Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

CaféAuLait;8968217 said:
Your claim was and I quote:

Also, not one redneck showed up to defend those two Native American women? Real American heroes, aren't they?

Redneck is a racial slur for 'white'.

I showed you were being dishonest and 'whites' were there to defend them, since you claimed not one 'white' showed up.

My claim was that not one redneck showed up armed with sniper rifles to defend those sisters. And you sure as hell won't ever raise those guns to defend someone who is raided by heavily militarized SWAT teams for growing life-saving natural medicine for cancer patients. The fact that it took a rich white man being "oppressed" for any Conservative in America to even feign like they give a shit about the Dann sisters or any other Shoshone is just fucking insulting.


( emphasis added)

No your claim had nothing to do with "sniper rifles". Here you go, your post in full:

Were the Dann Sisters in violation of repeated court orders?

Also, not one redneck showed up to defend those two Native American women? Real American heroes, aren't they?

(emphasis added)


Secondly, whites and the Members of the Nevada Live Stock Association helped and 'gave a shit' about the Dann sisters 12 years before Bundy~ TWICE.

I won't bother to address the rest of your racist tirade.
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CaféAuLait;8968137 said:
Were the Dann Sisters in violation of repeated court orders?

Also, not one redneck showed up to defend those two Native American women? Real American heroes, aren't they?

Redneck? Do you mean white? If so you are being racist and dishonest once again. No surprise.
Is that the best that you can do? Excruciatingly stupid rednecks who know less than nothing about the situation showed up with guns to stop police from enforcing a legal court order, but not one inbred redneck did the same for two dirt poor Native women. This means in Republican minds that everyone except the white trash "militia" is racist, right?

Do you really think you're helping your case?

They made an effort to round up their own livestock? That sounds like the responsible thing to do, which is not at all what Cliven Bundy did, or even intended to do. So again, fuck Cliven Bundy and the "militia" who defended him.

CaféAuLait;8968137 said:
Nevada Live Stock Association (NVLSA) were on hand in support of the Dann sisters. According to a NVLSA press release, "Helicopters and surveillance airplanes roamed the skies. The BLM deployed and established a lock down of a great portion of Eureka County with armed quasi-militarized BLM enforcement officers as well as other federal agents

Range War in Nevada Pits U.S. Against 2 Shoshone Sisters - New York Times

United States Terrorism: BLM Strikes the Dann Ranch Again

Nevada Live Stock Association
With all due respect, fuck you if you want to start bitching about the police state now because some richie redneck **** didn't want to obey a law that he disagreed with. George HW Bush ordered the motherfucking US ARMY to raid a California town and you excruciatingly stupid fucking rednecks cheered him on. Why? Because you hate hippies. No other reason.
Military Takes Part in Drug Sweep And Reaps Criticism and a Lawsuit - NYTimes.com

The US Federal government has been using the drug war as an excuse to increase its power over our private lives for three decades with the FULL support of the American right-wing. Nixon even started the drug war right after his own special committee told him to legalize marijuana. You Conservative assholes have BEGGED for the police state, so please eat shit now that it hits too close to you.

Wait what?

You Conservative assholes have BEGGED for the police state, so please eat shit now that it hits too close to you.

We what?

You Conservative assholes have BEGGED for the police state, so please eat shit now that it hits too close to you.

You are all on board for the government police state and blame us for countering that because no militia showed up in 2002 to defend two women. An operation I'm sure very fucking few even heard about.

Well we heard about this one and reacted. Did we miss one back in 2002? Looks like it if what you are posting is true but why does that matter? And now in your retarded state of mind you equate not bringing people to defend two ladies 12 years ago to wanting a police state when we are against it now that we've seen it in action? How fucking stupid do you have to be to arrive at that logic? You're the asshole calling for the police state today and I'm sure if you even knew about the action in 2002 you would have been all for government force then as well. Idiots like you would have been against the revolution in 1776 because after all they didn't revolt earlier. You're an idiot.

