Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

Quick question for all of those who believe Bundy is right.....................

How many of those people who showed up in support of him with their own weapons were actual ranchers who lived in the area, and how many who showed up were people from other areas who just happen to hate whatever the government does?

Sorry, but this was just another teabagger rally hoping for bloodshed.

We know the answer to that, thanks to the sympathetic neighbor. Only 3 ranches in an area where there were more than 50 before the BLM started their tactics.

A gain, the BLM can put together a task force of armed security personnel (including Snipers) to stand off Americans, yet they can't seem to be able to control the thousands of acres known as the Southern Border where wetbacks flaunt our laws on a daily basis - not to mention the radical Islamists and Cartel Members who slip in as well.

Moral of the story? The BLM is more concerned with American Citizens (and cattle grazing on unused scrub land) than it is with illegals and terrorists.

And Harry Reid is a piece of gutter trash.
F or the last time...The BLM, which manages nearly 50,000 acres near the Southern Border can NOT control the flow of wetbacks into the United States, but has no problem amassing a small Army of thugs (to include Snipers) to keep a few hundred cattle from grazing on public land -land that is useless desert scrub land.


One issue has nothing to do with the other. You're engaging in a well worn, fallacious tactic of trying to frame the debate to your advantage.


The BLM manages land along the US/ Mexican border. The wetbacks, terrorists and Cartel Members who cross each day do so on BLM land. Where are the snipers down there? Where are the storm troopers to keep the Mexicans out?

I'm framing apples to apples here, buster. If Americans are "terrorists" on BLM land, then what the HELL are illegals?

I'll be patiently awaiting your answer.
Sit in silence when they came and DESTROYED someone's home, cattle and LIVLEYHOOD..

PETA Hits BLM Over Mass Cattle Grave

by Kerry Picket 21 Apr 2014, 10:14 AM PDT 603 post a comment

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is criticizing the Bureau of Land Management for apparently euthanizing an unknown number of cattle at the Bundy Ranch.

“These animals shouldn't be killed either by the government, or by the rancher who plans to send the cows off to slaughter. The best thing anyone can do to stop the suffering of animals is to go vegan,” PETA's Senior Vice President Lisa Lange said in a written statement to Breitbart News.

The Bundy Ranch Facebook Page, run by Cliven Bundy’s daughter Bailey Bundy Logue, posted photos on Saturday night of a mass grave of their livestock found in a large hole in the ground on the land where the BLM was impounding Bundy’s cattle.

“This is unjust,” the Bundy Ranch said in a statement on their Facebook page Saturday. “Understand that this is beyond the cattle and it is overall about freedom but this is one of many incidents where the corrupt and unjust government is taking away our freedom little by little.”

The Bundy family has refused to stop allowing their cattle to graze on federally-owned land, saying the federal government does not have any authority over them. The impasse led to a tense standoff last-week in which both federal agents and Bundy supporters had sniper rifles trained on each others. The government ultimately backed down, at least for now.

Nevada Republican Assemblywoman Michele Fiore told Breitbart News on Friday that the treatment of the cattle by the BLM is “cruel” and she has heard from ranchers across the state with similar experiences with the BLM and its livestock seizure practices.

ALL of it here
PETA Hits BLM Over Mass Cattle Grave
F or the last time...The BLM, which manages nearly 50,000 acres near the Southern Border can NOT control the flow of wetbacks into the United States, but has no problem amassing a small Army of thugs (to include Snipers) to keep a few hundred cattle from grazing on public land -land that is useless desert scrub land.


One issue has nothing to do with the other. You're engaging in a well worn, fallacious tactic of trying to frame the debate to your advantage.


The BLM manages land along the US/ Mexican border. The wetbacks, terrorists and Cartel Members who cross each day do so on BLM land. Where are the snipers down there? Where are the storm troopers to keep the Mexicans out?

I'm framing apples to apples here, buster. If Americans are "terrorists" on BLM land, then what the HELL are illegals?

I'll be patiently awaiting your answer.

The BLM can't make any money for it's POLITICAL DICTATES in D.C. by stopping those intrusions, BUT it can make tons of money stealing citizens cattle, selling them off, keep those profits, along with FINES and PENALTIES, that IT ALONE MANDATES on that citizen!
Sit in silence when they came and DESTROYED someone's home, cattle and LIVLEYHOOD..

PETA Hits BLM Over Mass Cattle Grave

by Kerry Picket 21 Apr 2014, 10:14 AM PDT 603 post a comment

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is criticizing the Bureau of Land Management for apparently euthanizing an unknown number of cattle at the Bundy Ranch.

