Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

That's not true at all.

If you use violence..or the threat of violence to further a political agenda?

That's terrorism.

Thanks for the clarification,yes Reid is a domestic terrorist,for they and people like you are pushing this as a political thing,while the ranchers see it as a threat to their lively hoods and way of life.

Your 100% correct they are terrorists,except you labeled the wrong group,great job!!

Reid is part of the Legitimate Governing body.

And unless that body is functioning in a way that is outside the scope of the law?

It's not terrorism.

Law or morality? The English were well within the law when we threw them out.
How do all the other ranchers go about their days without having armed stand-offs? Oh, they pay the taxpayer what they owe the taxpayer. It's pretty easy, it turns out. What's Bundy's problem? He's a freeloading parasite. He needs to be arrested and convicted, and his property auctioned off to more responsible citizens so we taxpayers can be reimbursed for what is rightfully ours.

There are only 3 other ranchers left in the area and they support Bundy.
Terrorists and Thugs. But you RWers love it when someone on your side is a Bully.

i wonder how many liberals would want the Federal Government coming to their house with GUNS (imagine the horror!).....break stuff.....shove their wife around....taser their children.....'herd' off their cars......when they failed to pay something they were disputing on their income tax.....

i wonder....would they call that 'bullying' or 'terrorism'.....?
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Why do you love criminals so much?

Oh, how special.... Coming from a supporter of this current corrupt admin that refuses to even enforce the law, unless of course it's against some rancher form flyover country.
Terrorists and Thugs. But you RWers love it when someone on your side is a Bully.

i wonder how many liberals would want the Federal Government coming to their house with GUNS (imagine the horror!).....break stuff.....shove their wife around....taser their children.....'herd' off their cars......when they failed to pay something they were disputing on their income tax.....

Oh, according tho the moonbats, Bush and Cheney were doing exactly that... remember all the "they're shredding the constitution" talk?

Now we have an admin that is actually shredding the constitution.. and they embrace it like grim death.
Why do you love criminals so much?

Oh, how special.... Coming from a supporter of this current corrupt admin that refuses to even enforce the law, unless of course it's against some rancher form flyover country.
Are you fucking retarded? Obama is a war criminal who has slaughtered children to carry on Bush's lies. I hate Obama for real reasons (the same reasons that I hate Bush) not because he's a "Kenyan Muslim Marxist".

What part of "Cliven Bundy was breaking the law for twenty years" is too difficult to understand?
Great job, USMB nutters! You get to go from expressing admiration for Putin to rooting for bad economic news to defending a white supremacist who shot up some people in Kansas to standing in support of a deadbeat who denies the authority of the federal government.

You all should be so proud of yourselves. Hoping for shots to be fired in Nevada. You major fucking assholes.

Up yours. We don't want shots to be fired.

We want the Gov't to mind it's on fing business. It wasn't a problem until they took the land.

You praise this chit. You are the problem.

Idiot. That is BLM land, public land. You have to pay to use it, and follow the rules in it's use. Bundy had not payed for 20 years, and was overgrazing it by putting too many cattle on it, thus damaging the land.

You fruitloops set up a situation in which you hoped there would be bloodshed. You wanted to see fellow Americans killed. You wanted your Horst Wessel. You are following the path of the Brown Shirts. And you are earning the contempt of your fellow Americans.

Cattle do not overgraze or damage the land.
Sheep, Goats and Horses do that.
Cattle don't pull out the roots. This is because they only have incisors unlike horses, sheep, and goats who have incisors and molars and are able to chew hard roots. Cattle will only graze the top softest part that is easier for their few teeth to chew.
Think about terrorism for a minute. Who was the terrorist when armed members of the federal government shot Bundy's prize bulls, tore down his fences, destroyed his water tanks and killed a substantial number of cattle while rounding them up during the birthing season on horseback and with helicopters? It was more reminiscent of the old Indian raids where the federal government forced Indians off their land for one reason or another. The show of force by the government was intended to terrorize. What changed in the area since the Bundy's settled there in the 1800's? Nothing except the rules.

The rules (laws) that Bundy agreed to abide by but then changed his mind.

Can YOU get away with getting a driver's license by agreeing to abide by the laws and then driving on the sidewalk because you changed your mind?

And, if you go to court, TWICE, and the judge finds you guilty of breaking the laws you agreed to, do you then get to shoot at anyone who tries to stop you from driving on the sidewalk?

Why The Other Ranchers Support Cliven Bundy | Stand With Cliven and Carol Bundy
That's not true at all.

If you use violence..or the threat of violence to further a political agenda?

That's terrorism.

You fucking communist bastards are really amazing. According to you, all our Founding Fathers would be terrorists!

I can't help it if you Nazi Theocrats don't know English.

Would your native German be better Herr Natty?
So now our founding fathers were not only terrorists by your own description, now they're Nazis as well?

You truly are one pathetic little addle brained bubble head.

I think you would LOVE North Korea, or maybe China. They sure do love good little subjects like you that let the government fuck with you at will, and you NEVER question their authority or reasoning. Yup... you're a good little comrade. Just sit down, shut up and let the government do as they please, right or wrong, don't question it.

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Hypocritical slave-owners writing about "all men are created equal"?