You've promoted the police state for a long time now and we've had enough. Fuck you and your bullshit justifications. Starting today we own your ass. The ball is in your court let's see what you do with it.
CaféAuLait;8968217 said:
Your claim was and I quote:

Also, not one redneck showed up to defend those two Native American women? Real American heroes, aren't they?

Redneck is a racial slur for 'white'.

I showed you were being dishonest and 'whites' were there to defend them, since you claimed not one 'white' showed up.

My claim was that not one redneck showed up armed with sniper rifles to defend those sisters. And you sure as hell won't ever raise those guns to defend someone who is raided by heavily militarized SWAT teams for growing life-saving natural medicine for cancer patients. The fact that it took a rich white man being "oppressed" for any Conservative in America to even feign like they give a shit about the Dann sisters or any other Shoshone is just fucking insulting.

Those sisters made an effort to round up their own livestock which is not something that Cliven Bundy ever intended to do. This means that the Dann sisters made an effort to be responsible and Cliven Bundy did not.

Also, "redneck" is an appropriate slur for "excruciatingly stupid, Conservative Republican, gun-wielding, mouth-breathing, pro-life, pro-war, hilljack yokels". If you read that as "white" then that's just your guilty conscience. But you know what? I'll toss you a bone in this by adding "white-trash" to the description. So, yes, it is racist. Fuck white-trash Conservative rednecks.

Wait what? These two sisters were actually making life saving cancer curing drugs? That's why the government stepped in? Livestock grazing is the cure for cancer? Holy FUCK! Let Bundy graze more cattle! It cures cancer! Why the hell is the government shutting down the Cliven Bundy cancer cure ranch!?

According to you we had a cure for cancer in 2002 and the government shut it down, now we have a new cure and they want to shut it down again.

Do you even know what the fuck you are talking about here?
CaféAuLait;8968235 said:
CaféAuLait;8968217 said:
Your claim was and I quote:
Redneck is a racial slur for 'white'.

I showed you were being dishonest and 'whites' were there to defend them, since you claimed not one 'white' showed up.

My claim was that not one redneck showed up armed with sniper rifles to defend those sisters. And you sure as hell won't ever raise those guns to defend someone who is raided by heavily militarized SWAT teams for growing life-saving natural medicine for cancer patients. The fact that it took a rich white man being "oppressed" for any Conservative in America to even feign like they give a shit about the Dann sisters or any other Shoshone is just fucking insulting.


( emphasis added)

No your claim had nothing to do with "sniper rifles". Here you go, your post in full:

Were the Dann Sisters in violation of repeated court orders?

Also, not one redneck showed up to defend those two Native American women? Real American heroes, aren't they?

(emphasis added)


Secondly, non-Whites and the Members of the Nevada Live Stock Association helped and 'gave a shit' about the Dann sisters 12 years before Bundy~ TWICE.

I won't bother to address the rest of your racist tirade.
I'm sorry that everything has to be spelled out for you, but the fact remains that your precious "well-regulated militia" did less than nothing to defend the Dann sisters. TWICE. But they came out for a rich white criminal like it was a tailgate party for a football game.
F or the last time...The BLM, which manages nearly 50,000 acres near the Southern Border can NOT control the flow of wetbacks into the United States, but has no problem amassing a small Army of thugs (to include Snipers) to keep a few hundred cattle from grazing on public land -land that is useless desert scrub land.

And the Progressive Nazis on this board defend them.

Now tell me that the earth hasn't flipped over..... :cuckoo:

Now I understand how Adolph Hitler took Germany.
CaféAuLait;8968217 said:
Your claim was and I quote:

Redneck is a racial slur for 'white'.

I showed you were being dishonest and 'whites' were there to defend them, since you claimed not one 'white' showed up.

My claim was that not one redneck showed up armed with sniper rifles to defend those sisters. And you sure as hell won't ever raise those guns to defend someone who is raided by heavily militarized SWAT teams for growing life-saving natural medicine for cancer patients. The fact that it took a rich white man being "oppressed" for any Conservative in America to even feign like they give a shit about the Dann sisters or any other Shoshone is just fucking insulting.