“These animals shouldn't be killed either by the government, or by the rancher who plans to send the cows off to slaughter. The best thing anyone can do to stop the suffering of animals is to go vegan,” PETA's Senior Vice President Lisa Lange said in a written statement to Breitbart News.

The Bundy Ranch Facebook Page, run by Cliven Bundy’s daughter Bailey Bundy Logue, posted photos on Saturday night of a mass grave of their livestock found in a large hole in the ground on the land where the BLM was impounding Bundy’s cattle.

“This is unjust,” the Bundy Ranch said in a statement on their Facebook page Saturday. “Understand that this is beyond the cattle and it is overall about freedom but this is one of many incidents where the corrupt and unjust government is taking away our freedom little by little.”

The Bundy family has refused to stop allowing their cattle to graze on federally-owned land, saying the federal government does not have any authority over them. The impasse led to a tense standoff last-week in which both federal agents and Bundy supporters had sniper rifles trained on each others. The government ultimately backed down, at least for now.

Nevada Republican Assemblywoman Michele Fiore told Breitbart News on Friday that the treatment of the cattle by the BLM is “cruel” and she has heard from ranchers across the state with similar experiences with the BLM and its livestock seizure practices.

ALL of it here
PETA Hits BLM Over Mass Cattle Grave

PETA is a shill for more subversive bullshit. It doesn't stand behind a man who was treating the animal humanely, it barely recognizes the TORTURE and TYRANNY of the BLM regarding the animals, instead in concentrates on everyone eat your veggies, and leave those animals alone..... Feckless bullshit from people who KILL animals put into their custody, instead of saving them!

Last edited:
Did the BLM represent the Dann sisters......................................

By starving their horses and cattle...........................

They represent themselves and not the people.............

And now the Liberal Brigade is angry that someone said NO MAS..................I said No Mas for a reason.

How about the Gov't get off their Asses and secure America's borders instead of harassing a Cattle Rancher is just trying to carry on his family heritage.

The BLM manages land along the US/ Mexican border. The wetbacks, terrorists and Cartel Members who cross each day do so on BLM land. Where are the snipers down there? Where are the storm troopers to keep the Mexicans out?

I'm framing apples to apples here, buster. If Americans are "terrorists" on BLM land, then what the HELL are illegals?

I'll be patiently awaiting your answer.

The BLM can't make any money for it's POLITICAL DICTATES in D.C. by stopping those intrusions, BUT it can make tons of money stealing citizens cattle, selling them off, keep those profits, along with FINES and PENALTIES, that IT ALONE MANDATES on that citizen!

WHAT was the REAL BILL that Bundy owed? I haven't seen it, have you?

Note the FEDS say he owed $1M....And from what I hear? It was land OWNED by the County...NOT the FEDS.
Look at this and shut up:


OOH! What is that supposed to represent? And it means what to this conversation?
It means that you're not smart enough to keep up.

Should I attempt to explain it to you even though you won't understand? Okay......

In 1937, "Marihuana" was outlawed as a dangerous narcotic that was destroying America. Then in 1942, "Marihuana" was legalized to save America. Then in 1952, "Marihuana" was outlawed again (officially) because it was destroying America. In 1972, the Nixon-appointed Shafer Commission advised Nixon to legalize "Marihuana" because prohibition was more of a threat to American freedom that stoner hippies, so Nixon started the drug war and it has escalated ever since. "Marihuana", according to the National Institutes of Health, may possibly cure cancer. The DEA, far more often than the BLM, raids people's homes and destroys their livelihoods because of "Marihuana". This is the American police state. A police helicopter spots a patch of wild hemp and they report it to the police on the ground who then raid the home, break up the family, seize any assets which may have been obtained with money gained through illegal activities (house, land, cars, boats, jewelry, etc.) and sells it at auction to the highest bidder.

All of this happens with the utmost consent from the same right-wing assholes who now think that the government has gone too far by enforcing a 20-year-old court order against a rich white man.

Do you understand? Of course not.

You may have a point in another thread, this one is about a rancher and cows.

The funny thing about cows is they aren't contraband or a drug. The people raising them aren't illegal cow dealers in a black market. Kind of a crazy concept to grasp for you. So you brought this up why? Why didn't you bring up prohibition as well for a failed example of how we treat ranchers and cows?

WTF is your point? If you can't get stoned you don't want anyone to eat beef? Is that it?
The BLM can't make any money for it's POLITICAL DICTATES in D.C. by stopping those intrusions, BUT it can make tons of money stealing citizens cattle, selling them off, keep those profits, along with FINES and PENALTIES, that IT ALONE MANDATES on that citizen!

