Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

Reid and the libs call anyone who don't agree with them terrorists.

Nothing new here. It's just what leftist scum say all the time.

Where the hell is Reid during the crisis.............Where was he at as the Fed owns over 81.1% of Nevada's land..............Perhaps he was at a Communist rally telling everyone how good Gov't is today.

Over cows, the feds bring in 200 feds...................Their power will not be opposed. You will be assimulated.

That's not true at all.

If you use violence..or the threat of violence to further a political agenda?

That's terrorism.

When were they violent or threated violence?
The State Militias that showed up are legal and they never pointed their guns at anyone.

Unlike the left who have used violence like blowing up public buildings. This is what is called Terrorists.

Not organized legal State Militias who were there to stop the abuse of a Federal Department.

There are photo's all over the net showing individuals pointing weapons at the demonstrators and law enforcement. They are positioned in a prone sniper position with scoped (sniper) rifles. There names are known. They have been identified. They made everyone look bad by ignoring basic gun safety rules and taking it upon themselves to act as some kind of enforcers or security, or whatever. Anyone who points a weapon at law enforcement or citizens without proper legal authority in a public setting needs to be arrested. This activity should not be tolerated by anyone, including militia's.
From a Gov't who seized the land to protect a turtle that they have killed. If an average citizen was to kill one of these turtles they would get fined and jailed, but the BLM can kill the turtle for it's own good.

These cattle had coexisted on the same lands for over a century. Wasn't a problem until the feds showed up. Wasn't a problem when the State owned the land. They had already drove off about 60 cattle ranchers in this area. One stood his ground and challenged the Fed.

How dare they not submit to the gov't seizure of State lands. The main land grabbers in recent history are Carter 50 million acres, Clinton 12 million acres, and now Obama attempting to seize 10 million acres.

Why is it when dems get in power that they always want to seize more land................

U.S. District Court for Nevada finds that Bundy not only has failed to comply with the court’s 1998 order to remove cattle from the Bunkerville Allotment, but that he also is now grazing livestock on “a broad swath of additional public lands” without approval.

"U.S. District Judge Lloyd George notes that in the 1998 ruling the court found that “the public lands in Nevada are the property of the United States because the United States has held title to those public lands since 1848, when Mexico ceded the land to the United States.”

TIMELINE: History of land dispute between Cliven Bundy and the BLM - Las Vegas MyNews3 - KSNV

Exactly. Don't forget, conservatives repeatedly assert that the right to property is a unalienable, natural right; that would include the right of the People's federal government to own property. We the People own the property, and We the People through our representatives decided by law that fees would be charged for certain uses of that property.

Yes, conservatives do assert that the right to ownership of property is essential to the maintenance of a free people. That does not include the right of the federal government to consider the public lands to be their's. Public lands belong to the people of the United States, and the federal bureaucracy is just the manager of those lands. They have a responsibility to manage those lands in the best interests of the American people, not in the best interests of Harry Reid and son. And, not in the best interests of the environmental whackos, or the Chinese government.

And yes, Bundy owes the American people the grazing fees for the cattle that he has put on the public lands. That is not what this confrontation is about, but it is the distraction that keeps the dummies occupied and confused.

The real question is, whether the BLM, in concert with environmental groups and/or other special interests, and using the endangered species law, can arbitrarily change the range rules and put ranchers out of business while providing little, if any, additional benefit to the endangered species that they are using for the purpose.

When one finds that the justification for putting sixty ranchers out of business by severely limitiing the number of cattle they can graze on the public land, is shaky at best, one also has to find that there is political motivation, and likely political corruption behind the move to close down the public lands.
That's not true at all.

If you use violence..or the threat of violence to further a political agenda?

That's terrorism.

When were they violent or threated violence?
The State Militias that showed up are legal and they never pointed their guns at anyone.

Unlike the left who have used violence like blowing up public buildings. This is what is called Terrorists.

Not organized legal State Militias who were there to stop the abuse of a Federal Department.

There are photo's all over the net showing individuals pointing weapons at the demonstrators and law enforcement. They are positioned in a prone sniper position with scoped (sniper) rifles. There names are known. They have been identified. They made everyone look bad by ignoring basic gun safety rules and taking it upon themselves to act as some kind of enforcers or security, or whatever. Anyone who points a weapon at law enforcement or citizens without proper legal authority in a public setting needs to be arrested. This activity should not be tolerated by anyone, including militia's.

What part of Legal State Militias are you refusing to understand?
They were not pointing guns at the protestors.
The Feds were dong that.
Reid and the libs call anyone who don't agree with them terrorists.

