Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

It could only be the beginning if the gun monkeys storm the Pentagon and drag the war criminals out in chains, but that isn't going to happen because gun monkeys love the military-industrial complex and unending war.
The agents were just following orders. It's unfair to label them gun monkeys.

just following orders is no excuse

plus their hearts was not in

mostly likely pointing guns and tazing American citizens is not what they signed up for

Apparently, you've never had he honor of serving in the U.S. Military.

Me? I had the pleasure of being there for over 20 years, which is why I have a pension.

Yeah...............if you're part of the military, you DO follow orders. That's what you signed up for in the contract that enlisted a person in the military.

And.................it doesn't really matter if your heart is in it or not, if you're ordered (lawfully) to do something, you do it even if you don't believe in what it is you're doing.

After all................you DID sign a contract, and that was to support and defend the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.
The agents were just following orders. It's unfair to label them gun monkeys.

just following orders is no excuse

plus their hearts was not in

mostly likely pointing guns and tazing American citizens is not what they signed up for

Apparently, you've never had he honor of serving in the U.S. Military.

Me? I had the pleasure of being there for over 20 years, which is why I have a pension.

Yeah...............if you're part of the military, you DO follow orders. That's what you signed up for in the contract that enlisted a person in the military.

And.................it doesn't really matter if your heart is in it or not, if you're ordered (lawfully) to do something, you do it even if you don't believe in what it is you're doing.

After all................you DID sign a contract, and that was to support and defend the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

I'd like to say thank you for your service. :smiliehug:

And also point out BLM agents are not military.
The agents were just following orders. It's unfair to label them gun monkeys.

just following orders is no excuse

plus their hearts was not in

mostly likely pointing guns and tazing American citizens is not what they signed up for

Apparently, you've never had he honor of serving in the U.S. Military.

Me? I had the pleasure of being there for over 20 years, which is why I have a pension.

Yeah...............if you're part of the military, you DO follow orders. That's what you signed up for in the contract that enlisted a person in the military.

And.................it doesn't really matter if your heart is in it or not, if you're ordered (lawfully) to do something, you do it even if you don't believe in what it is you're doing.

After all................you DID sign a contract, and that was to support and defend the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

LAWFUL orders
F or the last time...The BLM, which manages nearly 50,000 acres near the Southern Border can NOT control the flow of wetbacks into the United States, but has no problem amassing a small Army of thugs (to include Snipers) to keep a few hundred cattle from grazing on public land -land that is useless desert scrub land.


One issue has nothing to do with the other. You're engaging in a well worn, fallacious tactic of trying to frame the debate to your advantage.


The BLM manages land along the US/ Mexican border. The wetbacks, terrorists and Cartel Members who cross each day do so on BLM land. Where are the snipers down there? Where are the storm troopers to keep the Mexicans out?

I'm framing apples to apples here, buster. If Americans are "terrorists" on BLM land, then what the HELL are illegals?

I'll be patiently awaiting your answer.

If an armed gang obstructs justice by violence or the threat of violence, to try advance a political agenda,

isn't the definition of terrorism broad enough, especially nowadays, using the rightwing dictionary,

to include them?

I mean if President Obama can be a tyrant by getting legislation passed that you don't like, well,

then certainly armed gangs of rightwing extremists threatening federal law enforcement can fall under the definition of terrorists.

Oh and btw, Clive Bundy does not magically become innocent, or not liable, just because some Mexican sneaking across the border looking for work isn't called a terrorist by Harry Reid.

Use your head.
That's not true at all.

If you use violence..or the threat of violence to further a political agenda?

That's terrorism.

Thanks for the clarification,yes Reid is a domestic terrorist,for they and people like you are pushing this as a political thing,while the ranchers see it as a threat to their lively hoods and way of life.

Your 100% correct they are terrorists,except you labeled the wrong group,great job!!

Reid is part of the Legitimate Governing body.

And unless that body is functioning in a way that is outside the scope of the law?

It's not terrorism.
You couldn't be ore wrong if you tried. As it stands right now, this is NOT a legitimate government. It is operating well outside the confines of the United States Constitution.
TIP of the proverbial iceberg. WE were treated to a preview of the WAR this Government has in store for those that don't tow the Government line, and don't praise it. Harry Reid thinks we're terrorists.

