Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

Wonder if that was the end of it?
I wonder if that was the beginning.
It could only be the beginning if the gun monkeys storm the Pentagon and drag the war criminals out in chains, but that isn't going to happen because gun monkeys love the military-industrial complex and unending war.
The agents were just following orders. It's unfair to label them gun monkeys.
That was almost clever. Good job. But the fact remains that the precious "militia" was defending a criminal, not the US Constitution.
I wonder if that was the beginning.
It could only be the beginning if the gun monkeys storm the Pentagon and drag the war criminals out in chains, but that isn't going to happen because gun monkeys love the military-industrial complex and unending war.
The agents were just following orders. It's unfair to label them gun monkeys.

They aren't in the military. They can disobey if they choose. I'd rather look for another job....
Quick question for all of those who believe Bundy is right.....................

How many of those people who showed up in support of him with their own weapons were actual ranchers who lived in the area, and how many who showed up were people from other areas who just happen to hate whatever the government does?

Sorry, but this was just another teabagger rally hoping for bloodshed.

We know the answer to that, thanks to the sympathetic neighbor. Only 3 ranches in an area where there were more than 50 before the BLM started their tactics.
Quick question for all of those who believe Bundy is right.....................

How many of those people who showed up in support of him with their own weapons were actual ranchers who lived in the area, and how many who showed up were people from other areas who just happen to hate whatever the government does?

Sorry, but this was just another teabagger rally hoping for bloodshed.

We know the answer to that, thanks to the sympathetic neighbor. Only 3 ranches in an area where there were more than 50 before the BLM started their tactics.

I know that our state contributed a couple of whatever they're called, militia, terrorists, gun nuts. I can imagine their disappointment when coming home with no gun fight, but they're still alive and their mothers must be thankful for that.
So obey the teachings of your savior, George W. Freedom, and engage preemptive strikes against top US government officials. That will certainly prove Harry Reid incorrect.
Wonder if that was the end of it?
I wonder if that was the beginning.
TIP of the proverbial iceberg. WE were treated to a preview of the WAR this Government has in store for those that don't tow the Government line, and don't praise it. Harry Reid thinks we're terrorists.

There is usually some group that is challenging the national government. Not content with just voting and obeying the laws of the elected governments they want it their way or no way. The first real armed challenge began during George Washington's administration and the challenges continue to today. I would suspect someone has already chronicled the rebellions in a book or two. I wonder how many deaths have occurred because of the challenges?
I wonder if that was the beginning.
TIP of the proverbial iceberg. WE were treated to a preview of the WAR this Government has in store for those that don't tow the Government line, and don't praise it. Harry Reid thinks we're terrorists.

There is usually some group that is challenging the national government. Not content with just voting and obeying the laws of the elected governments they want it their way or no way. The first real armed challenge began during George Washington's administration and the challenges continue to today. I would suspect someone has already chronicled the rebellions in a book or two. I wonder how many deaths have occurred because of the challenges?
And how MANY were perpetrated BY government against it's citizens? THERE ARE NO CLEAN HANDS here in regard to Government intrusion and wielding their power over us unconstitutionally. And WE are here to remind them of it.
Just listened to an old acquaintance, a county commissioner from St George, talk nonsense about federal lands.

Kiddos, you will not get what you want by blustering or waving weapons around.

The BLM saved your family members' lives by withdrawing despite your aggression.

The next time the gub'mint comes, it will come prepared to do what it wants to do.

You all should think about this very carefully.
TIP of the proverbial iceberg. WE were treated to a preview of the WAR this Government has in store for those that don't tow the Government line, and don't praise it. Harry Reid thinks we're terrorists.

There is usually some group that is challenging the national government. Not content with just voting and obeying the laws of the elected governments they want it their way or no way. The first real armed challenge began during George Washington's administration and the challenges continue to today. I would suspect someone has already chronicled the rebellions in a book or two. I wonder how many deaths have occurred because of the challenges?
And how MANY were perpetrated BY government against it's citizens? THERE ARE NO CLEAN HANDS here in regard to Government intrusion and wielding their power over us unconstitutionally. And WE are here to remind them of it.

Think about what you are going to do.
Last edited:
TIP of the proverbial iceberg. WE were treated to a preview of the WAR this Government has in store for those that don't tow the Government line, and don't praise it. Harry Reid thinks we're terrorists.

There is usually some group that is challenging the national government. Not content with just voting and obeying the laws of the elected governments they want it their way or no way. The first real armed challenge began during George Washington's administration and the challenges continue to today. I would suspect someone has already chronicled the rebellions in a book or two. I wonder how many deaths have occurred because of the challenges?
And how MANY were perpetrated BY government against it's citizens? THERE ARE NO CLEAN HANDS here in regard to Government intrusion and wielding their power over us unconstitutionally. And WE are here to remind them of it.