Those sisters made an effort to round up their own livestock which is not something that Cliven Bundy ever intended to do. This means that the Dann sisters made an effort to be responsible and Cliven Bundy did not.

Also, "redneck" is an appropriate slur for "excruciatingly stupid, Conservative Republican, gun-wielding, mouth-breathing, pro-life, pro-war, hilljack yokels". If you read that as "white" then that's just your guilty conscience. But you know what? I'll toss you a bone in this by adding "white-trash" to the description. So, yes, it is racist. Fuck white-trash Conservative rednecks.

Wait what? These two sisters were actually making life saving cancer curing drugs? That's why the government stepped in? Livestock grazing is the cure for cancer? Holy FUCK! Let Bundy graze more cattle! It cures cancer! Why the hell is the government shutting down the Cliven Bundy cancer cure ranch!?

According to you we had a cure for cancer in 2002 and the government shut it down, now we have a new cure and they want to shut it down again.

Do you even know what the fuck you are talking about here?
Please don't try. You're obviously not smart enough to keep up.
You've promoted the police state for a long time now.....
Look at this and shut up:

F or the last time...The BLM, which manages nearly 50,000 acres near the Southern Border can NOT control the flow of wetbacks into the United States, but has no problem amassing a small Army of thugs (to include Snipers) to keep a few hundred cattle from grazing on public land -land that is useless desert scrub land.

And the Progressive Nazis on this board defend them.

Now tell me that the earth hasn't flipped over..... :cuckoo:

Now I understand how Adolph Hitler took Germany.

The BLM is now part of the militarized civilian army

that obama promised

current troop strength is 120 thousand between all agencies
For the last time...The BLM, which manages nearly 50,000 acres near the Southern Border can NOT control the flow of wetbacks into the United States, but has no problem amassing a small Army of thugs (to include Snipers) to keep a few hundred cattle from grazing on public land -land that is useless desert scrub land.

And the Progressive Nazis on this board defend them.

Now tell me that the earth hasn't flipped over..... :cuckoo:

Now I understand how Adolph Hitler took Germany.
Did I say that I support the BLM? No. I said, "Fuck rednecks who don't know shit about anything." You read that as, "I don't support the 'militia' so I'm a Nazi."
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My claim was that not one redneck showed up armed with sniper rifles to defend those sisters. And you sure as hell won't ever raise those guns to defend someone who is raided by heavily militarized SWAT teams for growing life-saving natural medicine for cancer patients. The fact that it took a rich white man being "oppressed" for any Conservative in America to even feign like they give a shit about the Dann sisters or any other Shoshone is just fucking insulting.

Those sisters made an effort to round up their own livestock which is not something that Cliven Bundy ever intended to do. This means that the Dann sisters made an effort to be responsible and Cliven Bundy did not.

Also, "redneck" is an appropriate slur for "excruciatingly stupid, Conservative Republican, gun-wielding, mouth-breathing, pro-life, pro-war, hilljack yokels". If you read that as "white" then that's just your guilty conscience. But you know what? I'll toss you a bone in this by adding "white-trash" to the description. So, yes, it is racist. Fuck white-trash Conservative rednecks.

Wait what? These two sisters were actually making life saving cancer curing drugs? That's why the government stepped in? Livestock grazing is the cure for cancer? Holy FUCK! Let Bundy graze more cattle! It cures cancer! Why the hell is the government shutting down the Cliven Bundy cancer cure ranch!?

According to you we had a cure for cancer in 2002 and the government shut it down, now we have a new cure and they want to shut it down again.

Do you even know what the fuck you are talking about here?
Please don't try. You're obviously not smart enough to keep up.

I've obviously kept up enough to make you look like a retard with one simple post.

Sadly it didn't take any effort at all. That's gotta hurt.
CaféAuLait;8968217 said:
Your claim was and I quote:

Redneck is a racial slur for 'white'.

I showed you were being dishonest and 'whites' were there to defend them, since you claimed not one 'white' showed up.

