Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

Yes, they do.

And the radical right shares a hive mind. They keep repeating the same things that aren't true because their queen tells them to.

Which "untrue" things are those, comrade?

About Reid and the Chinese? Yes, the deal with Rory near Laughlin fell through, but the old Mobster Harry has plenty more in the works.
I still don't understand why the left has all kinds of problems with this man's cows but no problems with illegals and the right is the reverse. You people just don't get it. The government has gone crazy. It is enforcing only the laws that the President and his friends want enforced and to hell with the rest of them. This is the way it has been for as long as I can remember. Were we ever really free?

It's simple. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has a deal set up with the Chinese, and Bundy is in his way. So all democrats now hate Bundy.

democrats share a hive mind.

unfortunately, so do republicans. They're like fans for two rival sports team. Meanwhile, the owners are sitting back watching the ticket sales and laughing over their profit and the fan's gullibility.
I still don't understand why the left has all kinds of problems with this man's cows but no problems with illegals and the right is the reverse. You people just don't get it. The government has gone crazy. It is enforcing only the laws that the President and his friends want enforced and to hell with the rest of them. This is the way it has been for as long as I can remember. Were we ever really free?

It's simple. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has a deal set up with the Chinese, and Bundy is in his way. So all democrats now hate Bundy.

democrats share a hive mind.

Yes, they do.

And the radical right shares a hive mind. They keep repeating the same things that aren't true because their queen tells them to.

you're projecting again.
I still don't understand why the left has all kinds of problems with this man's cows but no problems with illegals and the right is the reverse. You people just don't get it. The government has gone crazy. It is enforcing only the laws that the President and his friends want enforced and to hell with the rest of them. This is the way it has been for as long as I can remember. Were we ever really free?

It's simple. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has a deal set up with the Chinese, and Bundy is in his way. So all democrats now hate Bundy.

democrats share a hive mind.

Yes, they do.

And the radical right shares a hive mind. They keep repeating the same things that aren't true because their queen tells them to.

Talk about Queens, bet we catch him in one of Michele's little black dresses complete with stockings and F^ck-me-pumps ... no his SS handlers want let that happen.
I still don't understand why the left has all kinds of problems with this man's cows but no problems with illegals and the right is the reverse. You people just don't get it. The government has gone crazy. It is enforcing only the laws that the President and his friends want enforced and to hell with the rest of them. This is the way it has been for as long as I can remember. Were we ever really free?

It's simple. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has a deal set up with the Chinese, and Bundy is in his way. So all democrats now hate Bundy.

democrats share a hive mind.
And the Right lie in packs!

There is no Chinese deal, it was cancelled a year ago and it was nowhere near the Bundy ranch.
Yes, they do.

And the radical right shares a hive mind. They keep repeating the same things that aren't true because their queen tells them to.

Which "untrue" things are those, comrade?

About Reid and the Chinese? Yes, the deal with Rory near Laughlin fell through, but the old Mobster Harry has plenty more in the works.
So caught lying about the Chinese deal, no problem, make up more lies about other nonexistent deals.
Why are the leftoids crying about not paying taxes. Bundy is just part of the 53% who don't pay taxes.


Bundy pays a huge amount of taxes..

He has refused to pay grazing fees to the BLM for cattle he has already paid grazing fees to the state of Nevada on.

I love how you just makes shit up. He tried to pay the fees he owes to the State and they returned his payment. He's been dodging paying the federal fees for a good 20 years now. He's a loony that doesn't acknowledge the existence of the Federal Government, it's constitution, or it's constitutional authority.
The agents were just following orders. It's unfair to label them gun monkeys.

just following orders is no excuse

plus their hearts was not in

mostly likely pointing guns and tazing American citizens is not what they signed up for

Apparently, you've never had he honor of serving in the U.S. Military.

Me? I had the pleasure of being there for over 20 years, which is why I have a pension.

