Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

The cops stop patrolling your streets?

Lights go out?

Water stop running?

Roads and bridges, disintegrate?

Can't get a drivers license because the DMV closed down?

Garbage piling up?

Wait... The federal government supplies all that now?

Ever hear of "Block Grants".

Oh of course you haven't.

Block grant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's in addition to Federal Infrastructure and all sorts of goodies.

The police who patrol my streets are city employees paid for by the city from taxes paid to the city.

The lights are on because I pay an electric bill for the service. Likewise, the water is a bill duly paid. Garbage collection is provided by a private waste management company. If it doesn't do a good job, I can hire another private waste management company. If I don't want to pay anyone, I can haul my trash to the dump myself.

The DMV is run by my State. It's paid for by state taxes, by fees that I pay when I use their services and by fines that I pay if I get a ticket.

I don't see ONE Bureau of Land Management payment for my city, state or private services.
Bundy supporters took up sniper positions on a bridge and aimed their military assault weapons at officers of the law.

You bet they are terrorists.

Yabut, the USMess nutters have written that the US military would side with the people against the evil dictator Obama.
You can lead a horse to water..


Oh brother. :lol:

Dunno what to tell you.

You are like the guy standing at the flank of an elephant that says "What elephant? All I see is gray".

It may not be entirely your fault.

The United States Federal government is huge and it does a lot of things.

Things most people take for granted.

I'll give you a hint.

Open your wallet. Pull out a bill.

The government made that.

True Story! :thup:

Yes, and I thank the Fed everyday for their monopoly money.
Bundy supporters took up sniper positions on a bridge and aimed their military assault weapons at officers of the law.

You bet they are terrorists.

one more thing dumbass..,

==============THE TRUTH ABOUT ASSAULT WEAPONS==============

The Truth About Assault Weapons

read my tag line......, or you can remain stupid like every fucking liarberal who calls a semi-auto an "assault weapon", an AR-15 is a semi-auto sporting rifle as is any other SEMI-AUTO loading rifle

Can you prove that none of these people had fully automatic weapons? I mean, they don't believe in the rule of law, why would they obey something as trivial as the distinction between semi-auto and full auto?
Oh brother. :lol:

Dunno what to tell you.

You are like the guy standing at the flank of an elephant that says "What elephant? All I see is gray".

It may not be entirely your fault.

The United States Federal government is huge and it does a lot of things.

Things most people take for granted.

I'll give you a hint.

Open your wallet. Pull out a bill.

The government made that.

True Story! :thup:

Yes, and I thank the Fed everyday for their monopoly money.

Well stop using it.

Mail it to me.

I'll keep it safe.


What a smuck. Another one that is noted

Bring out that NDAA document and we'll wipe the floor with it


Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

“U.S. Sen. Harry Reid on Thursday called [armed, militia-supported] supporters of Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy ’domestic terrorists’ because they defended him against a Bureau of Land Management cattle roundup with guns and put their children in harm’s way,” Las Vegas’ reviewjournal.com reports. “’Those people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists,’ Reid said during an appearance at a Las Vegas Review-Journal ‘Hashtags & Headlines’ event at the Paris. ‘… I repeat: what went on up there was domestic terrorism.’” We called that one. When push comes to shove, the enemies of liberty . . .

Breaking: Senator Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters "Domestic Terrorists" | The Truth About Guns

they are....

you raise arms against your government to protect a dead beat from paying for services he stole, you're a terrorist.

From a Gov't who seized the land to protect a turtle that they have killed. If an average citizen was to kill one of these turtles they would get fined and jailed, but the BLM can kill the turtle for it's own good.

These cattle had coexisted on the same lands for over a century. Wasn't a problem until the feds showed up. Wasn't a problem when the State owned the land. They had already drove off about 60 cattle ranchers in this area. One stood his ground and challenged the Fed.

How dare they not submit to the gov't seizure of State lands. The main land grabbers in recent history are Carter 50 million acres, Clinton 12 million acres, and now Obama attempting to seize 10 million acres.

Why is it when dems get in power that they always want to seize more land................

U.S. District Court for Nevada finds that Bundy not only has failed to comply with the court’s 1998 order to remove cattle from the Bunkerville Allotment, but that he also is now grazing livestock on “a broad swath of additional public lands” without approval.

