Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

It is an unmodified clip from FOX News, interviewing former AZ sheriff Richard Mack who said those words:

Apocalypse Cow - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central

At the 1:22 mark.

Unmodified, from Comedy Central?


You single digit IQ types are a hoot.
IQ 147, with four majors in college.

You obviously didn't watch the clip. I even told you where former AZ Sheriff Richard Mack began his unmodified quote. You can watch his lips move right along with his words. You can hear him and see him say to a television news crew that they wanted to use women for human shields in case the BLM cops started firing.

Watch the clip. It was played on FOX News. Here's the FOX News clip:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=RZd61_9hofE]Sheriff on strategy to put women at front lines - YouTube[/ame]

Oh, 22 seconds long? It's modified! DURRRRRR!

Welcome to reality.

Brilliant tactical strategy by Sheriff Mack. I would have done the same thing.
IQ 147, with four majors in college.

Sure, which is why you turn to Comedy Central for "news."

Four majors? Basket Weaving, Underwater Basket Weaving, Ethinc Studies in Basket Weaving, and Gay Impact Studies on Basket Weaving?

You obviously didn't watch the clip. I even told you where former AZ Sheriff Richard Mack began his unmodified quote. You can watch his lips move right along with his words. You can hear him and see him say to a television news crew that they wanted to use women for human shields in case the BLM cops started firing.

I didn't watch any of it, I filter out video on my firewall.

Watch the clip. It was played on FOX News. Here's the FOX News clip:

Sheriff on strategy to put women at front lines - YouTube

Oh, 22 seconds long? It's modified! DURRRRRR!

Welcome to reality.

I don't have Comedians define reality for me...

Maybe if I had an IQ of 47...

You throw that in just in case anybody was unaware how stupid you are?

You call me liberal - I call you Nazi. You don't like it. Tough - if you're gonna make up shit about other people - it's gonna come right back at you.

Repeating your Nazi lies, don't make them true - it only makes you sound even more ignorant. Because you've been shown the truth - but you prefer ignorance.

If you wanna match words, you really should have called him a conservative, not a nazi. It's pretty clear you weren't defending yourself, you were insulting him.

“I’ve gotta Cleanface in my pocket,” boasted Kansas City Mafia representative Joe Agosto, unaware the FBI was monitoring his conversation (reproduced loosely in the movie Casino). FBI surveillance of Mafia gambling operations in Las Vegas in the late 1970s picked up Agosto making references to an individual he codenamed “Mr. Cleanface” and “Mr. Gillette”. Agosto’s conversations mentioned Mr. Cleanface was close to Nevada Governor-Elect Robert List. After turning state’s evidence, Agosto claimed that Mr. Cleanface was Harry Reid, then chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission and sporting a cleanshaven, boyish look. Agosto’s claims were echoed by former Tropicana Hotel part-owner Deil Gustafson, who testified about Reid’s relationship to Tropicana attorney Jay H. Brown. }

Mr. Cleanface’s Dirty Laundry: Harry Reid’s Mob Money

Why is it that democrats are run by criminals?

Oh yeah, what else would they be run by?

And Republicans never bring that up during elections....unreal

“I’ve gotta Cleanface in my pocket,” boasted Kansas City Mafia representative Joe Agosto, unaware the FBI was monitoring his conversation (reproduced loosely in the movie Casino). FBI surveillance of Mafia gambling operations in Las Vegas in the late 1970s picked up Agosto making references to an individual he codenamed “Mr. Cleanface” and “Mr. Gillette”. Agosto’s conversations mentioned Mr. Cleanface was close to Nevada Governor-Elect Robert List. After turning state’s evidence, Agosto claimed that Mr. Cleanface was Harry Reid, then chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission and sporting a cleanshaven, boyish look. Agosto’s claims were echoed by former Tropicana Hotel part-owner Deil Gustafson, who testified about Reid’s relationship to Tropicana attorney Jay H. Brown. }

Mr. Cleanface’s Dirty Laundry: Harry Reid’s Mob Money

Why is it that democrats are run by criminals?

Oh yeah, what else would they be run by?

And Republicans never bring that up during elections....unreal
Reid should be brought up on charges for the Rat-Bastard criminal he is.
Here we see the American Taliban defending the use of human shields. Good job, Domestic Terrorists.
It means that you're not smart enough to keep up.

