Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

My claim was that not one redneck showed up armed with sniper rifles to defend those sisters. And you sure as hell won't ever raise those guns to defend someone who is raided by heavily militarized SWAT teams for growing life-saving natural medicine for cancer patients. The fact that it took a rich white man being "oppressed" for any Conservative in America to even feign like they give a shit about the Dann sisters or any other Shoshone is just fucking insulting.

Those sisters made an effort to round up their own livestock which is not something that Cliven Bundy ever intended to do. This means that the Dann sisters made an effort to be responsible and Cliven Bundy did not.

Also, "redneck" is an appropriate slur for "excruciatingly stupid, Conservative Republican, gun-wielding, mouth-breathing, pro-life, pro-war, hilljack yokels". If you read that as "white" then that's just your guilty conscience. But you know what? I'll toss you a bone in this by adding "white-trash" to the description. So, yes, it is racist. Fuck white-trash Conservative rednecks.

Wait what? These two sisters were actually making life saving cancer curing drugs? That's why the government stepped in? Livestock grazing is the cure for cancer? Holy FUCK! Let Bundy graze more cattle! It cures cancer! Why the hell is the government shutting down the Cliven Bundy cancer cure ranch!?

According to you we had a cure for cancer in 2002 and the government shut it down, now we have a new cure and they want to shut it down again.

Do you even know what the fuck you are talking about here?

i dont know if the manure from bundys cattle cures cancer

but it has been a life savor for the tortoise

studies have shown that in areas where the cattle has been kicked off

the tortoise numbers dwindle

they feed on the manure

This is interesting, I wonder as the dessert tortoise continues to eat the rare cacti in Nevada, endangering the rare cacti, will the BLM kill the desert tortoise or remove it from native lands?
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Look at this and shut up:


OOH! What is that supposed to represent? And it means what to this conversation?
It means that you're not smart enough to keep up.

Should I attempt to explain it to you even though you won't understand? Okay......

In 1937, "Marihuana" was outlawed as a dangerous narcotic that was destroying America. Then in 1942, "Marihuana" was legalized to save America. Then in 1952, "Marihuana" was outlawed again (officially) because it was destroying America. In 1972, the Nixon-appointed Shafer Commission advised Nixon to legalize "Marihuana" because prohibition was more of a threat to American freedom that stoner hippies, so Nixon started the drug war and it has escalated ever since. "Marihuana", according to the National Institutes of Health, may possibly cure cancer. The DEA, far more often than the BLM, raids people's homes and destroys their livelihoods because of "Marihuana". This is the American police state. A police helicopter spots a patch of wild hemp and they report it to the police on the ground who then raid the home, break up the family, seize any assets which may have been obtained with money gained through illegal activities (house, land, cars, boats, jewelry, etc.) and sells it at auction to the highest bidder.

All of this happens with the utmost consent from the same right-wing assholes who now think that the government has gone too far by enforcing a 20-year-old court order against a rich white man.

Do you understand? Of course not.

in 1937 "FDR" was president

just sayin
CaféAuLait;8968290 said:
Wait what? These two sisters were actually making life saving cancer curing drugs? That's why the government stepped in? Livestock grazing is the cure for cancer? Holy FUCK! Let Bundy graze more cattle! It cures cancer! Why the hell is the government shutting down the Cliven Bundy cancer cure ranch!?

According to you we had a cure for cancer in 2002 and the government shut it down, now we have a new cure and they want to shut it down again.

Do you even know what the fuck you are talking about here?

i dont know if the manure from bundys cattle cures cancer

but it has been a life savor for the tortoise

studies have shown that in areas where the cattle has been kicked off

the tortoise numbers dwindle

they feed on the manure

This is interesting, I wonder as the dessert tortoise continues to eat the rare cacti in Nevada, endangering the rare cacti, will the BLM kill the desert tortoise or remove it from native lands?

