Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

Under this administration all of WE THE PEOPLE are considered terrorist, enemies..

you voted them in folks, now we get to live under this horrible regime who hates your guts

To be fair, it was Bush W we got the Patriot Act passed and made it easy for them to silence anyone they want simply by calling them a terrorist. No proof needed, and no legal recourse to protect yourself.
Under this administration all of WE THE PEOPLE are considered terrorist, enemies..

you voted them in folks, now we get to live under this horrible regime who hates your guts

To be fair, it was Bush W we got the Patriot Act passed and made it easy for them to silence anyone they want simply by calling them a terrorist. No proof needed, and no legal recourse to protect yourself.

To be fair,Obama and Dems had a chance to make it go away,and they didn't,why do you suppose that is?
Under this administration all of WE THE PEOPLE are considered terrorist, enemies..

you voted them in folks, now we get to live under this horrible regime who hates your guts

To be fair, it was Bush W we got the Patriot Act passed and made it easy for them to silence anyone they want simply by calling them a terrorist. No proof needed, and no legal recourse to protect yourself.

Did Bush contemplate that we would have a lawless fascist government? Did Bush know that the government would set itself against the people as they are doing?
Reid is a tyrant and a traitor. Who the fuck cares what he says? He needs to be removed from office

People listen to him. He is an old boxer. He knows how to hold his punches and only swings when he knows his punch is going to land and do a predictable amount of damage, the way he did on Romney's taxes for example. He is the Senator from the state where this incident occurred and the highest ranking Senator in the US Senate. Lots of people listen to him.
And tomorrow is the anniversary of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, perpetrated by rightwingers who had become part of the movement that rejected the authority of the Federal government.

Bundy and his supporters are just smalltime versions of the same state of mind.

You don't see a difference between someone blowing up a building and someone protecting his own property? (I'm talking the cattle here, not the land)
Up yours. We don't want shots to be fired.

We want the Gov't to mind it's on fing business. It wasn't a problem until they took the land.

You praise this chit. You are the problem.

Idiot. That is BLM land, public land. You have to pay to use it, and follow the rules in it's use. Bundy had not payed for 20 years, and was overgrazing it by putting too many cattle on it, thus damaging the land.

You fruitloops set up a situation in which you hoped there would be bloodshed. You wanted to see fellow Americans killed. You wanted your Horst Wessel. You are following the path of the Brown Shirts. And you are earning the contempt of your fellow Americans.

Has the "liberal media" interviewed any of the ranchers that have been paying their fees? I wonder how they feel about the freeloading moooooooocher that is Bundy.

I could be wrong but I seem to remember reading the Bundy was the last rancher there, that the government bought the others out.
If rednecks show up with guns to stop law enforcement from enforcing the law, then they aren't heroes. They're not even terrorists since terrorists actually know what they're fighting for.

These were just stupid toothless hilljacks who don't like a black President.

Rednecks? Most of them are veterans.
Law enforcement were abusing the protesters who only had video cameras, just like they did with the occupy wall street protesters when they were sprayed with pepper spray.
No this is twenty years of BLM and Environmentalist abuse and this administration of picking and choosing which of the laws they are ignoring and refuse to follow.
Not because we have a black President.
How do you know that it's because he is black?
They could not like the white half of him and he was taught his political ideology by his white grandparents and his white mother.
Reid is a tyrant and a traitor. Who the fuck cares what he says? He needs to be removed from office

People listen to him. He is an old boxer. He knows how to hold his punches and only swings when he knows his punch is going to land and do a predictable amount of damage, the way he did on Romney's taxes for example. He is the Senator from the state where this incident occurred and the highest ranking Senator in the US Senate. Lots of people listen to him.

Only a complete nut would put any stock in anything that piece-of-shit has to say... he's a scumbag of the lowest order.
Terrorists and Thugs. But you RWers love it when someone on your side is a Bully.
If rednecks show up with guns to stop law enforcement from enforcing the law, then they aren't heroes. They're not even terrorists since terrorists actually know what they're fighting for.

These were just stupid toothless hilljacks who don't like a black President.

Rednecks? Most of them are veterans.
Law enforcement were abusing the protesters who only had video cameras, just like they did with the occupy wall street protesters when they were sprayed with pepper spray.
No this is twenty years of BLM and Environmentalist abuse and this administration of picking and choosing which of the laws they are ignoring and refuse to follow.
Not because we have a black President.
How do you know that it's because he is black?
They could not like the white half of him and he was taught his political ideology by his white grandparents and his white mother.