Should I attempt to explain it to you even though you won't understand? Okay......

In 1937, "Marihuana" was outlawed as a dangerous narcotic that was destroying America. Then in 1942, "Marihuana" was legalized to save America. Then in 1952, "Marihuana" was outlawed again (officially) because it was destroying America. In 1972, the Nixon-appointed Shafer Commission advised Nixon to legalize "Marihuana" because prohibition was more of a threat to American freedom that stoner hippies, so Nixon started the drug war and it has escalated ever since. "Marihuana", according to the National Institutes of Health, may possibly cure cancer. The DEA, far more often than the BLM, raids people's homes and destroys their livelihoods because of "Marihuana". This is the American police state. A police helicopter spots a patch of wild hemp and they report it to the police on the ground who then raid the home, break up the family, seize any assets which may have been obtained with money gained through illegal activities (house, land, cars, boats, jewelry, etc.) and sells it at auction to the highest bidder.

All of this happens with the utmost consent from the same right-wing assholes who now think that the government has gone too far by enforcing a 20-year-old court order against a rich white man.

Do you understand? Of course not.

You may have a point in another thread, this one is about a rancher and cows.

The funny thing about cows is they aren't contraband or a drug. The people raising them aren't illegal cow dealers in a black market. Kind of a crazy concept to grasp for you. So you brought this up why? Why didn't you bring up prohibition as well for a failed example of how we treat ranchers and cows?

WTF is your point? If you can't get stoned you don't want anyone to eat beef? Is that it?
Here it is again:

In 1937, "Marihuana" was outlawed as a dangerous narcotic that was destroying America. Then in 1942, "Marihuana" was legalized to save America. Then in 1952, "Marihuana" was outlawed again (officially) because it was destroying America. In 1972, the Nixon-appointed Shafer Commission advised Nixon to legalize "Marihuana" because prohibition was more of a threat to American freedom that stoner hippies, so Nixon started the drug war and it has escalated ever since. "Marihuana", according to the National Institutes of Health, may possibly cure cancer. The DEA, far more often than the BLM, raids people's homes and destroys their livelihoods because of "Marihuana". This is the American police state. A police helicopter spots a patch of wild hemp and they report it to the police on the ground who then raid the home, break up the family, seize any assets which may have been obtained with money gained through illegal activities (house, land, cars, boats, jewelry, etc.) and sells it at auction to the highest bidder.

All of this happens with the utmost consent from the same right-wing assholes who now think that the government has gone too far by enforcing a 20-year-old court order against a rich white man.

Repeating stupid points doesn't make a point. Can you make one or not?
IQ 147, with four majors in college.

Sure, which is why you turn to Comedy Central for "news."

Four majors? Basket Weaving, Underwater Basket Weaving, Ethinc Studies in Basket Weaving, and Gay Impact Studies on Basket Weaving?

You obviously didn't watch the clip. I even told you where former AZ Sheriff Richard Mack began his unmodified quote. You can watch his lips move right along with his words. You can hear him and see him say to a television news crew that they wanted to use women for human shields in case the BLM cops started firing.

I didn't watch any of it, I filter out video on my firewall.

Watch the clip. It was played on FOX News. Here's the FOX News clip:

Sheriff on strategy to put women at front lines - YouTube

Oh, 22 seconds long? It's modified! DURRRRRR!

Welcome to reality.

I don't have Comedians define reality for me...

Maybe if I had an IQ of 47...
Good job. 22 seconds is too long to pay attention to, even when it's FOX News. The 22 second clip isn't from Comedy Central. It's from FOX. It would be insulting to people with mental difficulties to call you retarded. You're too stupid to even watch FOX?

You people have fucking problems. You defend a rich criminal with human shields, and refuse to accept that people think you're fucked in your heads.

You're fucked in your heads.
UPDATE: This is the latest from Harry Reid on Mr. Bundy:

‘Something Will Happen’ To Stop Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy

Reid: ?Something Will Happen? To Stop Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy « CBS Las Vegas

BUNKERVILLE, Nev. — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says “something is going to happen” to get Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy to stop letting his cattle graze on federal land.
These people will keep pushing and what will follow will be their fault...(And I mean BLM, Reid and this Imperial Federal Government).
Repeating stupid points doesn't make a point. Can you make one or not?
I've made several but you're a Teabagger so there's no reason to expect you to be able to learn. If you could learn, you wouldn't be a Teabagger.
Here we see the American Taliban defending the use of human shields. Good job, Domestic Terrorists.