"U.S. District Judge Lloyd George notes that in the 1998 ruling the court found that “the public lands in Nevada are the property of the United States because the United States has held title to those public lands since 1848, when Mexico ceded the land to the United States.”

TIMELINE: History of land dispute between Cliven Bundy and the BLM - Las Vegas MyNews3 - KSNV
I love how this has gotten the Right to throw not just the Constitution overboard, but also the very idea of a federal government.

The madness of crowds is a very enjoyable spectacle to witness...

...and to think these are the same people who will tell you tomorrow they want the federal government's authority to ban all abortion and define marriage as one man one woman.

lol. It's more satirical comedy being played out in real life.
Timothy McVeigh got caught because he was driving around without license plates, in keeping with the lofty ideals of the Sovereign Citizens;

that is the perfect indicator of just how stupid this crowd is.
they are....

you raise arms against your government to protect a dead beat from paying for services he stole, you're a terrorist.

From a Gov't who seized the land to protect a turtle that they have killed. If an average citizen was to kill one of these turtles they would get fined and jailed, but the BLM can kill the turtle for it's own good.

These cattle had coexisted on the same lands for over a century. Wasn't a problem until the feds showed up. Wasn't a problem when the State owned the land. They had already drove off about 60 cattle ranchers in this area. One stood his ground and challenged the Fed.

How dare they not submit to the gov't seizure of State lands. The main land grabbers in recent history are Carter 50 million acres, Clinton 12 million acres, and now Obama attempting to seize 10 million acres.

Why is it when dems get in power that they always want to seize more land................

U.S. District Court for Nevada finds that Bundy not only has failed to comply with the court’s 1998 order to remove cattle from the Bunkerville Allotment, but that he also is now grazing livestock on “a broad swath of additional public lands” without approval.

"U.S. District Judge Lloyd George notes that in the 1998 ruling the court found that “the public lands in Nevada are the property of the United States because the United States has held title to those public lands since 1848, when Mexico ceded the land to the United States.”

TIMELINE: History of land dispute between Cliven Bundy and the BLM - Las Vegas MyNews3 - KSNV

Exactly. Don't forget, conservatives repeatedly assert that the right to property is a unalienable, natural right; that would include the right of the People's federal government to own property. We the People own the property, and We the People through our representatives decided by law that fees would be charged for certain uses of that property.
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Bundy supporters took up sniper positions on a bridge and aimed their military assault weapons at officers of the law.

You bet they are terrorists.

when it comes to liars you seem to top yourself with every successive lie, you do not possess the intellect to know, "military assault weapons" are not permitted by any citizen unless they possess the rare and coveted $200.00 tax stamp that allows a person to own the weapon you described..., do you know for a fact those supporters, or snipers as you call them have a class III weapon ????

the "TERRORISTS" were the "officers of the law"..., actually, .gov thugs and bullies who were willing to die for some traitor politician who has sold out to the CHICOMS and you are OK with that????

you are a FOOL and U :suck:
:lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :up:

Homosexual, please.

Don't project your life style choices.

That's the trouble I have with you fags.

You think everyone should be a faggot, like yourself.

Truth out.

That's not the case. Do you have a sad now?

WoW !! what a low life imbecile you are, calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people.

typical fucking liarberal pile of stinking cat shit, do you have a terribly empty feeling - in your skull? i ask because you, like every other lying liberliar do not possess the intelligence to reply to the topic which was "terrorists", "snipers" and "assault weapons".

if i were to build an idiot, i would use you for my blueprint !! :lmao:
Timothy McVeigh got caught because he was driving around without license plates, in keeping with the lofty ideals of the Sovereign Citizens;

that is the perfect indicator of just how stupid this crowd is.

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Under this administration all of WE THE PEOPLE are considered terrorist, enemies..

you voted them in folks, now we get to live under this horrible regime who hates your guts

The NYT newspaper published an article claiming that veterans retuning home from duty tend to join up with the Ku Klux Klan. Who are these fucking Marxists like Reid and the media columnists we allow to breathe free air?

Every subscriber to the NYT should cancel immediately.

All I can say is wow. :eek:

"DHS/I&A is concerned that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to boost their violent capabilities."