i dont know if they will kill them for eating a rare cacti

but they killed almost a 1000 of them because they ran out of money

suppose they spent all their money gearing up for a war on the American people

assault rifles and millions of rounds of ammo is expensive
The toothless tortoise is ill equipped to harvest and
masticate range forage. The tortoise can harvest only
tender vegetation, and it can't masticate even that. The
tortoise can't process enough bulky, low analysis forage
fast enough to meet its nutritional requirements (Nagy &
Medica 1986). They solved this problem long ago—they
allow other animals to do it for them. Desert tortoises feed
primarily on dung. The more animals using the range, the
more dung, which makes more food available for tortoises.
In the millennia preceding the advent of domestic live-
stock on the range, tortoises subsisted on pellets excret-
ed by rabbits, deer, and bighorn and scats of predators.
Tortoise populations adjusted to the amount of dung
available; their numbers were low (Mollhausen 1854).
The Western Regional Extension Publication No. 39:
By-products and Unusual Feedstuffs in Livestock Rations
(Bath et al. 1980) states:". . . it is commonly estimated that
80% of the total nutrients in feeds are excreted by animals
as manure." The desert tortoise is well adapted for mak-
ing use of cow dung. Four days elapse between meals.
This allows plenty of time for the tortoise to complete the
digestion that began in the cow's stomach. The digested
food moves slowly, ever so slowly, through tortoise intes-
tines. This trip takes 17 days (Nagy and Medica 1986). It is a biological law that all organisms tend to increase
to the limits of their food supply. Therefore, it is natural
and to be expected that desert tortoise numbers and live-
stock numbers peaked on the public domain at the same
It is also a natural law that if the food supply is dimin-
ished for any population, that population will adjust to
come in balance with the reduced food supply. For 50
years BLM has been reducing the numbers of livestock
permitted on the Federal Range. For 50 years desert tor-
toise populations have been declining.

OOH! What is that supposed to represent? And it means what to this conversation?
It means that you're not smart enough to keep up.

Should I attempt to explain it to you even though you won't understand? Okay......

In 1937, "Marihuana" was outlawed as a dangerous narcotic that was destroying America. Then in 1942, "Marihuana" was legalized to save America. Then in 1952, "Marihuana" was outlawed again (officially) because it was destroying America. In 1972, the Nixon-appointed Shafer Commission advised Nixon to legalize "Marihuana" because prohibition was more of a threat to American freedom that stoner hippies, so Nixon started the drug war and it has escalated ever since. "Marihuana", according to the National Institutes of Health, may possibly cure cancer. The DEA, far more often than the BLM, raids people's homes and destroys their livelihoods because of "Marihuana". This is the American police state. A police helicopter spots a patch of wild hemp and they report it to the police on the ground who then raid the home, break up the family, seize any assets which may have been obtained with money gained through illegal activities (house, land, cars, boats, jewelry, etc.) and sells it at auction to the highest bidder.

All of this happens with the utmost consent from the same right-wing assholes who now think that the government has gone too far by enforcing a 20-year-old court order against a rich white man.

Do you understand? Of course not.

in 1937 "FDR" was president

just sayin
What are you "just sayin"? That FDR, a worthless commie fascist Sharia Democrat, hates American freedom? And there weren't any freedom-loving patriotic Republicans in the White House since then who could have overturned the idiotic drug war which is nothing more than a war on the American people?

Is that what you're just sayin?
CaféAuLait;8968290 said:
i dont know if the manure from bundys cattle cures cancer

but it has been a life savor for the tortoise

studies have shown that in areas where the cattle has been kicked off

the tortoise numbers dwindle

they feed on the manure

This is interesting, I wonder as the dessert tortoise continues to eat the rare cacti in Nevada, endangering the rare cacti, will the BLM kill the desert tortoise or remove it from native lands?

i dont know if they will kill them for eating a rare cacti

but they killed almost a 1000 of them because they ran out of money

suppose they spent all their money gearing up for a war on the American people

assault rifles and millions of rounds of ammo is expensive

Crazy, isn't it? Feds said the operation against Bundy cost 3 million dollars, and the budget for the turtle is 1 million per year. Just imagine if they charged the 6 million visitors a year to the area just 2 dollars dollar each ( about the same per head of cattle).

They would have 12 million a year to care for the public lands and assure those humans, their animals and vehicles don't damage the public land while hunting, fishing, camping, etc., But, humans can use the public land for free, while Bundy has to pay as they "freeload" on his land.
Quick question for all of those who believe Bundy is right.....................