Considering your community college education, you are wise to ask me as many questions as possible about challenging the government with weapons in your wee little hands.

It won't end well.
CaféAuLait;8968285 said:
Look at these poor women, look at all the horses BLM and our government slaughtered by starving them to death. Look the BLM with their assault rifles and SWAT teams attacking 70 and 80 year old Native American's property, they live without electricity, phones or running water or furnace.

Harry Reid tried to scam them by offering .15 CENTS an acre, for land worth 200-1,000 an acre.

Our Land, Our Life - YouTube

The BLMs own report showed it scammed people by stealing their land. Not to mention these women OWN this land. Their brother, old and deaf poured gasoline on himself in an effort to light himself on fire in protest, when the BLM came and stole their horses to let them starve to death...

Range War in Nevada Pits U.S. Against 2 Shoshone Sisters - NYTimes.com

Thank you for showing me this video. Tried to rep you but it wouldn't let me. I owe you a rep.
There is usually some group that is challenging the national government. Not content with just voting and obeying the laws of the elected governments they want it their way or no way. The first real armed challenge began during George Washington's administration and the challenges continue to today. I would suspect someone has already chronicled the rebellions in a book or two. I wonder how many deaths have occurred because of the challenges?
And how MANY were perpetrated BY government against it's citizens? THERE ARE NO CLEAN HANDS here in regard to Government intrusion and wielding their power over us unconstitutionally. And WE are here to remind them of it.

Considering your community college education, you are wise to ask me as many questions as possible about challenging the government with weapons in your wee little hands.

It won't end well.


Fakey speaks..............

see for yourself who the real terrorist are...the people in this country should up in arms over this horror and destruction of this Amercian citizens home and LIVELYHOOD no matter if he owed fees, fines or anything....links and (warning, graphic photos)at site


Bundy Ranch: Cliven Bundy Discovers BLM Mass Cow Graves [Graphic Images]

BLM cattle slaughter

Bundy ranch family members and friends spent much of their weekend moving cattle shot or run to death during the BLM standoff earlier this month. The graphic images have gone viral online, shocking both rancher and animal advocates alike.

The first mass cattle graves photos released by Cliven Bundy and his supporters on Sunday appear to substantiate reports by witnesses who first reported the cattle deaths. Nevada assemblywoman Michel Fiore was among those who maintained that BLM agents either killed cattle by either shooting them or running them to death during the Bunkerville incident. Fiore posted several images of the cow grave on Twitter last night, labeling the posting, “#BLM massacre. This isn’t how you herd cattle.”

“Near their compound, right off the highway, they were digging holes. They tried to bury some cows on the compound, but I guess they didn’t dig the hole deep enough, so they throw a cow in and they put dirt over him and you have cow’s legs sticking out of the dirt.”

The Bureau of Land Management’s court order only gave the federal agency the authority to seize the Bundy ranch cattle from owner Cliven Bundy. As previously reported by The Inquisitr, several prized bulls were also shot and killed after being deemed a “safety hazard” during the standoff. A Fox News reporter, among others, who viewed the bull holding pens after the livestock were “euthanized” noted that any evidence of wild behavior such as damaged gates or fencing were not evident.

ALL of it here
Bundy Ranch: Cliven Bundy Discovers BLM Mass Cow Graves [Graphic Images]
There is usually some group that is challenging the national government. Not content with just voting and obeying the laws of the elected governments they want it their way or no way. The first real armed challenge began during George Washington's administration and the challenges continue to today. I would suspect someone has already chronicled the rebellions in a book or two. I wonder how many deaths have occurred because of the challenges?
And how MANY were perpetrated BY government against it's citizens? THERE ARE NO CLEAN HANDS here in regard to Government intrusion and wielding their power over us unconstitutionally. And WE are here to remind them of it.

Considering your community college education, you are wise to ask me as many questions as possible about challenging the government with weapons in your wee little hands.

It won't end well.
SON? YOU speak out of your ASS as usual. YOU don't know what MY creds are...and YOU never will...KNOW THIS?

*I* am NOT a threat to this Republic. YOU on the other hand ARE.
And how MANY were perpetrated BY government against it's citizens? THERE ARE NO CLEAN HANDS here in regard to Government intrusion and wielding their power over us unconstitutionally. And WE are here to remind them of it.

Considering your community college education, you are wise to ask me as many questions as possible about challenging the government with weapons in your wee little hands.

It won't end well.


Fakey speaks..............

Out of his ASS as usual.

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