Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

So who in the Nevada "militia" was defending the US Constitution by bearing arms against police who were enforcing a court order according to American law?

Also, what do you think "well-regulated" means? Do some mental gymnastics to define them as such.

Kept in line and not shooting civilians in the streets, just political idiots who hate democracy.
That's not democracy. More people voted for the Representatives who wrote the laws which the police were there trying to uphold. Stupid inbred yokels gathered up their guns to stop the police from doing their legal duty. That's nothing close to Democracy.

That's a group of hicks with guns defending a criminal.
Sounds like anybody with a gun pointed at a member of the federal government is a member of the militia and upholding the Constitution.
Harry calling them Domestic Terrorists must be the most ironic thing I've read in sometime. The Dann sisters ( who also had cattle taken by BLM) called Reid the same. And called it a Range War. The United Nations became involved in their case along with Nevada Live Stock Association (NVLSA).

Nevada Live Stock Association (NVLSA) were on hand in support of the Dann sisters. According to a NVLSA press release, "Helicopters and surveillance airplanes roamed the skies. The BLM deployed and established a lock down of a great portion of Eureka County with armed quasi-militarized BLM enforcement officers as well as other federal agents

HARRY REID, a Domestic terrorist. :badgrin:, The man who offered these 70 and 80 year old women 15 cents an acre for land worth 200-1000 an acre. Women with no running water, electricity and phone.

Range War in Nevada Pits U.S. Against 2 Shoshone Sisters - New York Times

United States Terrorism: BLM Strikes the Dann Ranch Again
There is no reason to overreact to Bundy supporters. If you are comfortable in a biker bar, where everyone is driving a Harley, they are all covered by tattoos, and wearing gang colors, have beards and have needle marks on their arms, and bulges under their belts, then you certainly would not feel threatened by those militia types. They are just average Idaho and Montana guys on a mission, which involves high powered weapons....
And defending other criminals. Good American role models, right?

LOL I guess you did not read that article did you? Yeah, I support these 'criminals' as you call them.

Those women were Native Americans, their tribe REFUSED all and any monies ever offered to them by the US government after terrorizing Native Americas and stealing their lands.

They were using their land. But the BLM was doing dirty deals to steal even more land from Native Americans and non-native Americans. The report the commission on Human Rights in the Americas along with the United Nations said the US was WRONG.

Reid offered them 15 cents for land worth 200-1000 an acre.

A recent report by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States found that the federal government was using illegitimate means to claim ownership and control of the Western Shoshone lands.

Moreover, an independent auditor hired by the Bureau of Land Management to evaluate its land exchange policies stated in a report this month that the agency had colluded with private developers to trade away government land at below-market prices.

Many of those trades occurred in Nevada, and the auditor suggested a 90-day moratorium on such land transfers.

Range War in Nevada Pits U.S. Against 2 Shoshone Sisters - New York Times

United States Terrorism: BLM Strikes the Dann Ranch Again

Mary Dann and Carrie Dann - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Instead, the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs is pushing forward Senate Bill 958 with a "pay off" to the Shoshone of approximately $0.15 per acre for land (the same area which encompassed the Carlin gold trend--with a mined value of $20 billion dollars and rising.)

Senator Reid, the sponsor of the bill, has bypassed traditional governments in pushing the meager distribution through. The failure of Senator Reid to reasonably address the issue of land rights is especially questionable in light of another bill he had sponsored, Senate Bill 719, the Northern Nevada Public Lands Management Act, which would open all "public lands" in Nevada (approximately 87% of the State) to privatization and sale to the highest bidder--multinational corporations have already begun exploration activities, according to the Western Shoshone Defense Project (WSDP).

In fact, legal scholars and the Report of the Inter-American Commission agree that U.S. history contains no cession or abandonment by the Western Shoshone people, and the 1863 Treaty stands untouched. Carrie Dann's only public statement was to term the current federal action as "domestic terrorism."

Warned of the impending raid on Friday, Sept. 20, by an anonymous phone call, Mary and Carrie Dann, their family, supporters from their own and other Shoshone bands, and Indian and nonIndian supporters, worked non-stop to round up their livestock.

Range War in Nevada Pits U.S. Against 2 Shoshone Sisters - New York Times

United States Terrorism: BLM Strikes the Dann Ranch Again
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Were the Dann Sisters in violation of repeated court orders?

Also, not one redneck showed up to defend those two Native American women? Real American heroes, aren't they?
Were the Dann Sisters in violation of repeated court orders?

Also, not one redneck showed up to defend those two Native American women? Real American heroes, aren't they?

Redneck? Do you mean white? If so you are being racist and dishonest once again. No surprise.