Nothing new here. It's just what leftist scum say all the time.

Where the hell is Reid during the crisis.............Where was he at as the Fed owns over 81.1% of Nevada's land..............Perhaps he was at a Communist rally telling everyone how good Gov't is today.

Over cows, the feds bring in 200 feds...................Their power will not be opposed. You will be assimulated.

That's not true at all.

If you use violence..or the threat of violence to further a political agenda?

That's terrorism.

You fucking communist bastards are really amazing. According to you, all our Founding Fathers would be terrorists!
Remember this picture? many of you libs cheered because they were walking through those American citizens who called themselves, the tea party

Isn't here huge gavel something to behold?

that picture should of giving all of you a clue of what they had in store for us
Its says, we are here, will walk, and stomp all over you if you get in our way

and you cheered that too like you are with this rancher

you are allowing tyranny to be brought down us without even peep

Oh brother. :lol:

Dunno what to tell you.

You are like the guy standing at the flank of an elephant that says "What elephant? All I see is gray".

It may not be entirely your fault.

The United States Federal government is huge and it does a lot of things.

Things most people take for granted.

I'll give you a hint.

Open your wallet. Pull out a bill.

The government made that.

True Story! :thup:

Here's that clue that you have been looking for. We have many governments, they are not all created equal, and they are not some amalgamated mass.

The federal government does not build all of our roads and bridges, not all of our infrastructure, nor does it supply our electricity and water. The federal government does not supply our police and firefighters, fill our potholes, or build our sidewalks.


You need to be reminded about block grants?

And prior to that?

Yeah..the federal government was doing a good amount of building roads, bridges and making sure that states either could police themselves or providing the funds to do so.

That's part of the "franchise."

Otherwise? There's no fucking reason in the world to be the "United" States.
Reid and the libs call anyone who don't agree with them terrorists.

Nothing new here. It's just what leftist scum say all the time.

Where the hell is Reid during the crisis.............Where was he at as the Fed owns over 81.1% of Nevada's land..............Perhaps he was at a Communist rally telling everyone how good Gov't is today.

Over cows, the feds bring in 200 feds...................Their power will not be opposed. You will be assimulated.

That's not true at all.

If you use violence..or the threat of violence to further a political agenda?

That's terrorism.

You fucking communist bastards are really amazing. According to you, all our Founding Fathers would be terrorists!

I can't help it if you Nazi Theocrats don't know English.

Would your native German be better Herr Natty?
When were they violent or threated violence?
The State Militias that showed up are legal and they never pointed their guns at anyone.

Unlike the left who have used violence like blowing up public buildings. This is what is called Terrorists.

Not organized legal State Militias who were there to stop the abuse of a Federal Department.

There are photo's all over the net showing individuals pointing weapons at the demonstrators and law enforcement. They are positioned in a prone sniper position with scoped (sniper) rifles. There names are known. They have been identified. They made everyone look bad by ignoring basic gun safety rules and taking it upon themselves to act as some kind of enforcers or security, or whatever. Anyone who points a weapon at law enforcement or citizens without proper legal authority in a public setting needs to be arrested. This activity should not be tolerated by anyone, including militia's.

What part of Legal State Militias are you refusing to understand?
They were not pointing guns at the protestors.
The Feds were dong that.

Oh..so they are legal now?

You do know that they are under the authority of Congress, right?
If rednecks show up with guns to stop law enforcement from enforcing the law, then they aren't heroes. They're not even terrorists since terrorists actually know what they're fighting for.

These were just stupid toothless hilljacks who don't like a black President.
Reid and the libs call anyone who don't agree with them terrorists.

Nothing new here. It's just what leftist scum say all the time.

Where the hell is Reid during the crisis.............Where was he at as the Fed owns over 81.1% of Nevada's land..............Perhaps he was at a Communist rally telling everyone how good Gov't is today.

Over cows, the feds bring in 200 feds...................Their power will not be opposed. You will be assimulated.

That's not true at all.

If you use violence..or the threat of violence to further a political agenda?

That's terrorism.

When were they violent or threated violence?
The State Militias that showed up are legal and they never pointed their guns at anyone.

Unlike the left who have used violence like blowing up public buildings. This is what is called Terrorists.

Not organized legal State Militias who were there to stop the abuse of a Federal Department.

Those were authorized State Militias? Not Citizen-Militias? Did the Government of Nevada ask another State to send their Militias to Nevada?

