Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

Rednecks? Most of them are veterans.
Law enforcement were abusing the protesters who only had video cameras, just like they did with the occupy wall street protesters when they were sprayed with pepper spray.
No this is twenty years of BLM and Environmentalist abuse and this administration of picking and choosing which of the laws they are ignoring and refuse to follow.
Not because we have a black President.
How do you know that it's because he is black?
They could not like the white half of him and he was taught his political ideology by his white grandparents and his white mother.
Are you fucking retarded? Honestly? How can all of you Republicans be so god-damned stupid? Veterans showed up to fight the Federal government to protect a rich man's "right" to mooch off of the State? Then those veterans are even fucking dumber than the Conservatives on this forum.

What part of "Cliven Bundy is breaking the law" is too difficult to understand?

What part of so did Rosa Parks because her Civil Rights were being violated, are you not understanding?
Sometimes you have to break the law whenever the law become abusive.

Since when did charging a grazing fee become abusive? Is it also abusive to charge oil companies royalties to drill on federal lands? Or miners mine?

You people are off the deep end of the deep end. If I didn't know better I'd think you were all just trolling to annoy those of us who are insane,

but I do know better.
From a Gov't who seized the land to protect a turtle that they have killed. If an average citizen was to kill one of these turtles they would get fined and jailed, but the BLM can kill the turtle for it's own good.

These cattle had coexisted on the same lands for over a century. Wasn't a problem until the feds showed up. Wasn't a problem when the State owned the land. They had already drove off about 60 cattle ranchers in this area. One stood his ground and challenged the Fed.

How dare they not submit to the gov't seizure of State lands. The main land grabbers in recent history are Carter 50 million acres, Clinton 12 million acres, and now Obama attempting to seize 10 million acres.

Why is it when dems get in power that they always want to seize more land................

U.S. District Court for Nevada finds that Bundy not only has failed to comply with the court’s 1998 order to remove cattle from the Bunkerville Allotment, but that he also is now grazing livestock on “a broad swath of additional public lands” without approval.

"U.S. District Judge Lloyd George notes that in the 1998 ruling the court found that “the public lands in Nevada are the property of the United States because the United States has held title to those public lands since 1848, when Mexico ceded the land to the United States.”

TIMELINE: History of land dispute between Cliven Bundy and the BLM - Las Vegas MyNews3 - KSNV

Exactly. Don't forget, conservatives repeatedly assert that the right to property is a unalienable, natural right; that would include the right of the People's federal government to own property. We the People own the property, and We the People through our representatives decided by law that fees would be charged for certain uses of that property.
And that elected representative was none less than St Ronnie!!!!!

Executive Order 12548 -- Grazing Fees

February 14, 1986

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, and in order to provide for establishment of appropriate fees for the grazing of domestic livestock on public rangelands, it is ordered as follows:

Section 1. Determination of Fees. The Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior are directed to exercise their authority, to the extent permitted by law under the various statutes they administer, to establish fees for domestic livestock grazing on the public rangelands which annually equals the $1.23 base established by the 1966 Western Livestock Grazing Survey multiplied by the result of the Forage Value Index (computed annually from data supplied by the Statistical Reporting Service) added to the Combined Index (Beef Cattle Price Index minus the Prices Paid Index) and divided by 100; provided, that the annual increase or decrease in such fee for any given year shall be limited to not more than plus or minus 25 percent of the previous year's fee, and provided further, that the fee shall not be less than $1.35 per animal unit month.

Sec. 2. Definitions. As used in this Order, the term:

(a) ``Public rangelands'' has the same meaning as in the Public Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978 (Public Law 95 - 514);

(b) ``Forage Value Index'' means the weighted average estimate of the annual rental charge per head per month for pasturing cattle on private rangelands in the 11 Western States (Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, and California) (computed by the Statistical Reporting Service from the June Enumerative Survey) divided by $3.65 and multiplied by 100;

(c) ``Beef Cattle Price Index'' means the weighted average annual selling price for beef cattle (excluding calves) in the 11 Western States (Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, and California) for November through October (computed by the Statistical Reporting Service) divided by $22.04 per hundred weight and multiplied by 100; and

(d) ``Prices Paid Index'' means the following selected components from the Statistical Reporting Service's Annual National Index of Prices Paid by Farmers for Goods and Services adjusted by the weights indicated in parentheses to reflect livestock production costs in the Western States: 1. Fuels and Energy (14.5); 2. Farm and Motor Supplies (12.0); 3. Autos and Trucks (4.5); 4. Tractors and Self-Propelled Machinery (4.5); 5. Other Machinery (12.0); 6. Building and Fencing Materials (14.5); 7. Interest (6.0); 8. Farm Wage Rates (14.0); 9. Farm Services (18.0).