I think I'll nominate you for the dumbest spin ever.
when it comes to liars you seem to top yourself with every successive lie, you do not possess the intellect to know, "military assault weapons" are not permitted by any citizen unless they possess the rare and coveted $200.00 tax stamp that allows a person to own the weapon you described..., do you know for a fact those supporters, or snipers as you call them have a class III weapon ????

the "TERRORISTS" were the "officers of the law"..., actually, .gov thugs and bullies who were willing to die for some traitor politician who has sold out to the CHICOMS and you are OK with that????

you are a FOOL and U :suck:
:lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :up:

Homosexual, please.

Don't project your life style choices.

That's the trouble I have with you fags.

You think everyone should be a faggot, like yourself.

Truth out.

That's not the case. Do you have a sad now?

WoW !! what a low life imbecile you are, calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people.

typical fucking liarberal pile of stinking cat shit, do you have a terribly empty feeling - in your skull? i ask because you, like every other lying liberliar do not possess the intelligence to reply to the topic which was "terrorists", "snipers" and "assault weapons".

if i were to build an idiot, i would use you for my blueprint !! :lmao:

You'd build someone that can kick your ass?

That's kinda stupid.

In any case WildForMen, lemme ask you something.

When you wake up in the morning, close to your man, are you glad to be gay?
Bundy supporters took up sniper positions on a bridge and aimed their military assault weapons at officers of the law.

You bet they are terrorists.

one more thing dumbass..,

==============THE TRUTH ABOUT ASSAULT WEAPONS==============

The Truth About Assault Weapons

read my tag line......, or you can remain stupid like every fucking liarberal who calls a semi-auto an "assault weapon", an AR-15 is a semi-auto sporting rifle as is any other SEMI-AUTO loading rifle


Even a child of 5 can do it!

what is your fucking point dumbass ? the rifle is still a SEMI - AUTO loading rifle !

have you ever tried "bump fire" ?? you could not hit a fucking barn if you were in it ! :lmao: .......... :up:
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The militia's are using Al Qaeda tactics, putting their women and children between them and the cops. The militia are cowards of the lowest kind, and so are those that are trying to defend them on this thread.

Except they didn't put women and children between them and the cops. Prove your claim if you say they did. There are dozens of pictures, surely you can find one.

IF this government is the kind of government that would fire on women and children, the world should know that. If this government is going to start killing dissenters, then we need some other country to come in and protect American citizens from a government that kills its women and children. obama can join the ranks of world leaders like Bashir Assad and Mohammed Morsi.

The actions of the evil entity known as the United States government needs to go viral, around the world, in every hall of every government from London to Moscow.
Bundy supporters took up sniper positions on a bridge and aimed their military assault weapons at officers of the law.

You bet they are terrorists.

one more thing dumbass..,

==============THE TRUTH ABOUT ASSAULT WEAPONS==============

The Truth About Assault Weapons

read my tag line......, or you can remain stupid like every fucking liarberal who calls a semi-auto an "assault weapon", an AR-15 is a semi-auto sporting rifle as is any other SEMI-AUTO loading rifle

Can you prove that none of these people had fully automatic weapons? I mean, they don't believe in the rule of law, why would they obey something as trivial as the distinction between semi-auto and full auto?

NO ! i can NOT prove there were no select fire weapons there as you can not prove there were, so we end in a stalemate.., if you know what that means.

where do you get this from ? "they don't believe in the rule of law"
you sure as hell do not as well as the fucking .gov !! :up:
Think about terrorism for a minute. Who was the terrorist when armed members of the federal government shot Bundy's prize bulls, tore down his fences, destroyed his water tanks and killed a substantial number of cattle while rounding them up during the birthing season on horseback and with helicopters? It was more reminiscent of the old Indian raids where the federal government forced Indians off their land for one reason or another. The show of force by the government was intended to terrorize. What changed in the area since the Bundy's settled there in the 1800's? Nothing except the rules.
I love how this has gotten the Right to throw not just the Constitution overboard, but also the very idea of a federal government.

The madness of crowds is a very enjoyable spectacle to witness...

...and to think these are the same people who will tell you tomorrow they want the federal government's authority to ban all abortion and define marriage as one man one woman.

lol. It's more satirical comedy being played out in real life.

Yep. This guy's excuse for not paying his grazing fees (abiding by the law he originally agreed to) is that he doesn't recognize the federal government. When did he change his mind? He agreed to the conditions of grazing on federal land but then decided not to pay the bill he said he'd pay.

And yes, you can just bet every single one of those hypocrites standing with him are against equality for gays and women and want the federal govt to enforce a ban on that.

Funny stuff that the nutters here take very seriously.

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