My claim was that not one redneck showed up armed with sniper rifles to defend those sisters. And you sure as hell won't ever raise those guns to defend someone who is raided by heavily militarized SWAT teams for growing life-saving natural medicine for cancer patients. The fact that it took a rich white man being "oppressed" for any Conservative in America to even feign like they give a shit about the Dann sisters or any other Shoshone is just fucking insulting.

Those sisters made an effort to round up their own livestock which is not something that Cliven Bundy ever intended to do. This means that the Dann sisters made an effort to be responsible and Cliven Bundy did not.

Also, "redneck" is an appropriate slur for "excruciatingly stupid, Conservative Republican, gun-wielding, mouth-breathing, pro-life, pro-war, hilljack yokels". If you read that as "white" then that's just your guilty conscience. But you know what? I'll toss you a bone in this by adding "white-trash" to the description. So, yes, it is racist. Fuck white-trash Conservative rednecks.

Wait what? These two sisters were actually making life saving cancer curing drugs? That's why the government stepped in? Livestock grazing is the cure for cancer? Holy FUCK! Let Bundy graze more cattle! It cures cancer! Why the hell is the government shutting down the Cliven Bundy cancer cure ranch!?

According to you we had a cure for cancer in 2002 and the government shut it down, now we have a new cure and they want to shut it down again.

Do you even know what the fuck you are talking about here?

i dont know if the manure from bundys cattle cures cancer

but it has been a life savor for the tortoise

studies have shown that in areas where the cattle has been kicked off

the tortoise numbers dwindle

they feed on the manure
F or the last time...The BLM, which manages nearly 50,000 acres near the Southern Border can NOT control the flow of wetbacks into the United States, but has no problem amassing a small Army of thugs (to include Snipers) to keep a few hundred cattle from grazing on public land -land that is useless desert scrub land.


One issue has nothing to do with the other. You're engaging in a well worn, fallacious tactic of trying to frame the debate to your advantage.
For the last time...The BLM, which manages nearly 50,000 acres near the Southern Border can NOT control the flow of wetbacks into the United States, but has no problem amassing a small Army of thugs (to include Snipers) to keep a few hundred cattle from grazing on public land -land that is useless desert scrub land.

And the Progressive Nazis on this board defend them.

Now tell me that the earth hasn't flipped over..... :cuckoo:

Now I understand how Adolph Hitler took Germany.
Did I say that I support the BLM? No. I said, "Fuck rednecks who don't know shit about anything." You read that as, "I don't support the 'militia' so I'm a Nazi."

We think you just don't know shit about anything. Actually you have proven you don't know shit about anything.

Does that make you a redneck?
CaféAuLait;8968235 said:
My claim was that not one redneck showed up armed with sniper rifles to defend those sisters. And you sure as hell won't ever raise those guns to defend someone who is raided by heavily militarized SWAT teams for growing life-saving natural medicine for cancer patients. The fact that it took a rich white man being "oppressed" for any Conservative in America to even feign like they give a shit about the Dann sisters or any other Shoshone is just fucking insulting.


( emphasis added)

No your claim had nothing to do with "sniper rifles". Here you go, your post in full:

Were the Dann Sisters in violation of repeated court orders?

Also, not one redneck showed up to defend those two Native American women? Real American heroes, aren't they?

(emphasis added)


Secondly, non-Whites and the Members of the Nevada Live Stock Association helped and 'gave a shit' about the Dann sisters 12 years before Bundy~ TWICE.

I won't bother to address the rest of your racist tirade.
I'm sorry that everything has to be spelled out for you, but the fact remains that your precious "well-regulated militia" did less than nothing to defend the Dann sisters. TWICE. But they came out for a rich white criminal like it was a tailgate party for a football game.

lots of folks showed up to help the sisters

one of the difference between then and now

is that people have been pushed far enough

and they are not willing to accept it anymore
My claim was that not one redneck showed up armed with sniper rifles to defend those sisters. And you sure as hell won't ever raise those guns to defend someone who is raided by heavily militarized SWAT teams for growing life-saving natural medicine for cancer patients. The fact that it took a rich white man being "oppressed" for any Conservative in America to even feign like they give a shit about the Dann sisters or any other Shoshone is just fucking insulting.