How many of those people who showed up in support of him with their own weapons were actual ranchers who lived in the area, and how many who showed up were people from other areas who just happen to hate whatever the government does?

Sorry, but this was just another teabagger rally hoping for bloodshed.
Quick question for all of those who believe Bundy is right.....................

How many of those people who showed up in support of him with their own weapons were actual ranchers who lived in the area, and how many who showed up were people from other areas who just happen to hate whatever the government does?

Sorry, but this was just another teabagger rally hoping for bloodshed.

I believe Bundy is right for some of the same reasons and different reasons than others. One, I believe they are unfairly taxing his use of public land while not taxing 6 million visitors a year, who camp, hunt, pan for gold, etc on the same public land. Many call him a freeloader because he is not paying for "their" land, but those people using his land as a hotel and toilet are not paying a dime.

Given BLMs internal reports found they scammed the american public out of additional land in Nevada to sell it to private companies, tells me BLM is far from being on the up and up. ( link to that claim in the NY Times article I posted about 10 posts ago)

I don't agree with many of the idiots that showed up, but there are always undesirables who show up to protests. I don't believe Bundy is a tea-partier given this fight has gone on for so long.
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CaféAuLait;8968337 said:
Quick question for all of those who believe Bundy is right.....................

How many of those people who showed up in support of him with their own weapons were actual ranchers who lived in the area, and how many who showed up were people from other areas who just happen to hate whatever the government does?

Sorry, but this was just another teabagger rally hoping for bloodshed.

I believe Bundy is right for some of the same reasons and different reasons than others. One, I believe they are unfairly taxing his use of public land while not taxing 6 million visitors a year, who camp, hunt, pan for gold, etc on the same public land. Many call him a freeloader because he is not paying for "their" land, but those people using his land as a hotel and toilet are not paying a dime.

Given BLMs internal reports found they scammed the american public out of additional land in Nevada to sell it to private companies, tells me BLM is far from being on the up and up. ( link to that claim in the NY Times article I posted about 10 posts ago)

I don't agree with many of the idiots that showed up, but there are always undesirables who show up to protests. I don't believe Bundy is a tea-partier given this fight has gone on for so long.

Okay.............so someone who visits that land for maybe 1 or 2 weeks a year should be charged the same amount as a person who uses that land every day of the year to feed his cattle?

Sorry.................but a cow will do a lot more to the land than your basic camper will, and therefore should have to pay more.

Bundy was being charged around 5.00/head of cattle per month. The average camper is usually required to pay 10 to 25 bucks/night if they want to stay in a national park.

Bundy was getting a bargain. And.............as a U.S. taxpayer, I think that he should pay for using the government's land. I mean...........as a taxpayer who owns the land, I think we should get some kind of payment if others use our land for their own benefit.

And...............if you don't believe Bundy is a right wing idiot who is very close to being a tea bagger, can you explain why he spent so much time on FAUX Nooze and Hannity, while other news channels would scarcely give him the time of day because he's such a nutcase?

Additionally................can you tell me how many of the local ranchers in his area supported him? Most of them disavowed him, as well as him being disavowed by the local rancher group.
CaféAuLait;8968337 said:
Quick question for all of those who believe Bundy is right.....................

How many of those people who showed up in support of him with their own weapons were actual ranchers who lived in the area, and how many who showed up were people from other areas who just happen to hate whatever the government does?

Sorry, but this was just another teabagger rally hoping for bloodshed.

I believe Bundy is right for some of the same reasons and different reasons than others. One, I believe they are unfairly taxing his use of public land while not taxing 6 million visitors a year, who camp, hunt, pan for gold, etc on the same public land. Many call him a freeloader because he is not paying for "their" land, but those people using his land as a hotel and toilet are not paying a dime.

Given BLMs internal reports found they scammed the american public out of additional land in Nevada to sell it to private companies, tells me BLM is far from being on the up and up. ( link to that claim in the NY Times article I posted about 10 posts ago)

I don't agree with many of the idiots that showed up, but there are always undesirables who show up to protests. I don't believe Bundy is a tea-partier given this fight has gone on for so long.

Okay.............so someone who visits that land for maybe 1 or 2 weeks a year should be charged the same amount as a person who uses that land every day of the year to feed his cattle?