WHAT was the REAL BILL that Bundy owed? I haven't seen it, have you?

Note the FEDS say he owed $1M....And from what I hear? It was land OWNED by the County...NOT the FEDS.

BLM claims that it was $300K but with fines and penalties over $1 million!

Just listened to an old acquaintance, a county commissioner from St George, talk nonsense about federal lands.

Kiddos, you will not get what you want by blustering or waving weapons around.

The BLM saved your family members' lives by withdrawing despite your aggression.

The next time the gub'mint comes, it will come prepared to do what it wants to do.

You all should think about this very carefully.

You sure we're the ones that should be thinking carefully? How many of those BLM guys got home to their wives and families and discussed why the hell they were out there and what their mission was? None of their families showed up in support. How many BLM wives were sitting at home watching TV wondering if losing their husband was worth removing some cows and enforcing a 200k fine for grazing? How many are sitting at home tonight with wives that were watching this fiasco and wrestling with the fact that they were actually sent out fully armed to gather up cows that ate some grass on fed land? And how many do you think have come to the conclusion that facing down US citizens was the correct thing to do and what they want out of a government that in the end rules them as well and are willing to defend that position with their lives?

I think who should be thinking very carefully is people like you. You were the ultimate outsider here. YOU were hiding behind government officials doing the job YOU wanted done.

Why are you demanding that law officials begin shooting at people you don't like? I don't remember a single left wing pro government group showing up to reinforce the lawmen here.

You like to degrade people we believe in and support by denigrating us all as hicks and whatever names you can come up with but the fact is people on our side showed up. Nobody on your pro-government start shooting people arrived. Not one.

If you want a real war then have your group show up out in the desert and take over for law enforcement that don't really want to be there. Don't hide behind your government bullshit get your ass out there and enforce these laws you want to kill people over. Our side did just that, where was yours?

You want law enforcement to go all out in the name of supporting your government controlled dreams by killing people that actually show up to oppose those actions based on the false premise you have 100% of the law enforcement willing to do that for you. You don't have that, you have about 10% of that force that will stay for you. The other 90% will either go home or join the other side in this kind of police action.

You're on the losing end. You don't have the people willing to fight to the death for this but you sure as hell have people willing to fight against it. Maybe you should rethink your plan here it's a loser.
Just listened to an old acquaintance, a county commissioner from St George, talk nonsense about federal lands.

Kiddos, you will not get what you want by blustering or waving weapons around.

The BLM saved your family members' lives by withdrawing despite your aggression.

The next time the gub'mint comes, it will come prepared to do what it wants to do.

You all should think about this very carefully.

You sound exactly like the loyalist cowards who sided with King George except that YOUR King goes by the name Obama.

How pathetic of you. Bowing to the "grub'mint" (with your belittling tripe). Your ancestors must be proud. :lol:
What a smuck. Another one that is noted

Bring out that NDAA document and we'll wipe the floor with it


Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'
“U.S. Sen. Harry Reid on Thursday called [armed, militia-supported] supporters of Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy ’domestic terrorists’ because they defended him against a Bureau of Land Management cattle roundup with guns and put their children in harm’s way,” Las Vegas’ reviewjournal.com reports. “’Those people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists,’ Reid said during an appearance at a Las Vegas Review-Journal ‘Hashtags & Headlines’ event at the Paris. ‘… I repeat: what went on up there was domestic terrorism.’” We called that one. When push comes to shove, the enemies of liberty . . .

Breaking: Senator Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters "Domestic Terrorists" | The Truth About Guns

Of course he calls them that. Has to label them something derogatory so they are demonized in all the sheeple's eyes.
OOH! What is that supposed to represent? And it means what to this conversation?
It means that you're not smart enough to keep up.

Should I attempt to explain it to you even though you won't understand? Okay......

In 1937, "Marihuana" was outlawed as a dangerous narcotic that was destroying America. Then in 1942, "Marihuana" was legalized to save America. Then in 1952, "Marihuana" was outlawed again (officially) because it was destroying America. In 1972, the Nixon-appointed Shafer Commission advised Nixon to legalize "Marihuana" because prohibition was more of a threat to American freedom that stoner hippies, so Nixon started the drug war and it has escalated ever since. "Marihuana", according to the National Institutes of Health, may possibly cure cancer. The DEA, far more often than the BLM, raids people's homes and destroys their livelihoods because of "Marihuana". This is the American police state. A police helicopter spots a patch of wild hemp and they report it to the police on the ground who then raid the home, break up the family, seize any assets which may have been obtained with money gained through illegal activities (house, land, cars, boats, jewelry, etc.) and sells it at auction to the highest bidder.