Sec. 3. Any and all existing rules, practices, policies, and regulations relating to the administration of the formula for grazing fees in section 6(a) of the Public Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978 shall continue in full force and effect.

Sec. 4. This Order shall be effective immediately.

Ronald Reagan

The White House,

February 14, 1986.
Idiot. That is BLM land, public land. You have to pay to use it, and follow the rules in it's use. Bundy had not payed for 20 years, and was overgrazing it by putting too many cattle on it, thus damaging the land.

You fruitloops set up a situation in which you hoped there would be bloodshed. You wanted to see fellow Americans killed. You wanted your Horst Wessel. You are following the path of the Brown Shirts. And you are earning the contempt of your fellow Americans.
What a craven and sniveling little bitch you are.

#1. BLM does not have land. They manage governments land.
#2. Government land is OUR land, as government only owns what we permit.

The Feds have no right owning any land except that which is designated as national park. Any other land held in trust for the AMERICAN PEOPLE needs to be sold and our debt paid down or paid off.

Now, go crawling back to your master coward.
And WE want a REAGAN grazing fee from the Welfare Cowboy for using OUR land. If St Ronnie thought a grazing fee was fair, then God has spoken!


Of course he didn't remember that he signed it....:badgrin:
Hypocritical slave-owners writing about "all men are created equal"?

Slavery is terrorism. Do you honestly believe that those slaves were happy and well-paid?

Back to the script.

Race card everyone. As though he cares.

Maybe you did not get the memo. Slavery ended in this country in1865.

It is 2014.
If rednecks show up with guns to stop law enforcement from enforcing the law, then they aren't heroes. They're not even terrorists since terrorists actually know what they're fighting for.

These were just stupid toothless hilljacks who don't like a black President.

Rednecks? Most of them are veterans.

Timothy McVeigh was a veteran. Cut from the same cloth, only deeper.
What a craven and sniveling little bitch you are.

#1. BLM does not have land. They manage governments land.
#2. Government land is OUR land, as government only owns what we permit.

The Feds have no right owning any land except that which is designated as national park. Any other land held in trust for the AMERICAN PEOPLE needs to be sold and our debt paid down or paid off.

Now, go crawling back to your master coward.
And WE want a REAGAN grazing fee from the Welfare Cowboy for using OUR land. If St Ronnie thought a grazing fee was fair, then God has spoken!


Of course he didn't remember that he signed it....:badgrin:
I love how this has gotten the Right to throw not just the Constitution overboard, but also the very idea of a federal government.

The madness of crowds is a very enjoyable spectacle to witness...

...and to think these are the same people who will tell you tomorrow they want the federal government's authority to ban all abortion and define marriage as one man one woman.

lol. It's more satirical comedy being played out in real life.

Your logic is comedy. Your idea of the federal government is not everyone's idea of the federal government, and therefore, negatng your dumbass idea of what the federal government should be, is not throwing away the very idea of a federal government.

But, that is why we consider you loons to be low infomation voters.

they really do see them as their masters and if you disobey them they can bring tanks and 200 armed men and women to spank you

Now you see why this government feels it can do whatever it wants...So many people think that way and actually cheer this kind of stuff on...we are in big trouble with citizens who just let them do whatever the hell they want and see nothing wrong in the way the government is behaving over ONE RANCHER...who happens to be in Dirty Harry Reid's STATE? yet they still don't see or get it. it's been posted what this is really about...They want this mans land for developing something on it they the Reid's are involved in and will make MILLIONS off of...