Sorry.................but a cow will do a lot more to the land than your basic camper will, and therefore should have to pay more.

Bundy was being charged around 5.00/head of cattle per month. The average camper is usually required to pay 10 to 25 bucks/night if they want to stay in a national park.

Bundy was getting a bargain. And.............as a U.S. taxpayer, I think that he should pay for using the government's land. I mean...........as a taxpayer who owns the land, I think we should get some kind of payment if others use our land for their own benefit.

And...............if you don't believe Bundy is a right wing idiot who is very close to being a tea bagger, can you explain why he spent so much time on FAUX Nooze and Hannity, while other news channels would scarcely give him the time of day because he's such a nutcase?

Additionally................can you tell me how many of the local ranchers in his area supported him? Most of them disavowed him, as well as him being disavowed by the local rancher group.

No, I don't believe those campers should pay the same, I said 2 dollars per person. Bundy pays 2 dollars per head of cattle every month. Those people visiting for a few day would pay 2 dollars, period, not every month, just for their visit. Why not? Not sure why you thought I meant they would have to pay per year? You yourself said the average camper is charged 25 per night- but they get to "freeload" on public land. That's what's being said of Bundy.

They are permitted to kill animals, camp for as long as they like, using the place for free as a virtual hotel and toilet. They can drive cars, ATVs, horses, boat on lakes. Not only using the lands resources, but if they so choose the can also enrich themselves panning for gold.

I beg to differ, those human activities are not destructive, fumes from cars, and ATVs, and boats polluting the water, catching fish, and the "endangered" (???) sage grouse! Yup, hunters can kill em in Nevada on public land. The running over the brush, and rare cacti, allowing their animals to do the same, killing indigenous animals. 6 million humans each year are causing damage.

You want a benefit for his use of your land, but seem to get miffed I suggest a camper pay 2 bucks to enter the park to camp for a week, thereby not paying Bundy for your use of his land. It's his and your land.

I recall seeing at least 50 cowboys ( or more ) rounding up his cows when they were released, they were separate from the guys with guns from what I saw on the TV and read on the net. Additionally, the governor, mayor and sheriff supported Bundy, off the top of my head.

Bundy is no more of a "right wing idiot" than anyone else who opposed the BLM, to include those minorities that have done so as well. This issue has been going on for decades.

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CaféAuLait;8968337 said:
Quick question for all of those who believe Bundy is right.....................

How many of those people who showed up in support of him with their own weapons were actual ranchers who lived in the area, and how many who showed up were people from other areas who just happen to hate whatever the government does?

Sorry, but this was just another teabagger rally hoping for bloodshed.

I believe Bundy is right for some of the same reasons and different reasons than others. One, I believe they are unfairly taxing his use of public land while not taxing 6 million visitors a year, who camp, hunt, pan for gold, etc on the same public land. Many call him a freeloader because he is not paying for "their" land, but those people using his land as a hotel and toilet are not paying a dime.

Given BLMs internal reports found they scammed the american public out of additional land in Nevada to sell it to private companies, tells me BLM is far from being on the up and up. ( link to that claim in the NY Times article I posted about 10 posts ago)

I don't agree with many of the idiots that showed up, but there are always undesirables who show up to protests. I don't believe Bundy is a tea-partier given this fight has gone on for so long.

I don't agree with many of the idiots that showed up

they policed the idiots out themselves
Geeze louise. Old Harry is definitely looney tunes and the world is upside down when he can call Bundy supporters domestic terrorists but Major Hassan who murdered fellow soldiers was only a perpetrator of "workplace violence".
Seems a certain percentage of People buy guns, not just to show them to their friends, clean them, or hang them on walls, but to save America. They see themselves like the founders meeting the British and the survival of America resting on them and their guns. The sad thing, however, is that so few save-America opportunities come along anymore, I mean with America having an army, police force, National Guard and all, the opportunities to save America are scarce. I wonder if the cow-thing will go down in the history books as another dream-deferred and another lost opportunity to save America? Sad.
Seems a certain percentage of People buy guns, not just to show them to their friends, clean them, or hang them on walls, but to save America. They see themselves like the founders meeting the British and the survival of America resting on them and their guns. The sad thing, however, is that so few save-America opportunities come along anymore, I mean with America having an army, police force, National Guard and all, the opportunities to save America are scarce. I wonder if the cow-thing will go down in the history books as another dream-deferred and another lost opportunity to save America? Sad.