It's the narrative of those that attempt to defend the indefensible. This administration has been a disaster and is probably one of the most corrupt in U.S. history.. how do you defend that? By calling the detractors racists. It's laughable...
If rednecks show up with guns to stop law enforcement from enforcing the law, then they aren't heroes. They're not even terrorists since terrorists actually know what they're fighting for.

These were just stupid toothless hilljacks who don't like a black President.

Rednecks? Most of them are veterans.
Law enforcement were abusing the protesters who only had video cameras, just like they did with the occupy wall street protesters when they were sprayed with pepper spray.
No this is twenty years of BLM and Environmentalist abuse and this administration of picking and choosing which of the laws they are ignoring and refuse to follow.
Not because we have a black President.
How do you know that it's because he is black?
They could not like the white half of him and he was taught his political ideology by his white grandparents and his white mother.
Are you fucking retarded? Honestly? How can all of you Republicans be so god-damned stupid? Veterans showed up to fight the Federal government to protect a rich man's "right" to mooch off of the State? Then those veterans are even fucking dumber than the Conservatives on this forum.

What part of "Cliven Bundy is breaking the law" is too difficult to understand?
Has the "liberal media" interviewed any of the ranchers that have been paying their fees? I wonder how they feel about the freeloading moooooooocher that is Bundy.

There aren't any left.

Reports stated that the BLM has run them all off. Bundy is the only one left.

Maybe you need to look at the facts before you comment.......

You didn't provide any facts. Do you have a link? Because I just read an article from a neighbor of Bundy who has been paying her fees.

Did you actually read it? "In 1976 there were approximately 52 ranching permittees in this area of Nevada. Presently, there are 3. " No wonder beef prices have skyrocketed. Apparently our government doesn't want us to eat meat. The BLM suspended the rights of those ranchers to the point they could no longer make a living. "suspended" so they didn't have to pay for what they took from them. It would be interesting to read those contracts. Seems to me the government has gone overboard in stealing from the people this time.
Reid is a tyrant and a traitor. Who the fuck cares what he says? He needs to be removed from office

People listen to him. He is an old boxer. He knows how to hold his punches and only swings when he knows his punch is going to land and do a predictable amount of damage, the way he did on Romney's taxes for example. He is the Senator from the state where this incident occurred and the highest ranking Senator in the US Senate. Lots of people listen to him.

Yes, that bothers all the loons on the right. They hate Reid. Bundy will get his. It is just a matter of time.
What part of "Cliven Bundy lost every court case" is too difficult to understand?
If rednecks show up with guns to stop law enforcement from enforcing the law, then they aren't heroes. They're not even terrorists since terrorists actually know what they're fighting for.

These were just stupid toothless hilljacks who don't like a black President.

Rednecks? Most of them are veterans.
Law enforcement were abusing the protesters who only had video cameras, just like they did with the occupy wall street protesters when they were sprayed with pepper spray.
No this is twenty years of BLM and Environmentalist abuse and this administration of picking and choosing which of the laws they are ignoring and refuse to follow.
Not because we have a black President.
How do you know that it's because he is black?
They could not like the white half of him and he was taught his political ideology by his white grandparents and his white mother.
Are you fucking retarded? Honestly? How can all of you Republicans be so god-damned stupid? Veterans showed up to fight the Federal government to protect a rich man's "right" to mooch off of the State? Then those veterans are even fucking dumber than the Conservatives on this forum.

What part of "Cliven Bundy is breaking the law" is too difficult to understand?

Letting cows eat naturally occurring grass that nobody would have any other use of is mooching?


That's the dumbest thing I've heard in a while.
That's not true at all.

If you use violence..or the threat of violence to further a political agenda?

That's terrorism.

No, it's called doing what our founding fathers expect us to have done. But sooner. We are failing miserably in getting our house in order


Which puts on display, you don't understand what terrorism is..

The American Revolution was rooted in Terrorism. The colonists started by making attacks on business interest, killing and injuring Tories and Loyalists and taking potshots at the British. The people who wrote the Constitution became the "legitimate" arm of that movement, but make no mistake..it was terrorism.

It all depends on who wins. The English were being oppressive and now our own government is doing the same. According to our Declaration of Independence, we not only have the right to fight back, we have the duty to fight back.
Using public land for private use.

What part of "Cliven Bundy was breaking the law for twenty years" is too difficult to understand?

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