Yeah...............if you're part of the military, you DO follow orders. That's what you signed up for in the contract that enlisted a person in the military.

And.................it doesn't really matter if your heart is in it or not, if you're ordered (lawfully) to do something, you do it even if you don't believe in what it is you're doing.

After all................you DID sign a contract, and that was to support and defend the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Those agents are civilians....not military. Worst can happen is they get fired. Military gets a court-marshal or captain's mast.
So caught lying about the Chinese deal, no problem, make up more lies about other nonexistent deals.

Caught, edtheliar?

You are a drooling partisan, spitting vitriol at any who dare speak against your beloved party.

Reid is the one behind the attack on Bundy - established fact. Reid has been negotiating with the Chinese to transfer public lands to them, established fact. That the motivation for the attack on Bundy is a corrupt deal with the Chinese is a pretty reasonable assumption.

Reid is a crook, a mobster, always has been. Crime is his life. He is the Mafia's guy in Washington - now he is turning to China, so that his son can continue the family crime business.
I love how you just makes shit up. He tried to pay the fees he owes to the State and they returned his payment. He's been dodging paying the federal fees for a good 20 years now. He's a loony that doesn't acknowledge the existence of the Federal Government, it's constitution, or it's constitutional authority.

So his issue is that he refuses to acknowledge federal title to the lands. Hardly what KOS and your fellow drones are claiming, that he is "on welfare."

Oh and BTW, I said early on that he should pay the fees.

By Attorney Jonathan Emord
Author of "The Rise of Tyranny" and
"Global Censorship of Health Information" and
"Restore The Republic"
April 21, 2014

You might say Harry Reid is a family man. He likes to use public office to benefit his family at the expense of yours.

Reuters reporter Marcus Stern discovered Harry Reid’s family connections when investigating an odd set of circumstances that tie Reid to the Bureau of Land Management and to Cliven Bundy, the 67 year old rancher, whose property near Bunkerville, Nevada, is in the way of Reid family plans for the Gold Butte region.

Harry Reid says that the fight between the BLM and Bundy is not over. Reid should know. The Director of BLM is none other than Senator Reid’s former senior policy adviser on land-use issues (2003 to 2011), Neil Kornze. Kornze has no prior experience in federal land management, but Reid has often described him as “perfect for the job.” Indeed, perfect for Harry Reid. Kornze’s decision to call off the cattle seizure and to stand down rather than complete the confiscation conveniently saved Reid from an enormous political embarrassment. There is nothing like an enormous blood bath in Nevada precipitated by a Reid family land grab to stoke political flames enough to consume Reid’s weak popularity in short order. Reid knows that there is more than one way to skin a cat, and so now BLM turns to litigation as its way of obtaining judgments against Bundy that BLM hopes will force Bundy to turn over his ranch as payment.

Truth be told, Harry Reid has a long history of involvement with the BLM, peddling his influence there to achieve benefits for his family and friends. Reid worked with BLM to change the boundaries of the desert tortoise’s habitat to accommodate the planned development of a top financial donor, Harvey Whittemore. You see, the desert tortoise is only a justification against development of those who are not politically connected to Reid. Whittemore gave Reid and Reid’s Political Action Committee $45,000. If Cliven Bundy were a Reid financial backer, his fate might well be different, but he is not. Bundy opposes Reid.

Among the reasons posited by BLM in justification for its decision to seize Bundy’s cattle were two: protection of the desert tortoise’s habitat and the need for a cattle free desert to permit creation of a solar panel project for clean energy generation. The desert tortoise excuse is laughable to those resident in the Gold Butte region because they know that the few remaining ranches form oases in an otherwise barren desert and actually help keep the tortoises alive. BLM efforts to turn the ranches back to desert would likely reduce tortoise populations by depriving them of ready access to irrigated and green areas in and around the ranches. Moreover, the tortoise thrives in Las Vegas (is considered a nuisance by many there), and it was BLM, not Bundy, that euthanized hundreds of the tortoises when BLM closed the Desert Tortoise Conservation Center. BLM elected not to dedicate funds to the project and, rather than free the tortoises into the surrounding environment, BLM killed them. Quite obviously, those with political clout not only get to push the desert tortoise around, they get to kill the tortoise, but those who have no beef with the tortoise but also no ins with the Reid family, like Bundy, can be accused of harming the desert tortoise (without proof) and lose their property as a consequence.