There is usually some group that is challenging the national government. Not content with just voting and obeying the laws of the elected governments they want it their way or no way. The first real armed challenge began during George Washington's administration and the challenges continue to today. I would suspect someone has already chronicled the rebellions in a book or two. I wonder how many deaths have occurred because of the challenges?
And how MANY were perpetrated BY government against it's citizens? THERE ARE NO CLEAN HANDS here in regard to Government intrusion and wielding their power over us unconstitutionally. And WE are here to remind them of it.

Idealistic fool.

How many clean hands are in the militia groups? Those that you would rather put in charge - how clean are their hands?

You guys are being played like violins. The ones with the dirty hands will agitate you and egg you on against the government, but they'll be sitting in their comfortable homes while you do battle and they won't do a goddamned thing to help you when you lose. Think I'm wrong?
There is usually some group that is challenging the national government. Not content with just voting and obeying the laws of the elected governments they want it their way or no way. The first real armed challenge began during George Washington's administration and the challenges continue to today. I would suspect someone has already chronicled the rebellions in a book or two. I wonder how many deaths have occurred because of the challenges?
And how MANY were perpetrated BY government against it's citizens? THERE ARE NO CLEAN HANDS here in regard to Government intrusion and wielding their power over us unconstitutionally. And WE are here to remind them of it.

Idealistic fool.

How many clean hands are in the militia groups? Those that you would rather put in charge - how clean are their hands?

You guys are being played like violins. The ones with the dirty hands will agitate you and egg you on against the government, but they'll be sitting in their comfortable homes while you do battle and they won't do a goddamned thing to help you when you lose. Think I'm wrong?

I will just go ahead and copy and paste my earlier post.

A tortoise isn’t the reason why BLM is harassing a 67 year-old rancher. They want his land. The tortoise wasn’t of concern when Harry Reid worked BLM to literally change the boundaries of the tortoise’s habitat to accommodate the development of his top donor, Harvey Whittemore. Whittemore was convicted of illegal campaign contributions to Senator Reid. Reid’s former senior adviser is now the head of BLM. Reid is accused of using the new BLM chief as a puppet to control Nevada land (already over 84% of which is owned by the federal government) and pay back special interests. BLM has proven that they’ve a situational concern for the desert tortoise as they’ve had no problem waiving their rules concerning wind or solar power development. Clearly these developments have vastly affected a tortoise habitat more than a century-old, quasi-homesteading grazing area. If only Clive Bundy were a big Reid donor.

Those who say Bundy is a “deadbeat” are making inaccurate claims. Bundy has in fact paid fees to Clark County, Nevada in an arrangement pre-dating the BLM. The BLM arrived much later, changed the details of the setup without consulting with Bundy — or any other rancher — and then began systematically driving out cattle and ranchers. Bundy refused to pay BLM, especially after they demanded he reduce his heard’s head count down to a level that would not sustain his ranch. Bundy OWNS the water and forage rights to this land. He paid for these rights. He built fences, established water ways, and constructed roads with his own money, with the approval of Nevada and BLM. When BLM started using his fees to run him off the land and harassing him, he ceased paying. So should BLM reimburse him for managing the land and for the confiscation of his water and forage rights?

Government plans to euthanize hundreds of desert tortoises after budget cuts to refuge | The Raw Story - Linkis.com

Harvey Whittemore Convicted Of Making Illegal Campaign Contributions To Harry Reid

Read that and comment on the actual facts. We know you have not heard or reasd this perspective. Mainly due to the fact that the media outlets you watch and are informed by have the same agenda as the democrats. We get and it has been proven over and over again.

Go ahead and comment after reading what I wrote.

The federal government owns the land. Giving money to the county is not the same as giving money to the federal government. It doesn't matter if they're saving dead turtles, doing campaign kickbacks, or putting in a Walmart - the federal government owns the land and can do whatever they wish with it. It's called eminent domain.

The federal government owns the land. Giving money to the county is not the same as giving money to the federal government. It doesn't matter if they're saving dead turtles, doing campaign kickbacks, or putting in a Walmart - the federal government owns the land and can do whatever they wish with it. It's called eminent domain.
Well Grandma, we're supposed to own the federal government, not the other way around.

The federal government owns the land. Giving money to the county is not the same as giving money to the federal government. It doesn't matter if they're saving dead turtles, doing campaign kickbacks, or putting in a Walmart - the federal government owns the land and can do whatever they wish with it. It's called eminent domain.

Yeah, well we get what you are all about. When we call you communists, why do you people deny it?