They are little more than armed militants, many of whom seek to overthrow the US Government.
What a smuck. Another one that is noted

Bring out that NDAA document and we'll wipe the floor with it


Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

“U.S. Sen. Harry Reid on Thursday called [armed, militia-supported] supporters of Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy ’domestic terrorists’ because they defended him against a Bureau of Land Management cattle roundup with guns and put their children in harm’s way,” Las Vegas’ reviewjournal.com reports. “’Those people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists,’ Reid said during an appearance at a Las Vegas Review-Journal ‘Hashtags & Headlines’ event at the Paris. ‘… I repeat: what went on up there was domestic terrorism.’” We called that one. When push comes to shove, the enemies of liberty . . .

Breaking: Senator Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters "Domestic Terrorists" | The Truth About Guns

I saw the video of them marching up to the BLM. They were UNARMED people!
Up yours. We don't want shots to be fired.

We want the Gov't to mind it's on fing business. It wasn't a problem until they took the land.

You praise this chit. You are the problem.

Idiot. That is BLM land, public land. You have to pay to use it, and follow the rules in it's use. Bundy had not payed for 20 years, and was overgrazing it by putting too many cattle on it, thus damaging the land.

You fruitloops set up a situation in which you hoped there would be bloodshed. You wanted to see fellow Americans killed. You wanted your Horst Wessel. You are following the path of the Brown Shirts. And you are earning the contempt of your fellow Americans.
What a craven and sniveling little bitch you are.

#1. BLM does not have land. They manage governments land.
#2. Government land is OUR land, as government only owns what we permit.

The Feds have no right owning any land except that which is designated as national park. Any other land held in trust for the AMERICAN PEOPLE needs to be sold and our debt paid down or paid off.

Now, go crawling back to your master coward.

Without the federal government we may never of owned nevada...seriously how retarded are you people? I've never seen such a failure before.
No, it's called doing what our founding fathers expect us to have done. But sooner. We are failing miserably in getting our house in order

Ah...so supporting a free-loader who refused to pay his bills for 20 years is like our Nations' Founders.....ooooookaaaay.

Well sure - because rw's can pick and choose which laws and which contracts they'll abide by.

And, by gawd, they think the US gumt and US military should back them up.

The feds should have brought out the pepper spray, then the conservatives would have surely cheered them the way they cheered the cops who pepper sprayed the kids on that campus back in the OWS days.
Reid and the libs call anyone who don't agree with them terrorists.

Nothing new here. It's just what leftist scum say all the time.

Where the hell is Reid during the crisis.............Where was he at as the Fed owns over 81.1% of Nevada's land..............Perhaps he was at a Communist rally telling everyone how good Gov't is today.

Over cows, the feds bring in 200 feds...................Their power will not be opposed. You will be assimulated.

That's not true at all.

If you use violence..or the threat of violence to further a political agenda?

That's terrorism.

When were they violent or threated violence?
The State Militias that showed up are legal and they never pointed their guns at anyone.

Unlike the left who have used violence like blowing up public buildings. This is what is called Terrorists.

Not organized legal State Militias who were there to stop the abuse of a Federal Department.

Wow this is sonething...
Reid is a tyrant and a traitor. Who the fuck cares what he says? He needs to be removed from office
I love how this has gotten the Right to throw not just the Constitution overboard, but also the very idea of a federal government.

The madness of crowds is a very enjoyable spectacle to witness...

...and to think these are the same people who will tell you tomorrow they want the federal government's authority to ban all abortion and define marriage as one man one woman.

lol. It's more satirical comedy being played out in real life.

Yep. This guy's excuse for not paying his grazing fees (abiding by the law he originally agreed to) is that he doesn't recognize the federal government. When did he change his mind? He agreed to the conditions of grazing on federal land but then decided not to pay the bill he said he'd pay.

And yes, you can just bet every single one of those hypocrites standing with him are against equality for gays and women and want the federal govt to enforce a ban on that.

Funny stuff that the nutters here take very seriously.

He's a common criminal motivated by greed who is trying to dress that up in costume of phoney high minded ideals.
Reid and the libs call anyone who don't agree with them terrorists.

Nothing new here. It's just what leftist scum say all the time.

Where the hell is Reid during the crisis.............Where was he at as the Fed owns over 81.1% of Nevada's land..............Perhaps he was at a Communist rally telling everyone how good Gov't is today.

Over cows, the feds bring in 200 feds...................Their power will not be opposed. You will be assimulated.

That's not true at all.

If you use violence..or the threat of violence to further a political agenda?

That's terrorism.

You fucking communist bastards are really amazing. According to you, all our Founding Fathers would be terrorists!

They were terrorist to the English at the time.

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