OWS Occupy Portland Woman Puts 4 YO Girl On Tracks To Protest Trains

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyIltLYI1Z8]OWS Occupy Portland Woman Puts 4 YO Girl On Tracks To Protest Trains - YouTube[/ame]
Repeating stupid points doesn't make a point. Can you make one or not?
I've made several but you're a Teabagger so there's no reason to expect you to be able to learn. If you could learn, you wouldn't be a Teabagger.

So you could have just typed no you don't have a point.
I gave an answer but again, you were too stupid to understand it. That's why you're a Teabagger.
Here we see the American Taliban defending the use of human shields. Good job, Domestic Terrorists.

OWS Occupy Portland Woman Puts 4 YO Girl On Tracks To Protest Trains
And the exceptionally stupid fuckmonkey grunts out something. Good job, exceptionally stupid fuckmonkey.

I'm not saying that that woman was correct, even though you'll most likely interpret it that way because that's just how Teabaggers are, but there's a difference between unarmed protesters who can move out of the way of a moving train if it won't stop and an armed white-trash standoff with Federal agents to protect a rich criminal's profits. If you don't know what that difference is then that means that you're a Teabagger.
Here we see the American Taliban defending the use of human shields. Good job, Domestic Terrorists.

OWS Occupy Portland Woman Puts 4 YO Girl On Tracks To Protest Trains
And the exceptionally stupid fuckmonkey grunts out something. Good job, exceptionally stupid fuckmonkey.

I'm not saying that that woman was correct, even though you'll most likely interpret it that way because that's just how Teabaggers are, but there's a difference between unarmed protesters who can move out of the way of a moving train if it won't stop and an armed white-trash standoff with Federal agents to protect a rich criminal's profits. If you don't know what that difference is then that means that you're a Teabagger.

Just showing you FAGERALS that you do basically the same things when protesting, now would you like to address the FASCIST tactics of the ATF when they attacked Waco, with all those children killed...you would think if they had the place surrounded for 50 days before murdering those people, they could have waited another 100 to make sure the children and women weren't killed?....Perhaps Ruby Ridge?
Ooh, "fagerals". How original and witty. I already told you that there's a difference between armed snipers hiding behind human shields and some unarmed hippies who can move out of the way of a train.

Do you think that because I don't support rich criminal Bundy that that automatically means that I support the Bureau of Land Management? Must everything only have two sides? You know the Earth isn't flat, right? I think that both sides are wrong in this.

But the Teabagger survivalist "militia" monkeys are in fact domestic terrorists hiding behind human shields to defend a rich criminal's profits.
Ooh, "fagerals". How original and witty. I already told you that there's a difference between armed snipers hiding behind human shields and some unarmed hippies who can move out of the way of a train.

Do you think that because I don't support rich criminal Bundy that that automatically means that I support the Bureau of Land Management? Must everything only have two sides? You know the Earth isn't flat, right? I think that both sides are wrong in this.

But the Teabagger survivalist "militia" monkeys are in fact domestic terrorists hiding behind human shields to defend a rich criminal's profits.

And we look at them as TYRANNY FIGHTERS who are preventing an out of control Federal government, that picks and chooses who does wrong, and who does wrong, and they turn the other cheek to! If all aren't prosecuted, then all should go free!

BYW, since you seem to like using TEA BAGGERS as a pejorative, I think FAGERAL describes your left wing affiliations properly, and quite expressive. :)
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TYRANNY FIGHTERS? Like the Muj "freedom fighters"? Is that the direction you want to go? You're not the American Taliban. You're not domestic terrorists. You're "TYRANNY FIGHTERS" on a holy war against infidel oppressors.

Learn, or go walk off of a building.
TYRANNY FIGHTERS? Like the Muj "freedom fighters"? Is that the direction you want to go? You're not the American Taliban. You're not domestic terrorists. You're "TYRANNY FIGHTERS" on a holy war against infidel oppressors.

Learn, or go walk off of a building.

It seems you don't like it when someone actually describes it perfectly! Those patriots fight tyranny, not freedom....try to learn the difference.

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