All of this happens with the utmost consent from the same right-wing assholes who now think that the government has gone too far by enforcing a 20-year-old court order against a rich white man.

Do you understand? Of course not.

You may have a point in another thread, this one is about a rancher and cows.

The funny thing about cows is they aren't contraband or a drug. The people raising them aren't illegal cow dealers in a black market. Kind of a crazy concept to grasp for you. So you brought this up why? Why didn't you bring up prohibition as well for a failed example of how we treat ranchers and cows?

WTF is your point? If you can't get stoned you don't want anyone to eat beef? Is that it?
Here it is again:

In 1937, "Marihuana" was outlawed as a dangerous narcotic that was destroying America. Then in 1942, "Marihuana" was legalized to save America. Then in 1952, "Marihuana" was outlawed again (officially) because it was destroying America. In 1972, the Nixon-appointed Shafer Commission advised Nixon to legalize "Marihuana" because prohibition was more of a threat to American freedom that stoner hippies, so Nixon started the drug war and it has escalated ever since. "Marihuana", according to the National Institutes of Health, may possibly cure cancer. The DEA, far more often than the BLM, raids people's homes and destroys their livelihoods because of "Marihuana". This is the American police state. A police helicopter spots a patch of wild hemp and they report it to the police on the ground who then raid the home, break up the family, seize any assets which may have been obtained with money gained through illegal activities (house, land, cars, boats, jewelry, etc.) and sells it at auction to the highest bidder.

All of this happens with the utmost consent from the same right-wing assholes who now think that the government has gone too far by enforcing a 20-year-old court order against a rich white man.
Seems a certain percentage of People buy guns, not just to show them to their friends, clean them, or hang them on walls, but to save America. They see themselves like the founders meeting the British and the survival of America resting on them and their guns. The sad thing, however, is that so few save-America opportunities come along anymore, I mean with America having an army, police force, National Guard and all, the opportunities to save America are scarce. I wonder if the cow-thing will go down in the history books as another dream-deferred and another lost opportunity to save America? Sad.

Obama, Harry Reid, and the BLM showed us why we still need guns.....

they certainly did
It means that you're not smart enough to keep up.

Should I attempt to explain it to you even though you won't understand? Okay......

In 1937, "Marihuana" was outlawed as a dangerous narcotic that was destroying America. Then in 1942, "Marihuana" was legalized to save America. Then in 1952, "Marihuana" was outlawed again (officially) because it was destroying America. In 1972, the Nixon-appointed Shafer Commission advised Nixon to legalize "Marihuana" because prohibition was more of a threat to American freedom that stoner hippies, so Nixon started the drug war and it has escalated ever since. "Marihuana", according to the National Institutes of Health, may possibly cure cancer. The DEA, far more often than the BLM, raids people's homes and destroys their livelihoods because of "Marihuana". This is the American police state. A police helicopter spots a patch of wild hemp and they report it to the police on the ground who then raid the home, break up the family, seize any assets which may have been obtained with money gained through illegal activities (house, land, cars, boats, jewelry, etc.) and sells it at auction to the highest bidder.

All of this happens with the utmost consent from the same right-wing assholes who now think that the government has gone too far by enforcing a 20-year-old court order against a rich white man.

Do you understand? Of course not.

You may have a point in another thread, this one is about a rancher and cows.

The funny thing about cows is they aren't contraband or a drug. The people raising them aren't illegal cow dealers in a black market. Kind of a crazy concept to grasp for you. So you brought this up why? Why didn't you bring up prohibition as well for a failed example of how we treat ranchers and cows?

WTF is your point? If you can't get stoned you don't want anyone to eat beef? Is that it?
Here it is again:

In 1937, "Marihuana" was outlawed as a dangerous narcotic that was destroying America. Then in 1942, "Marihuana" was legalized to save America. Then in 1952, "Marihuana" was outlawed again (officially) because it was destroying America. In 1972, the Nixon-appointed Shafer Commission advised Nixon to legalize "Marihuana" because prohibition was more of a threat to American freedom that stoner hippies, so Nixon started the drug war and it has escalated ever since. "Marihuana", according to the National Institutes of Health, may possibly cure cancer. The DEA, far more often than the BLM, raids people's homes and destroys their livelihoods because of "Marihuana". This is the American police state. A police helicopter spots a patch of wild hemp and they report it to the police on the ground who then raid the home, break up the family, seize any assets which may have been obtained with money gained through illegal activities (house, land, cars, boats, jewelry, etc.) and sells it at auction to the highest bidder.

All of this happens with the utmost consent from the same right-wing assholes who now think that the government has gone too far by enforcing a 20-year-old court order against a rich white man.


