] supporters of Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy ’domestic terrorists’ because they defended him against a Bureau of Land Management cattle roundup with guns and put their children in harm’s way,” Las Vegas’ reviewjournal.com reports. “’Those people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists,’ Reid said during an appearance at a Las Vegas Review-Journal ‘Hashtags & Headlines’ event at the Paris. ‘… I repeat: what went on up there was domestic terrorism.’” We called that one. When push comes to shove, the enemies of liberty . . .

Breaking: Senator Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters "Domestic Terrorists" | The Truth About Guns

they are....

you raise arms against your government to protect a dead beat from paying for services he stole, you're a terrorist.

From a Gov't who seized the land to protect a turtle that they have killed. If an average citizen was to kill one of these turtles they would get fined and jailed, but the BLM can kill the turtle for it's own good.

These cattle had coexisted on the same lands for over a century. Wasn't a problem until the feds showed up. Wasn't a problem when the State owned the land. They had already drove off about 60 cattle ranchers in this area. One stood his ground and challenged the Fed.

How dare they not submit to the gov't seizure of State lands. The main land grabbers in recent history are Carter 50 million acres, Clinton 12 million acres, and now Obama attempting to seize 10 million acres.

Why is it when dems get in power that they always want to seize more land................

This is an important point so let me be sure that I go it right: are you saying that the land in question was state land until the 1990s. If that is the case, how did the federal government get possession of the it.

Also, where was Reid during the Vietnam War when the US flag was being burned and draft board offices where being sacked.
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Yeah, "Patriots" are defending a rich criminal's "right" to make private money off of public land.

Fucking idiot.

You really ought to read up on the subject. It's terrifying how many of our ranches the feds have driven out of business. No wonder meat is so expensive. There should be a concern for feeding our people here. Apparently there isn't. 3 ranchers left out of more than 50 in 1979? Just in that area alone? How long before we'll be paying for beef from Japan or China instead of American beef?
Governor Heller is launching a full scale investigation into all of the matters including Reid's land involvement. Also how the cour order was misinterpreted. The federal authorities had no justification to go onto Bundy's land remove cattle from Bundy's land or shoot the bulls penned on Bundy's land. There was no court order to destroy the ranch to the point where it could no longer continue operating. Someone gave that order. Gov. Heller intends to find out who.

it is about time

he should have long ago

when 52 other ranchers got hassled out of existence by the government

Absolutely. Again, no wonder beef prices have risen so high. I for one, prefer American produced food, not food from China. Why is our government attacking our food supply instead of protecting it?
No, I didn't. That cow looks like it has been dead for a while by the time that photo was taken, so I doubt that it is even from the Bundy group. Dupes will believe whatever is put in front of them.

I simply asked how a photo of a dead cow equals a mass grave. As for the "bovine concentration camp", that's just fucking retarded. You sound like a PETA retard. Are you a PETA retard, fucking idiot?

Oh Good Lord. There are none so blind as those who will not see. I've lost all hope for you. I can learn nothing from you and you sure as hell refuse to learn anything from anyone.
Governor Heller is launching a full scale investigation into all of the matters including Reid's land involvement. Also how the cour order was misinterpreted. The federal authorities had no justification to go onto Bundy's land remove cattle from Bundy's land or shoot the bulls penned on Bundy's land. There was no court order to destroy the ranch to the point where it could no longer continue operating. Someone gave that order. Gov. Heller intends to find out who.

it is about time

he should have long ago

when 52 other ranchers got hassled out of existence by the government

Absolutely. Again, no wonder beef prices have risen so high. I for one, prefer American produced food, not food from China. Why is our government attacking our food supply instead of protecting it?

do you think that the elite such as obama really cares

if the price of beef rose to 20 dollars a pound
Didn't think he'd support this ugly abuse of the government (200 armed men and women) all for ONE RANCHER
They HAD TO make an example out of this guy...just like Lerner asking the DOJ for possible prosecution of TEA Party Groups...same shit.

or closing the parks and monuments

establishing first amendment zones

jailing a producer of a youtube

As to the latter? That guy as far as I know still languishes...all to cover up Benghazi...and the DEATH of four people that shouldn't have died...and WILL haunt the Hildebeast when she runs for POTUS.

They HAD TO make an example out of this guy...just like Lerner asking the DOJ for possible prosecution of TEA Party Groups...same shit.

or closing the parks and monuments

establishing first amendment zones

jailing a producer of a youtube

As to the latter? That guy as far as I know still languishes...all to cover up Benghazi...and the DEATH of four people that shouldn't have died...and WILL haunt the Hildebeast when she runs for POTUS.


she is a has been

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