Slavery is terrorism. Do you honestly believe that those slaves were happy and well-paid?
Under this administration all of WE THE PEOPLE are considered terrorist, enemies..

you voted them in folks, now we get to live under this horrible regime who hates your guts

To be fair, it was Bush W we got the Patriot Act passed and made it easy for them to silence anyone they want simply by calling them a terrorist. No proof needed, and no legal recourse to protect yourself.

To be fair,Obama and Dems had a chance to make it go away,and they didn't,why do you suppose that is?

Oh, I know. The dems and reps are the two most corrupt parties in the history of our nation. We no longer own our government, our government owns us.
If rednecks show up with guns to stop law enforcement from enforcing the law, then they aren't heroes. They're not even terrorists since terrorists actually know what they're fighting for.

These were just stupid toothless hilljacks who don't like a black President.

Rednecks? Most of them are veterans.
Law enforcement were abusing the protesters who only had video cameras, just like they did with the occupy wall street protesters when they were sprayed with pepper spray.
No this is twenty years of BLM and Environmentalist abuse and this administration of picking and choosing which of the laws they are ignoring and refuse to follow.
Not because we have a black President.
How do you know that it's because he is black?
They could not like the white half of him and he was taught his political ideology by his white grandparents and his white mother.
Are you fucking retarded? Honestly? How can all of you Republicans be so god-damned stupid? Veterans showed up to fight the Federal government to protect a rich man's "right" to mooch off of the State? Then those veterans are even fucking dumber than the Conservatives on this forum.

What part of "Cliven Bundy is breaking the law" is too difficult to understand?

No not Veterans
Legal State Militias who are under the authority of the States Governors, not the Feds and under our Constitution and the States Constitutions.

List of U.S. Militia Groups « DarkGovernment
A better question is why is Lou Boobs lying?

First of all, the Chinese ENN solar project was CANCELLED a year ago!!!!!!! And secondly, as Boobs said, the solar project was in SOUTHERN Nevada, 100 miles South of the Welfare Cowboy's ranch in fact!!!!!
If rednecks show up with guns to stop law enforcement from enforcing the law, then they aren't heroes. They're not even terrorists since terrorists actually know what they're fighting for.

These were just stupid toothless hilljacks who don't like a black President.

Rednecks? Most of them are veterans.
Law enforcement were abusing the protesters who only had video cameras, just like they did with the occupy wall street protesters when they were sprayed with pepper spray.
No this is twenty years of BLM and Environmentalist abuse and this administration of picking and choosing which of the laws they are ignoring and refuse to follow.
Not because we have a black President.
How do you know that it's because he is black?
They could not like the white half of him and he was taught his political ideology by his white grandparents and his white mother.
Are you fucking retarded? Honestly? How can all of you Republicans be so god-damned stupid? Veterans showed up to fight the Federal government to protect a rich man's "right" to mooch off of the State? Then those veterans are even fucking dumber than the Conservatives on this forum.

What part of "Cliven Bundy is breaking the law" is too difficult to understand?

What part of so did Rosa Parks because her Civil Rights were being violated, are you not understanding?
Sometimes you have to break the law whenever the law become abusive.
How do all the other ranchers go about their days without having armed stand-offs? Oh, they pay the taxpayer what they owe the taxpayer. It's pretty easy, it turns out. What's Bundy's problem? He's a freeloading parasite. He needs to be arrested and convicted, and his property auctioned off to more responsible citizens so we taxpayers can be reimbursed for what is rightfully ours.

Those fees go to the taxpayer? I've yet to receive a check in the mail.

The cops stop patrolling your streets?

Lights go out?

Water stop running?

Roads and bridges, disintegrate?

Can't get a drivers license because the DMV closed down?

Garbage piling up?

Sounds exactly like Detroit. :D
Up yours. We don't want shots to be fired.

We want the Gov't to mind it's on fing business. It wasn't a problem until they took the land.

You praise this chit. You are the problem.

Idiot. That is BLM land, public land. You have to pay to use it, and follow the rules in it's use. Bundy had not payed for 20 years, and was overgrazing it by putting too many cattle on it, thus damaging the land.

You fruitloops set up a situation in which you hoped there would be bloodshed. You wanted to see fellow Americans killed. You wanted your Horst Wessel. You are following the path of the Brown Shirts. And you are earning the contempt of your fellow Americans.
What a craven and sniveling little bitch you are.

#1. BLM does not have land. They manage governments land.
#2. Government land is OUR land, as government only owns what we permit.

The Feds have no right owning any land except that which is designated as national park. Any other land held in trust for the AMERICAN PEOPLE needs to be sold and our debt paid down or paid off.

Now, go crawling back to your master coward.
And WE want a REAGAN grazing fee from the Welfare Cowboy for using OUR land. If St Ronnie thought a grazing fee was fair, then God has spoken!

Using public land for private use.

What part of "Cliven Bundy was breaking the law for twenty years" is too difficult to understand?

Read why the other ranches, all 3 of them that are left, support Bundy. Maybe then you'll understand.

Why The Other Ranchers Support Cliven Bundy | Stand With Cliven and Carol Bundy

in simple terms....Bundy was required to first sign the Fed agreement before he could even pay his grazing fees....which would effectively result in the Feds taking over his living....so he refused to sign and thus he could not pay...

pretty much the same onerous plans Obama has regarding our healthcare....and other areas of government....:eusa_shifty:

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