Warned of the impending raid on Friday, Sept. 20, by an anonymous phone call, Mary and Carrie Dann, their family, supporters from their own and other Shoshone bands, and Indian and nonIndian supporters, worked non-stop to round up their livestock

Nevada Live Stock Association (NVLSA) were on hand in support of the Dann sisters. According to a NVLSA press release, "Helicopters and surveillance airplanes roamed the skies. The BLM deployed and established a lock down of a great portion of Eureka County with armed quasi-militarized BLM enforcement officers as well as other federal agents

Range War in Nevada Pits U.S. Against 2 Shoshone Sisters - New York Times

United States Terrorism: BLM Strikes the Dann Ranch Again

Nevada Live Stock Association
Were the Dann Sisters in violation of repeated court orders?

Also, not one redneck showed up to defend those two Native American women? Real American heroes, aren't they?

John Brown was executed on charges of treason, murder, and insurrection. He violated the law, should he have been executed, or was it a "just cause" he was fighting for?
Were the Dann Sisters in violation of repeated court orders?

Also, not one redneck showed up to defend those two Native American women? Real American heroes, aren't they?

I, for one, didn't know about it until now. I have a feeling the people standing up for Clive Bundy didn't either.
Were the Dann Sisters in violation of repeated court orders?

Also, not one redneck showed up to defend those two Native American women? Real American heroes, aren't they?

I, for one, didn't know about it until now. I have a feeling the people standing up for Clive Bundy didn't either.

Sure they did. The Nevada Live Stock Association was there to help the Dann sisters as well as many more who were non-Native American.

Heck the United Nations was involved.
Here is a book written by a Cuban-born, American writer, professor of Native American Studies at Cornell University AND a member of the Taíno Nation of the Antilles.

It documents part of the fight with the Dann sisters and the BLM. It speaks of non-Native Americans helping and the Nevada Live Stock Association...

America is Indian Country: Opinions and Perspectives from Indian Country Today

America is Indian Country: Opinions and Perspectives from Indian Country Today - Google Books
CaféAuLait;8968152 said:
Were the Dann Sisters in violation of repeated court orders?

Also, not one redneck showed up to defend those two Native American women? Real American heroes, aren't they?

I, for one, didn't know about it until now. I have a feeling the people standing up for Clive Bundy didn't either.

Sure they did. The Nevada Live Stock Association was there to help the Dann sisters as well as many more who were non-Native American.

Heck the United Nations was involved.

BLM has a long history of going out of their way

to violate the civil rights of the people

CaféAuLait;8968137 said:
Were the Dann Sisters in violation of repeated court orders?

Also, not one redneck showed up to defend those two Native American women? Real American heroes, aren't they?

Redneck? Do you mean white? If so you are being racist and dishonest once again. No surprise.
Is that the best that you can do? Excruciatingly stupid rednecks who know less than nothing about the situation showed up with guns to stop police from enforcing a legal court order, but not one inbred redneck did the same for two dirt poor Native women. This means in Republican minds that everyone except the white trash "militia" is racist, right?

CaféAuLait;8968137 said:
Warned of the impending raid on Friday, Sept. 20, by an anonymous phone call, Mary and Carrie Dann, their family, supporters from their own and other Shoshone bands, and Indian and nonIndian supporters, worked non-stop to round up their livestock
Do you really think you're helping your case?

Warned of the impending raid on Friday, Sept. 20, by an anonymous phone call, Mary and Carrie Dann, their family, supporters from their own and other Shoshone bands, and Indian and nonIndian supporters, worked non-stop to round up their livestock

They made an effort to round up their own livestock? That sounds like the responsible thing to do, which is not at all what Cliven Bundy did, or even intended to do. So again, fuck Cliven Bundy and the "militia" who defended him.

CaféAuLait;8968137 said:
Nevada Live Stock Association (NVLSA) were on hand in support of the Dann sisters. According to a NVLSA press release, "Helicopters and surveillance airplanes roamed the skies. The BLM deployed and established a lock down of a great portion of Eureka County with armed quasi-militarized BLM enforcement officers as well as other federal agents

Range War in Nevada Pits U.S. Against 2 Shoshone Sisters - New York Times

United States Terrorism: BLM Strikes the Dann Ranch Again

Nevada Live Stock Association
With all due respect, fuck you if you want to start bitching about the police state now because some richie redneck **** didn't want to obey a law that he disagreed with. George HW Bush ordered the motherfucking US ARMY to raid a California town and you excruciatingly stupid fucking rednecks cheered him on. Why? Because you hate hippies. No other reason.
Military Takes Part in Drug Sweep And Reaps Criticism and a Lawsuit - NYTimes.com

The US Federal government has been using the drug war as an excuse to increase its power over our private lives for three decades with the FULL support of the American right-wing. Nixon even started the drug war right after his own special committee told him to legalize marijuana. You Conservative assholes have BEGGED for the police state, so please eat shit now that it hits too close to you.
CaféAuLait;8968137 said:
Were the Dann Sisters in violation of repeated court orders?

