Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

Yes, because "paying what you owe" is such a leftist position.

If names and attempted insults is all you got, you really got nothing, neh?
No, he said it himself that he doesn't acknowledge the existence of the Federal Government, period.

That is NOT what he said. He said he does not acknowledge that authority of the federal government to seize state lands.

I'm only responsible for my content not KOS or anyone else.

Oh and I said early on that the feds should drop most of the fines and only ask for payment on the overdue grazing fees.

We are pretty much in agreement on what should happen.

Bundy said in a radio interview last Thursday. "I abide by all of Nevada state laws. But I don’t recognize the United States government as even existing."

The Irony of Cliven Bundy's Unconstitutional Stand - Matt Ford - The Atlantic
No, he said it himself that he doesn't acknowledge the existence of the Federal Government, period.

That is NOT what he said. He said he does not acknowledge that authority of the federal government to seize state lands.

I'm only responsible for my content not KOS or anyone else.

Oh and I said early on that the feds should drop most of the fines and only ask for payment on the overdue grazing fees.

We are pretty much in agreement on what should happen.

Bundy said in a radio interview last Thursday. "I abide by all of Nevada state laws. But I don’t recognize the United States government as even existing."

The Irony of Cliven Bundy's Unconstitutional Stand - Matt Ford - The Atlantic

Great documentation - but don't expect an acknowledgment. He's just gonna make up some shit about you where you get your information, hurl a few insults and try to change the subject.
No, he said it himself that he doesn't acknowledge the existence of the Federal Government, period.

That is NOT what he said. He said he does not acknowledge that authority of the federal government to seize state lands.

I'm only responsible for my content not KOS or anyone else.

Oh and I said early on that the feds should drop most of the fines and only ask for payment on the overdue grazing fees.

We are pretty much in agreement on what should happen.

Bundy said in a radio interview last Thursday. "I abide by all of Nevada state laws. But I don’t recognize the United States government as even existing."

The Irony of Cliven Bundy's Unconstitutional Stand - Matt Ford - The Atlantic

LOL! I was wondering why I haven't heard people on the right clamoring for Bundy to run for president of the USA. Now I know why. It's because he doesn't even recognize our country as existing, so how could he possibly run for president?
That is NOT what he said. He said he does not acknowledge that authority of the federal government to seize state lands.

We are pretty much in agreement on what should happen.

Bundy said in a radio interview last Thursday. "I abide by all of Nevada state laws. But I don’t recognize the United States government as even existing."

The Irony of Cliven Bundy's Unconstitutional Stand - Matt Ford - The Atlantic

LOL! I was wondering why I haven't heard people on the right clamoring for Bundy to run for president of the USA. Now I know why. It's because he doesn't even recognize our country as existing, so how could he possibly run for president?

too bad, he's bound to get at least 80% of the "paying what you owe is for pussies" vote.
Bundy said in a radio interview last Thursday. "I abide by all of Nevada state laws. But I don’t recognize the United States government as even existing."

The Irony of Cliven Bundy's Unconstitutional Stand - Matt Ford - The Atlantic

Your own article states;

{Bundy does not recognize federal authority over land where his ancestors first settled in the 1880s, which he claims belongs to the state of Nevada.}

Now, I've already said that Bundy is wrong. There MAY be a case for federal usurpation of state sovereignty, but that would need to be argued by Nevada AG in court. In legal terms, Bundy has no standing on the issue.
Reid is a terrorist by his own definition - he is a despicable, pure partisan, anti American, piece of crap!
You know, if the Right ever told a story without false information, exaggeration, or dissembling to the point of creating a fictional account of events, I think I might actually be inclined to believe what they're claiming even if their conclusions regarding the facts in question were untrue. That's assuming that the shock didn't kill me first, of course.

Do you deny that Harry Reid is a Mafia bought politician, and has been from the start? Do you deny that the Mob, out of Las Vegas, basically created Reid and he has been in their hip pocket his entire career? As the Mob has become legit, Reid turned to other sources of crime - and China is ripe.

The deal Rory brokered fell through, too much exposure, but the Reid family is Mafia, there is always another illegal deal in the works.
The ENN solar deal, which was over 100 miles South of the Bundy ranch, was cancelled a year ago, long before any "exposure," you just can't stop yourself from lying!
Did anyone watch The Daily Show last night? I'm sure the old-timey redneck Conservatives here did, right?

They played the clip of a former Sheriff saying that they actually thought it was a good idea to use women as human shields so that if the BLM stormtroopers opened fire, the women would die first.

They are indeed the American Taliban.
The ENN solar deal, which was over 100 miles South of the Bundy ranch, was cancelled a year ago, long before any "exposure," you just can't stop yourself from lying!

Edtheliar, you're a stupid guy, you know that?