The Waco Massacre wasn't enough to scare them about our government NOTHING will...I'm just surprised we didn't see another Waco with this
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Hypocritical slave-owners writing about "all men are created equal"?

Slavery is terrorism. Do you honestly believe that those slaves were happy and well-paid?

Of which they fought by laws to get 8 of the original 13 States free from Slavery and got the Northwest Territory Act of 1787 where it was illegal to own slaves.
Rednecks? Most of them are veterans.
Law enforcement were abusing the protesters who only had video cameras, just like they did with the occupy wall street protesters when they were sprayed with pepper spray.
No this is twenty years of BLM and Environmentalist abuse and this administration of picking and choosing which of the laws they are ignoring and refuse to follow.
Not because we have a black President.
How do you know that it's because he is black?
They could not like the white half of him and he was taught his political ideology by his white grandparents and his white mother.
Are you fucking retarded? Honestly? How can all of you Republicans be so god-damned stupid? Veterans showed up to fight the Federal government to protect a rich man's "right" to mooch off of the State? Then those veterans are even fucking dumber than the Conservatives on this forum.

What part of "Cliven Bundy is breaking the law" is too difficult to understand?

What part of so did Rosa Parks because her Civil Rights were being violated, are you not understanding?
Sometimes you have to break the law whenever the law become abusive.

What civil right protects stealing from the federal grazing lands?
What a smuck. Another one that is noted

Bring out that NDAA document and we'll wipe the floor with it


Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

“U.S. Sen. Harry Reid on Thursday called [armed, militia-supported] supporters of Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy ’domestic terrorists’ because they defended him against a Bureau of Land Management cattle roundup with guns and put their children in harm’s way,” Las Vegas’ reviewjournal.com reports. “’Those people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists,’ Reid said during an appearance at a Las Vegas Review-Journal ‘Hashtags & Headlines’ event at the Paris. ‘… I repeat: what went on up there was domestic terrorism.’” We called that one. When push comes to shove, the enemies of liberty . . .

Breaking: Senator Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters "Domestic Terrorists" | The Truth About Guns

they are....

you raise arms against your government to protect a dead beat from paying for services he stole, you're a terrorist.

Can you explain what services he received from government that he didn't pay for?

Also, while we're at it, can you explain who gave federal government permission to declare open public property to be government property that government can charge for. Just be careful and don't confuse public property with government property.

Who gave federal government permission the right to regulate use of undeveloped public lands? After all, who gave federal government permission to turn military weapons on US civilians?

These are things the government just hijacked over the years and declared part of the "implied covenant" between citizens and government that you're "implied" as to having agreed to just because you were born here.

Oh, and one more thing, did the government grow the grass on the land, did they maintain the land or pay any upkeep for it in any shape or form, did they lose any income from some cattle eating the grass, did they in fact do anything else than claim that some piece of land they've never been to, done anything with, or even seen is theirs and the people living on it now have to pay them... or else?

Holly shit, too many questions...
If rednecks show up with guns to stop law enforcement from enforcing the law, then they aren't heroes. They're not even terrorists since terrorists actually know what they're fighting for.

These were just stupid toothless hilljacks who don't like a black President.

Rednecks? Most of them are veterans.
Law enforcement were abusing the protesters who only had video cameras, just like they did with the occupy wall street protesters when they were sprayed with pepper spray.

I guess you've forgotten (conveniently) that you defended the police pepper spraying the OWS protestors:


Are you fucking retarded? Honestly? How can all of you Republicans be so god-damned stupid? Veterans showed up to fight the Federal government to protect a rich man's "right" to mooch off of the State? Then those veterans are even fucking dumber than the Conservatives on this forum.

What part of "Cliven Bundy is breaking the law" is too difficult to understand?

What part of so did Rosa Parks because her Civil Rights were being violated, are you not understanding?
Sometimes you have to break the law whenever the law become abusive.

Since when did charging a grazing fee become abusive? Is it also abusive to charge oil companies royalties to drill on federal lands? Or miners mine?

You people are off the deep end of the deep end. If I didn't know better I'd think you were all just trolling to annoy those of us who are insane,

but I do know better.