Marijuana was made a prescription drug in 1907, because it fell under the "poison act" and it possession was a misdemeanor. Since then laws have only continued to get more severe. HEMP which has little to no THC and another component which nixes the little THC was legalized to be grown for manufacturing of war items- "Hemp for Victory". Marijuana which has THC was not legalized for consumption during the war.
CaféAuLait;8968152 said:
I, for one, didn't know about it until now. I have a feeling the people standing up for Clive Bundy didn't either.

Sure they did. The Nevada Live Stock Association was there to help the Dann sisters as well as many more who were non-Native American.

Heck the United Nations was involved.

Doesn't mean they were paying attention. I know I've found out a heck of a lot more about this and I'm aghast at what our government has done for decades. I don't know why there wasn't more media attention on this subject. Scratch that, our government owns the media, of course there was no attention.

they own the dinosaur media

the media bill and hillary worried about

is owned by the people

it is faster and much more widely available
The toothless tortoise is ill equipped to harvest and
masticate range forage. The tortoise can harvest only
tender vegetation, and it can't masticate even that. The
tortoise can't process enough bulky, low analysis forage
fast enough to meet its nutritional requirements (Nagy &
Medica 1986). They solved this problem long ago—they
allow other animals to do it for them. Desert tortoises feed
primarily on dung. The more animals using the range, the
more dung, which makes more food available for tortoises.
In the millennia preceding the advent of domestic live-
stock on the range, tortoises subsisted on pellets excret-
ed by rabbits, deer, and bighorn and scats of predators.
Tortoise populations adjusted to the amount of dung
available; their numbers were low (Mollhausen 1854).
The Western Regional Extension Publication No. 39:
By-products and Unusual Feedstuffs in Livestock Rations
(Bath et al. 1980) states:". . . it is commonly estimated that
80% of the total nutrients in feeds are excreted by animals
as manure." The desert tortoise is well adapted for mak-
ing use of cow dung. Four days elapse between meals.
This allows plenty of time for the tortoise to complete the
digestion that began in the cow's stomach. The digested
food moves slowly, ever so slowly, through tortoise intes-
tines. This trip takes 17 days (Nagy and Medica 1986). It is a biological law that all organisms tend to increase
to the limits of their food supply. Therefore, it is natural
and to be expected that desert tortoise numbers and live-
stock numbers peaked on the public domain at the same
It is also a natural law that if the food supply is dimin-
ished for any population, that population will adjust to
come in balance with the reduced food supply. For 50
years BLM has been reducing the numbers of livestock
permitted on the Federal Range. For 50 years desert tor-
toise populations have been declining.


just goes to show, our government is stupid.

it also goes to show you

that how easily the "believers" in big government

can be fooled
CaféAuLait;8968152 said:
Sure they did. The Nevada Live Stock Association was there to help the Dann sisters as well as many more who were non-Native American.

Heck the United Nations was involved.

Doesn't mean they were paying attention. I know I've found out a heck of a lot more about this and I'm aghast at what our government has done for decades. I don't know why there wasn't more media attention on this subject. Scratch that, our government owns the media, of course there was no attention.

they own the dinosaur media

the media bill and hillary worried about

is owned by the people

it is faster and much more widely available

I agree, I also believe the reason many did not know about this was the lack of social media and the internet. Now, before anyone says; "The internet had already been invented by Al Gore!" they need to remember these women were in their 70s and 80s
They did not have electricity, phones, running water or a furnace even in the year of 2002.

So they most certainly did not have access to social media as Bundy did.
I wonder if that was the beginning.
It could only be the beginning if the gun monkeys storm the Pentagon and drag the war criminals out in chains, but that isn't going to happen because gun monkeys love the military-industrial complex and unending war.
The agents were just following orders. It's unfair to label them gun monkeys.

just following orders is no excuse

plus their hearts was not in

mostly likely pointing guns and tazing American citizens is not what they signed up for
CaféAuLait;8973578 said:
Doesn't mean they were paying attention. I know I've found out a heck of a lot more about this and I'm aghast at what our government has done for decades. I don't know why there wasn't more media attention on this subject. Scratch that, our government owns the media, of course there was no attention.

they own the dinosaur media

the media bill and hillary worried about

is owned by the people

it is faster and much more widely available

I agree, I also believe the reason many did not know about this was the lack of social media and the internet. Now, before anyone says; "The internet had already been invented by Al Gore!" they need to remember these women were in their 70s and 80s
They did not have electricity, phones, running water or a furnace even in the year of 2002.

So they most certainly did not have access to social media as Bundy did.


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