{In 2004, the senator made $700,000 off a land deal that was, to say the least, unorthodox. It started in 1998 when he bought a parcel of land with attorney Jay Brown, a close friend whose name has surfaced multiple times in organized-crime investigations and whom one retired FBI agent described as “always a person of interest.” Three years after the purchase, Reid transferred his portion of the property to Patrick Lane LLC, a holding company Brown controlled. But Reid kept putting the property on his financial disclosures, and when the company sold it in 2004, he profited from the deal — a deal on land that he didn’t technically own and that had nearly tripled in value in six years.}

How Did Harry Reid Get Rich? | National Review Online

Harry is a Mobster.

“I’ve gotta Cleanface in my pocket,” boasted Kansas City Mafia representative Joe Agosto, unaware the FBI was monitoring his conversation (reproduced loosely in the movie Casino). FBI surveillance of Mafia gambling operations in Las Vegas in the late 1970s picked up Agosto making references to an individual he codenamed “Mr. Cleanface” and “Mr. Gillette”. Agosto’s conversations mentioned Mr. Cleanface was close to Nevada Governor-Elect Robert List. After turning state’s evidence, Agosto claimed that Mr. Cleanface was Harry Reid, then chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission and sporting a cleanshaven, boyish look. Agosto’s claims were echoed by former Tropicana Hotel part-owner Deil Gustafson, who testified about Reid’s relationship to Tropicana attorney Jay H. Brown. }

Mr. Cleanface’s Dirty Laundry: Harry Reid’s Mob Money

Why is it that democrats are run by criminals?

Oh yeah, what else would they be run by?
If anyone think Reid's hands are clean and got filthy rich by wise investments, I have some hillside property for you.
Did anyone watch The Daily Show last night?

I'm sure all the single digit IQ types did, it's where they get their "news."

I'm sure the old-timey redneck Conservatives here did, right?

They played the clip of a former Sheriff saying that they actually thought it was a good idea to use women as human shields so that if the BLM stormtroopers opened fire, the women would die first.

They are indeed the American Taliban.

Sure, you leftists would never modify clips....

I mean, just because you have utterly no integrity and you have an agenda is no reason not to trust you, right?
If anyone think Reid's hands are clean and got filthy rich by wise investments, I have some hillside property for you.

Better than an orange grove, at least according to Joe Pesci.....

The crooked gaming commissioner in the movie "Casino" was based on Reid.
The ENN solar deal, which was over 100 miles South of the Bundy ranch, was cancelled a year ago, long before any "exposure," you just can't stop yourself from lying!

Edtheliar, you're a stupid guy, you know that?

{In 2004, the senator made $700,000 off a land deal that was, to say the least, unorthodox. It started in 1998 when he bought a parcel of land with attorney Jay Brown, a close friend whose name has surfaced multiple times in organized-crime investigations and whom one retired FBI agent described as “always a person of interest.” Three years after the purchase, Reid transferred his portion of the property to Patrick Lane LLC, a holding company Brown controlled. But Reid kept putting the property on his financial disclosures, and when the company sold it in 2004, he profited from the deal — a deal on land that he didn’t technically own and that had nearly tripled in value in six years.}

How Did Harry Reid Get Rich? | National Review Online

Harry is a Mobster.
Desperately trying to change the subject from your Chinese lie.

And you have no idea what the transfer agreement was, he quite easily could have deferred payment as a % of sale, which would be why he continued to declare the property on his financial disclosures, which would indicate he still had a stake in the property. You are full of shit yet again!
Desperately trying to change the subject from your Chinese lie.

Chinese lie?

You huff too much spraypaint, edtheliar.

And you have no idea what the transfer agreement was, he quite easily could have deferred payment as a % of sale, which would be why he continued to declare the property on his financial disclosures, which would indicate he still had a stake in the property. You are full of shit yet again!

Reid is a mobster, has been from the start. He is the politician in the hip pocket of gangsters, utterly corrupt with contempt for the very concept of law.

So basically, the perfect democrat.
It is an unmodified clip from FOX News, interviewing former AZ sheriff Richard Mack who said those words:

Apocalypse Cow - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central

At the 1:22 mark.

Unmodified, from Comedy Central?


You single digit IQ types are a hoot.
IQ 147, with four majors in college.

You obviously didn't watch the clip. I even told you where former AZ Sheriff Richard Mack began his unmodified quote. You can watch his lips move right along with his words. You can hear him and see him say to a television news crew that they wanted to use women for human shields in case the BLM cops started firing.

Watch the clip. It was played on FOX News. Here's the FOX News clip:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=RZd61_9hofE]Sheriff on strategy to put women at front lines - YouTube[/ame]

Oh, 22 seconds long? It's modified! DURRRRRR!

Welcome to reality.

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