When you are triple Taxed and use the weak excuse of the Desert Tortoise as being an endanged species when it isn't, that becomes abusive.
When the Feds came in with dogs & tasers and threw down protesters just because they were using video cameras that is an over reaching abusive government.

I do admit that using logic and common sense, does make those who are insane more annoyed. :)
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U.S. District Court for Nevada finds that Bundy not only has failed to comply with the court’s 1998 order to remove cattle from the Bunkerville Allotment, but that he also is now grazing livestock on “a broad swath of additional public lands” without approval.

"U.S. District Judge Lloyd George notes that in the 1998 ruling the court found that “the public lands in Nevada are the property of the United States because the United States has held title to those public lands since 1848, when Mexico ceded the land to the United States.”

TIMELINE: History of land dispute between Cliven Bundy and the BLM - Las Vegas MyNews3 - KSNV

Exactly. Don't forget, conservatives repeatedly assert that the right to property is a unalienable, natural right; that would include the right of the People's federal government to own property. We the People own the property, and We the People through our representatives decided by law that fees would be charged for certain uses of that property.
And that elected representative was none less than St Ronnie!!!!!

Executive Order 12548 -- Grazing Fees

February 14, 1986

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, and in order to provide for establishment of appropriate fees for the grazing of domestic livestock on public rangelands, it is ordered as follows:

Section 1. Determination of Fees. The Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior are directed to exercise their authority, to the extent permitted by law under the various statutes they administer, to establish fees for domestic livestock grazing on the public rangelands which annually equals the $1.23 base established by the 1966 Western Livestock Grazing Survey multiplied by the result of the Forage Value Index (computed annually from data supplied by the Statistical Reporting Service) added to the Combined Index (Beef Cattle Price Index minus the Prices Paid Index) and divided by 100; provided, that the annual increase or decrease in such fee for any given year shall be limited to not more than plus or minus 25 percent of the previous year's fee, and provided further, that the fee shall not be less than $1.35 per animal unit month.

Sec. 2. Definitions. As used in this Order, the term:

(a) ``Public rangelands'' has the same meaning as in the Public Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978 (Public Law 95 - 514);

(b) ``Forage Value Index'' means the weighted average estimate of the annual rental charge per head per month for pasturing cattle on private rangelands in the 11 Western States (Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, and California) (computed by the Statistical Reporting Service from the June Enumerative Survey) divided by $3.65 and multiplied by 100;

(c) ``Beef Cattle Price Index'' means the weighted average annual selling price for beef cattle (excluding calves) in the 11 Western States (Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, and California) for November through October (computed by the Statistical Reporting Service) divided by $22.04 per hundred weight and multiplied by 100; and

(d) ``Prices Paid Index'' means the following selected components from the Statistical Reporting Service's Annual National Index of Prices Paid by Farmers for Goods and Services adjusted by the weights indicated in parentheses to reflect livestock production costs in the Western States: 1. Fuels and Energy (14.5); 2. Farm and Motor Supplies (12.0); 3. Autos and Trucks (4.5); 4. Tractors and Self-Propelled Machinery (4.5); 5. Other Machinery (12.0); 6. Building and Fencing Materials (14.5); 7. Interest (6.0); 8. Farm Wage Rates (14.0); 9. Farm Services (18.0).

Sec. 3. Any and all existing rules, practices, policies, and regulations relating to the administration of the formula for grazing fees in section 6(a) of the Public Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978 shall continue in full force and effect.

Sec. 4. This Order shall be effective immediately.

Ronald Reagan

The White House,

February 14, 1986.

so fucking what....? of course there are 'grazing fees' on BLM land.....

however Bundy does not recognize the land he grazes on as belonging to the Feds....but as Nevada State land....

get the difference....? Reagan actually supported the Sagebrush Wars and states rights....
If rednecks show up with guns to stop law enforcement from enforcing the law, then they aren't heroes. They're not even terrorists since terrorists actually know what they're fighting for.

These were just stupid toothless hilljacks who don't like a black President.

Rednecks? Most of them are veterans.

Timothy McVeigh was a veteran. Cut from the same cloth, only deeper.

Your contempt for vets is duly noted.

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