As Marcus Stern reports for Reuters, BLM’s second justification for seizing Bundy’s cattle and driving him out of business comes straight out of Harry Reid’s play book: “Reid and his oldest son, Rory, are both involved in an effort by a Chinese energy giant, ENN Energy Group, to build a $5 billion solar farm and panel manufacturing plant in the southern Nevada desert. Reid has been one of the project’s most prominent advocates, helping recruit the company during a 2011 trip to China and applying his political muscle on behalf of the project.”

Chinese magnate Wang Yusuo, with an estimated net worth of $2.2 billion, owns ENN Group. In 2011 Reid ventured to ENN’s headquarters in Langfang, China, to tour the company and then worked to get this enormous company favored by the Chinese Communist government to take on development of a massive solar energy project in southern Nevada that would endeavor to supply California with 30% of its energy needs. Wang spoke at Reid’s Fourth Annual National Clean Energy Summit last year.

Reid’s lawyer son, Rory Reid, has been instrumental in his father’s efforts. Rory helped put together the ENN deal, while Harry pushed a clean energy agenda in Nevada that included promotion of solar power, laying the foundation for allowing the Chinese energy company with ties to the Communist government in China to acquire thousands of acres of Nevada public land and build a massive solar farm on it. The ENN Group boasts that its Nevada solar farm will be the largest in North America. Do you think a solar farm less disruptive to the desert tortoise habitat than a few hundred cows? How happy do you think the Communist leadership of the Peoples Republic are in knowing that none other than the Majority Leader of the United States Senate has through family connections enabled one of that government’s favorite sons, Wang Yusuo, to acquire 9,000 acres of American soil for an enterprise that will funnel funds that might otherwise go to American business back to Communist China.

Rory Reid served as chairman of the Clark County Commission, which controls the public lands needed by ENN. With Rory’s firm pulling the strings, Clark County’s commissioners over ruled County staff and voted to sell ENN 9,000 acres of public land for a fraction of the market value. Reuter’s Marcus Stern reports that appraisals of the 9,000 acres put the value at between $29.6 million and $38.6 million, but Reid influence secured it for just $4.5 million. Not only does it pay to be on Harry Reid’s good side, and that of his son’s, it really does not pay to be in Harry Reid’s way. Cliven Bundy’s ranch is in Harry Reid’s way. Reid wants Bundy out of southern Nevada. He wants BLM to do the dirty work, to use Bundy’s failure to pay some $1 million in ridiculously exorbitant grazing fees and penalties as justification for confiscating Bundy’s cattle and shutting down Bundy’s ranch.

Attorney Jonathan Emord -- Harry Reid, BLM, and Cliven Bundy

The story as I hear ...
I still don't understand why the left has all kinds of problems with this man's cows but no problems with illegals and the right is the reverse. You people just don't get it. The government has gone crazy. It is enforcing only the laws that the President and his friends want enforced and to hell with the rest of them. This is the way it has been for as long as I can remember. Were we ever really free?

It's simple. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has a deal set up with the Chinese, and Bundy is in his way. So all democrats now hate Bundy.

democrats share a hive mind.
And the Right lie in packs!

There is no Chinese deal, it was cancelled a year ago and it was nowhere near the Bundy ranch.