I get it. The federal government could never do anything unjust. You call us fools? You are nothing but a puppet for those that are determined to rip our liberties away. You should be proud. You have no ability to think for yourself. The fact that you cannot even bring yourself to acknowledge the true unrighteous acts, is all we ever need to know about you. The fact that you do not know or apparently care that the constitution was suppose to protect WE THE PEOPLE from an obtrusive government. We get it and we all see your pathetic eyerolls.

Hey grandma, your little dream from your pathetic morons on the left is nearly realized.....


The federal government owns the land. Giving money to the county is not the same as giving money to the federal government. It doesn't matter if they're saving dead turtles, doing campaign kickbacks, or putting in a Walmart - the federal government owns the land and can do whatever they wish with it. It's called eminent domain.

I haven't heard the claim that Bundy the Welfare queen paid anything to anyone. Is there a link to that? No?

The federal government owns the land. Giving money to the county is not the same as giving money to the federal government. It doesn't matter if they're saving dead turtles, doing campaign kickbacks, or putting in a Walmart - the federal government owns the land and can do whatever they wish with it. It's called eminent domain.

Yeah, well we get what you are all about. When we call you communists, why do you people deny it?

I get it. The federal government could never do anything unjust. You call us fools? You are nothing but a puppet for those that are determined to rip our liberties away. You should be proud. You have no ability to think for yourself. The fact that you cannot even bring yourself to acknowledge the true unrighteous acts, is all we ever need to know about you. The fact that you do not know or apparently care that the constitution was suppose to protect WE THE PEOPLE from an obtrusive government. We get it and we all see your pathetic eyerolls.

Hey grandma, your little dream from your pathetic morons on the left is nearly realized.....


Too many people like grandma is why we are in this position where this government is totally out of control and every agency under Obama is now out to CRUSH us...
that's hope and change I guess..200 armed federal agents will now come to your doors if you are labeled a, deadbeat, a domestic terrorist, right wing extremist, etc...we tried to warn people, but they just laughed...I'm not sure of the ending but this show with this rancher made me sick and afraid for we the people...
And how MANY were perpetrated BY government against it's citizens? THERE ARE NO CLEAN HANDS here in regard to Government intrusion and wielding their power over us unconstitutionally. And WE are here to remind them of it.

Idealistic fool.

How many clean hands are in the militia groups? Those that you would rather put in charge - how clean are their hands?

You guys are being played like violins. The ones with the dirty hands will agitate you and egg you on against the government, but they'll be sitting in their comfortable homes while you do battle and they won't do a goddamned thing to help you when you lose. Think I'm wrong?

I will just go ahead and copy and paste my earlier post.

A tortoise isn’t the reason why BLM is harassing a 67 year-old rancher. They want his land. The tortoise wasn’t of concern when Harry Reid worked BLM to literally change the boundaries of the tortoise’s habitat to accommodate the development of his top donor, Harvey Whittemore. Whittemore was convicted of illegal campaign contributions to Senator Reid. Reid’s former senior adviser is now the head of BLM. Reid is accused of using the new BLM chief as a puppet to control Nevada land (already over 84% of which is owned by the federal government) and pay back special interests. BLM has proven that they’ve a situational concern for the desert tortoise as they’ve had no problem waiving their rules concerning wind or solar power development. Clearly these developments have vastly affected a tortoise habitat more than a century-old, quasi-homesteading grazing area. If only Clive Bundy were a big Reid donor.

Those who say Bundy is a “deadbeat” are making inaccurate claims. Bundy has in fact paid fees to Clark County, Nevada in an arrangement pre-dating the BLM. The BLM arrived much later, changed the details of the setup without consulting with Bundy — or any other rancher — and then began systematically driving out cattle and ranchers. Bundy refused to pay BLM, especially after they demanded he reduce his heard’s head count down to a level that would not sustain his ranch. Bundy OWNS the water and forage rights to this land. He paid for these rights. He built fences, established water ways, and constructed roads with his own money, with the approval of Nevada and BLM. When BLM started using his fees to run him off the land and harassing him, he ceased paying. So should BLM reimburse him for managing the land and for the confiscation of his water and forage rights?

Government plans to euthanize hundreds of desert tortoises after budget cuts to refuge | The Raw Story - Linkis.com

Harvey Whittemore Convicted Of Making Illegal Campaign Contributions To Harry Reid

Read that and comment on the actual facts. We know you have not heard or reasd this perspective. Mainly due to the fact that the media outlets you watch and are informed by have the same agenda as the democrats. We get and it has been proven over and over again.

Go ahead and comment after reading what I wrote.
The BLM predates the Bundy family owning the ranch.
Try again.

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