Obama, Harry Reid, and the BLM showed us why we still need guns.....
Seems a certain percentage of People buy guns, not just to show them to their friends, clean them, or hang them on walls, but to save America. They see themselves like the founders meeting the British and the survival of America resting on them and their guns. The sad thing, however, is that so few save-America opportunities come along anymore, I mean with America having an army, police force, National Guard and all, the opportunities to save America are scarce. I wonder if the cow-thing will go down in the history books as another dream-deferred and another lost opportunity to save America? Sad.
This is why the term libtard was coined.
So go save America. Use twitter and facebook and social media to coordinate a preemptive strike against the Department of Homeland Security in order to restore the Constitution. Occupy the Pentagon, the State Department, Congress, the White House, NORAD, NASA, the NSA data-mining headquarters, and any other big overreaching government agency that is reducing the People under absolute Despotism.

Do this, or shut the fuck up.
CaféAuLait;8968152 said:
Were the Dann Sisters in violation of repeated court orders?

Also, not one redneck showed up to defend those two Native American women? Real American heroes, aren't they?

I, for one, didn't know about it until now. I have a feeling the people standing up for Clive Bundy didn't either.

Sure they did. The Nevada Live Stock Association was there to help the Dann sisters as well as many more who were non-Native American.

Heck the United Nations was involved.

Doesn't mean they were paying attention. I know I've found out a heck of a lot more about this and I'm aghast at what our government has done for decades. I don't know why there wasn't more media attention on this subject. Scratch that, our government owns the media, of course there was no attention.
The toothless tortoise is ill equipped to harvest and
masticate range forage. The tortoise can harvest only
tender vegetation, and it can't masticate even that. The
tortoise can't process enough bulky, low analysis forage
fast enough to meet its nutritional requirements (Nagy &
Medica 1986). They solved this problem long ago—they
allow other animals to do it for them. Desert tortoises feed
primarily on dung. The more animals using the range, the
more dung, which makes more food available for tortoises.
In the millennia preceding the advent of domestic live-
stock on the range, tortoises subsisted on pellets excret-
ed by rabbits, deer, and bighorn and scats of predators.
Tortoise populations adjusted to the amount of dung
available; their numbers were low (Mollhausen 1854).
The Western Regional Extension Publication No. 39:
By-products and Unusual Feedstuffs in Livestock Rations
(Bath et al. 1980) states:". . . it is commonly estimated that
80% of the total nutrients in feeds are excreted by animals
as manure." The desert tortoise is well adapted for mak-
ing use of cow dung. Four days elapse between meals.
This allows plenty of time for the tortoise to complete the
digestion that began in the cow's stomach. The digested
food moves slowly, ever so slowly, through tortoise intes-
tines. This trip takes 17 days (Nagy and Medica 1986). It is a biological law that all organisms tend to increase
to the limits of their food supply. Therefore, it is natural
and to be expected that desert tortoise numbers and live-
stock numbers peaked on the public domain at the same
It is also a natural law that if the food supply is dimin-
ished for any population, that population will adjust to
come in balance with the reduced food supply. For 50
years BLM has been reducing the numbers of livestock
permitted on the Federal Range. For 50 years desert tor-
toise populations have been declining.


just goes to show, our government is stupid.
Seems a certain percentage of People buy guns, not just to show them to their friends, clean them, or hang them on walls, but to save America. They see themselves like the founders meeting the British and the survival of America resting on them and their guns. The sad thing, however, is that so few save-America opportunities come along anymore, I mean with America having an army, police force, National Guard and all, the opportunities to save America are scarce. I wonder if the cow-thing will go down in the history books as another dream-deferred and another lost opportunity to save America? Sad.

Obama, Harry Reid, and the BLM showed us why we still need guns.....

So by creating an incident where some people might have been hurt the gun people made the government to stop enforcing the law. Think that will stand and become the operating procedure for the gun people, show up with guns and the government turns tail? At one time the government might have gone in a killed a few people to enforce the law but it is to the government's credit that people weren't hurt or sacrificed at this time.
Wonder if that was the end of it?

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