You know, if the Right ever told a story without false information, exaggeration, or dissembling to the point of creating a fictional account of events, I think I might actually be inclined to believe what they're claiming even if their conclusions regarding the facts in question were untrue. That's assuming that the shock didn't kill me first, of course.
You know, if the Right ever told a story without false information, exaggeration, or dissembling to the point of creating a fictional account of events, I think I might actually be inclined to believe what they're claiming even if their conclusions regarding the facts in question were untrue. That's assuming that the shock didn't kill me first, of course.

Do you deny that Harry Reid is a Mafia bought politician, and has been from the start? Do you deny that the Mob, out of Las Vegas, basically created Reid and he has been in their hip pocket his entire career? As the Mob has become legit, Reid turned to other sources of crime - and China is ripe.

The deal Rory brokered fell through, too much exposure, but the Reid family is Mafia, there is always another illegal deal in the works.
Yes, they do.

And the radical right shares a hive mind. They keep repeating the same things that aren't true because their queen tells them to.

Which "untrue" things are those, comrade?

About Reid and the Chinese? Yes, the deal with Rory near Laughlin fell through, but the old Mobster Harry has plenty more in the works.

Lemme give you a quick list lying Nazi:

Fed's surround Bundy's ranch
Feds taking Bundy's land
Reid wants Bundy's ranch
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I love how you just makes shit up. He tried to pay the fees he owes to the State and they returned his payment. He's been dodging paying the federal fees for a good 20 years now. He's a loony that doesn't acknowledge the existence of the Federal Government, it's constitution, or it's constitutional authority.

So his issue is that he refuses to acknowledge federal title to the lands. Hardly what KOS and your fellow drones are claiming, that he is "on welfare."

Oh and BTW, I said early on that he should pay the fees.

No, he said it himself that he doesn't acknowledge the existence of the Federal Government, period.

I'm only responsible for my content not KOS or anyone else.

Oh and I said early on that the feds should drop most of the fines and only ask for payment on the overdue grazing fees.
Lemme give you a quick list lying Nazi:


You throw that in just in case anybody was unaware how stupid you are?

Fed's surround Bundy's ranch

On request of Harry Reid, Senate Majority leader.

Feds taking Bundy's land

On request of Harry Reid, Senate Majority leader.

Reid wants Bundy's ranch

Looks that way.

BTW, I've seen no indication of an attempt to take Bundy's land. Reid wants to bargain with the federal lands Bundy had cattle grazing on.

You stupid democrats talk about "public lands" and don't grasp that they are only the property of our rulers.

You throw that in just in case anybody was unaware how stupid you are?

You call me liberal - I call you Nazi. You don't like it. Tough - if you're gonna make up shit about other people - it's gonna come right back at you.

Repeating your Nazi lies, don't make them true - it only makes you sound even more ignorant. Because you've been shown the truth - but you prefer ignorance.
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No, he said it himself that he doesn't acknowledge the existence of the Federal Government, period.

That is NOT what he said. He said he does not acknowledge that authority of the federal government to seize state lands.

I'm only responsible for my content not KOS or anyone else.

Oh and I said early on that the feds should drop most of the fines and only ask for payment on the overdue grazing fees.

We are pretty much in agreement on what should happen.
You call me liberal

Actually, I referred to you as a Communist.

- I call you Nazi. You don't like it. Tough - if you're gonna make up shit about other people - it's gonna come right back at you.

Problem is sparky, there is a foundation for my quip - but your's is just ignorant. There is nothing even remotely "Nazi" about my positions. You see, you don't grasp the meaning of the words and phrases you toss about. You saw the works on DailyKOS and spew them here, with no grasp of the actual meaning of those words..

There are two types of leftists - those who seek to manipulate the stupid, so as to gain power and rule; and the stupid.

You're not going to be ruling anyone anytime soon, sparky...

Repeating your Nazi lies, don't make them true - it only makes you sound even more ignorant. Because you've been shown the truth - but you prefer ignorance.

A pathetic attempt, but no doubt the best you can muster...

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