Also, not one redneck showed up to defend those two Native American women? Real American heroes, aren't they?

Redneck? Do you mean white? If so you are being racist and dishonest once again. No surprise.
Is that the best that you can do? Excruciatingly stupid rednecks who know less than nothing about the situation showed up with guns to stop police from enforcing a legal court order, but not one inbred redneck did the same for two dirt poor Native women. This means in Republican minds that everyone except the white trash "militia" is racist, right?

Do you really think you're helping your case?

They made an effort to round up their own livestock? That sounds like the responsible thing to do, which is not at all what Cliven Bundy did, or even intended to do. So again, fuck Cliven Bundy and the "militia" who defended him.

CaféAuLait;8968137 said:
Nevada Live Stock Association (NVLSA) were on hand in support of the Dann sisters. According to a NVLSA press release, "Helicopters and surveillance airplanes roamed the skies. The BLM deployed and established a lock down of a great portion of Eureka County with armed quasi-militarized BLM enforcement officers as well as other federal agents

Range War in Nevada Pits U.S. Against 2 Shoshone Sisters - New York Times

United States Terrorism: BLM Strikes the Dann Ranch Again

Nevada Live Stock Association
With all due respect, fuck you if you want to start bitching about the police state now because some richie redneck **** didn't want to obey a law that he disagreed with. George HW Bush ordered the motherfucking US ARMY to raid a California town and you excruciatingly stupid fucking rednecks cheered him on. Why? Because you hate hippies. No other reason.
Military Takes Part in Drug Sweep And Reaps Criticism and a Lawsuit - NYTimes.com

The US Federal government has been using the drug war as an excuse to increase its power over our private lives for three decades with the FULL support of the American right-wing. Nixon even started the drug war right after his own special committee told him to legalize marijuana. You Conservative assholes have BEGGED for the police state, so please eat shit now that it hits too close to you.

(emphasis added in red)

Reading is Fundamental.

Allow me to break it down for you...

Warned of the impending raid on Friday, Sept. 20, by an anonymous phone call, Mary and Carrie Dann, their family, supporters from their own and other Shoshone bands, and Indian and nonIndian supporters, worked non-stop to round up their livestock.


Members of the Nevada Live Stock Association (NVLSA) were on hand in support of the Dann sisters. According to a NVLSA press release, "Helicopters and surveillance airplanes roamed the skies. The BLM deployed and established a lock down of a great portion of Eureka County with armed quasi-militarized BLM enforcement officers as well as other federal agents.

They were rounding up the Dann Sisters livestock not their own....

I'm unsure whether to laugh or cry...
The sisters were working non-stop (with others) to round up their own livestock, which is not what Cliven Bundy did or even intended to do.

Emphasis added in red.
The sisters were working non-stop (with others) to round up their own livestock, which is not what Cliven Bundy did or even intended to do.

Emphasis added in red.

Your claim was and I quote:

Also, not one redneck showed up to defend those two Native American women? Real American heroes, aren't they?

Redneck is a racial slur for 'white'.

I showed you were being dishonest and 'whites' were there to defend them, since you claimed not one 'white' showed up.
CaféAuLait;8968217 said:
Your claim was and I quote:

Also, not one redneck showed up to defend those two Native American women? Real American heroes, aren't they?

Redneck is a racial slur for 'white'.

I showed you were being dishonest and 'whites' were there to defend them, since you claimed not one 'white' showed up.

My claim was that not one redneck showed up armed with sniper rifles to defend those sisters. And you sure as hell won't ever raise those guns to defend someone who is raided by heavily militarized SWAT teams for growing life-saving natural medicine for cancer patients. The fact that it took a rich white man being "oppressed" for any Conservative in America to even feign like they give a shit about the Dann sisters or any other Shoshone is just fucking insulting.

Those sisters made an effort to round up their own livestock which is not something that Cliven Bundy ever intended to do. This means that the Dann sisters made an effort to be responsible and Cliven Bundy did not.

Also, "redneck" is an appropriate slur for "excruciatingly stupid, Conservative Republican, gun-wielding, mouth-breathing, pro-life, pro-war, hilljack yokels". If you read that as "white" then that's just your guilty conscience. But you know what? I'll toss you a bone in this by adding "white-trash" to the description. So, yes, it is racist. Fuck white-trash Conservative rednecks.

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