Those sisters made an effort to round up their own livestock which is not something that Cliven Bundy ever intended to do. This means that the Dann sisters made an effort to be responsible and Cliven Bundy did not.

Also, "redneck" is an appropriate slur for "excruciatingly stupid, Conservative Republican, gun-wielding, mouth-breathing, pro-life, pro-war, hilljack yokels". If you read that as "white" then that's just your guilty conscience. But you know what? I'll toss you a bone in this by adding "white-trash" to the description. So, yes, it is racist. Fuck white-trash Conservative rednecks.

Wait what? These two sisters were actually making life saving cancer curing drugs? That's why the government stepped in? Livestock grazing is the cure for cancer? Holy FUCK! Let Bundy graze more cattle! It cures cancer! Why the hell is the government shutting down the Cliven Bundy cancer cure ranch!?

According to you we had a cure for cancer in 2002 and the government shut it down, now we have a new cure and they want to shut it down again.

Do you even know what the fuck you are talking about here?

i dont know if the manure from bundys cattle cures cancer

but it has been a life savor for the tortoise

studies have shown that in areas where the cattle has been kicked off

the tortoise numbers dwindle

they feed on the manure

If more turtles cure cancer we may be onto something.
You've promoted the police state for a long time now.....
Look at this and shut up:


OOH! What is that supposed to represent? And it means what to this conversation?
It means that you're not smart enough to keep up.

Should I attempt to explain it to you even though you won't understand? Okay......

In 1937, "Marihuana" was outlawed as a dangerous narcotic that was destroying America. Then in 1942, "Marihuana" was legalized to save America. Then in 1952, "Marihuana" was outlawed again (officially) because it was destroying America. In 1972, the Nixon-appointed Shafer Commission advised Nixon to legalize "Marihuana" because prohibition was more of a threat to American freedom that stoner hippies, so Nixon started the drug war and it has escalated ever since. "Marihuana", according to the National Institutes of Health, may possibly cure cancer. The DEA, far more often than the BLM, raids people's homes and destroys their livelihoods because of "Marihuana". This is the American police state. A police helicopter spots a patch of wild hemp and they report it to the police on the ground who then raid the home, break up the family, seize any assets which may have been obtained with money gained through illegal activities (house, land, cars, boats, jewelry, etc.) and sells it at auction to the highest bidder.

All of this happens with the utmost consent from the same right-wing assholes who now think that the government has gone too far by enforcing a 20-year-old court order against a rich white man.

Do you understand? Of course not.
Look at these poor women, look at all the horses BLM and our government slaughtered by starving them to death. Look the BLM with their assault rifles and SWAT teams attacking 70 and 80 year old Native American's property, they live without electricity, phones or running water or furnace.

Harry Reid tried to scam them by offering .15 CENTS an acre, for land worth 200-1,000 an acre.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJ2N9-n-ka0&feature=player_embedded]Our Land, Our Life - YouTube[/ame]

The BLMs own report showed it scammed people by stealing their land. Not to mention these women OWN this land. Their brother, old and deaf poured gasoline on himself in an effort to light himself on fire in protest, when the BLM came and stole their horses to let them starve to death...

Range War in Nevada Pits U.S. Against 2 Shoshone Sisters - NYTimes.com
Wait what? These two sisters were actually making life saving cancer curing drugs? That's why the government stepped in? Livestock grazing is the cure for cancer? Holy FUCK! Let Bundy graze more cattle! It cures cancer! Why the hell is the government shutting down the Cliven Bundy cancer cure ranch!?

According to you we had a cure for cancer in 2002 and the government shut it down, now we have a new cure and they want to shut it down again.

Do you even know what the fuck you are talking about here?

i dont know if the manure from bundys cattle cures cancer

but it has been a life savor for the tortoise

studies have shown that in areas where the cattle has been kicked off

the tortoise numbers dwindle

they feed on the manure

If more turtles cure cancer we may be onto something.

well then we are worse off now

since the BLM squashed a couple of tortoises

when they made their hasty retreat
That has what to do with Cliven Bundy ignoring a court order for twenty years?

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